
Niche Quotes

There are 693 quotes

"Your niche is not about you; your niche is about your reader or your viewer or your listener."
"If you combine your skill sets... you can create a niche genre and you're going to be naturally better and faster in that genre because it's built entirely on the things you are super gifted and good at."
"You've got a real opportunity to carve out a niche here."
"Find your smallest viable audience. Know who it's for and who it's not for."
"Find your niche... and make it an indispensable part of your life."
"Find your own niche and do what makes you happy."
"Your front-end sets yourself apart from all the others; you have found the niche, my friend."
"Find a niche with edge and trade a niche that highlights your talents consistently and with a process."
"What makes a good work from home job in my opinion is one that allows you to differentiate, to find your niche."
"Real-time worlds succeeded in spades upon crackdown's 2007 release on Xbox 360, managing to carve out a unique space in a market that had slowly become inundated with Grand Theft Auto lookalikes."
"From health to happiness, relationships to wealth - there's a niche for everyone on YouTube."
"Define a niche based on your passion and expertise. It keeps you motivated and delivers value to your audience."
"Deliver value within your niche. Whether it's entertainment, education, or inspiration, viewers will come back."
"The film was almost a parody of parodies of James Bond... a seemingly very specific audience to hit."
"I think if you are trying to find your niche on the internet, you need to go with whatever you love doing."
"Focus on that one product, focus on that one funnel, and focus down that one niche."
"Stand out in the Minecraft space by focusing on niche content, like transit mods."
"Finding your niche in the market is crucial."
"Sports video games are kind of the middle stepchild of the video gaming world."
"You have to choose a niche that you can both be passionate about and that you actually have the capacity to make content in."
"The single most important thing for any channel is figuring out the right Niche for your content."
"Perseverance, dedication, and certifying your niche."
"There are a lot of YouTubers, for example, who burn out specifically because they feel that they've painted themselves into a corner."
"The indie comic scene is really starting to fill that niche."
"Rust is a systems programming language which is kind of filling this niche that hasn't been filled by many of the languages today."
"Longtime subscribers would agree with me that this is pretty much the bread and butter of this channel, isn't it?"
"True crime is a really big niche on YouTube and just media in general."
"The internet enables any niche interest as long as you're the best at it to scale out."
"I never thought I would be a productivity YouTuber, but that Niche just sort of emerged over time."
"Let’s make something hardcore, ultra-niche, with pixel art and ridiculous difficulty."
"Influencers are individuals with large followings... typically in a distinct niche."
"Figure out your own little niche in the YouTube world and run with it."
"Doge, I look at it strictly as an entertainment coin."
"But if you're a fan of games from smaller European studios or just slightly smaller experiences but not quite indie games, we call them AA games."
"She's carved a spot that hasn't really been open."
"One of the things I like doing is looking for unusual pieces of technology, things that may have flown under the radar a little bit or were only sold to a very specialist niche group of people."
"It's definitely great to be confident in whatever you got going on and you gotta basically find your niche you know what I'm saying to really win."
"There's a core audience that'll watch, even if it's not nail polish related."
"Little Baby really, really understands his lane. He's another one, gets money, really understands his lane."
"Who do you want to serve? How do you want to show up and serve those people and make that your Niche?"
"So today we're going to be looking at a convention that is taking place this summer that kind of falls in the same realm as the Flat Earth Convention."
"The best freight for me that I haul, like my number one niche, is reefer."
"There's a niche for everyone. You don't have to go outside of your house to find cool things."
"They're taking advantage of things that are trending within a specific niche... That is going to be one of the easiest ways for you to be able to do it."
"Kirk had 133 targets last season, the most from the slot out of anybody."
"Kyleux occupies an intriguing place within the Star Wars fandom."
"Other marketers out there are making money in this niche."
"One really popular template type in this Niche is a workbook or a worksheet."
"These are some amazing Niche fragrances that you can get for under $100."
"It's better to have a smaller fan base of authentic fans."
"The reality is when you start out, you cannot be a variety streamer. You have to pick a niche and stick with it."
"Figuring out a niche that is not super crowded... you can win queries that nobody has ever written something for."
"Choose a niche, grow a targeted audience, and watch your videos feed each other for growth and potential income."
