
Infrastructure Quotes

There are 4352 quotes

"It's a sensible infrastructure deal; it's all about infrastructure, which is what it should be."
"Infrastructure generates the economic growth that allows the rest of this to happen on its own."
"This fulfillment platform sounds like this is the backbone of Uber's architecture."
"Walt Disney World in Florida uses secret underground tunnels... to maintain the magic."
"You have to tell people Joe Biden fixed the I-95 Bridge so it doesn't collapse on your spouse on the way home from work."
"Old Trafford needs to have a stadium that is befitting the club and the brand."
"Infrastructure is important, and as I’ve said before, we’re living off of the infrastructure investment of my parents and grandparents."
"President Biden giving fundamentally critically important speeches about our democracy, about our alliances abroad, about infrastructure projects, about protecting and preserving Social Security."
"Raven Rock is basically this large city inside of a hollowed-out mountain with its own police and fire departments, medical facilities, and a dining hall."
"Residents have access to all their daily needs within a five-minute walk... and the line's infrastructure makes it possible to travel end to end in 20 minutes."
"We should all be invested in the improvement of our country. Infrastructural improvements, this should be like a non-issue."
"Trump promised an infrastructure bill; it never came. Trump promised a repeal and replace of healthcare; it never happened."
"5G is interesting because it's got huge bandwidth, very high frequency...doesn't travel very far so you need thousands of 5G repeaters everywhere."
"Investment in infrastructure and green technology is crucial for economic health."
"Investing in America in ways we haven't for decades: roads repaired, bridges rebuilt, improvements in ports, airports, and public transportation."
"The trade and commercial infrastructure around the rivers... watch as our prosperity grows."
"Australia is building like never before, investing over $200 billion to connect its cities, cut carbon emissions, transform urban living, and prepare for the Olympic Games."
"I see problems there; I see a need to invest in ourselves, invest in infrastructure, invest in human capital, create greater equality of opportunity."
"We have hit it. Megalopolis. That gives us the international airport, the cargo airport hub."
"Pretoria Metropolitan Airport senses that a significant expansion is necessary to continue the growth of the community."
"At the moment, this cargo station is still not up and running like we've got this beautiful cargo station tucked away just here, but we can't use it because it doesn't go anywhere. It doesn't connect to anything, so it's pretty pointless."
"It means we have a high volume intersection that isn't like a big interchange, which I gotta say, I am loving."
"It's a great question... in the president's American Jobs Plan, he's proposed to expand universal broadband access across the country to urban and rural areas."
"Eisenhower’s biggest accomplishment was his massive role in the creation of the Interstate Highway System."
"What we need is next-gen infrastructure... not last century's infrastructure."
"A horrifying scene in Baltimore this morning: the Francis Scott Key Bridge struck by a cargo ship and collapsing overnight."
"To lose the Francis Scott Key Bridge and also have this harbor or this port so dramatically impacted will have a dramatic impact on the Baltimore region today."
"This is just the beginning. We will not stop until our nation's gleaming new infrastructure has made America the envy of the world again."
"Now that absolute poverty has been ended, now that the infrastructure is incredible, the goal is to make sure that Chinese working people have much better standards of living and there is better equality between them."
"China has the fastest and largest high-speed rail network in the world."
"High-speed rail is quickly expanding all over the world in places like India, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, and Morocco."
"The American Jobs Plan, known as the physical infrastructure package, which the White House says will create millions of jobs."
"You can save money, but also, if you don't have the right infrastructure, moving to the cloud can cost you a ton of money."
"Capitalists also want clean running water and indoor plumbing because in the long run, it boosts societal output."
"Imagine that: a $4.5 billion project in Mexico that could go toe-to-toe with the Panama Canal."
"His greatest admirers continue to tout his Presidency as a period of exceptional economic and infrastructural development."
"Taxation is the way towards a prosperous society; it can provide some good things like roads and schools."
