
Thoughtfulness Quotes

There are 3238 quotes

"Cupid hit me with precision; I wondered if you look both ways when you crossed my mind."
"Friendship isn't based on how much the gift cost; friendship's based on the fact that you thought about me."
"One of the things I actually like about Elon as a person is that he actually sits there and considers the questions that you ask him in real time."
"He has literally been talking about traveling for his birthday, so I was like, 'I'm on it.'"
"Think about things that are honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report."
"Don't mistake this love language for materialism. The receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift."
"It's not really about expensive things... it's a thought thing."
"You're the last thing I think about before I fall asleep."
"There are people right now that are thinking of you, believe it or not."
"Design a system that's thoughtful and intelligent."
"I'm not here to convince anybody... I'm here to plant a thought."
"I like to give people gifts that they actually want, like they need, and they may have known."
"I know that this video was a little different than usual. Nonetheless, I think it shows us how much thought Oda puts into many of the concepts he introduces."
"Gift-giving isn't just about the object itself; it's about the thought, the effort, and making it special for the person."
"Have you ever wanted to cross somebody's mind or to maybe make somebody think of you more fondly?"
"Don't let a whole lot of time go by without at least letting them know that you're thinking about them."
"I have zero interest in converting or de-converting anybody. You are welcome. I just hope we can all keep being thinking human beings, whatever our personal views happen to be."
"There is something that goes beyond the thoughtless. It makes us stop and think about something quite important in an entirely different way."
"I like to thoroughly think out my opinions before publicizing them."
"Gift giving sounds kind of like materialistic but I mean in a sense of like thoughtful gifts."
"In our time here, we thought about you endlessly."
"We need to remember our neighbors when we shop, we need to pick up the phone for a chat with loved ones, we need to display small acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, of love, and compassion."
"To be thought of is one of the highest endearments...the thought counts, it actually does."
"The beauty of a handmade gift is in the thought and the details."
"It wasn't about the cost or the gift at all, it was just very thoughtful."
"The best gifts are thoughtful personal ones."
"We've put an enormous amount of thought into the underlying economic design."
"Be gentle with how you speak, truthful but thoughtful."
"I just brought you a little something to eat."
"Laws like this deserve more thought and more care and more nuance when being dealt with."
"The best gifts are the ones that make the receiver feel like, 'Wait a minute, this present is so sweet.'"
"Small minds talk about people, medium minds talk about events, and large minds talk about ideas." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Be thoughtful. Most of your viewers will be parents or prospective parents or grandparents."
"Upward and reaching for a thought I can only imagine."
"But if somebody gives me a gift, if it's something they've made, if it's something they've put a lot of thought into, I still will always receive it and accept it graciously."
"People may disagree with me, but I'm never thoughtless with my language."
"That's the kind of person he is, thoughtful."
"I just find making things by hand, the craft of it, it forces you to slow down and to think and to explore in different ways."
"The best gifts are gifts that people would really love and enjoy, but they wouldn't necessarily buy themselves."
"Let the people in your life know that you're thinking about them."
"You've really given me a lot of food for thought."
"It's very nice, right? That's the type of thought I like to betray - with respect."
"Give him thoughtful gifts... it really works."
"It's not the song or the festival. It's that you took the time to care."
"Maybe a better word for what we all need to practice is thoughtfulness, critical thinking about the task at hand and considering potential outcomes."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do to your fellow human being is to get them to think, don't give them answers all the time."
"It just melted my heart that they took the time to actually think about me, and it made me feel so good."
"You're carefully thinking about what you're gonna do before you go ahead and do it."
"The love of a man is best expressed in small thoughtful gestures."
"Wise people are deliberative and thoughtful."
"It's just so considerate, every little detail."
"If you lose one of your rights today, you lose another one tomorrow."
"Be kind, be thoughtful, and express gratitude."
"It's unique, thoughtful, and charming. It's a real achievement."
"It's just the most thoughtful thing I can think of, it's the most amazing amazing gift if you don't want to buy a gift for someone, do this."
"I think everything about Harry's thoughtfulness is and the inclusion of that and obviously not being able to meet his mom it's so important to me to to know that she's a part of this with us."
"Allah is constantly telling us: I want you to think, I want you to reflect, I want you to contemplate."
"Somebody's thinking about you seven days a week."
"The value of human creation is not measured by its speed and efficiency, it's measured by its thoughtfulness."
"I feel like there's less of an urgency to you you're thinking more"
"The show blended spectacle with thoughtfulness."
"He really did put in the work before delivering his thoughts to the world."
"He picked them out and was like, insistent that I have them, which I thought was very cute."
