
Consent Quotes

There are 2403 quotes

"Tell him to go kick rocks if he refuses to wear a condom and expects me to go on birth control."
"Children who are basically part of social media without their basic consent are at least given some protections."
"If someone asks you to stop, they just need to stop. People need to realize that."
"To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
"Our assumed consent and this unanimous obsession with profit and progress and optimization without regard for the soul of humanity is poison."
"Systems like this should exist but only in an opt-in setting."
"If you can't say no, then your yeses mean nothing."
"You have the right to say yes and to say no to whoever you choose to."
"Public play is irresponsible unless done in a controlled setting because people around you haven't consented to being a party to your sexual activity. This is like 101 stuff."
"If we're talking about having sex and we're not on birth control, then we're consenting to the risk of getting pregnant."
"Nobody gets to do things to my body without my consent. Nobody gets to use my body without my consent, and the same is true for everybody else."
"We can criticize someone without taking away their agency, without coercing them or interfering without their consent."
"How can you subject anything to potential suffering without getting its consent? That seems to be like a pretty big violation of any creature."
"You cannot be forced to commit your bodily resources to the livelihood of another person."
"Manufactured consent is the idea that if you control the airwaves, if you control media, you have the ability to construct the consent of people who listen to you."
"If your partner says no, that has nothing to do with parenting; that is a core relationship problem."
"Because consent matters, do I have your permission to say a prayer?"
"The reason why pedophilia is usually seen as wrong and why I believe it's wrong is because children typically do not possess the mental faculty to truly consent."
"Many questioned whether the girlfriend had given genuine consent to participate in the prank and raised concerns about the lack of consideration for emotional well-being."
"The only legitimate way for such governments to exist is for the people to consent to their existence."
"People's opinions... if you can change them... you can change their positions on things, their understanding of consent."
"We need to have a very serious conversation about what constitutes consent."
"Don't do anything physically with anyone that you wouldn't talk to them about."
"If you told a guy like, 'Hey, I'm not interested,' and the guy is just like, 'Okay cool,' and just chilled, I think these problems would all go away."
"The babies do not and cannot and will not be able to ever give informed consent for their entire lives to be put on the internet."
"Sex trafficking can never be done with the consent of a victim."
"Mutual consent, mutual consent, mutual consent."
"Everything that happened between him and I was 100% consensual."
"I've always been overly cautious with consent...and I think that's just the way I am and just the way it should be."
"I believe in consent. Consensual relationships are essential to a good society, to quality of life."
"Consent has to be well documented, but it also has to be informed, and informed means you have to understand what you're consenting to."
"Well, consent has to be documented, but it also has to be informed, and informed means you have to understand what you're consenting to."
"Consent is only meaningful if it's informed."
"The idea of asking for consent after you've already done the thing is clearly not good; that is not how consent works."
"The acronym for relations consent is FRIES: it must be Freely given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, and Specific."
"If someone in this room got up, took off all our clothes, and walked out the door, no man has a right to touch her."
"Consent should be clearly and freely communicated."
"Consenting to one activity one time does not mean someone gives consent for other activities or for the same activity on another occasion."
"No means no is about the responsibility to listen to and respect a no, when you hear one."
"Legitimate government is government founded on consent."
"Manipulating is influencing someone for your benefit without their consent; educating someone is influencing someone for their benefit with their consent."
"If you get someone to consent under duress, it's not a real form of consent."
"Consent is giving permission to someone or something."
"If we're in the middle of a true experiment, we should have human rights and have a right to say no, to give consent."
"Sex work is real work. And if that's what an adult chooses to do, then that is their choice. However, miners, little kiddos, they can't consent."
"It's very odd... I distinctly remember saying, 'How hard is it to ask for consent?'"
"The legitimacy of government depends on the consent of the governed."
"God does not ask. I gave no consent. The dead gave no consent. God is not innocent."
"If your entire purpose for taking someone out on a date is to sleep with them and then you get angry when they don't sleep with you, you are a predator."
