
Hierarchy Quotes

There are 1440 quotes

"A story is a verbal description of a hierarchy of perceptual and action prioritization."
"The real hierarchy ends in self-sacrifice; that's why the cross is at the top of the hill, the mystery at the top of the hill."
"Fulgrim needed no bidding, no compulsion. He immediately dropped to his knees before his father."
"Even if you're at the top of a hierarchy, you're radically dependent on everyone around you."
"Hierarchy combines two aspects: dominance and priority, giving extra weight to certain elements of a design over others."
"Human beings are free and equal beings in the state of nature; there is no natural hierarchy."
"Don't waste a minute more of your life on working out where you are in a hierarchy... Get off this fast."
"The hierarchy itself is what provides the narrative material to work with."
"The idea that one of the driving forces behind history is hierarchical struggle is absolutely true. But the idea that that's actually history is not true because it's deeper than history, it's biology itself."
"Hierarchies are not predicated on power, and... you don't rise to a position of authority that's reliable in human society primarily by exploiting other people."
"No demon is stronger than Lucifer, and the only being stronger than him is God himself."
"The strongest demon besides Lucifer is his son, Mammon."
"Living systems have what are called healthy hierarchies—so it’s not that hierarchy is bad. It’s that hierarchy where the top extracts from below is definitely bad and unsustainable."
"The reason why scientists recognize hierarchies of things is because we classify things based on usage... classifying people by race just doesn't really get you much information."
"There is the ruling class which is the Asteri. There are six of them. They are like super duper angels."
"The highest and the lowest always have to be united."
"All other breathing techniques are based off of sun breathing."
"A reduction in what's called the hierarchical organization of the brain."
"It's not something disobedient or offensive or even subversive for a Catholic to say that there are many in the hierarchy who are bad."
"To prioritize means you have to have a hierarchy because priorities mean some things are more important than others."
"The Church is not a democracy; it's not anarchy where lay people can just randomly depose clerics."
"Putting a hierarchy over who can be offended... Now I'm offended."
"There's a pecking order right, he's gonna take this 100."
"Scientific truth is the top truth in the hierarchy."
"It's a bit like Maslow's hierarchy right it's all new hierarchy of thought."
"In ranked societies certain people have preferential access to prestige Authority and in some cases power."
"This is now bled down into the highest levels of American society and down into the lowest levels."
"Everything that's happened so far has gone up through the congregation or the dicastery for clergy, okay fine, there's the canonical processes, it ends with the Pope."
"It's actually a very concurring hierarchy, isn't it? It's not about wealth, it's all about titles and ego and rituals."
"Underperforming males reject hierarchy because underperforming males by definition think they can increase their rank by tone policing and caping."
"Society evolves, and we need to understand the role of hierarchies."
"We're very sensitive to hierarchical position and that the best way to occupy a position in a hierarchy... is to play a careful reciprocal social game and not to use power."
"Every member of this crew goes, okay, today I'm working for Captain Dill, now at this moment, I'm working for Captain Rivera."
"A real Masterpiece... deeply focused on the struggle of human beings under hierarchical systems..."
"Tucker Carlson engages in a thought experiment exploring a hypothetical strategy for controlling a country, emphasizing the hierarchical prioritization of armed forces, federal law enforcement, and bureaucratic agencies."
"An entity higher than that? One that supersedes not only us, but the entity that supersedes us, and the one after that as well?"
"Every boss works for somebody, that's why they call it 'hire' and not 'get hired.'"
"Lord Twigo goes no not next to the one above all in the Lord's we go tier."
"There's actually a more objective standard that people adhere to even if they don't realize, that basically creates a hierarchy in terms of effectiveness."
"I think that to my mind there needs to be a cleaning up of the church hierarchy."
"There's a kind of right ordering of the world... it involves hierarchy... but there's also a strain of equality to it as well."
"Hierarchies are fundamentally based on competence."
"Racism is a system of economic, social, and political power that has elevated white people to the top of the hierarchy."
"Hierarchy is not a bad thing, it's sort of like the history of leadership."
"To impose order on a large population means to impose hierarchy."
"The very essence of the story is about climbing the scale of opponents until Luffy sits firmly at the top of the seas as the king of the pirates."
