
Differentiation Quotes

There are 1847 quotes

"I genuinely do think there is a difference between anti-diet and health at every size."
"Sexualization and objectification are not the same thing."
"Understanding is a capacity of consciousness. Notice that understanding is different from knowledge, information, memory, belief, or ideology of any kind."
"You have to be willing to go the extra mile to stand out and do hard things better than anybody else."
"When Jesus does come, he must come at the rapture to take the church out because this prophecy is for Israel, the Jew, not for the church."
"If you're going to blow up, be different and please, just be real. You don't have to do all that crazy shit just to blow up. You can blow up by just being you."
"Everybody has talent, everybody has skill. How do you separate yourself?"
"Hate is not criticism. Learn the difference."
"Inequality may be different from solving the problem of poverty."
"Rather than trying to appeal to everyone, it's a good thing that I have something about me that I personally like that really differentiates me."
"The entire strategy now needs to be based around separating yourself from copycats."
"What separates the successful from the unsuccessful is information."
"Health care and health insurance are two totally different things."
"Differentiation is extremely important and what we can see when there's a lack of differentiation is a lot of tension and anxiety happening within the family."
"Be consistent but also be always committed to creating content that's really going to make you stand out and offer something to people that hasn't really been seen before."
"You're not meant to fit in, you're meant to achieve, have your just rewards, and be different."
"Image not ego. Image and ego are two different things."
"It's certainly cool, it's certainly different, and it's certainly head-turning."
"Depression is not the necessary outcome; the response to the death of a close one is not depression, it's grief."
"Your job is what you get paid for, but your calling is what you were made for."
"Gender and sexuality are often lumped together but they're two different things. It's like apples and sexy oranges."
"Successful people are willing to do the things that unsuccessful people won't do."
"What's going to set you apart? What work are you doing towards getting towards that goal that will allow you to achieve it over someone else?"
"If you're really setting yourself out to be a broadcaster at that full-time, you need to really think about... how am I going to set myself apart from literally three million other people?"
"The human creativity, the human insight is the differentiator."
"I think that we should be careful of labeling people elite versus elitist because there is a difference, and there are a lot of people who are elite who are not elitists, and there are a lot of people who are not particularly elite who are elitists."
"What differentiates us from animals is their mind, and Sherlock Holmes is the celebration of mind."
"If God were to make a sign of His intervention in the world, it'd have to be different from the natural world around us."
"It's always better to be first or different."
"Your front-end sets yourself apart from all the others; you have found the niche, my friend."
"Compassion is what separates men from beasts."
"It's easiest to find who we are when we know who we're not."
"Implicit differentiation allows us to take a derivative without having Y explicitly solved for."
"If you want to be a streamer, and you want to stream a certain thing, you should know immediately: Why are people going to watch me or buy from me over a competitor?"
"The relevant difference between the caused and the uncaused is limits."
"It's important for the conversation we're having to differentiate between gender dysphoria and gender nonconformity."
"I think there's a really big difference between being proud of your culture and being proud of your race."
"Understand the difference between standards and preferences."
"Finding your niche means finding within the market of the area you're attacking a way to be different, a way for people to be drawn to you instead of those other areas."
"You have to be able to operate at a high level day in and day out. That separates good from great."
"The stock market and the economy just are not the same thing."
"If you want to be successful, you have to do something different."
"What really differentiates one company from another is how well they know their customer, and market research is the key."
"Handles the difference between news and opinion responsibly."
"The S Pen. This is what separates this phone from every other phone on the market."
"Always take your opportunity and not just working hard but being passionate about it, that's important because everybody works hard, but not everybody will be passionate about it, and that's where you differentiate yourself."
"The best way to differentiate yourself in a crowded market is not through the features of your product, but through the unique value you bring to your clients."
"As humans, we do have the ability to differentiate, but I feel that that's often forgotten by the media."
"Are you going to be a play-by-play caster or a color caster? What's the difference?"
"What's important to discuss here is the difference between the two problems."
"And I think it's the reason why it's good is because we are still trying to beat you, like we are a different entity than you guys are."
"We wanted to challenge ourselves and make it feel very, very different."
"Emotions make us different from animals and other species."
"It's further confirmation that if you are differentiated already in the core and the nature of who you are as a business that play it makes social media so much easier to execute."
"You don't want to be in the red ocean you do want to be in a blue you want to break away from competition and stand apart."
"If you do everything everyone else does in business, you're going to lose."
"Now, there are two main types of T cells, CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells - where 'CD' stands for cluster of differentiation."
"This is the difference between equality and equity."
"Being very specific will really set you apart from other potential buyers."
"To stand out, you have to be a little unusual, a little different."
