
Interdisciplinary Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Acknowledging this is extremely helpful because it gets us out of this notion that if you can't demonstrate something scientifically, it's not real."
"If you can combine novelty in synthetic biology with a novelty in robotics, with a novelty in material science, with a novelty in computational design, you are bound to create something novel."
"Logic and philosophical methods...are the methods with which philosophy can connect these various disciplines."
"Philosophy, the glue that holds all of the rest of academia together."
"I think the more interesting thing is that there's a wide variety of what people do as mathematics, what they do as physics, and there's a significant overlap, and that, I think, is actually the much, much very, very interesting area."
"To develop a complete mind, study the science of art, study the art of science."
"Scientific collaboration, mixed methodology, and interdisciplinary study are essential."
"In general, interdisciplinary knowledge is better than knowledge obtained by a single discipline."
"Mathematics is about poetry and religion and literature as well. It's their metaphor, metonym, simile, association."
"Engineering by its very nature is largely cross-disciplinary."
"We are the most novel thing on this planet; we are everything biology is, plus technology, language, politics, philosophy, art."
"This story highlights an incredible turn of events, a brilliant thinker, and the interconnectedness of two fields."
"This story has a little bit of something for everybody. It has a little bit of biochemistry, a little bit of clinical research, a little bit of public health, a little bit of politics, a little bit of racial innuendo."
"We've reached the end of the story... one of the things I got from writing this book is an incredible appreciation over hundreds of years how different people, chemist, physicists, astronomers, all working on different parts of the puzzle, ultimately we're actually all working on the same puzzle which is where does stuff come from and why are we here."
"There's a place where science, spirituality, and human potential come together in a really beautiful way."
"Those who write well about the economy borrow their best ideas from artists, novelists, scientists."
"I think every discipline has some degree of truth because I don't think any disciplines capable just being 100% wrong."
"The cross-pollination of sciences is fundamental to progress in society."
"We need total multidisciplinary science here, not just biological science."
"Theology was the guiding light under which we did the other sciences."
"Without a doubt, psychology and computer science are a potent combination, and have tremendous potential to affect our everyday lives."
"What a nice connection between the realm of computer graphics mathematics and physics."
"Whether through scientific inquiry, philosophical contemplation, or the integration of diverse perspectives, we are driven by an insatiable curiosity to unravel the secrets of our Cosmic Origins."
"AI is the domain which is impacting almost every other field." - Highlighting the widespread influence of artificial intelligence.
"Big projects like the Event Horizon Telescope are successful due to all the interdisciplinary expertise different people bring to the table."
"AI has drawn from a lot of different fields."
"Sacred science was deeply rooted in Egypt's religion, government, arts, and industries."
"A history book crossed with a transgressive novel in the form of an art book with the aura of an occult text."
"But their presence indicates that science, technology, art, politics, economics, are all capable of and have, in fact, changed."
"I couldn't help but think that there's a certain kind of magic that only comes at that perfect intersection of Art and Science."
"Institute is not a Foundation, it's a marriage between art, science, and technology."
"The power of cinema is incredible... science maths physics statistics and Noble perfections they make us a get us poop but remember our soul is always it is always can be a random point that you read in the morning."
"Data science is a combination of AI, machine learning, statistical mathematics, business analytics, business software development, and computer science."
"There is a nexus between science and politics."
"Data science is a quite multi-disciplinary path."
"It's fascinating for me to try to synthesize the concepts of religion and mythology and psychology and philosophy and science."
"It was great you know we were able to tie in all these different worlds."
"It would definitely be a new impulse for science and religion."
"Knowing a lot about a lot of things allows you to cross-pollinate ideas."
"Art and science need one another, they thrive for one another and they build on one another."
"Dmitri was a master of both science and the humanities, even at his absurdly young age."
"Science, arts, and business all rely on intuition."
"There's a lot of intersecting technologies... that day is probably on the horizon."
"The essence of it is being able to love all disciplines."
"From a humanities background, we have also got to move to the intersection."
"Yoga and acting overlap; it's about taking stock of what your partner's doing."
"Science is not incompatible with Indian philosophy... these two go hand in hand."
"It's very important to have these sort of discussions where people from a background of science and philosophy can come together."
"Magic goes far beyond spells and demons, spanning areas as diverse as psychology, language, and art."
"Explore the world of Virtual Labs for holistic learning experiences in science, math, language, and social sciences."
"What makes Sapolsky great is that he connects science with society and human life and with human nature."
"Camouflage: where art meets science meets security in Singapore's military."
"It involves science, sociology, religion, and geography."
"There's a very fine line between art and science."
"We may need a more unified approach cross-discipline connecting multiple mental health issues..."
"Acknowledging the role of biology doesn't make culture less important, it makes it more important."