"Oda likely cares about a power scale more than most other mangaka, since he clearly establishes hierarchy based on strength in almost every major organization he writes."
"You climb up the pyramid to see who's calling the shots."
"We all big homies, but he bigger, right? Exactly, that's some [ __ ] pyramid scheme [ __ ]."
"Time and again, line police officers are held accountable for their actions but their supervisors get a pass."
"No civilization in recorded history has existed without hierarchy when there's a surplus introduced."
"If it's clear who's number one in the relationship, he'll be a happier and more relaxed member of the family."
"He's calling Jesus God in a secondary sense... it's perfectly appropriate to say you're my God to an intermediary God who's above you in the hierarchy."
"Everybody is not a winner. You have a winner, then you got everybody else."
"He works for the American people, I work for him."
"Hierarchy isn't just an aspect of human nature, it's an aspect of nature."
"Tree map suitable for displaying hierarchical data."
"Some animals are at the top of the food chain only because they’ve never been challenged."
"To confer a kindness is the mark of superiority; to receive one is a mark of subordination."
"The system was a pyramid of mutual interest based around corruption."
"We're not wrestling flesh and blood... they are just the tentacles of a hierarchy of spirits."
"Who needs confidence in the food chain of video games?"
"The top four harbingers have powers rivaling a God."
"Hierarchy isn't bad if leaders take care of the team."
"Some have really really lame powers, others have great gifts, but the very few have the capability to reality warp on such a high level that it essentially places them really high up on the food chain."
"Top of the food chain, you're right about that."
"This is the business of only one person... We need to put pressure on going higher up the pyramid as possible."
"It's a flex, it's a grab, it's a smash in that order."
"How well can they perceive the relevant hierarchies and learn how to climb the right ones? Those are often all more important than smarts."
"This is what it's all about and this is what it's always been about - the control of bodies, the exchange of women, and the violent enforcement of a hierarchy of genders."
"You just got promoted from the practice round jester to like maybe the prince's hand."
"It's gonna be a huge Hollow Earth focus, right? After like, a native species, they're clearly high up on the food chain."
"Always two there are, a master and an apprentice."
"Learning a hierarchy of actions is a promising approach for reinforcement learning."
"Gender is a hierarchy and a system of oppression."
"If it was a wild demonic beast, the monster would have used the king of beasts class. If it was a giant wolf, it would have used the king of fangs. If it was a giant bird, it would have used the king of wings."
"Tier one is like you're just superior to tier two by far."
"The avoidance and skepticism and dismantling of hierarchy in a way that can never be negated."
"The lowest payoffs were for the TV tapings if you were a job guy, you actually got more than the main event stars."
"Kids, that's your life. That's your lifeline. That's everything. Like you make kids, they come first before anything. Kids, spouse, family. That's what it's always been. Nothing you've told me tonight makes sense."
"Everything constantly feeds into each other, showing how much of a hierarchy there truly is."
"It's a scheme and people at the very top are fattening their pockets."
"The mirroring of religion is the parent in the movement's structural hierarchy: white man at the top serving as featured speakers... Everyone else remains in the pews and the balconies."
"They protect hierarchies in society that they support: age, political, religious, gender, and racial."
"You ain't gonna never disrespect your OGs, so you're gonna have to just bow down and sit this one out."
"Jing declares himself as the second in command."
"Mujer and his men make this clear before acknowledging Jing as second in command."
"Alpha is contextual, meaning an alpha in World of Warcraft would be beta around MMA alpha fighters."
"It's just a fact of the world: this should not be a Dominator hierarchy."
"In life amongst men, we create our own hierarchies, blood."
"By the late 1980s the inroads made by the police had shown that there was a hierarchy to the gang at its heart led a group of powerful men."
"Under libertarian socialism, the goal is to minimize or eliminate hierarchical relationships of control and subjugation."
"The cream rises to the top in vampire society."
"Grace is a gift given to an inferior from a superior."
"Unique power over pack memberships and ranks."
"You can't be a leader unless you know how to follow."
"The Church is presented as founded by Jesus on the apostles and their successors with a hierarchy of ordained ministers who guide the faithful on the journey towards the Heavenly Jerusalem."
