
Punctuality Quotes

There are 1986 quotes

"If you're making me late to things, that's my biggest thing. It becomes disrespectful at one point."
"A wizard is never late, nor is he early; he arrives precisely when he means to."
"We got disqualified in day two because one of my teammates didn't make it to the tournament in time."
"A wizard is never late, he arrives precisely when he means to."
"Being on time is not about upholding supremacy; it's about respect and being socially aware enough to acknowledge those around you."
"Well, I would say I show up early or late, nothing in the middle."
"A wizard is never early or late; he always starts his journey exactly when he means to."
"Drake likes to say, 'Better late than never, but never late is better.'"
"Job title doesn't matter so much. If he loves what he's doing and he shows up every day on time, that's what matters."
"It's good to be fashionably late, but there is a point where you miss the party altogether."
"A wizard is never late; a wizard comes precisely at the right time."
"Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unforgivable."
"God doesn't work on our schedule. He is never too late or too early. He is on time, every time."
"It's better to arrive late than to arrive ugly."
"Guests are on time, everyone's out to have fun and to help others have fun."
"By introducing system into all your transactions, doing one thing at a time, always meeting appointments with punctuality, you find leisure for pastime and recreation."
"It’s better to be early than it is to be late, and I think also it’s a time for diversification."
"It's better to be late than to never arrive at all."
"It's like that expression, you know, being 10 minutes early is on time."
"Time is viewed as a commodity... I want to be punctual because I got to respect others' time."
"If you schedule a meeting for 3:47 instead of 4 o'clock, the likelihood of people being late drops significantly."
"Better late than never but still disappointed."
"I wanted everyone waiting for me. If you come on time and you're ready to go and they're ready to go, it's going to make a better product and it's better for everybody."
"It's good to be the person who comes to work 15 minutes early and leaves half an hour late."
"Sometimes it's better to be late than never."
"The boss can't be late to work. Imagine what kind of impression that would leave."
"Nothing bothers me more about the comedy club that starts late."
"Get there earlier than you think is humanly necessary."
"I'm not always there when you call, but I am always on time."
"Antonio, man, he taught me about being professional, being on time."
"Showing up on time means you respect other people's time."
"Better late than never, right? I've been gone for a while from YouTube."
"A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. He arrives exactly when he proceeds."
"Children who come to school late they end up in panic mode worried to death they're not going to get their breakfast because they missed it."
"I would rather be 10 years too early than one second too late."
"All I got is show up on time and be nice to everybody."
"This is the people's channel where the people complain about me being late when I'm barely late."
"Thank you guys, it's 4:56. I'm even running late. Thank you, always good to be with you. We'll see you next time from Matt's car in Tennessee."
"If you're constantly late, you have a loss of time, confusion. Could be a demonic spirit."
"I have Rory across from me, Maul was tardy as usual."
"Being on time for things is kind of like a magical power."
"I'd rather be late and accurate than early and quick."
"I'm on time like a Deja Vu. This is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing."
"There's no such thing as on time. You're either early or you're late or on time."
"I made the difficult choice to send him late with his friends as much as I wanted him to be on time."
"I'm doing a dry fast to deal with that, so anyway, my apologies for being late."
"If you're on time you're late, there you go, valuable lesson in life."
"Oh, that must be Ariel, she said she was running late from her date with Prince Eric."
"Right on time... God it's such a pretty game."
"He completed every project on time and had a great personality. He constantly had me and the rest of the class in stitches."
"You have a dream job, you're working online content creation for political media, you can show up to work on time."
"He left the shelter imagine leaving the show after giving us this speech about accountability when we were one minute late insane insane."
"No one cares if you're 10 minutes late, still bad. But 3 hours late or 4 hours late, at that point, you're already so far late."
"It's not that bootages didn't show up in time or he showed up too early or too late, it's that he didn't do his goddamn job."
"The rain is coming on schedule the rain is coming on schedule."
"One of the really good things that Mr. Cottick could have done is turn up to this important meeting about employee concerns on time."
"A bad boy halo is never late or early, they arrive exactly when they mean to."
"I'm not late, I am on time. A bad boy halo is never late or early, they arrive exactly when they mean to, you muffin heads!"
"We did it, we started a stream not only on time, but early. Who was surprised at this? Not on time, early!"
"We come on time, we work hard, we practice hard."
"Wow, early today I did say he will end up being late like always."
"Because if we roll in, you know, to the building later than everyone else or...but on the flip side of that, you know, people complain."
"A wizard is never late, Mr. Baggins, he arrives exactly on time."
