
Divine Connection Quotes

There are 894 quotes

"A soul is a spark of, a ray of, a facet of God."
"Feeling in this moment the knowing that you are a conduit of divine light and divine love here on earth."
"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit keeps you in tune with God's will."
"Life is not about a walk with a minister. It's about a walk with God, a walk with the Holy Spirit."
"You're getting an insight into yourself that seems to be more than you could have managed on your own, and that I perceive as part of that divine connection."
"Hearing His voice is not a skill, it's a sense."
"You are a son and a daughter of the most high God and you've been called to royalty."
"The secret place is not just a natural location; it's a portal to the throne of God."
"The denial of the divine is the only real problem humanity faces."
"Satan, being aware of this, means that whenever there is trouble, you draw close to God."
"The intense light of creativity comes straight down from the heavenlies."
"Fasting quiets the heart so you can hear God better."
"Every day, start your day with a date with the divine. Show up without complaints or demands, but in love, matching your mind and will with the divine."
"If your heart was connected to Allah, it doesn't matter which land of His you live on."
"Disconnect from the world, reconnect to God, and nothing will be impossible to you."
"You don't fall in love easily. This is a divine connection."
"Linked with God power, all things are possible."
"There is no distance in prayer, the power of God is real."
"God, I pray right now that this word would not just go into our ears but may it enter our heart."
"Once you embrace the inner divine and your own sacred solitude, the right people arrive at the right time exactly on schedule, without forcing."
"For all who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God."
"The only time you should be sad is when you have drifted away from Allah."
"Hunger for God grows and maintains the anointing from God."
"You touched heaven's heart when you worshipped."
"And it's said, in this legendary story, that the god actually said to him, 'You are my son,' and from then on something clicked in Alexander's mind."
"The imposing structures the Egyptians left behind are the result of much more than granite, limestone, and laborers. They epitomize unparalleled genius, unrivaled technology, and the beginning of mankind's eternal struggle to engineer a bridge between the human and the divine."
"You can't be alpha without the most high. There ain't no such thing."
"Fasting detoxes your soul and reconnects you with God."
"Your prayers are God's promises breathed out of a living heart."
"Look at prayer as a real power and a real pleasure."
"We get closer to God through seeking truth and gaining wisdom."
"Father as I reverently lift this prayer to you I pray that your people and those who do not yet know you would receive this power now in whatever way they're able let it flow like a river."
"God loves to connect with the people who others consider to be outcast."
"If you don't have people thinking those kinds of thoughts, that eliminates this pole between God and the human race."
"Knowledge and understanding of the subconscious mind powers bring God nearer to mankind."
"None of them took anything to alter their mind to come closer to God."
"Live in the truth and stay connected to Yah. Your time is running out."
"I need the Spirit of God. I got to stay in touch with Him. I can't finish in the flesh what God started in the Spirit."
"How to know you have the Holy Spirit: 'For his spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children.'"
"I've heard of you and this is what I've heard of you that you know God and that you have his spirit"
"The gift of mental power comes from God, the divine being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power." - Nikola Tesla
"Our divine connection is what gives us confidence."
"Sexuality as a portal to unmediated access to the Divine."
"God's power love Grace and goodness Beyond you and may you be filled afresh in the power of the Holy Spirit to live for Jesus."
"You are ready to allow the energy from the divine and Mother Earth to fuel you as you fulfill your potential."
"The code to the presence of God is thank you."
"Thank you for being a vessel of God. You bless my sister and me so much. We're hungry for God."
"There is a force, energy, consciousness, divine thread I believe that connects all spiritually to all of us to something greater than ourselves."
"You've got a Divine counterpart coming towards you, holy crap, this is highly spiritual, this is a Divine connection, this is divinely guided, this is fate."
"Find the name of God within you and call that name."
"Your heart is His heart... It's about His heart."
"A divine partnership could be on its way to you; embrace the power of a balanced partnership."
"Manifesting deeper connections with divine beings, spending time with your spiritual team."
"Love for the work which they do brings men closer to God."
"At any moment, be ready for the invitation of the Divine beloved to come closer."
"Our prayers, whether in times of joy, uncertainty, or distress, are always heard by a God who is intimately involved in the details of our lives."
"Learning to ask for and receive Divine assistance helps us learn the art of surrender. You have within you the power, love, and sustenance of the source of life itself."
"Tongues is fine-tuning and sensitizing your spirit man to the voice of God."
"In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God."
"We are conduits of the life of God, the love of God, and the power of God."
"Silence is the language of God and everything else is a poor translation."
"Sacred revelatory profoundly instructive experience with the Lord in any situation."
"We don't pray to connect with God, we pray from connection with God."
"When you tap into the kingdom of God, everything you've been searching for is already there."
"Meditation is the key to understanding our relationship with God."