"We are not building an infrastructure that is reflective of this wealth, and that's silly."
"Qatar wants to restore Manchester United to former glories with an emphasis on youth and infrastructure."
"It’s hard to overstate the benefits of a dam: flood control, agriculture, water supply for cities, and hydroelectric power."
"This is the moment to create millions of good-paying jobs, rebuilding both our physical infrastructure, dealing with climate, and dealing with the needs of working families and our children and the elderly."
"We should really have a pedestrian facility to get there."
"I hope it's a wake-up call to the nation that we need to make these critical infrastructure investments."
"If an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach... was designed too low for it to pass by, that obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices."
"There's no infrastructure for electric cars, yet they're pushing us to buy things that aren't supported."
"We're not just building infrastructure; we're building livelihoods."
"Supporting the many other bridges that are still in very poor condition."
"I'm currently driving through one of the longest undersea tunnels in the world. I've traveled all over the world, seen some amazing construction projects, but this is a feat of infrastructure like nothing else."
"We need to prioritize where deferred maintenance has gotten to be a huge problem and address that."
"Building bold infrastructure has always been central to America's story."
"Infrastructure is the foundation that makes it possible for people to live and work well."
"Investing in a full vision of infrastructure is how we build a safer and more prosperous America."
"Rebuilding bridges is not a democratic idea, ensuring kids have access to clean water is not a democratic idea."
"City functions will be divided into three main layers: a lower spine layer with all the main transport systems, a service layer run mostly autonomously, and a pedestrian layer where people live their lives."
"A robust and timely federal response, including through supplemental programs and funding, will be required to ensure that sufficient resources are provided to rebuild critical infrastructure and public services capacity, and to assist our fellow Floridians in rebuilding their lives."
"Infrastructure as code is becoming a more important part of how people build and deliver applications."
"We do allocate funding from wealthier neighborhoods to fix roads and schools in poorer neighborhoods because we want to make sure everyone has equal access."
"I want to lay the roads now so that generations after generations can use those same roads to get to the moon. Get to Mars. Go beyond."
"We will build a national broadband network infrastructure... to give access to fast and reliable internet to all Jamaicans anywhere in Jamaica."
"Logistics is the city operating system, the global operating system enabling us to run the whole economy on it."
"The highway that built a continent, defined a nation."
"Cape Canaveral is only a series of details in a visible form. For success, every detail must work."
"A comprehensive Cyber attack would bring to a complete halt to power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole."
"Colonies need civilian infrastructure; they were in need of hard work, sweat, and determination focused on making a go at it."
"The federal government almost needs to approach this like the creation of the interstate system that they need to step in to lower barriers for investment."
"In reality, it's quite an ambitious project the Biden Administration wants to invest billions of dollars to build charging stations for EVs and to lower the EV costs."
"We take for granted things like decent jobs, good schools, Wi-Fi, public transportation, reliable sewers, grocery stores, and medical insurance."
"One of the ways you understand a society is through its infrastructure, the places where people gather, the places where they go to travel."
"We need to invest in child care in the same way that we invest in highways so that people can get to work."
"A saying goes, 'Drainage systems are the conscience of a city.'"
"Can you imagine a country that had proper public infrastructure?"
"A bad winter storm took out the Texas power grid... the grid is made out of 200 different... industrial assemblies, each of those is made up of a variety of parts that are differentially susceptible to winter."
"As of the end of 2020, China's high-speed rail operating mileage reached 37,900 kilometers, accounting for two-thirds of the world's total mileage, far ahead of other countries."
"White men's roads through black men's homes." - Professor Deborah Archer
"Roads can't be racist. You can't build racism into a road. Roads are made of sand and gravel and asphalt. Ask any road builder; roads cannot be racist any more than toasters or sectional couches can be racist." - Tucker Carlson parody
"It's just a road unless it was your community that was targeted, your homes and community institutions and businesses that were destroyed, robbing people in the community of their wealth and economic foundation." - Professor Deborah Archer
"Maglev is revolutionizing the transportation infrastructure."
