
Emotional Stability Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Emotional stability and strength, those are the blessings coming your way."
"The clarity of mind, the stability of emotions, the hope for life—I've never felt this good in my entire life."
"As people get older, they get more conscientious, more agreeable, and more emotionally stable."
"A well-developed narrative makes a frame for your life and helps you stabilize your negative emotions."
"One of the single greatest predictors of academic success that exists is the emotional stability of the home."
"If you're truly awakened, you're not gonna be triggered like that."
"Men scored higher than women on emotional stability across countries, even more so in highly individualistic societies."
"Equanimity...whether something goes bad or something goes good, you're able to have a very neutral mindset."
"You can't get too high. You can't get too low. Tip on a tightrope, stay balanced."
"If you can sit quietly after difficult news, if you can during financial downturns remain perfectly calm, if you can see your neighbors travel and have fantastic adventures without a twinge of jealousy... you are probably a dog."
"Can you imagine how you'd feel if no matter what was going on around you, you felt in control?"
"People of prayer have unusual peace. This doesn't mean that things don't affect us mentally and emotionally, it just means that there's this great stability, this anchor for the soul."
"Kids need stability in the emotional sense, they're not attached."
"Proof evicts desperation from the heart of a believer because whenever desperation walks in, wisdom walks out."
"The power of relationships is a source of stillness."
"Money came to symbolize for me everything...I didn't have—stability, security, peace of mind, happiness, status, comfort in my own skin."
"The rate at which you grow is directly proportional to how non-reactive, how centered you remain amidst all the chaos."
"They now develop an aversion to chaos, not an attraction to chaos."
"Stay as strong as evergreen trees, this is also about your ability to be resilient even in the face of rejection or the face of being unaccepted or judged."
"There's a way to get stable again, there's a way to not freak out and panic over what has been lost."
"Every day the trust gets stronger and stronger and stronger and before I don't worry now and that's possible because a lot of people don't believe that's possible."
"Happiness as a way of being will remain throughout the ups and downs, to all the different emotional states."
"I try to only let very bad things disturb my calm. Evil disturbs my calm, but generally, what happens to me in my life, I have, as I said, I walk around thinking I'm lucky 99% of the time."
"She showed no signs of anxiety anymore, and she was oddly happy, and it never changed."
"The moon represents emotional responses. I'm a lunar Virgo; I find security in the little things."
"Emotional stability and happiness is one big result we get from building that relationship within ourselves first."
"The peace of God is a frame of heart that is completely constant and solid."
"They're reaching for something higher with you."
"I feel like I'm not emotional about a certain thing at the moment, you know? Like all things considered, I have a pretty good outlook on life."
"Emotional stability is the sign of a true leader. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was always in control, always emotionally stable."
"I'm just gonna try to keep it together and just keep my lives together."
"You're ready for a calm, steady, normal, happy relationship."
"Leave room for error... both physically and emotionally."
"Consciousness is free of all the comings and goings of thoughts and emotions."
"Do these three steps if you find yourself switching strategies, being emotionally unstable, risking too much on every trade."
"It's sad that the roller coaster ride of passionate love is over but this is a deeper more enduring love that in some ways is a better ride than the roller coaster."
"The best feeling in the world is being in like just a secure relationship."
"You're realizing that your ship is still sailing you have not tipped over you are a-okay and your emotions come back into balance."
"When I'm in a relationship, there's like this sense of security."
"Humans naturally return to their baseline level of happiness."
"The craving has to do with them wanting to feel good because their body has become dependent on excessive amount of dopamine stimulation and now they're not as emotionally stable without it."
"Don't wait for your emotions to confirm what the Word already tells you."
"No man wants to be with an insecure girl because insecure women and insecure men literally they think off of emotion and not logic."
"I feel more secure in this relationship now."
"Eventually because of that emotional stability along with the fact that I'm trading a strategy that does give an edge over the markets that gives me a profitable edge that I've actually backtested."