"You're always going to be on time, you're going to pay your debt, you're always going to be hundred percent."
"Be punctual, on time, and prepared. Your luck is when preparation meets opportunity."
"Season four is going to start on time and the rest of the seasons are as well."
"I'm always late, I would love super speed any day, that'd be great."
"Life happens, Mr. Rossende. I believe we have all been through a time where we've been forced by life to be late for something."
"It's better to arrive 30 minutes early than 30 minutes late."
"Hey right on time we gotta do what we gotta do appreciate it man thank you so much."
"They were showing up every day and they were on time."
"Early is on time, on time is late – solid advice for any job interview."
"Five, six, seven, eight. Hurry up, don't be late."
"A queen is never late, everyone else is just simply early."
"Nobody can use not knowing the time as an excuse for being late to class."
"Better late than never, but never late is better, you know."
"A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins, nor is he early; he arrives precisely when he means to."
"It went very well, we're an hour earlier than we'd anticipated so I'm very satisfied."
"Sorry to have kept you waiting, but of course here we are."
"You're never late to the game as long as you show up, right?"
"A wizard is never late, he always arrives precisely when he means to."
"I will never be the one to cancel the live stream, but I will be the one to push it five minutes late every single time."
"I am literally not late. I didn't delay the stream by 15 minutes. No bullshittery, no tomfoolery, nothing but actual honesty in this arena."
"Y'all get on in here, y'all! Y'all know one thing about church, we start on time!"
"A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives exactly when he means to."
"We're not always there when you call, but we are always on time."
"I want you to know today got up early for this, committed, ran errands before this so I could be on time."
"I start on time because on time is exactly when we start every day."
"The early bird gets the worms, so set those alarms and be early for everything."
"I hate being late to events, like, I just, I can't."
"We haven't showed up to practice on time yet once in two months."
"No time is wasted in scolding her for being late for sandwiches and trying to put her in her place and nip her rebelliousness in the bud."
"You're not late, you're right on time, Collective."
"Come on, let's not keep Charlie waiting or we'll never hear the end of it."
"If you're late to the first date you're gonna be late all the time."
"It's a pretty sane place, we stopped normalizing people being late like it's not cute, it's not funny."
"Tomorrow, I expect you to come to class on time."
"We are going to start and stop on time, can you say amen?"
"If you're early you're on time, if you're on time you're late, and if you're late, you're history."
"I'm never late for anything, not even going to touch that."
"First thing in the morning I would recommend your hair right on time."
"Trains arrive on time in Germany... mind-blown."
"You're not late, you may not be very early either but you're not late."
"First rapper to be on time like Hey listen we listen we do a lot of interviews man and bro was here on time like a lot of people come here man we'd be sitting here waiting three four hours like damn bougie came on time."
"It is better to be one hour early than one minute late."
"He's the fastest man alive, but he's still late."
"God is never early, he is never late, he is always right on time."
"You're just trying to make people's lives easier, whereas most jobs you can show up, you get there at 10 a.m., you can show up at 10:15 and no one gives a [__]. You can't do that with stand up, that's true, good point, good point."
"Better late than never because I usually do these videos on the day of."
"So the two things that I've learned from being independent one is you have to be good and the most important thing is that you have to be on time."
"I would always rather be early than even one second too late because that one second could cost you all of your choices."
"I keep accidentally summoning Duck to be early."
"We will start the broadcast, first pitch at 7 p.m sharp."
"My hot take is that I kind of like when people are late what I think it's crazy."
"We came too late and we didn't want to risk missing the last trolley."
"One day late is better than nothing. Happy birthday."
"He's always late. I love DC, but he's the most late person I've ever seen in my whole life."
"Sometimes you get late, usually you're on time."
"Nothing drives me more crazy than people that are religiously late because it means they don't respect your time."
"Don't judge, show up an hour early, be kind, make sure your servant's towel is bigger than you."
"I'm usually late for my own streams but hey I'm I'm here"
"You remind me of Kevin Hart's theory of if you show up late show up energetic."
"The protagonist asked if he made her wait for too long, to which she replied that she had just arrived a moment ago."
"I was late Justin won by a point Adam's been late to everything important in his life."
"Hit every green light and made it in time. Walked in the door right at 11 o'clock when my appointment was."
"If you're not 15 minutes early, you're late."
"You arrived precisely when you mean to."
"I'm terrified of being late to things."
"Early is on time, that's respectable, that's being accountable and responsible for whatever it is."