"Your Niche will gradually find you."
"Understanding the niche you're in is more important than picking the niche almost."
"...it's really just doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing and finding a way to carve out your own Niche."
"Just try and find a like Pond that nobody else has ever touched and just make that your pond and then you're going to become famous for it."
"It is difficult to remain in that niche because I want to do all the things, but by staying small, you go big."
"Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame: not a film that easily finds a home yet I and many like me have created one for it."
"With this suite of adaptations to carnivory, Herrerasaurus was clearly successful in its niche."
"Storytelling is a niche; there's a big business behind it."
"If you're positioning yourself as someone who's knowledgeable in your niche, link building will be much easier."
"Print on demand allows for super niche designs that people can't find elsewhere."
"Invest in a research tool to take the guesswork out of pursuing niches."
"You're going to take that kind of aesthetic and you're going to put it on the niches that you're targeting."
"...just try to take advantage of the niche that you found that's doing well and create more and more products in that same Niche."
"Etsy is the go-to place for these really specific shirts."
"Starting a business is about filling a niche and actually serving a market."
"We do have a very niche little pocket of humor."
"We are absolutely unique in the degree to which we can revolutionize our niche through time and across space."
"There's always a niche for something when I made my Dagmar video, which made me realize I could be a YouTuber."
"I found my niche, my work is very meaningful here."
"If you wanted to smell amazing and you're looking for this one signature niche fragrance that is just wow, then this is a very good place to start."
"It does smell niche though, for sure. It smells rich, well-executed, it has a smooth booziness to it. You really get the vibe just from the look of this."
"It's like I found a new Niche that I have the talent for."
"You got to have some grit but I would say if you're starting drone service business the most important thing you could do is find a niche and learn about that niche."
"Find your niche, you find your niche and you can have that target."
"Once you have your Niche crystal clear it's time to set up your brand new Instagram account."
"Is that niche that boot takes the refraction of the market is it worth the risk?"
"Figuring out the right niche is crucial for any channel's success."
"Start by finding as many reference channels in your niche as possible and figure out what topics have worked for them in the past 2 to 3 months."
"It's a weird place to be, online, especially as a person known for covering weird, old computers."
"If you have a niche audience, focus on messaging that deeply understands your niche. What do they fear, love, want, need, and so on?"
"It's better to carve a small space in a big keyword than to try to find a tiny niche."
"I can see it going down in history as a niche Enthusiast icon."
"We really want to take this channel more toward craft whiskey."
"It's all about picking the perfect Niche and when you're getting started there's always riches in niches."
"My channel is known for an obscure 80s horror flick. Hmm, the Blu-ray cover kinda looks like a giallo movie."
"Pick a narrow niche for your content. Focus on solving a specific problem for your audience."
"I run a small catering business that cooks specifically to teenagers with stage 2 outpatient anorexia and their parents. It's a tiny niche I'm proud of."
"The main thing is you just have to make a demo reel that is relevant to the niche you want to get into."
"I realized there was a niche for investors that agents weren't really working with."
"Figure out what your niche is within travel... Be honest with yourself and what you actually enjoy most when traveling."
"If your niche has these three characteristics... then you definitely are able to charge higher prices."
"Content is not about attracting everyone, it's about creating niche viral moments."
"Figure out who your audience is and the variety of topics that they will be interested in hearing about."
"Even within life coaching, you want to know what your niche is within that. You want to have a narrow niche within that because then people can say, 'Oh, this is for me' or 'Oh, she can help me with that'."
"In fact, when I try to think of niches on my own, I often end up wasting my time on commonplace goods that are way too saturated or brilliant ideas that have zero demand."
"Just avoid defining your niche too early or too narrowly because that will make your life so much more difficult."
"Someone's got to be the ninth best YouTube golf creator, why not me?"
"We understand our place and that's where we've made our Niche."
"You could do an entire Star Wars channel dedicated to the lore of the dark side of the Force, and that would be a unique channel on YouTube."
"With micros, you carve out your own section of the market and solve a specific problem better than anyone else."
"If you ever wanted to blow up and this is for anybody else who wants to, you know, this is mostly for you know people who want to build an audience, to build an audience you have to find out, find a niche I found my niche."