"Between 1996 and 2016, China has built 2.6 million miles of roads, including 70,000 miles of highways, connecting 95% of the country's villages and overtaking the US as the country with the most extensive highway system by almost 50%."
"We need a financial operating system for the countries that don't have it."
"You have to change the infrastructure of what racism is now."
"We need to put some infrastructure in and hard work in, and earn our million pounds because that's going to provide us with some longevity."
"We need to build a road to space, and it all starts right here."
"You need the supermarket to feed the people, the school to teach the people, the hospital to save the people, and the bank to invest in the people."
"Roman Britain may have died, but its legacy would live on, the well-built road systems, ruined cities, towns, villas, and very belief systems of the old empire continuing to frame the existence of those who came after."
"The Chinese government has built out over 40,000 kilometers of high-speed rail in the past two decades. They assumed as they built more that every extra kilometer would become cheaper, but it didn't."
"Crypto, blockchain, and web 3 are going to become the backbone of the future of infrastructure."
"Israel claims it discovered the tunnel 55 meters long. That doesn't sound to me like a Hamas command and control center which has multiple stories."
"Gaza had the opportunity to invest billions of dollars into infrastructure, but they built tunnels and bombs."
"Infrastructure in your own country could be free education, that could be free health, you know, universal health care that a lot of other countries have that the U.S does not have."
"The Kisumu International Airport has undergone a major facelift."
"The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, often referred to as the HZMB, is a marvel of modern engineering."
"The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel... carries US-13 and saves users 95 miles along alternate routes."
"Nobody is going to benefit from infrastructure in this country going kaput."
"The American public have seen... how so the substructure of this economy is so damaged."
"Infrastructure has the power to shape millions of people's lives for the better, but only if it's built right."
"Flat escalators... those are underrated. You put those everywhere."
"An attack on the civilian infrastructure no doubt will have an impact on any infrastructure dependent on it."
"Qatar's government has spent more than 300 billion dollars on infrastructure projects."
"The true Roman artists were the engineers who built not only temples and theaters but roads, bridges, aqueducts, and baths. It's a practical, functional artistry where the beauty lies in the accomplishment and its usefulness to the empire."
"Once he builds the dam, it stops the damage from flooding but does not stop the fertility increases from that River."
"We are done talking about infrastructure weeks; now we're talking about an infrastructure decade."
"Slow changes build new infrastructure to hold up our civilization with alternate energies; nuclear power sounds like a great idea. I'm a big fan of renewables—tidal energy, geothermal, all really great."
"We need a media infrastructure that's held accountable."
"A week ago, the primary gang leader...basically said okay, the fuel terminal is open."
"Major new Supercharger station coming to Santa Monica soon, hoping to have 50s diner and 100 best movie clips playing too."
"We must understand the scale of what is happening... 300 million people... entered the banking system... 450 million people... got connected to tap water... 810 million people benefit from [food provision] every day."
"Actually, in the UK... I've got a cafe with a charger 50 feet away, a Waitrose with a couple of them, a Tesco with a couple of slow chargers, I've got an Indian restaurant with a rapid charger. Actually, that's all you need."
"I want to emphasize that we continue to build the nation's public health infrastructure to ensure that we have the capacity to stay in the containment mode."
"We need to fix that...it's better to have a fire department already built than to try to fling it together when your house is already burning down."
"What you're trying to say is women could go read the manuals, learn the information, apply the information, and run the existing infrastructure as effectively as the men are."
"Nothing says extravagance and luxury quite like having your own subterranean parking lot."
"The Dwight D. Eisenhower Interstate Highway System, which spans the entire mainland of the nation."
"We do need to look at everything from emergency shelters to radio masts for emergency broadcasts, earthquake sensors, tsunami warning buoys, weather radars, and a deep space radar for meteors."