"John Locke favored the consent of the governed... he believed in life, liberty, and property."
"Acknowledgement is not just about recognition. It's about consent, unity, and the collective agreement that empowers a leader in Samoan culture."
"Consent is important. What constitutes consent? Marriage does. That's where sex was encapsulated fundamentally."
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to."
"Consensual means that it is done with the permission and with the knowledge of all the parties involved."
"Nobody should be forced to do something that they're not comfortable doing."
"No means no. The word 'no' can be issued at absolutely any point up to and including during sexual intercourse."
"Proper authority derives from the will of the person over whom it's exercised...that's the consent of the governed."
"Consent doesn't make you any less of a man, consent is really creating the safety for the other person to mutually just be down for it."
"It's super possible to never engage romantically with a woman in a way that she doesn't want. It's not even hard."
"You're not entitled to look at her body just because she is revealing clothing. It's not an invitation; you need to learn how to have self-control."
"Legitimate groups don't do deceptive recruitment; there needs to be informed consent."
"Many deep fakes on the internet feature pornography of female celebrities whose likeliness is typically used without their consent."
"It should be the case that every single time a guy pushes past like a no or whatever, he's raping somebody."
"Don't just send unsolicited dick pics, y'all."
"I don't believe that relationships where there are that big of a power imbalance can ever truly be consensual."
"When you do BDSM, when it's consensual, you establish consent, you talk about it first, you talk about boundaries, you talk about limits and preferences."
"Just because you're married doesn't mean you consent; just because it's your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't mean you consent."
"Silence is not consent; anything short of yes do that is not consent."
"Marriage is consent. That's what marriage means, marriage is full informed consent."
"Someone must know they're consenting to something; they must be capable of consenting; they must know to an extent what it is they're consenting to; and they must be able to stop at any point."
"Many times silence is consent. When you see something bad going on and you stay silent, in a way, you're encouraging it because you're not doing anything to stop it."
"Stealthing, which is surreptitiously removing a prophylactic during the act of sexual intercourse, thus rendering protected intercourse to unprotected, which in certain countries is actual assault."
"The conservative commentator said according to audio released by Media Matters for America, 'You can do anything... as long as there's one element... consent.'"
"Consent to sex is not consent to parenthood."
"The most important tenet of a pickup is that it's mutual. Women are entitled to say no, plain and simple."
"No one on God's green earth owes you any part of their body, their time, or their attention, ever."
"Violating someone's consent is inherently morally wrong."
"We do not have the right to other people's bodies, and that's what incels believe."
"Your desperation to smash or score is not worth it. Establish consent."
"You must maintain your power through consent, not coercion; you must respect the rights of minorities, and participate with a spirit of tolerance and compromise."
"If someone doesn't want to be touched, they shouldn't be touched. That's absolutely the case."
"Our culture has no language anymore to condemn any kind of perversion, because it's all about consent."
"Couldn't he have found a woman who was like, 'I would love for you to tie me up and kick me down the hallway'?"
"No means no, wherever, whenever. It is no means no."
"Governments derive their authority through the consent of the governed."
"Consent isn't negotiable. Consent is required in any and all forms of intimacy, especially sex."
"No one owes you sex, and you don't owe sex to anyone, whether it's a stranger, a partner, a spouse—whoever."
"Do you think children can consent to sterilization?"
"We don't consent with her... think about who we're cons... the consent process."
"No, you didn't allow this to happen. Allowing something to happen implies you gave it permission. At no point did you actually consent."
"No one agrees to get killed when they go to Ed Buck's house no matter what they agree to."
"If you're silent, they will accept your silence as consent."
"It's absurd to shame someone because they don't want to sleep with someone."
"You cannot make me inferior without my permission."
"Enthusiastic consent should be the standard."
"I think in no circumstance shall we force somebody...to use their body against their will."
"That's not surprising given Lori's stance on consent."