"The number one benefit is to connect with the divine source."
"Stay in alignment to your heart, nature, and the oneness of God."
"Our soul is an essence of God. We're a spark of God."
"To know thyself is to know God, not the self as in your human identity but the self that is unseen, the invisible self that you walk with." - Unknown
"Lift your hands and sing it one more time, Holy Spirit."
"The Holy Spirit in the Holy Spirit is the solution for everything."
"Chanting this mantra with devotion is capable of parting the veil of maya just a little bit, so that we can perceive the eternal bliss of the creator in our hearts."
"Recognize God's voice by connecting it with the character of God."
"Purity of heart and the power of God are linked."
"His blood is still enough to give me access to the throne room of God."
"God alone, not the things of the world, can fill our hunger."
"Faith and prayer put you in tune with the divine mind power that reflects throughout the universe."
"Physically, it has an effect on you, amen. It is the Breath of God, God's breath is in this book."
"What is the difference between religion and spirituality really? Religion keeps us from seeing ourselves as a manifestation of God."
"I ignite the fire within me that connects me to the divine."
"Immersing yourself in the love of the divine automatically leads to health and happiness."
"Every single thing in the mundane is an expression of his connection to God."
"Nothing can separate us from the love of God."
"Everything that I do today is a result of being in that secret place, fellowshipping with him."
"As we love others, we show that we love God."
"Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship with a living God."
"Blessing your connection to Divinity and opening that channel."
"If my words abide in you and you abide in me, you can ask whatever you wish and it'll be done for you."
"Support is all around you... you are supported by ascended masters, by God, by the universe, by your ancestors."
"I want to introduce my Holy Spirit to your generation... that has been the cry of my heart."
"I want heaven to know that someone's hungry for the Holy Spirit."
"Spiritual enlightenment: the pursuit of realizing our true identity, experiencing God."
"The woman is connected to the Divine frequency of love."
"You are sparks of the Creator, true heirs of all from glory come. You are love in search of itself. You are light."
"When we chant Krishna's name, we're also connecting to his pastimes and his ansaraj and his leelas."
"Any time you feel the whispering of Shaytan, any time you feel that inclination, seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, Allah hears and Allah knows and sees."
"Every one of us has a different path to this joining with the creator but it is a part of our spiritual path."
"There's a divine encryption of where God will allow you to be able to hear His voice."
"We start to align more of the divine to flow through us."
"It's time to really link into the Most High God and learn to fear the Most High God and cleave unto the most high god understanding the times that we're currently in."
"My life is worth nothing without you in it because through connecting with each other we deepen our connection to the divine."
"We are the walking word of the Most High. Let that sink in."
"Understand that you are a part of the divine."
"You are the shining ones sent forth from the holy mind of God, at one with that mind always."
"Plays were thought to be a connection between mortals and gods."
"I believe that God can see you, and I believe you can speak to God."
"Love always will be the primary road to discovery of God."
"The true principle of action: freedom and determinism. Let a man understand his identity with the divine, his spiritual oneness, his complete fusion, and his will remains absolutely free."
"The conquest of the desires by the little self and the downpouring of the divine spirit into the purified chalice of the heart."
"Magic works through you, there is a sacredness that works this magic through you, that connects you with divinity."
"As human beings with a divine spark within us, we can actually tap into these stellar rays."
"Now is my time to rest and heal. I am one with the life, light, and love of God."
"Realize where you're gonna find tranquility and happiness is with the Creator."
"God's connecting us, there's a reason He's speaking to you."
"Fasting is a yearning of your soul for the deep things of God."
"Full of faith, full of the Holy Ghost, full of power."
"The Word of God is food for the Soul that dwells with God and it cannot be satisfied with anything else."
"The divine intelligence of our elemental beings is standing in readiness to receive this light, securing it through every heart flame."
"God craves this intimacy with us and won't let anything stop it."
"Praying in the Spirit is like tapping into the mind of God. There's no limit, it's limitless!"
"Elves as beings of magic and great power associated with the divine."
"Stay close to the Divine to activate your good luck factor."
"Knowledge is the secret of humanity, allowing us to understand the divine impact upon creation."
"That soul of yours comes from that place of the Creator and you called God that soul of yours is not separate from the Creator from God it isn't."
"Your Father is looking for you, and the one who seeks finds."
"The ancestral path and learning journey is never ending."
"Your love represents the love of God, the love of divine, the unconditional love."
"They feel this in their soul. This is like a Divine marriage."
"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God."
"Get in your word, there's life, there's power, there's deliverance."
"Upgrade your prayers... pray like the one who spoke and everything came to be... is on the other end of your intercession."
"You are a pipe hooked up to the tank of unlimited resources in your kingdom."
"They feel deeply loved, supported, adored, respected by you and by the divine through this connection as well."