"I thought that would be a winner because you love your green ones."
"Pro-life people have thought through the consequences."
"They want to help and they want to have an open, honest connection with you."
"Thanks for bringing us to the land of thoughtfulness... Refreshing perspectives."
"It was uncharacteristically thoughtful of me."
"It's the quality of the thought that counts."
"They spend a lot of time thinking about you."
"It's a good trait to have. If you overthink, it means you care."
"I think the future of medicine will be practitioners who are a lot more thoughtful."
"A game that will make you feel feels... a very compelling and very thoughtful experience."
"Alyssa absolutely nailed that gift, that is about as thoughtful as gift giving gets."
"And there's a great little $5 gift for someone on your list."
"Thank you, Olivia, for that very well-thought-out question."
"Together with your thoughts, blending it... you're going to be able to create something beautiful."
"That's what makes a good gift, I give things that I would like for myself."
"I like giving people things that they really use, that they would really like."
"Planning ahead when I want to go on vacation helps me stay organized and prepared."
"I think this is such a thoughtful gift idea to do for Christmas."
"It just shows so much thoughtfulness in this composition overall."
"The real gifts, the best gifts, are the ones that show how much someone cares."
"I feel like this is such a lovely personal idea to gift someone, it really shows how much you care."
"I owe it to anyone who cares to put some real thought into it."
"That's why I give gifts year-round and enjoy seeing something that makes me think of that person."
"It's the little things, like her birthday's coming up soon, and I know she loves sweets."
"He really has thought this through, there's a logic to it."
"I'm touched that you thought of me. Thank you so much for the gift."
"This is so incredibly inexpensive but such a thoughtful gift and also really pretty too."
"You can't measure a gift by the price tag it's all about the thought and the love and the energy that you put into it."
"My love language is gifts... I like thoughtful gifts."
"There's a lot more to think about if you're making things properly and thoughtfully."
"There's love coming in, and I feel like whoever this is, they put a lot of thought into this message."
"We really want kids to slow down and be more thoughtful."
"Absolutely not, but wait a minute, it's just a thought. My heart only belongs to my husband."
"The most beautiful thoughts are always besides the darkest."
"It's a lot of thought in it. Tremendous amount."
"And I truly think this is such a nice, fun, and interesting gift, so that way not only it is thoughtful but also provides a really fun and creative activity."
"Sentimental gifts can go a long way on a budget."
"Just making sure that you're really thinking things through."
"You must not try to understand things in a hurry. You must think over what you are told and develop your own opinion."
"It's one of the most thoughtful gifts I've ever gotten and probably will ever get."
"A book and a bookmark is always a really traditional and thoughtful gift idea."
"He's giving you a warning? That's pretty thoughtful for an enemy."
"It's those little philosophical flourishes too that I think are kind of nice."
"Take an extra 0.5 seconds to think about what comes out of your mouth before you say it."
"They appreciate little reminders that you're thinking of them."
"MagellanTV subscription is a great, thoughtful gift."
"This is a really nice and inexpensive gift idea."
"We should change that and make people think before they repeat disparaging negative sentiments about white people."
"I just thought it would be really good for her."
"It's just that little extra thing in the day that makes them go 'ah, they're still thinking about me.' Oh, they still love me."
"You love how thoughtful they are, always considering you."
"I appreciate that everyone does this and is thinking of me."
"Think before you speak and think of the words you're gonna use."
"I feel like it's it is emotionally strong intelligent someone who can understand your thoughts the kind of man who buys the cookie even though you say you don't want it and they share it with you."
"I feel like this would be the most perfect gift for grandparents, for parents, for kids, for friends, literally for anyone if you're a little bit stuck with what to get someone this year."
"I just think that is such a thoughtful little gift."
"Giving the gift of skincare is one of the best things that you could give to someone."
"There's a lot going into this, it's super well thought out, it's intelligent, it's purposeful, it's super well made [ __ ]."
"Just a little bit of dark wisdom for your Tuesday."
"It seems like you all really put a lot of thought into all the different scenarios."
"You guys are amazing you're so thoughtful you guys are so generous and also just so insightful."
"That really makes it more thoughtful, you know, it's just for them."
"We have to actively create platforms for honest and thoughtful conversations."
"When I think of Kyrie, I think of stuff like that."
"I'm thinking of you this very moment, and your love fills me."
"The best gift that you can give is something that's customized and super thoughtful."
"Everything can be simple if things aren't simple we haven't thought about it long enough."
"Think about things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report."
"I just think really thoughtful presents are just like the best."
"Anytime like someone puts a little bit of thought into something and it just kind of hits."