"It's not okay to beg someone for sex when they changed their mind, you're creepy."
"A good man respects your voice and your wishes."
"There's good advice... we educate men better... we don't blame the people who get that consent violence."
"I have a real trouble with the idea that there is ever legitimate to seize people's property without their consent."
"I think everyone just knows a no is a no regardless of gender."
"Consent is ongoing and should always be asked for."
"If she doesn't want sex, she doesn't have to be pressured. Ever."
"Reddit users have to make the decision to sexualize us without our input so that they can sexualize us and degrade us for how we look when we're being innocent if we're being sexual on purpose they don't get to do that anymore."
"Nobody gets to do things to my body without my consent."
"You can't just withdraw consent when you've already engaged in an activity... you're kind of there until the end."
"I didn't record her ever. I have never recorded anyone ever without their consent."
"If you don't have an open and honest line of communication with them, how can you get things like consent?"
"My body, my choice. Completely agreed. My wallet, my choice. Also completely agreed."
"If a kid was scared and didn't want to do it, kids shouldn't have had to do it. Period. The end."
"No one has the right to touch you if you don't want them to."
"She gave me the green light. It's consensual. She gonna be jumping, bro."
"Clothes don't equal consent like even if somebody's dressing promiscuously that that doesn't give you like yeah the right to touch them or think that they would they are easy or something like that."
"At bottom what's super important is that people get to decide who gets access to their body."
"My love for you does not require your permission."
"Non-consensual pelvic exams... still happening."
"You don't have rights to my organs... without my consent."
"If a person says no, then you walk away and you let it go."
"I will never post anything ever whether it's a YouTube thing or an OnlyFans thing or whatever without written consent."
"I do not consent to being there, so delete this [ __ ]. I'm being dead [ __ ] serious."
"It's not hurting other people. It is consensual. A government that affords you the ability to live a dignified life through strong institutions and a government which doesn't surveil you, I think that is a government that stays out of your life."
"Consent should be able to be revoked. You should be able to tell your friend, who's your friend, you know, 'Hey, now that I'm looking at that, I don't know that I'm okay with that up.'"
"I feel like if someone says, 'hey, I don't want to put this up,' there shouldn't be any questions."
"They just actually don't listen to you when you say no."
"All relationships should be consensual and power should not be abused."
"Teaching women, or anyone for that matter, to shut their mouths during an intimate moment to spare someone's feelings, is disgusting."
"Pulling off somebody else's clothes without their consent is sexual assault, no matter how you spin it."
"Manufacturing consent is a demonstrably successful way of controlling the population."
"Children can't consent. Don't prey on them. Controversy solved."
"Ultimately gives us the following final conclusion: Necromancy... is definitely an evil practice unless someone consents to being reanimated with just their own body and soul."
"Consent is something that is not only important but necessary."
"Enthusiastic consent means looking for the presence of a yes rather than the absence of a no."
"Don't push your kinks onto other people who can't consent to seeing it."
"The ability to do it living subjects means not just that it can be done with the informed consent of the subject, but that it can be reversed too."
"When something hurts or something doesn't feel right, say that to the person. Your body isn't just something to be penetrated whenever you want, you are deeply into the experience."
"Actual grooming doesn't always have to do with trying to pressure a young or vulnerable person into immediately engaging in some kind of non-consensual sex act."
"Consent on that level will never be sexy, it's a turn-off, not a turn-on."
"Did you know that two drunk people deciding to have a six are mutually committing to each other?"
"The most powerful word you can say is 'I do not consent' because your consent is yours."
"That all sex should be consensual and a mutually gratifying experience for everyone."
"Silence is consent; it's your body, it's your choice."
"Why is it so hard to just not harass people? I don't understand."
"Hands to yourself. Back the [ __ ] up. Not everybody wants to be hugged."
"The government's legitimacy comes from the consent of the governed, it does not exist to inform the people how they should think."
"Wait a minute, I don't consent to this. Wait a minute, this isn't okay with me anymore."