"I feel safe and I feel grounded and secure in my knowing because of these rituals."
"Someone who is in a conscious state... does not get angered easily."
"Happiness comes from happenstance, but joy is abiding and pervasive."
"A caring person, nurturing, intuitive, confident in your own skin."
"Neither should you females. Don't want a guy who's all emotion. Why? It's because that doesn't reflect the nature of Jesus."
"You had to give it to yourself, that love, that comfort, that stability."
"You are strong this week Taurus. Whereas a lot of other people are really caught up in their emotional body, really feeling sensitive, maybe even a bit overwhelmed, you are strong, you are steady, you are solid rock."
"Financial blessings and abundance are coming your way."
"A new love relationship or strengthening of existing relationships."
"He's as steady and sound, never too high, never too low."
"The most important thing in an emergency is just having your house in order... your internal house, your emotional being." - Dr. Joseph Latapo
"It's very stable, emotionally healthy, and connected."
"Put that stability energy put that nurturing energy into yourself first before you go out and do your thing."
"You need to have that emotional stability to tell yourself that when it goes down in times when it doesn't make sense to you or anybody with any modicum of knowledge of the monetary system for real."
"This divine peace is a refuge, a fortress, a steady anchor in life's tumultuous sea."
"Avoid punctuated highs and lows; strive for balance."
"Our faith shouldn't be based on our feelings." - Romans 1:17
"I try not to get too high so that when bad things happen I don't get too low."
"Your life becomes consistent when you cut out the emotional roller coaster."
"Trust literally means being okay with whatever happens."
"When life feels unsteady, they can always hold on to each other."
"A sense of calm can be achieved even in the roughest of seas if you have compassion for the waves."
"I'm sure if you've gone through any type of grieving or any type of thing you try to hold on to the things that are the most solid in your life and this is one of those."
"It's definitely an inner peace in the midst of something very chaotic."
"Feelings will come and go. It's your commitment, your trust, and commitment are the building blocks to a relationship."
"At the end of the day, Phil, it's about staying grounded."
"Men who run their lives based on emotion and violence are not to be trusted."
"You've been a rock for me in so many parts of my life."
"Sobriety can lead to more stable emotional well-being."
"Teams want to follow calm leaders who are stable."
"There's been a lot of ups and downs, but training's been one of those things I've been like consistent... it's been keeping me kind of grounded through... all those things." - Justin Medeiros
"It's like if my material world is secure, my emotions are going to be fluid, I will be happy, you will be happy."
"Feeling whole, stable, and trusting of yourself."
"Financial and emotional stability is a must."
"When you love on yourself your foundation begins to be solid."
"You're manifesting a new emotional security, a new homeland, a new grounded sense of serenity."
"Deep emotional peace emanates from your heart, stable and magnetic."
"Geminis are holding space for a new emotional foundation... your new direction in reality is a new home, new emotional security."
"I'm very calm. Things barely move me, you know."
"Your peace can be a fortress that makes the mind and the heart impenetrable."
"In him there is no fear, and you will never have to worry about fear or anger again."
"Emotions don't just change like that on a dime."
"Someone who is going to offer you their cup of love, someone who is going to offer a stable relationship emotionally stable that leads to some sort of higher level commitment or proposal or some sort of marriage or union there."
"You provide them stability, they feel very safe with you."
"When you are in an emotionally very calm, peaceful balanced place that's when the best decisions are made."
"Developing abstract qualities like emotional stability."
"I think it's more important to just keep people stable and happy."
"True strength lies within the capacity to maintain a calm heart even in the face of adversity."
"You attract stability because you don't need it."
"That's what leaves me without feeling crazy all the time."
"When somebody follows the revelation of Allah, they will not be overwhelmed with grief nor with fear."
"When children know that their parents are praying for them, it gives them a sense of stability in their life."
"When you live in the kingdom it brings you stability you're not going to be an emotional mess all the time knee-jerking to everything you're going to be in control you're going to be calm cool collected you're going to have yourself together."
