
Betrayal Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"At the heart of affairs, you have betrayal and at the heart of affairs, you have longing and loss."
"You should never be okay with being treated that badly. You should never be okay with being betrayed. You should never be okay with having someone you trusted so much turn around and treat you as if you never meant anything to them."
"To become a part of the Godhand in this moment and achieve his dream, Griffith has to make a sacrifice, and in the end he chooses to betray his companions, branding them and sealing their fate."
"The government is betraying the American people."
"The betrayal was not so much that it had happened, but that he had waited until he had no other choice."
"The culture of silence has got to be broken because the worst type of betrayal is silence."
"There's no legitimate reason to leave. If you leave, you're a traitor."
"You don't trust that someone's never gonna betray you, you just trust that you'll be able to handle it if they do."
"Above all, Davy Jones never stopped loving Calypso, and his sorrow not only shows us the pain he feels over her betrayal but the guilt he feels over her imprisonment."
"Obama at once betrayed working people instantly. He was elected in 2008, lots of enthusiasm, wonderful person has come. We can put our faith in him. Working people voted for him. We're going to have change. It will all be great. First thing he did was stabbed them in the back."
"Alec lied to them. Alec stole from them. Even now, as they try to put back the pieces of a once quiet and happy life, Alec Murdoch is literally the hand from the grave that will not allow them peace."
"I stayed alive for you, and you killed me anyway."
"What if one day you found out that the man you slept with every night, the father of your children, the man you sat with and watched television, was all of a sudden accused of living a secret life?"
"I'm just angry that we had a good life, and he threw it all away."
"There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution."
"Thanks, because of you I understand now what I really hated all along wasn't being betrayed. I hated myself for being too weak to believe in others."
"Ichibe never truly obeyed the Soul King and is responsible for a millennia of lies that the Soul Society and reality are built upon."
"They handed me the recipe for the secret sauce and then spat in my face when I asked what's in the French fries."
"If they betrayed you, then don't give them your precious time, energy, and love."
"The real issue here, however, is that someone I trusted and considered a friend not only recorded me in secret but also that these recordings were held without my knowledge for almost an entire year."
"The Sweet Taste of betrayal... it tastes a lot like salted caramel."
"Ignoring and obfuscating the truth about verifiable sources of damage to the environment is not protection; this is total betrayal."
"You've become the very thing you swore to fight against."
"Nothing lasts forever. One day, when my mom tried to get some money from dad's old bank account, she found it empty."
"It turned out that dad planned his escape from the family himself."
"Truthfulness is a trust, and the greatest manifestation of lying and dishonesty in leadership is betrayal."
"I hope you will suffer betrayal because that will teach you the importance of loyalty."
"Chaos is what emerges more catastrophically when you suddenly find yourself without employment or are betrayed by a lover."
"You're divorcing me because you're trying to go to Canada with him, aren't you?"
"I agree with every word you said. We are the future. Unfortunately, you killed my mother."
"It's like pulling the carpet out from somebody that's on crutches. It's like pushing an old lady in a wheelchair down the stairs."
"I am embarrassed and ashamed. Like everyone else, I feel betrayed and confused."
"If given the choice between betraying my country or betraying my friend, I hope I would have the guts to betray my country."
"The betrayal hurts the most when it comes from someone we know and love."
"Even my close friend, someone I trusted, somebody who sat at my table and ate my food, has turned against me."
"You can only be betrayed by people who are close."
"Betrayal is one of the strongest words on the emotional scale. We don't use it lightly."
"Betrayal exposes and exploits our vulnerability. That wounds us because it makes us subject to a double cross."
"The sin of betrayal goes back to the beginning of human history when the Archangel Lucifer turned against his creator, and a host of angels followed him."
"Betrayal has oomf. It means something. Calling a character a traitor is an instant gutpunch."
"Betrayal is a difference of perspective that becomes so strained it schisms into a potentially irreparable break."
"Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer, but nowadays it's hard to differentiate the two because so-called friends will smile in your face and stab you in the back."
"Father, why did you disarm me? I have your blood in my veins. How could you?"
"This is a story about betrayal, distrust, backstabbing, and about a people that had been, for some reason, lost to history."
"I spent five years being loyal to someone. I spent all my time, energy, effort, and if I find out someone cheated on me, I'm not going to stay with them."
"Cheating is really one of the worst things that someone can do to a person that they say that they love and that truly loves them."