"We need a big and bold program to modernize our nation's crumbling infrastructure."
"Infrastructure development became a cornerstone of China's economic strategy."
"Just because Joe Manchin decided to refuse to build back better doesn't mean that any of the problems that the American people face cease to exist."
"They're drafting legislation right now, preliminary legislation that would build a $3 trillion stimulus package for infrastructure."
"My infrastructure law will supercharge our effort, upgrading everything from roads and bridges to ports and airports, railways, and transit to make the economy move faster and reduce prices for families."
"Increasing evidence suggests that a climate sensitive realignment of savings and expenditure toward low emission climate resilient infrastructure and services requires an evolution of global and national financial systems."
"So, when that structure begins to crumble, our way of life suffers."
"The first wave of funding going out through President Biden's infrastructure law... It's going to open up an era. There will be no going back."
"More bikes in the road means better infrastructure for everyone."
"The bill funnels billions to upgrade public transit, improve water supply, and expand broadband internet to rural communities. It aims to put hundreds of thousands of Americans to work rebuilding roads and bridges."
"I don't believe in two trillion dollar infrastructure program I think that's nuts."
"There's less and less of it around same thing with copper we need way more copper um to build out the electric infrastructure that everybody is planning."
"With all of our infrastructure defined as code and successfully provisioned, we can now move on to deploying the application."
"Going to a planet you can put some platform in space."
"People are hearing about a road or Bridge being built in their Community they're seeing the cost of insulin cap to 35."
"What good came from colonialism, if any? Infrastructural development."
"Under Mayor Henyard's leadership, we have seen significant improvement in our community infrastructure."
"Extreme weather events often exceed infrastructure capacities and design standards and initiate infrastructure hardware and institutional failures which can cascade to service outages."
"Incidents less than a week apart, now fueling concerns about America's aging infrastructure."
"Certainly, this incident is going to give America's bridge builders and engineering community a lot to think about."
"The American Jobs Plan will create millions of good-paying jobs."
"Building resilient and sustainable infrastructure... will play an integral role in creating millions of good paying union jobs."
"It's like you see a guard rail that a car has hit and it's like all mangled but it's there and you're like okay so it held it held but that doesn't mean it's going to help them hold the next time."
"There's no Republican or Democratic way to fill a pothole, just fill the damn pothole."
"30 years of Victorian ingenuity gave Brighton the railway, the West Pier, luxurious hotels, and the sewers."
"We need a public health infrastructure in this country that allows CDC and our states and local health departments to be prepared for a pandemic."
"Every now and again someone comes up with a brilliant idea, like why don't we coat our roads with solar panels?"
"Pumped hydro or pumped storage hydropower (PSH) accounts for 94% of the world’s energy storage capacity."
"It's like... 113 degrees in Texas and like Texas doesn't have a power grid that functions but yeah, things are going crazy."
"We saw this freight rail strike threatening supply chains, and again, the food supply - it's all interconnected."
"My ambition to be a billionaire about that age of 30 or 40 because in the backyard area there is no education infrastructure, no medical infrastructure."
"There's definitely an economic disparity in neighborhoods with good infrastructure."
"The problem is that this power outage isn't just bad for the cold. People can't get food, restaurants and grocery stores can't open, it breaks down the supply chain."
"Making those investments in America and all across the country."
"The city is now currently split into two with two bridges that once spanned a ravine in the city being all that connects the east and west sections of el torel."
"The widest freeway in the world? That's the Katy Freeway in Texas."
"We can do something about climate change... it may be about building sea walls."
"But then you build infrastructure for the new technology."
"So what we're part of now is the very early stages... of the greatest infrastructure inversion the world has ever seen."
"A nationwide network of limited access highways: Eisenhower's vision became reality."