"Happiness without the foundation of serenity is very unstable."
"Maintain your internal grounding, stabilize within, and trust the process."
"The key to developing a greater mentality is to build emotional stability."
"Being high maintenance is not the same thing as being difficult or emotionally unstable or superficial or rude."
"Our job as parents is to share our calm, not join in on their chaos."
"Attracting affection, chemistry, and stability."
"The key to calmness and the key to confidence and the key to courage in this crisis is faith."
"I'm going to try my best to be as calm cool and collected as possible no matter what the outcome is."
"Don't fear abandonment, trust in the stability of your connections."
"Your calm, cool, collectedness... I've never really seen you nervous or like even act really flustered or overwhelmed."
"We can't feel that way this year and we can't feel that way really in general in previous years either."
"I want to become more stable... I want to stop crying all the time."
"Merit helps to purify our minds, eliminate anger, greed, and delusion."
"Success isn't about the high points, it's about staying centered through it all."
"Your temperament is going to calm down... you're going in a new direction."
"The more you focus on your clairsentience and growing it... the more balanced and stable and secure you're going to feel in yourself."
"Peace is an anchor in your soul that the world can't take away."
"Spiritual practices may bring emotional stability."
"I'm not jealous, why would I be? I trust you fully and unconditionally."
"Don't get too crazy high when things are high and also don't fall too hard when things are low."
"Stay anchored in love, don't have external reference points like the news."
"There's a greater sense of emotional stability coming forward in 2023."
"Restore balance... regain balance and re-center yourself."
"Recognizing that your nervous system is regulated around this person tells us again that this person is safe and stable."
"Meds helped me out start more of a neutral headspace instead of my brain making me hate myself so much all the time."
"Appreciate the small things, when you have that big win you don't wind up pissed out of your mind."
"One of the most valuable things I think is to feel like you have control over something and can be certain about something in a time when everything feels a little bit chaotic."
"This is where she really starts to settle into how calm she is."
"Mars is going to reduce the risk of tension, conflicts, and impulsive reactions."
"I love the way I feel and I have for this whole year... when all the lights go out I still want you right here."
"Securely attached people make your nervous system feel calmer."
"It feels like the haze and the fog is gone. I think because my health was not compromising me so often in these last couple of months, it's been... I've been able to focus better emotionally and that's definitely helped too."
"You're being stoic and emotionally steady here, not getting all caught up in overwhelming feelings."
"Regret in certain areas of your life, like maybe my feelings with regret in regards to relationships, that's all pretty solid now."
"Isn't it refreshing to see somebody behaving like an adult who isn't so desperate and so eager for approval?"
"The peace of God shall keep your heart and minds through Christ Jesus."
"I'm more comfortable now than I've ever been."
"Real men don't base their feelings off of boyish behavior, real men act like real men."
"Your mind should stay calm under all circumstances. That's the ultimate prize in life."
"Meditation can bring equanimity to our lives, so we don't get too affected by the ups and downs, the extreme ups and downs that we go through in life."
"If you get involved in a relationship, for example, on the basis of strong emotions that you may feel for someone, perhaps when the emotion dies, the feeling will as well."
"You're very balanced right now and I really like the energy that's around you."
"You're not being affected by their ups and downs."
"Never forget to stay grounded, that's so important, because I feel grounded is the best energy to be in and it's the energy that attracts the most blessings."
"What you learn is the emotional stability to leave at the end of the day when it didn't go well and just be a normal person and show up the next day and try to get better."
"Results at this full moon are likely to feel auspicious, optimistic, and stable."
"It's kind of like an investment in your peace of mind."
"A calm center, no matter what upheavals may occur, a life-support system during stressful times or serious illness."
"You're just basically getting like, you know, just more peace in life knowing that."
"Ultimately, there's nothing to fear, there's nothing to be upset about."
"It's important to very quickly get your children settled so they can feel secure and safe."
"You can't let the good stuff go to your head... you can't let the bad stuff go to your heart."