"The combination of science and spirituality... exciting."
"...keeping that door open to be aware of what is happening in these other fields and potentially see the connections is incredibly valuable."
"...it happens through the collaboration of folks across disciplines, across organizations, across continents."
"Science and politics are alas, inextricably mixed."
"GIS is so interdisciplinary and used by so many different industries."
"Be interdisciplinary, study a wide range of topics."
"Every new discipline affects the rest; every new discipline makes a difference."
"Economists to incorporate other disciplines into their work: history, sociology, psychology."
"Philosophy is of great benefit to almost every other discipline."
"...a truly secular culture will have no architectonic disciplines but will instead allow free play between all the various disciplines and fields, between all the aspects of culture."
"The philosopher would be a sort of Jack of all trades, running between disciplines, connecting them."
"I love to talk with philosophers because I think it's useful for physics."
"...mixing neuroscience plus social psychology plus vaya wisdom..."
"I think one of the easiest shortcuts to success in school, your career, or just life in general is finding opportunities to mix and match areas of expertise like this."
"We do not exist for the sake of interdisciplinary research per se, but rather to bring together people from any discipline, indeed from any domain of thinking and any part of the world, to think through a problem wherever that thinking needs to go."
"He's the ultimate of people who stand at the intersection of the Arts and Sciences."
"The theme of Leonardo is that to truly be creative you have to work across disciplines."
"The problem is always to get these bridges between disciplines to really work, to really understand each other."
"One way of doing it is to bring together knowledges that are normally not combined with each other, which might be particularly fruitful to do especially if you're not incredibly smart."
"Doing interdisciplinary work is often where progress is made."
"I think about the successes I've had in my life, and it was just a process of pulling one little dot from those different disciplines."
"It's a time of synthesis. It's a time for us to begin to see where all things stem from a single place and different disciplines... intersect."
"Logic crosses many philosophical boundaries, delving into metaphysics, epistemology, and philosophy of mind and language."
"Always, always, always ask about a multi-disciplinary approach."
"The influence was reciprocal, it's really exciting to think that what one is doing in mathematics could actually be interesting to a philosopher."
"When he sits down to lunch alone he's also bringing together six or seven disciplines. He's a one-person Earth Institute and an inspiration for us."
"The discourse about AI and its dangers and its future needs to involve people who are experts in computer science and AI, but also needs to involve people who are experts in philosophy and biology and Neuroscience and sociology and many other fields."
"We are not anthropologists or artists, we are not engineers or environmentalists nor sociologists or politicians but we can speak with them all and when we can be part of the collaboration indeed we can connect them together."
"It can't just be SII, it's got to be scientists in dialogue with, or can't be just physicists and astronomers alone we've got to be in dialogue with other scientists and the humanities and and see how we can constrain but still expand."
"How can we take scholarly methods and press them into service to difficult and complicated questions and social problems in ways that bring the public and various disciplines into conversation?"
"There is no progress without it. If you look at entire fields that exist today that we take for granted as being fields unto themselves, but when they were birthed, it involved stapling together two different branches of science."
"Philosophy of science is at its best and at its most exciting at historical moments when it's not so easy to distinguish between the activities of certain kinds of theoretical physicists and the activities of certain kinds of philosophers."
"We might be able to reignite a discussion on the economy, its past and its future, by bringing in the voice of historians, anthropologists, sociologists, and many others."
"He actually has credentials and he writes about the overlap between Buddhism and psychology."
"There's a way of doing that where you end up in physics and then as a general approach to all of life you end up in philosophy."
"We need to educate our scientists not just to be brilliant in their own little area, but to also have a big picture."
"One of the nice things about studying the nature of consciousness is that you need to know everything. So you're really forced to work in a multi-disciplinary group to fill in gaps that no one person knows."
"It's an incredible collection of fields: economics, distributed systems, cryptography, programming languages, verification, and so on."
"The mandate really was to bring down the barriers. So where are there barriers to interdisciplinary cross-unit interactions, whether in teaching or research, and how do we bring them down?"
"The most exciting work in machine learning is coming from outside of machine learning."
"The prose is a heady, intoxicating brew of poetry, biology, genetics, anatomy, chemistry, physics, topology, neurology, zoology, hallucinations, dreams, memories, and parasites."
"We need everybody around the table: the politician, the lawyer, the engineer, the machine learning expert, the philosopher, the ethicist, the social scientist."
"...break down the boundaries between scientific disciplines."
"The ultimate icon of creativity, the ultimate embodiment of somebody who combines the arts and the sciences, combines the humanities and technology."
"In contemplative studies, we study human contemplative experience across cultures and across time from humanistic, scientific, and artistic approaches."
"A single thinker can appeal to people in so many different disciplines is interesting in itself."