"Revealing his true nature as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine issued clone Protocol 66, forcibly turning the soldiers of the Clone Army against the Jedi generals they had so loyally served."
"One... the cost of that relationship was 30 pieces of silver. For the other one, priceless."
"We've been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok, and flat out deceived."
"Despite promising he would never move the Cleveland Browns, owner Art Modell did just that."
"Zuckerberg screwed over the Winklevoss twins, fair and square."
"We speak often about honor, family, and tradition, but my old man's demise didn't come from the blade of an enemy. It came from his blood brother, the man who now calls himself the Great Khan of the Steps."
"Be careful who you build with. Some people will use you for your foundation, then finish the structure with someone else."
"Just when you think you've won all of these rights... they're going to sell you out to the devil."
"Without saying Prigozhin's name even once, he declared that the leaders of Wagner's revolt had betrayed their country and their people."
"Having done that, to now see some of those same businesses wanting to fire employees over these injections, I kind of feel like they're stabbing us in the back."
"My father died on this floor right there, butchered by men he called his friends. Who will tell me that is not murder?"
"Many will be offended and betray one another and will hate one another."
"If you find out that your partner is cheating on you, you have to cut that out of your life. You don't deserve to be disrespected like that."
"The news spread like wildfire: the angels had betrayed humanity."
"It's the worst crime because it means you've turned against your tribe."
"Faith is too low, a traitor is spreading falsehoods about you. Other followers may also be led astray."
"So don't cry girl code now-- when years and years and years, we've seen you take this girl's man."
"The cheater must accept that the timeline for recovery is set by the person who was cheated on."
"Now that Dr. Sloane was alerted of the fact that Agent Jones had gone rogue..."
"She could have been everywhere, and this is where a lot of the theories appear that she is in fact the traitor."
"Chris is such a heartless bastard he founded an e-commerce company with his two closest friends ghosted them, stole the company's money and kicked his friends out of the game before using that money to found XI."
"Alliances will form, betrayals are inevitable."
"Brandon feels incredibly disrespected by this and betrayed."
"I saved your dumb ass City and then you were pay me by throwing me into the desert without food!"
"They're supposed to protect you, not completely destroy you."
"At least one of those adult children Ivanka is apparently throwing the rest of the family under the bus."
"The people that destroy you are often the ones that know you."
"I didn't know my own company and an agency who was hired to keep this from happening were in on this to actually make it worse, not better."
"I realized I had been betrayed by everybody."
"If you are waiting on a moment for Bo Burnham to quote unquote betray you, he probably already did it a decade ago."
"I felt as if I was going to die in my apartment, killed by the very people who were supposed to be protecting me."
"How could somebody do this to somebody they claim that they loved?"
"Why?" What would or could corrupt an organization so completely that they would betray everything they once stood for?
"If you have a person that's up there, that's f***ing your wife in your wedding party, come on."
"Do I feel like Zach's been betrayed? I think it's a very simple transaction. You serve with U.S. forces and we will provide you a visa. He served with U.S. forces, we did not provide the visa. I think that's a betrayal."
"Bond's experience with Vesper informs the rest of his tenure, with her betrayal profoundly affecting him and his subsequent relationships."
"How could you do that without talking to us? I can't believe you."
"In a top 10 anime betrayals for the ages, Shepherd caps Roach and Ghost and leaves his elite Shadow Company soldiers to dispose of their bodies."
"Bernie was a letdown. Talk about talk about a betrayal."
"Who does this to their spouse and to their kids? Like, even if you're over your spouse, fine. But how do you do this to your kids? It's very hard for me to wrap my head around."
"One thing that hurts me to the core is betrayal bro, like betray me and that stabs me in my heart."
"Blood doesn't make you family bro, it doesn't matter if you're blood family, it doesn't make you family because people in your family betray you."
"Family first, right? But when my family needed you, you insulted them. So f*** you guys."
"People are people. If they cheat, lie, they don't deserve your time. Just walk away."
"It's insane how the best of people can turn out to be massive snakes quoted from no stop okay stop okay continuing on"
"Helping Donald Trump with literally anything inevitably results in him stabbing you in the back and casting you aside."
"She reveled in the sense of power it gave her, but the black and Bone Warrior betrayed none of this."
"Joe Biden twisted the knife into the heart of the American worker, but these brutal betrayals ended the day I took the oath of office."
"Even a lifetime of trust can be lost in an instant."
"This is a betrayal. It's the end. It's over. This is the death of a situation."