"Find happiness, clarity, and stability amidst upheaval."
"Move towards an unconditional love that is not dependent on anything happening or not happening."
"This is emotional stability... You're gonna feel so whole and happy."
"You will feel stable, secure, and happy within yourself."
"When you hold the vision or the knowing of who you are and how you will be treated and nothing really wavers you out of that."
"Be in charge of yourself... not be emotionally swayed... walk to the beat of your own drum... be your authentic self."
"In an emotionally healthy relationship, there's not control. There's respect."
"You were the true twin flame, their stability, and their happiness, the Ten of cups."
"You still have that joy, you still have it." - Maintaining joy despite challenges.
"It's really about learning how to stay in a positive state and come from that positive state no matter what challenges arise."
"I can't be swayed by the whims of emotion. This is my lane. I can't go into something I don't know, I don't feel comfortable, and I'm not afraid to say that. I'm not afraid to say that now."
"Be happy for no reason like a child if you're happy for a reason you're in trouble because that reason can be taken from you."
"I need the chill... we all need as much chill as we can get so that we're operating logically and righteously, not out of fear."
"Build yourself up, find your stability, and be ready for love."
"Most importantly, don't panic. Keep yourself calm, everything is going to be fine."
"If you find yourself being fearful, remind yourself that being informed is empowering. You don't have to be worried all the time."
"Rely on my everlasting love, you will find calm even in the midst of turmoil."
"When in Balance, the crocodile is wise, patient, a silent powerhouse. When out of balance, it feels stuck and it lashes out. To bring into balance is rest."
"Peace is freedom from worry, anxiety, and care in the midst of trouble."
"Learning how to find inner peace, learning how to find that little special place within yourself that you could always hold on to and escape to and you'll always feel okay."
"Someone who is patient, reliable, loyal, very stable."
"Create your own stability, embrace your true path."
"Do your politics do your research do not be upset."
"Courage is that attitude of mind and heart that enables us, listen, that enables us to face dangers, obstacles and the challenges of life fearlessly, firmly and calmly."
"When you're truly standing in your personal power, very rarely will you feel triggered by these tactics anymore."
"Strength is not letting things completely tear you down."
"They're upset because you're not unstable. They're upset because they couldn't hit you with death magic."
"Life can stay fine. It doesn't have to become so dreary that you don't know why you started."
"The stability that faith provides is crucial."
"There is this constant stable awareness and when I say stable I mean it did stabilize me."
"There's definitely new love coming on in here that's going to be very loyal, very grounded."
"Don't let world events, don't let what's happening in the news freak you out."
"For me, my favorite thing is just having peace of mind within the relationship."
"When people have a lot going on in their life, they'll try to bring you into their whirlwind of chaos. Instead, you have to bring them into your peace."
"Let things come and go. Stay calm. Don't let anything disturb your peace and carry on."
"Congratulations no matter what you are ending up in a stable relationship here that's the main point."
"He's not surprised, he's not shaken, and it might feel real unknown and real uncertain."
"Emotionally stable, that's powerful. I wish most men can experience this."
"You're very balanced, someone who is emotionally secure and just stable. You want a stable life, you don't want drama."
"I'm really happy I'm keeping it together today."
"Relationships may reach a culminating moment, leading to a sense of peace and stability."
"Stay safe, stable minded, don't FOMO, don't flood."
"The breakthroughs you experience will give you peace for decades to come."
"Anything can happen, this is why you hear players say it all the time, you never can get too high, get too low."
"Holding frame is simply being calm, assertive, and non-reactive."
"We're learning how to stand in the fire, learning how to be in it without being impacted and affected by it."
"When you start doing this inner work, you find that your lows are higher and your Highs are higher as well."
"I think the most attractive non-physical qualities would be stability so somebody who's low in neuroticism."
"You should never bring your own trauma into a game unless you are mentally stable enough to deal with it."
"A strong destiny relies on solid foundation of personal balance and emotional equanimity."