"Climate change is such an important topic and the world really does need to build more nuclear and we'll build more nuclear." - Unknown speaker
"The DNS system is this thing that we all use every single day... and these people who meet every three months and have sandwiches together in a secure facility they basically keep the internet safe."
"Broadband is a huge issue for us... there's so much money that has to actually go into it."
"Americans can be confident that we'll continue to build out that structure going forward for the weeks ahead and the months ahead."
"Chainlink provides infrastructure that will secure hundreds of trillions of dollars over the coming years."
"The Chinese spent eight trillion dollars building ports and schools and hospitals and roads and they are now eating our lunch abroad."
"A great backbone for a higher capacity transit system."
"It's not like oh man the levee's held and was over with yeah it's great to levy sales great government put billions into it but there's a whole nother calcification that's that has happened that is making it unlivable for us."
"The American Jobs Plan: a once-in-a-generation investment in America itself."
"My administration is working every day to deliver the world-class infrastructure that our people deserve."
"Our infrastructure will again be the best in the world."
"We will rebuild our country with American workers, American iron, American aluminum, American steel."
"Within the city of David it is full of tunnels and reservoirs of waters in this Gyan spring."
"China has the largest high-speed rail network in the world, spanning over 40,000 kilometers."
"Giving an economy more energy allows people to light their homes, fuel their cars, transport goods, power construction machinery, and run services like healthcare."
"Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you got a business that you didn't build that somebody else made that happen."
"Solar panels attached to highway sound barriers will produce 800 megawatt hours annually, enough to power around 100 households."
"Society will collapse very quickly in my opinion if the power grid were to fail."
"Infrastructure in shambles: bridges, railroads, electrical, and water distribution systems severely damaged."
"One of the things that they're talking a lot about with that is the infrastructure bill, rebuilding our bridges and our roads which is something that is desperately needed."
"Zero interest is a good thing when it comes to rebuilding your infrastructure in your country back."
"Blockchain technology is by its very nature an extension of existing infrastructure systems."
"You might think well isn't that a good thing but you actually need people who know how to keep the lights on."
"Do we have a deal? President Biden is announcing there is an infrastructure bill on the table, praising the bipartisan team for coming up with a compromise." - News segment.
"Let's just place in some water pipes for these lovely people."
"Having conversations about infrastructure, big tech, and some important stuff is happening."
"These plants are deeply dangerous to our national security and ought not be built."
"They're not giving you any infrastructure. YouTube takes the infrastructure that the government helped create, builds a company on top of that, and then says, 'Here, you have to pay us profits for said infrastructure.'"
"Prepare for infrastructure issues: water purification, power production, medical equipment, and finances."
"The infrastructure plan is about modernizing outdated infrastructure."
"Once you have this first big permanent base though... hopefully you will have picked the ideal power source for the Moon."
"Clean and healthy drinking water and safe and effective stormwater and wastewater infrastructure is necessary for every thriving community."
"This will be the largest investment in clean drinking water and wastewater infrastructure in American history."
"North American supercharger usage tracking to exceed pre kovat highs in two to three weeks." - Elon Musk
"Everybody needs roads and bridges and ports."
"The deal makes the largest investment in clean drinking water in American history, replacing all the nation's lead pipes and service lines."
"We're encouraged by the movement of the infrastructure package forward."
"No matter what happens, a lot of that money is still going to potholes, roads, schools."
"This model is often referred to as the collapsed core model."
"The expansion of the Panama Canal will impact major trade lanes."
"If you really wanted to take a country over you don't want to destroy the whole place, you just want to knock out your lights."
"An EMP hits the central Grid it's not going to hit every little house in the middle of nowhere."
"Infrastructure represents an attractive asset class."
"Building this barrier is more than just a campaign promise. It's a common-sense first step to really securing our porous border."
"So now we have connected up Humpback Island to the main island."
"Consistency is very important for such a huge structure, like the internet."
"You don't want to build infrastructure just because it's fun to build infrastructure; you want to build it to address real needs."