"Civilized democracy only works if you have the concept of the loser's consent."
"He has never touched a woman that didn't want to be touched."
"If you need me to be the one to call out the fact that that's not a yes, I'm okay with that."
"No one's ever asking for any sort of harassment about the way they're dressing or looking."
"It's all about the context, consent, and how you portray in what way they touched your life."
"Before you take something, don't you get the information? I'm saying that I think it's wrong that they force people to take something without the informed consent."
"When I try to reset you, will you let me? Will you let me reset you?"
"If you're not sure if someone wants to have sex with you, ask."
"But the thing is that even if 90% of those people would agree to it if you ask them, you still have to ask them, or it's copyright infringement."
"What matters is that you cannot give a right to a fetus that no other human has, which is the right to use someone else's body without express and ongoing consent."
"I'm not into this, I don't want my bum touched."
"Parents must be informed if their child wants to identify differently, but nothing to be said about consent."
"I'm personally of the opinion that children can't give informed consent when it comes to regards to their own gender identity."
"If there were a lottery and they'd all agreed to the procedure, you think that would be okay, right?"
"Are you allowed to kiss strangers wherever you want whenever you want?"
"But if they say they're not interested, it's not your job to test them on it or to try to figure out if maybe they're just playing hard-to-get."
"The consent should be enthusiastic, informed consent."
"Informed and enthusiastic consent is the preferred consent."
"So could I publicly request my face to be blanked out? Yeah, yeah. Is it okay to come another conversation?"
"Flirting with someone doesn't equate to consent."
"You don't have the right to create someone for suffering when they didn't consent to that."
"Consenting to puberty blockers is in essence consenting to cross-sex hormones."
"Just don't violate people's consent, listen to them when they're saying no, and respect that."
"Educate yourself and stop doing things against people's will."
"Authority is legitimate if and only if it acts in accord with principles the subjects agree to."
"Better to ask and maybe have a moment of awkwardness rather than rape somebody."
"I think number one issue with consent is women not being communicative enough with what they want."
"As long as it's safe, sane, and consensual, why does it matter?"
"Consent is not a retrospective thing it's an ongoing thing and it can change at any moment."
"I would consider cheating to be anything you do with another person without your primary partner's consent."
"Teaching kids the idea of bodily autonomy and consent is not sexualizing a child. It is protecting a child from getting abused."
"Female consent: the first sexual Revolution."
"The West's first sexual Revolution: female consent."
"I think two consenting adults should be able to exchange money and do what the [ __ ] they want."
"Always ask for consent, that's all you've got to do, just ask."
"There'll be less and less work for actors and people's images can be used without their consent."
"Would it be okay for me to pay someone to hold my hand? Would it be okay for me to pay someone to kiss me?"
"There are some very specific cases where your ability to consent to something is heavily compromised."
"Stay safe, stay sane, and if you get up to anything freaky, just make sure it's consensual."
"Blurred Lines garnered plenty of controversy for its lyrics, which were often said to minimize the importance of consent."
"Nobody is truly canceled unless they consent to it."
"Even if it's with unsafe players or DMs, consent is vital."
"Making children hug or kiss someone they are uncomfortable with is not good."
"Don't push a date to do something that makes them feel uncomfortable."
"There was a lot of consent and talking, which helps, whatever the opposite of Weinstein is."
"Love is not forcing someone to be in a relationship with you."
"If any one descends, we're all going to die from climate change."
"No means no, no matter what. Guy, girl, whatever."
"The defense attorney told jurors that the case against his client will 'evaporate upon your close scrutiny arguing that the numerous allegations were in fact consensual sex or fabricated'"
"It always comes back to that, individual consent and self-determination."
"I think sexual immorality is about a lack of consent."
"Could you imagine being forced into a three-way relationship?"
"Don't grope people in public at conventions. It's just... don't. It's not difficult, especially without their consent."
"My body, my choice - it's okay to say no more."