"That was nice of her to think of, to be considerate of the co-pilot idea."
"Prayer is when the mind is engaged. It's built on critical thinking and thoughtfulness."
"When you take time to pause in between your thoughts, you're really allowing those thoughts to land."
"It's not the cost of the gift that matters, it's the thought that counts."
"Little things go a long way in relationships. Thoughtfulness matters."
"Don't ask permission, you're not the only one giving that a lot of thought as well."
"I think it's a really nice gift that's not gonna break the bank but really kind of thoughtful."
"We keep getting better and better at thinking about things."
"The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart, thoughtful, and generous."
"You're always in my thoughts, I'm sending you a big hug."
"A man taking you on a thoughtful date is the real investment."
"That actually would be a really good birthday gift."
"Always think twice before you entertain the thought."
"When you're that thoughtful for people, when you go out of your way to buy a gift for them that really represents them, it shows that you love them."
"Romantic gestures are different to being thoughtful in my opinion."
"Attacking is not just a matter of making the most imposing moves. It's a matter of making the thoughtful moves."
"You really don't need to spend too much and you can make something really, really nice for somebody that you care about."
"I think thoughtful gifts are better than... well, they are. It's not about the values, you know."
"I hope that we can be a little more thoughtful about the way that we are interacting with each other."
"I want to see us become more thoughtful rather than so knee-jerk reactive as a collective when we hear of harm being done."
"One of the things that you can give away that often times we don't think about is to give away an experience."
"They are very secretive but they're very, very thoughtful."
"He thought a hologram of himself might be comforting. Mr. Luthor can be so thoughtful sometimes."
"I love being with the girls, thinking of ways to make them happy."
"I'm a very thoughtful person, right? And like, I'll go out of my way to show it."
"There is always a thought of you, even when I am unthinking."
"Honestly, people just want thoughtfulness more than anything else."
"If you're thoughtful enough, you will get through this and you have a chance to get through this better than when you started."
"Always thinking about you, do you think about me still?"
"It's just showing the appreciation, being thoughtful."
"Thank you guys so much for this gift it was very thoughtful actually I'm sitting down 100% of the time so this is become pretty nifty."
"I wanted to get you flowers, but they die so fast; this shouldn't."
"A little thought goes a long way."
"This one was more thoughtful and artfully done thematically and from a story and character perspective."
"Deep reflective thought requires a comfy chair."
"You're being very strategic, thinking very thoroughly about every single move."
"I'm thinking about you right now, in this moment."
"They're somebody who's a deep thinker, somebody who's really contemplative."
"It's just fantastic to know that there's somebody out there in the world thinking about you."
"There's absolutely opportunities if you're thoughtful enough."
"Thinking of you brings calm to my soul."
"Maybe this hyperfixation has left some merit and space to bring back a little bit of ambiguity, a little multifunctionality."
"That's genuinely how insanely in-depth and thought out the jokes in this movie are."
"Yes, a package. It's my dad's birthday tomorrow, and I ordered him a gift."
"It's possibly one of the best gifts you can give to yourself or you can give a new or expecting mom."
"No pressure, it's not a big deal, I just thought it'd be something sweet to do for him."
"I know which ones I'm going to buy my mom for Mother's Day."
"It's not the gift, but the thought that counts."
"I love a guy that kind of remembers things and just little small gestures."
"I constantly wonder if I'm on your mind as much as you're on mine."
"I firmly believe that every present that someone gets should make them feel really special and appreciated."
"It's not even about the gift, it's just about the thought."
"When we think for other people, the world becomes a better place."
"Giving somebody the gift of relaxation is just so nice when you don't have the time to think about it for yourself."
"I want to buy a Volvo to surprise my wife; it's her all-time favorite car."
"Well thought out... it's so well thought out."
"Just a little something to show you I'm thinking of you, I hope these make you smile."
"Next time I see you, now that I know you a little better, I can bring you a better gift."
"Everything around them appears fuzzy and nice until Lenel announces that in honor of her name, he will construct her the most grand chicken coupe."
"When a man loves you, on his way home from work after a long day, he'll stop and get your favorite drink... just to remind you that he was thinking about you."
"It's the thought that really does count in this case."
"She was good at picking out things you needed, wanted, or you knew you would like."
"Your wife would look lovely in this, should I buy it for her?"
"I'll be thinking about you every day."
"She knew how much her morning and evening kisses meant to me and she was so thoughtful to remember to kiss me every day."
"It just melted my heart, they took the time to actually think about me and it made me feel so good."
"My definition of success is if we manage to convince a huge number of people on this earth to enjoy being thoughtful."