"Luffy unlocking a Monkey King gear or some other gear connected to the divine to conquerors or his devil fruit awakening maybe would make sense."
"Urging contemplation on the divine narrative embedded within these revelations."
"Living the dream is not about trying to be God; it is about giving God."
"The Word of God always follows where the spirit is, yes."
"In order to connect with God, we have to love ourselves and open our hearts."
"The highest consciousness of supply comes when you have so completely lost yourself in the infinite that you no longer think of or speak as being in any sense apart from God."
"The most important event in your life is your time spent alone with God."
"Nothing...will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"This will be the best time for those that have intimacy with God."
"You are as if you were alive, you're an extension of God."
"Deep connection to Divine source, feeling deeply loved."
"I just love breathing in the rarified air of heaven."
"The secret place does not become somewhere you go occasionally, but a habitation of God."
"When you become intimate with God, you reside on the King's throne and teach the Angels the nature of the Divine."
"Please seek the holiness and purity of the Father, and you will discover Him beyond your wildest dream."
"Such love as that between perfectly mated men and women multiplies their power; for when husband and wife both belong to God, working knowingly with Him, each one is then knowing together, thinking together, and working together with God as one."
"Everything in your life works when you connect with the divine."
"Ultimate hope that Christ is serious about bringing you home, that you are a good thing that he has laid a hold upon."
"You're God's greatest investment. He has to protect you, all right? You're ready for Divine Headquarters."
"A sure formula for success is an incredible faith in the Creator and in the God within you."
"The more you are communicating with Allah the better your communication will be with the creation."
"Your divine masculine thinks about you when you're not looking when you're not paying attention... there's something really divine about you."
"God alone has the ability to get inside your mind if you're willing to open up."
"I speak and decree that your intimate Place with Jesus, yielding, partnering to the Holy Spirit and the love of the father would just come upon you in a new and profound way."
"You are a chosen child of the most high God."
"In contemplative prayer, a person takes time to be alone with God."
"These videos that Book of Mormon Central and Doctrine and Covenants Central have been producing, they're not just time fillers, they're invitations to come and seek deeper and broader connections with heaven and with the Lord."
"It's really about being in your presence... how much of my divine presence can I hold."
"Trust in the divine and just let your feelings guide you."
"You need to keep in mind because you're a divine partner and the person that actually might fulfill you might not look like what you're accustomed to."
"A never-ending story with someone you've known before in a past life."
"Our prayers ascend before God, up to God, to heaven before him."
"God wants to find you more than you want to find God."
"Whatever price we pay here will enable us to spend all eternity with almighty god."
"During this eclipse, many of you are going to be receiving infusion of high vibration divine light."
"Live in your heart, it is the gateway to the divine."
"Love your family and love your children. Love in my interpretation is the name of God."
"I'm making this video to let you know... Now's the time to lock in with God."
"The spirit of the living creature was in the wheels."
"It's always about peace and love, you know, it's always about God."
"You are being divinely guided with the light."
"Heal my heart, give me your spirit, let it overflow into everything I do."
"God is not looking for singers, He's looking for worshipers. He's after those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth."
"The love of Jesus is not of this world, it's unlike anything I have felt."
"A love is coming for you divine feminine... that truly adores you... that showers you with adoration with affection with warmth and tenderness."
"Ultimately, it looks like you're divinely guided."
"This person feels as though you have been the bridge, you've been a gateway, you've been the key to unlocking their awakening, unlocking their connection to the divine."
"This connection is divine, brought to inspire one another."
"God's word is written in your essence, not a book."
"They feel like you are like their divinely appointed partner, the one that they've been praying for and wishing for and hoping for most of their life."
"Loving yourself and loving God is one and the same thing."
"Trust the universe at this time. Trust the Divine energy here."
"Each is calling on God, and it is the same One. And yet, different names but the same one power, one unity."
"Prayer is the key to unlocking divine blessings."
"Because we feel the depth of God’s love for His children, we care deeply about every child of God."
"Tonight, we're here to pray, we're here to ask God to meet us in this place."
"The more that you're opening up to your own connection with the divine you're going to feel that energy come in and come forward."
"Old Souls prioritize authenticity, simplicity, and connection to the divine."
"Faith is about hope, it's not about what we have in our hands."
"People will associate the existence of God with feelings. They start really getting into that area of like 'I felt that, I had this connection.'"
"I need you, Lord, every undeniable detail, to win."
"You want to be a part of God's inner circle."
"What I love about the prophetic is you get so close to the heart of God, you hear his mind, his thoughts, what he plans to do."
"The Holy Spirit gives us that passion for prayer."
"Sacrifice: the direct connection to igniting the fire of God."
"We came because we must hear from you. We're trying to tap into our divinity when humanity tells us that we're less than God. We are divine."
"Hope is the expectation that connects us to the love of God that never fails."