"Personality and social psychology work together so well that some of the top journals even include both names. Top journal in social psychology is JPSP, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology."
"To produce an original contribution to knowledge...connecting across various fields and Nuggets of knowledge."
"If you're interested in philosophy seriously interested, it's a kind of license to stick your nose into everything, find out about history, about science, about society, about politics."
"Construction project management may interact with a variety of disciplines."
"Our present knowledge of astronomy, biology, chemistry, and geology."
"Remember interdisciplinary field is the way to go."
"Finance bridges so many different areas, requires people to think, requires people to have an open mind."
"I've done like sociology math epidemiology, and the kind of work that I've done has all been trying to explain systems that already exist in our world."
"With Nathan Cyberg, I developed in 1994 what both mathematicians and physicists call hybrid Witten theory."
"My work in this direction involved applying physics ideas to problems that traditionally would not have been regarded as problems for physicists."
"When people get to the project and they're trained in machine learning and suddenly a cancer biologist is up there speaking, their eyes get big and the room gets quiet."
"It's fascinating, and the only way to answer this question is indeed to have this multi-discipline approach to see how eventually different expertise can work around something that we start just now to appreciate."
"Some of the best ideas come over the transom from physics into biology and from philosophy into Neuroscience."
"If scientists can use analogs, why can't we use them in history and in social sciences?"
"The best young academics now are doing a much, much better job in integrating different sorts of approaches, acknowledging the complexity."
"The most creative insights actually happen at the boundaries between disciplines."
"It's like got every element you could possibly want: it's understanding humans, figuring out why we do what we do, it's got great social benefits, and it's making amazing technology."
"There is a kind of emerging theory of intelligence that is developing in this kind of strange area where computer science and neuroscience and the world of the commercial world and the academic world coming together."
"The intersection of paleontology and cultural mythology offers a playful yet interesting angle to scientific nomenclature."
"For a long time, economics tried to wall itself off from other social sciences and say, 'Oh, those fertility people and, you know, all those touchy-feely people, it's got nothing to do with the real markets.' Well, it has a lot to do with the real markets."
"Sir Roger Penrose's work spans realms from mathematics to philosophy to consciousness, exemplifying interdisciplinary engagement."
"Sometimes I find it very refreshing to read stuff that's not by artists because I think a lot of times people say to me they're like oh well you're an artist so you must read about artists."
"If we study many things at once we can learn more rather than trying to study things in isolation."
"There is nothing that scientists more than having an old problem in their field solved by someone from outside."
"One cannot study any particular area of investigation for very long without bumping up against other fields of inquiry."
"Recognize that the boundaries are fluid, some of these individuals would self-identify as sociologists, but others are political scientists, anthropologists, philosophers, or more broadly public intellectuals who don't affiliate with a particular discipline."
"For me, it's where science meets art."
"We've only seen just the very beginning of it and particularly when you think of domains outside of classic computer science, things like health and education."
"I would like to study history literature sociology all of these things rigorously without having to read it through an ideological framework."
"Some of the most important and most interesting stories are the ones that are coming out of this frontier of work in archaeology, history of technology, history of animal domestication, and more recently in the study of climate change and in the study of genetics."
"Together we're going to explore the intersections of Neuroscience, physics, and philosophy."
"The cognitive education shouldn't be limited to one domain separate from others it should go across the domains."
"The Innovation Lab is a very cool kind of institute where it doesn't matter whether you're at the law school, the business, or the med school."
"It demands an interdisciplinary team. You cannot rely on just one perspective."
"Philosophy has been integral in giving birth to lots of other disciplines."
"There's a rich relationship between my field of research algebraic topology or the specialty of homotopy theory and condensed matter physics."
"Football knowledge is not necessarily gained from just coaching or sports sciences. There's a lot of different disciplines that can go into this."
"I do think that probably if I were again the god emperor of Academia I would tilt the scales a little bit more toward broad people interdisciplinary people."
"...mixing ideas from science and philosophy with real implications for how we live in the world."
"It's important also to think in multiple disciplines."
"Breakthroughs as cross-pollination between two distinct domains of knowledge."
"The sciences and the humanities need one another now more than ever, and we need them both."
"...you need to have a deep understanding of biological processes on one hand and complex instrumentation and systems on the other hand."
"The pursuit of wisdom and reason in one area of study naturally bleeds into and greatly affects others."
"One that has a lot of disciplinary interests that might not align with one specific major."
"The sooner we bring science and humanities together in a meaningful way, we're gonna achieve what I know what we are."
"This sort of experience is for neurology and psychology will join disciplines such as religious studies and for that matter, will physics with its exploration of the nature of reality and philosophy with its inquiry into meaning."
"Drawing can make learning math and science easier."
"Public health is better able to respond to the situation by using contributions from each of these sciences."