"Broken is the promise, betrayal, the healing hand held back by the deepened nail."
"Those who break the rules are scum but those who betray their friends are worse than scum."
"You backstabbers gonna turn me back to the OJ."
"If they'll do it to him, they'll definitely do it to you."
"I gave loyalty to someone who truthfully does not deserve loyalty."
"It's 2022 and yet we live in a world that resembles 1939 suddenly and it kind of feels like an extra layer of betrayal."
"Betrayal... deeper than demons, dragons tearing at your neck, biting until you plummet."
"I cannot believe they did this to you, Shepard. I am so sorry."
"Don't let anyone traumatize you by betraying your trust... who to trust and when to trust."
"Ultimately, this guy has absolutely affected a lot of people he claimed to care about."
"The critical element is not fear, it's the violation of trust. It's betrayal."
"Sauron's transition from Farazon's prisoner to his servant to his counselor to his puppet master to the source of his utter ruin."
"Do you still think I'd join you after what you did to my family?"
"Yueh is a traitor, but he’s not some one-dimensional villain – he’s a complex layered character."
"I'm not about revenge, but I'm not gonna lie, Ken's betrayal, the whole way that the Lions Den conducts themselves, I abhor."
"I remember unity... until it was shattered by betrayal. I remember fleeing... to keep him from his prize. The time for hiding is over. Aid me... or everything ends."
"I feel betrayed, and I felt that some people don't want me here."
"They feel betrayed they feel like that all of these last five years the majority of these people that got completely shafted."
"Explain what?" she says quietly. "Do you want me to stand here and listen to you explain how you didn't mean to fall in love with your dead brother's wife?"
"People are generally afraid that Trump is going to throw them under the bus because he’s done it so much in the past."
"A neutral evil character is typically selfish and has no qualms about turning on allies of the moment."
"Imagine going through multiple operations with your close friends only to find out that one of them was a double agent."
"That's my perfect death for Littlefinger: Sansa betrays him the same way he betrayed Ned."
"The severity of the betrayal is also important."
"We're bought and sold for English gold- Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!"
"I loved you. If that was the case then he wouldn't have cheated."
"You've slept with another guy while I was taking care of our daughter. And I don't wanna have anything to do with you anymore. Period."
"He knew exactly precisely what he was doing when he chose Judas."
"That could be pretty spicy, and let's be real, Sylvanas and Tyrande, they're totally characters who would betray each other in an instant."
"It seems there really are monsters in the world and sometimes they wear a human face."
"What broke her was discovering that she'd barely known the man she'd shared a bed with for the last quarter of a century."
"Betrayal never comes from your enemies, it comes from your friends."
"He drained about 90% of the funds... Essentially killing his own coin."
"Being cheated on hurts, okay? It hurts way more than someone just breaking it up with you."
"If I've helped you, it's really uncool to go against me. At least just do nothing. But to go against me is really kind of crap."
"As long as you stay faithful, fruitful, and true to who you are, you're gonna watch the people that turn on you."
"He's hurt me, he's hurt my family, and he's hurt an awful lot of other people as well."
"I can't believe Grace told Malcolm Fade about Annabelle. I cannot believe that."
"They didn't walk away from our franchise, they took it."
"You sold this country out long before I ever did."
"Sometimes people are nice to you as long as you're of use to them, then turn on you when you can't or won't any longer."
"Game of Thrones is often thought about through the lens of these kind of iconic moments that are often these big battle scenes or shocking betrayals."
"Everybody wants to know why. I think this is the most solid reason for why: probably the most pervasive reason why people want to learn more about it is why would somebody betray the very Foundation of who we are as human beings."
"Marcy's betrayal is really messed up even though you understand why she did it."
"That's why she is carrying the ten of swords energy. She has been betrayed."
"A downward spiral of betrayals and tragedies leaves Michael consumed by revenge."
"Don't trust evil collaborators because all they're going to do is throw you under the bus."
"It's people like him that betrayed the world."
"All those people that [expletive] me over, they didn't hurt me at all, they were setting me up for success."
"Her betrayal of Spock and his resulting actions are actually very dark."
"The tragic tale of Chia's life and death exposes the dark underbelly of obsession, corruption, and betrayal within families."
"Takashi is snitching on everybody in jail, man's gonna testify."
"If that's not betrayal, I don't know what is."
"There is no greater moral crime than betraying your country in a time of crisis."