"I realized that the problem wasn't those on high it was people like me down low the problem wasn't the chain of command but the chain of obedience."
"Humans tend to naturally seek order given our drive for perfection and hierarchy."
"Hierarchy that's only based on power is a tyranny, but a hierarchy based on competence is something that gets things done."
"Baronet and Banneret are entire star systems apart regarding how the noble ranking and structural system work."
"Everyone knows that the better ornaments get put at the top."
"And that is why even among those who are considered the greatest of all beings, there are still those who stand above them, the High Ones of Arda."
"Frieza's surprise, he knew they were strong but not this strong; he should be the one on top."
"...the intellect is the youngest sibling of the entire set [of our mental faculties]."
"Who's the one that's actually the dragon god? Is it Orochi? No, he's just a slithering little lizard compared to Kaido."
"There's a hierarchy in high school; they rank you on their own based on your looks, grace, and personality."
"In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence."
"We're no longer females, we're animals, and I'm higher up on the food chain."
"Arlong is a bad man who did bad things, but that's what pirates usually are. And I think that makes Arlong a B-tier Captain."
"The higher you rise in a corporation or a group, the more insecure you become."
"The initial loyalty of the summoned demon is inversely proportional to its rank."
"Number one keeps coming and going; if you're always number two, you're smacking up number one for two years easy."
"The head of the woman is the man."
"The stars become subservient to this god and the various stars."
"The stars become, from what we can tell, kind of heavenly soldiers, they become the tzevaot."
"The higher the office, the more arrogant the people are."
"If the guy on top is doing it and you don't do it, you're a piece of [__]."
"He's not privy, it's above his pay grade."
"An elite class of Politburo members called the Politburo Standing Committee."
"There's a grander conspiracy about the people at the top."
"The Catholic Church as Christ instituted it is a juridical hierarchical institution it's to the institution that the promises of Christ apply not to the individual members per se it's the institution of the church itself."
"Marty Rathbun was at one point the number-two guy in the whole church."
"He brings one down, he exalts another."
"There are after all levels to this thing called greatness."
"I'm not the biggest douche in the group. I'm the number one guy, and there's a bigger douche than me, and he loved it."
"I don't necessarily believe people need to go to the biggest people to be signed and to be given another step because from us being in the industry we see big people go to these big organizations and they leave in a month or two."
"Incompetence still floats to the top like feces in the toilet."
"...traditional hierarchy in traditional gender roles as much maligned as it is, it is an incredibly cross-cultural feature..."
"The one above all is the top of the mountain when it comes to uber powerful beings."
"Liberalism promises equal protection under the law, not the elimination of all hierarchy."
"I think it's fair to say that's the order."
"They've figured out that if you want to install yourself at the top, you need loyal foot soldiers at... the bottom."
"It's easy to assume that the star system is some sort of ranking within the Hunter Association, something that judges a particular Hunter's overall aptitude in their position."
"The baron provides but the vicount feeds."
"Let the tier list begin! The lowest tier on the list is the human tier."
"...out of all of the Androids, Android 19 was the weakest, and based off of the fact that Android 17 easily killed Dr. Gero and Android 20, that also proves that 17 and 18 were far above him as well."
"The king's hand remains at Otto Hightower, father of the queen and uncle to the Lord of Oldtown, Grand Maester Orwyle."
"Almost nobody is more powerful than the foundation's o5 council."
"The powerful men under Hitler, including Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Göring, and Heinrich Himmler, were from early on jostling for favor and watching each other like a pack of childish pretenders to the throne."
"The very minute that you start adding in a hierarchy or organization, boom, that right there is where you start introducing vulnerabilities."
"The world completely changed and the hierarchy was turned on its head."
"It's about understanding that what is difficult and what you want to put off or do is a dynamic hierarchy."
"Who is the baddest [__]? I think it's Jade. Jade's kind of running stuff there. She's kind of ahead of the bloodline."
"The Ria Empire is the pinnacle of the world."
"Those social hierarchies and those bullies we come to know in school are really just a preview for what's out there."
"Every one of you, I encourage you to go out there, preach this Jesus who is above everyone. Jesus who is above Moses. Jesus who is above Elijah. Jesus who is above the church. Jesus who is above angels. Jesus who is God himself. Jesus who is Jesus."