"Niche eCommerce, a brilliant segment of Entrepreneurship."
"So, yeah, I know, which kind of sucks, but, but I like just like YouTube channels that like, you know, aren't like too much creator-based but are just really interesting about a specific thing like, the JC's Psychology, the criminal psychology guy."
"You don't have to be lonely at JawasOnly.com."
"The community isn't that large, it's not the most popular Linux distribution out there, so the community is necessarily small."
"Nathan Fielder is a niche comedian with an awkward personality who seamlessly blends reality and fiction."
"...if a niche is super saturated that means that there is opportunity in that niche."
"It's a perfect version of what it's going for. That thing is not for everyone, but it's absolutely for me."
"It's really great to target specific niches within the print on demand space."
"...if you're into it and you think it's insanely niche chances are actually it's not that insane and there's a subreddit with hundreds of people already in it who also love that thing possibly thousands."
"Some ideas don't translate well to video and they don't appeal to a broad audience. They may be too niche and no one will watch them, at least that's my worry."
"Trust me, it's not just about that. It's about dedicating yourself to that space and finding ways and finding niches and finding something novel."
"You just got to find your Niche that's the main thing um because for me I I was like I want to do this but like what what do I make my videos and boom Vegas like those are my videos you know that's what you have to find your Niche."
"That's mostly it because everything else is a little bit too niche."
"Find your Niche what you're good at."
"When you find your niche, stick with it and run with it until the wheels fall off, especially if it makes you happy, man."
"The smaller the niche the better."
"Find the best niches to start a clothing brand."
"Thanks everyone for watching the video, it's fun to explore gaming worlds that feel like they only serve a niche audience."
"...fans of the kaiju genre and tokusatsu to connect with one another, form communities, and the result is a growing interest in a genre that was once extremely niche."
"Being consistent is the most powerful thing you can do in any niche in any industry."
"We've always positioned ourselves as the premium service in this niche. Therefore, we don't do a lot of discounting, we don't do a lot of one-off trials."
"Remember, when you're picking your niche, sit back and just think everything through. There's a niche for everything, and we're here to make money."
"I believe everyone should pick a niche that you're interested in and that you're maybe passionate about."
"People that have the most success are generally going to build in a niche that they're interested in or that they're passionate about."
"Niching down doesn't stifle your creativity; it's a strategic move to better serve your audience."
"Finding a niche...is the easiest route, the fastest route, the best in my opinion route to having that kind of success."
"So, do you see the power of Niche with that?"
"You can actually choose your niche without being an expert."
"...I had a lot of fun making this video and I know it's kind of Niche so I don't expect it to reach a lot of people but if you did make it to this point I really appreciate you sticking around."
"Man, bro, yeah, that was the craziest. Yeah, yeah, that was crazy."
"Once your blog has about 15 to 20 niche related long form articles, you can think about submitting your site to Google AdSense to be approved for displaying ads."
"You could name a niche, like let's just say golf, and I know how a golf retention curve looks. I know what moments in playing golf, people start to fall off really heavily."
"How exciting would it be to work on channels in different niches and just be like, 'I helped build the biggest business channel, I have built the biggest Minecraft channel...'"
"They've picked up on a very targeted niche of young girls and focused on self-empowerment."
"Start selling furry art - there'll always be some mysteriously rich furry benefactor out there who'll buy it."
"We kind of do every other one we do one where we just go way down the rabbit hole that's very Niche and then we do one that's kind of in layman's terms right."
"Welcome to what it's like the automotive channel that dives in and features cars that don't often get talked about."
"If you're in the boot community and I said poron slip sole you probably just threw up in your mouth a little bit."
"Vtubing is a niche within a niche within a niche. It is a tiny community by the scheme of things, even though N is a 3 billion-dollar company that's generating hundreds of millions of dollars a year."
"...we do a lot of rapid prototyping, quick turnaround type of work, and that's kind of where our niche is."
"We've delivered today has been divisive, underground, and utterly Niche. You can't get more Pirate Radio than that."
"Choosing a niche does become especially important... you are just creating an endless line of products instead of creating for a specific group of people who will come back over and over again."
"I can get into more esoteric nitpicky videos over there without bogging down the main mishiko Channel."