"Pompey's tragic end in Egypt, betrayed and killed by those he sought refuge with, marked the downfall of a great Roman general."
"This is Xi Jinping and he has managed to double or triple cross his own boss his own Mentor who put him in that place."
"They just don't care... They showed who they were, believe them."
"People just instantly switched up on me overnight without even understanding the other side."
"There's nothing worse than a wolf before ending sheep. Avoid false friendships at all costs."
"Goodbye, so this dude, he poisoned everything."
"Even in betrayal, there's the potential for redemption."
"Charles Muntz seems to be a good-hearted man... until he believes his guests might be hiding the very thing that he spent his entire life searching for."
"Her insatiable thirst for wealth drove her to kill the one woman who lent her a helping hand."
"When the ring was discovered by his relative Deagol, Smeagol quickly resorted to murder to possess it... Gollum's story sadly isn't one of redemption."
"She was gonna be my wife, And I was gonna be her man, But she let another guy come between us, And it shattered our plans."
"It's very difficult to gain someone's trust after going behind people's backs."
"The people who give you life, the people who support you, and give you their last penny, that you are prepared to so ruthlessly execute them for your own greed really is despicable."
"We are billions of beautiful hearts, and you sold us down the river too far."
"When we prioritize anything above God, it's like betraying him in a relationship."
"When you feel so empty and the pain and the hurt fills your heart, you don't turn to people who lied to you but the ones who loved you."
"Victoria, what have you done? You know coming up for years I loved you like a sister but then my father helped me see it."
"Be careful who you put your faith in. The only people who can betray us are the ones we trust."
"And for a person to say those things repeatedly, and then turn around and act as though it wasn't anything, is what really bothered me the most."
"That was such treachery and such a betrayal of anything that is decent."
"I feel like I was in a marriage with a man for 24 years and I find out now he's cheating on me."
"Betrayal is when someone you trust stabs you in a place where you're vulnerable."
"He saw that as betrayal but the one act of betrayal that struck most deeply of course was his daughter's husband who voted against him."
"This is the story of how my best friend stole my girlfriend... I never stole your girlfriend!"
"I was ready to recommend it to all my friends, praises to the high heavens and get stab me in the back."
"Hey, Mike, I don't respect you anymore... You're a bit of a snake."
"I literally found someone like cheating on me in my own house."
"Horus embodies many aspects of the Emperor before he decided to go full jihad on the Imperium."
"If Vince could do this to him, he could do it to anyone."
"You know it really sucks when you learn that it's always a friend that hates you the most, that there's nobody that wouldn't hurt you if it would help them."
"Execute Order 66: The Secret order identified all Jedi as traitors to the galactic Republic."
"You don't want to believe... the only person that you think is there for you... will sell you out for some money."
"Wilbur Soot: The driving force behind most of the server's scandals... ended up betraying Pogtopia and blowing up L'Manberg..."
"They feel like you did them dirty, like you really betrayed them and abandoned them."
"She found out he was cheating on her but she waited until their wedding date to get revenge."
"Erza: a tale of betrayal, sacrifice, and redemption."
"You trifling straight up, y'all trifling bruh you all did me dirty it's good what's cracking."
"It's crazy to think about that people you at one point in your life hold hopefully trusted and loved because they were family too those people can turn on you so quickly even after you've done so much for them"
"I wrote this song with Liz and I think the lyrics are some of the best I've ever written. It's about the moment you realize someone isn't who you thought they were."
"Han confronts his son hoping to bring him home, but instead Kylo kills his father and faces Rey in a duel; she defeats him but leaves him alive as Starkiller Base explodes."
"You opened up to you and look what you've done, you're the true one miss Wiltshire."
"You monster, you diabolical fiends, I can't believe you've done this to me."
"A flood gravemind convinces the Forerunners' AI, Mendicant Bias, to turn evil, rendering the war essentially hopeless."
"It took three betrayals for me to finally understand: the world is just an elaborate tapestry of lies."
"A big slap in the face, a big slap of betrayal to the original saiyan concepts."
"No, I don't want to fight for this country anymore because they've betrayed me. That makes sense."
"People you trust and defend will ultimately betray you. This is a game of suspicion."
"Donald Trump's closest allies are turning on him and now many of them hey hold on a second are not only saying no to Trump but yes to themselves."
"After all those years, all those indiscretions, and the reality for her is that she's just enraged."
"They have proven themselves treacherous dogs and they must be put down."