"Thrones are getting vetted. Mantels are left untaken."
"Network marketing actually works. I agree with that. Network marketing does work if you are the one on top of it."
"A child from a branch family managed to outclass the main family."
"It's only fair that the strongest one of all becomes patriarch."
"If they are that weak to have their birthrights snatched away from them, then they didn't deserve it in the first place."
"Roman is the head of the table, but you are the table."
"the Yonko are largely considered to be the captains of the four strongest pirate crews in the world"
"There's been a division of labor and the Lord himself is behind it all."
"Anything in life is levels too, like a job. It's levels to this sh man."
"The label is like, just, you mean, it's levels."
"It was better to be in the regimental staff than in the company."
"Of course Arthur is the ruler, he is still Primus, but then everyone else is on equal footing."
"And then finally you get to the gods Knights, I think that we're even a slightly above Kong, I think the gods Knights listen directly to the Goro say maybe even just directly to eem and eem alone."
"Biblical sons of God are also the Sons of the most high, biblical sons of God are over the Nations, they're called princes."
"The hierarchy of power in the DC Universe is changing."
"Our highest of higher-ups didn't know. They were told probably an hour or two before we were."
"Headers do have semantic importance, saying this is the main topic, this is a subtopic under the main topic, and this is a subtopic under the higher subtopic in the hierarchy."
"The Thirteenth Division finally sees stability with Rukia Kuchiki becoming the Captain after the death of Jūshirō Ukitake, and Centaro Abaki filling the Vice Captain position."
"If you beat the king, then you become the king"
"This hierarchy, this whole inheritance hierarchy can go as deep as you want it to be."
"Dragons don't recognize anyone weaker than themselves as equals."
"It really hammered home that Harry's brand of justice goes all the way to the top."
"It was a trinity literally, a triangle of Kirk at the top, Spock, and Bones."
"There's always bound to be someone at a higher ground than you."
"The number of dishes served symbolizes the rank of the person eating with 12 being the highest rank of all."
"Killing an animal is still less significant than killing a human being."
"A servant is not greater than his master."
"Unified by a goal, ideology, or common enemy, vampires organize, establish ranks, titles, and purpose, and become sects."
"The kitchen was one place male and female servants did mingle, but even here we're told not to talk to each other."
"We must understand that principalities are the spiritual class of spiritual beings."
"There's a general, then there's the soldier's rules."
"Maybe they don't think he's a God in there. I mean, he's just the king now, could he's got that magic bone."
"The fact that Christ is the church's ultimate Foundation does not mean the church lacks a hierarchy built upon Christ."
"China wants to recreate the old Middle Kingdom and historically the old middle kingdom was a world where hierarchy was Harmony China was at the top of the hierarchy and every other Nation preemptively conceded the Primacy of China's interests."
"All servants, even demons, ultimately serve their masters."
"The D clan is the true royalty, not the Celestial Dragons."
"In my relationships we do not have hierarchies. I did not have a one and a two or a main boyfriend and a less maine boyfriend."
"I'd rather have my kid low in the pyramid than at the top of the pyramid."
"The city of silhouette is governed by Duke Dugu, appointed by the emperor himself."
"...culture is set top down... Innovation that comes out of that is bottoms up."
"Status is more important than sex, power, or money."
"It's what freshman got to do right? Don't get all the good jobs."
"John Gotti became the boss. A couple of weeks later, I became a captain."
"There's levels to this like Dante's Inferno of shit bag right."
"There was a guy named Andrew Russo who was a captain in the Colombo family who has some sort of tie to a veto and a few mo."
"When a man is a made member, he goes to his captain which is his supervisor right above him, he goes to him and he puts it on record with him."
"Men know there is a rank amongst us, and we know that in order to compete and get the things we want as men, we must rank."
"The higher-ups, especially, would want Yuji dead, just like they did in the normal story."
"...the importance of the hierarchy of the church to moderate the other charisms."
"The teaching authority of the church is daily exercised through the Roman Pontiff and the bishops who are in communion with him."
"'But many that are first shall be last and the last first.'"
"There are people in society who are above others, more gifted, more intelligent, more noble."
"The Marine Corps in that organization at that time in my life, I always knew exactly where you fit into the scheme of things."