"Dennett's capacity for synthesis for insightful and interdisciplinary research puts him in a rare class of thinkers."
"An interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary research is simply a process where you're combining two or more disciplinary perspectives or professional perspectives to achieve a greater understanding of a particular phenomenon."
"Sometimes the best comes through anthropology and other sciences that help us answer really important questions that we've been denied in the past."
"Adjacent possible is a way to bridge when a chemist talks to a physicist, something might happen."
"The boundaries that separate coding, design, and architecture are rather blurry and indistinct."
"Applied mathematics is actually using math to solve problems in different fields like computer science or physics or business."
"It's good to get into cross-disciplinary things when you're thinking about the edit."
"But it's so interesting how many different industries are impacted by this, from law enforcement to dental to ER to lawyers, you know."
"I work in one field and then I talk to a friend, a colleague who's working in another field, and it turns out that the methods that were useful for what I was doing could possibly be useful for what they're doing or vice versa."
"What is not commonly done is to build the relationship between those levels... the next 200 years we have glimpses of insight into this."
"A lot of the crises that come up in the newspapers today are about phenomena that are not easily categorized as one thing or the other and that span traditional academic disciplines."
"We love to systematically fuse art, science, and Magic."
"There's a small group of people that are at the intersection of the conversations that are happening of public policy the future of Technology the ethical implications of this and the private sector."
"...data science is both an art and science."
"You can't separate Middle Earth from anything else in tolkien's in tolkien's life you can't separate it from his study of languages you can't study it from you can't separate it from his Catholicism you can't even separate it from the bedtime stories that he tells to his kids."
"Our challenge is how we develop a multidisciplinary, multi-tier framework to analyze social-ecological systems."
"We love panels and it's super exciting when I can put two disciplines together, especially two disciplines that complement each other."
"What we need are welders who can talk intelligently about Nietzsche and Descartes and Plato and Aristotle."
"...we need to integrate fundamental knowledge that's relevant to what we're doing from all fields of inquiry."
"Our methods allow us to do interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research."
"Physics says this, you know. Medicine is built on biology which is built on chemistry which is built on physics."
"We have a mix of biologists physicists bioengineers computer scientists and so on."
"Philosophy tries to find common ground between different disciplines."
"Whatever furnishes the semblance of an idea governed by its principle furnishes Food For Thought through astronomy, Natural History, Chemistry, music, mathematics, thought passes naturally from effect back to cause."
"Investigating the earliest fragments of the New Testament requires scholars from all sorts of disciplines."
"To me, the SKA is a really exciting project because it encompasses a huge range of disciplines."
"Science and art were originally married to each other, but there's been a period of separation."
"The future of work is the intersection of many different disciplines."
"Change comes most of all from the unvisited no man's land between the disciplines."
"This visualization... really bridged these two fields of science and art."
"Computational thinking has already influenced the research thinking of many other disciplines, from the science and engineering fields all the way to the arts and humanities."
"Computational thinking combines mathematical thinking and engineering thinking."
"Data science is really this interdisciplinary field that combines... being able to write code, combining that with math and statistics, and then with a healthy amount of domain knowledge."
"It's minor harmony, it's mind-blowing. The symmetry in nature and math and sound, it's all the same thing."
"Find something really cool at the interface between the life sciences and engineering where engineering has a huge impact on the life sciences."
"The classics do not belong only to the classicists, that they have wide appeal across the humanities, law, and the social sciences."
"We work collaboratively across disciplines and across sectors—academic, industry, government, and communities—as co-creators."
"Bringing these technologies together and across disciplines and boundaries allows the breakthroughs that then position us to translate those breakthroughs to those impactful and powerful solutions."
"It's not just about biology and computing and engineering... it's also about the social, behavioral, economic sciences."
"We are almost like translators or interpreters between the different disciplines."
"We don't only contextualize the age of Aisha in broader context using an interdisciplinary approach... but instead to actually reclaim the entire narrative."
"Vassar is a place to go if you want to have a multi-disciplinary perspective on something."
"The organon has been seminal in the evolution of philosophy and science and mathematics."
"Case study research is versatile because researchers from many different disciplines use case studies to dispute, challenge, confirm, and produce new theories to describe and explain a complex real-life situation."
"It's essentially the combination of computer science, information science, nursing science, cognitive science in the application to assist better outcomes."
"My interdisciplinary research bolstered my interest in public health because it taught me of the many social and biological factors that impact women's health."
"My course is a good combination between subjects like economics, accounting, finance, and subjects that are very fashion industry focused."
"Everything you learn in this lesson is applicable to physics, of course, to chemistry, and in engineering classes, in math classes, and so on."
"A master in coordinating interdisciplinary approaches to tax policy, he encouraged lawyers and economists and business people and social scientists to work together."