"Would you rather always be 15 minutes early to something or 15 minutes late?"
"A watch! With that, you'll never be late again, at least we hope so. Happy birthday, Joey!"
"Hi everyone, I'm sorry for being late."
"Mission accomplished, safely and right on schedule."
"I'm usually a very punctual person."
"I didn't think you'd arrive so quickly."
"In all the years I have known you, you have never once been late for breakfast."
"It's not late, it's not early, but it's bang on time."
"That's why today I hate to rush. I get anxiety. I hate being late because for so many years it was a constant."
"We always like to get there early just to make sure that everything is good to go."
"Being reliable, being polite costs nothing, be on time."
"It's always nice to see someone reply we of schedule."
"We can't be late on Resurrection Sunday, there's just no way."
"If you want to have your clock a little bit fast... it just kind of works as a mental trick to help you be on time."
"It's far better to be one minute late somewhere than your family having to sit through a minute of silence."
"I'm running late, I have an appointment at 12 and I have to be there in 9 minutes."
"It's just showing basic respect for somebody else's time."
"Successful people are never late."
"Don't think anyone will feel sorry for you if you miss your connection."
"God does not have a watch, but he's never late."
"Punctuality is crucial for any airline operating anywhere."
"We are so late, are you serious? Per usual, and we really, really tried to make it on time."
"It's getting finished exactly when they told us it was going to be finished, which is pretty amazing."
"I'm always early, 15 minutes early for you is on time."
"We're in La Junta, Colorado, how are we doing TimeWise? We're a little late, but we should arrive in Los Angeles on time."
"I'm never late, I am game on when I get there, I do whatever I need to do, I am yes ma'am, yes sir, I am on time, and I'm doing the very best."
"...if you can be the guy that is punctual five minutes early to everything or responds to emails within 24 hours you are automatically ahead of so many people that are so much more talented than you."
"Don't expect much to start on time when you are here."
"Old Faithful went off almost exactly when it was predicted and I have to say this is a pretty cool spot to view it from."
"It's not the money, it's a matter of how do we inspire someone to actually show up and be on time."
"Respect people's time and punctuality."
"A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins."
"You're not late. You're right on time."
"One of the top tips has been to redefine what 'on time' means."
"You're either on time or you're late."
"Being on time really matters in all places."
"Sorry, I'm late. Oh, you're not late."
"He may not get there when you want him, but he'll be there right on time."
"Timing is very much a part of a schedule."
"8:30 means in your seat at your desk, ready for the day's work to begin, not coming through the door."
"It took me all of 30 seconds to get through security. I got here at what was it, 6:20, walked in the door at 6:46. It's currently 6:51."
"We can show up on time, okay? Ish. Yeah, five minutes after it said on the invite."
"Show up to your meetings, classes, and webinars like a professional."
"I don't like appointments on time because I'm a 'let's do this now' type of person."
"If someone tells you to be somewhere at 12, you don't show up at 12, you show up at 11:45."
"Do what you said you're going to do, do it on time."
"Arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare."
"You're not late; you were never late."
"Walter shows up at the yellow door bright and early the next day. In fact, the morning newspaper hasn't even been delivered yet."
"My friend didn't want to be late so she left her home with plenty of time."
"Once again, you made it with a minute to spare," Andy remarked, acknowledging Millie's punctuality.
"He arrives precisely when he means."
"Showing up to an interview exactly when you're supposed to be, I don't understand how that is considered to be a negative thing."
"I'm always very punctual and well prepared."
"If you keep me waiting it's no different than being late."
"He would never miss a flight, I mean, you've definitely missed a few flights in your life, right?"
"Always deliver on time, or you're going to destroy your relationships with your clients."
"What seems late is actually early."
"You arrive precisely when you mean to."
"If you're not early, you're late."
"So this idea of 'frown upon' something means we look down on something or we consider something bad. In this case, 'frown upon lateness' means we think that being late is a bad thing. So if you are late, it reflects badly or poorly on your character."
"You wouldn't miss again for five hours."
"I'm very particular about the dates if the dates go wrong then I'm good for nothing."
"You can fire me, but telling me I can't even be on time? If you early, you late. If you on time, you late."
"It's not over yet, just give me a minute, I'll be there."
"You're late." "You're late!" "You're late!"
"I wouldn't be able to relax if I was keeping someone waiting for 2 hours."
"It's better to be a bit early than it is to be a bit late."
"There's nothing more disrespectful than disrespecting someone's time."
"Don't ever be late and don't waste mine."
"Punctuality is a sign of respect for other people's time."