"Niching down doesn't push customers away, it attracts more."
"Once you niche down, you attract better customers."
"It's so easy to go viral with this Niche because like I say they're celebrities."
"All you need to do is go ahead and take a look at YouTube and you will see how much viral potential there is with this Niche even with faceless Pages."
"There's pretty much endless ideas. There is always going to be a demand for this Niche."
"Having a focused niche is a lot more powerful than having a general channel."
"If you pick the right Niche with a lot of traffic you can make this work like crazy."
"A combiner that may not have been the best but still showed what was possible within the legends niche."
"Remember the riches are in the niches."
"Niche marketing can lower the cost to acquire customers and maximize your potential profits."
"If you continue making videos that try to appeal to literally everybody, you just end up making videos that appeal to nobody."
"Niching down can help you catch big clients who are willing to pay a lot for your services and are a joy to work with."
"I truly believe that 99% of the success that I've had as a web designer and agency owner are due to the niche that I selected."
"We should be targeting niches that have less than 3,000 results."
"Niche is your audience and their problems."
"I think I'm just hitting a different niche there of people who can't afford and enjoy buying it pre-made."
"I'm going to blow you away with my understanding of my Niche."
"There's such a niche on YouTube for author tube content."
"If you want something niche that just makes you smile every single day I would encourage you to check out Andromeda."
"You can learn a lot by watching other YouTube channels both in and outside of your Niche."
"You should pick a niche that is both viable and one that you already know about."
"Stick to a niche that you've worked with."
"I love weird core it's a really Niche subculture on the internet."
"You're niching down to an audience and that's how you beat the algorithm."
"You're able to make that money from a couple different brand partnerships because you picked a specific niche."
"Mushroom foragers... that's a small, though it's growing quickly, it's still relatively a small kind of Niche world."
"I feel like I did a pretty good job balancing between old and new popular Niche genuine and joke Etc when picking this roster."
"Having a smaller target market that gets you hey you get less subscribers hey you'll get less views you don't go viral but you infinitely make more money."
"Instagram's algorithm was designed to benefit people who have a defined niche."
"Identifying and really clearly labeling your market is so important."
"One of the most hyped, most beloved Niche fragrances out there."
"You find your Niche and you tackle it."
"I subscribe to the idea that if you work harder and longer and also cultivate something that is in a niche, I think your chances of making a landing pad that you know you can hit increase."
"Discord is the go-to place to share news, updates, and opinions on very Niche topics."
"It's more niche application for mobility but certainly a huge potential for grid storage."
"...hope to catch you on my next minimalism or beauty related video."
"There's always a niche to exploit and the key is to find and focus on the niche instead of trying to trade everything."
"...the possibilities are endless in this Niche..."
"...most people would just not continue to eat the ice cream but I happen to have a YouTube channel in which I eat ice cream."
"As long as there are places on earth that have large animals seeking out bodies of fresh water to drink, there will always be a niche for some kind of crocodile."
"10 wonderful niche fragrances from 10 wonderful brands."
"It's a great niche. If people hate you because they think you're the villain then they engage with it."
"...if you're looking for a niche fragrance that's really going to set itself apart from designer fragrances."
"It's a story all too relevant today as sports cars themselves seem to be moving to an even more Niche place."
"This just exists in its lane really well, and so this is going to be an easy one to just throw on and listen to."
"The number one way that you can get more customers is by making a product for a niche. If you try to appeal to everyone, you'll end up appealing to no one."
"You got really lucky right, you found something that you could like build upon and enjoy and found your Niche."
"...you can start building a personal brand today where you basically just create content talking about that specific niche that you'll be teaching about giving out value."
"The right products have to do with defining a narrow and clear niche of Target customers, then serving that niche with products that you can easily convey the benefits of visually."
"... maybe they've just figured out the right niche of of business model and they don't want to mess with it."
"If you're looking for a community where you can geek out about lasers and be comfortable, I definitely recommend the Discord for you."
"There is different types of entertainment for different type of people, and every single niche of entertainment has someone serving it."
"If I was starting it now I would niche down so much, I would be like LinkedIn for dentists or Twitter for carpet cleaners or like something where it was so niche that it's like that is my person, that's who's going to help me."