"We need to be the complete and total opposite of everyone else."
"What makes a good work from home job in my opinion is one that allows you to differentiate, to find your niche."
"You set yourself apart by focusing on something no one else wants to talk about."
"We wanted to develop a style that was different than what was being done."
"You need to find a way to make your content stand out. That should be your number one step." - Eljay
"Our people are our soul and they're Apple's greatest differentiator."
"The Mandalorian series was instrumental in setting the service apart from other streaming services."
"There's no greater asset to a nation, a company, anybody than the intelligence of its citizens."
"Mindsets are the most important differentiator that we have."
"What differentiates humans from all other species... is our ability to tell stories."
"She does have a different set of powers and they did mention she was more powerful."
"I had to do something to make myself stand out."
"Why would you want to push the same product everybody pushing?"
"The truth is that it's actually a bit of both, which is why knowing the difference between the Bronze Age parts and the Iron Age Parts is so important."
"That's exactly what we're looking for, you're gonna be different from them, you're going to lead differently than Ben, but we're going to need you to lead."
"She's agile as a politician in a way that other high-profile Trump endorsed candidates are not."
"Do what you can to be creative and stand out."
"A way to differentiate yourself is by going medium content."
"The beauty is John, it's science... there's empirical data that's why it's science and not a religion."
"The Overland trim gives you an additional set of luxury features that you don't find in the limited trim."
"Don't be general, be specific. Niche specificity separates you from the competition."
"VCS are definitely going to want to know why you're different than everyone else."
"Great means you have the desire to set yourself apart."
"Vampyre is a great example of doing something different."
"Ting Mobile is a different kind of mobile provider."
"Your mindset is what's going to separate you from everybody else."
"What's better than being good is being different."
"You don't wanna do something better, you wanna do something different."
"This is fundamentally different in a novel way."
"Virginity and chasteness aren't quite the same thing."
"If you want to be more successful than most people, then you're going to have to think and act differently."
"People saw the difference and they gravitated towards me."
"It's not a Maul movie. It's not a Fett movie. It's not even a Lando movie or Kira movie. It's an underworld movie."
"You gotta be willing to do work other people aren't doing, you have to be thinking about how to run your property better than other people are running it."
"Differentiate between Dharma and religion; Dharma is pure spirituality, while religion is practice."
"Execution is what fundamentally separates these two types of people."
"That could be the thing that makes it stand apart."
"Those small little ways of differentiating yourself in a super crowded Market by being fun or creative."
"Helping and healing is two different things, that's their job."
"We could see some distinctions emerge here between proof-of-work coins and proof-of-stake tokens."
"My job now and basically for the next six seven months all the way till the voting begins as to make clear to Americans how my presidency would be different and better than any of the others."
"Recognize that gender expression is not the same as gender identity."
"We all fly to the same destination, so what can we do to stand out?"
"You must put difference between the holy and the unholy, the common and the clean, the typical and the accessible."
"They are not plugin hybrids they're just regular hybrids."
"Acceptance, tolerance, and love really are different things."
"Anyone can do it, so you either need to rely on luck or find a thing that makes you stand out from the competition."
"Loving anybody is not wrong, but love and sexuality are two different categories."
"Our products they are designed to make them more different more differentiated."
"To stand out in one of these marketplaces it's actually reasonably straightforward... All you have to do is communicate well."
"The key is your unique selling point and your advantage."
"Try combining what you're doing with a secret obsession of yours and you'll probably stand out a little bit."
"The play pick packs are 100% worth it the promos are not so yeah there's that anyway hope you enjoyed if one see more leave like subscribe and I see you guys later."
"My objective is to differentiate as best as possible."
"Anytime you're signing off on their bad behavior, justification. Anytime you're saying 'wow, that does seem really hard,' empathy. Understand the difference so you don't get fully pulled under that bus."
"Stand out in the Minecraft space by focusing on niche content, like transit mods."
"Stacking those original elements is going to help separate you from all these channels that are suddenly going to crop up."
"You have to be different for the sake of being interesting. That's your task."
"Socrates is regarded as creating a revolution in philosophy precisely from how he differed from the natural philosophers."
"We're literally doing it differently from everybody else."
"I absolutely love them. That's the whole point. The difference between, and this is important, on the pickups on the black stock pickups."
"Unlike all the other performance clothing brands I've seen, Unbound Merino offers exceptional quality and style."
"What did you do differently with this book that other people aren't doing?"
"We really wanted to find a way to make sure that what we're doing is different from what anyone else is doing."
"We wanted it to be something a bit different... because why do the same thing as everybody else?"
"Make sure your thumbnail is different from the competition."
"You cannot win elections if you do not show the population that you are genuinely different than the Republicans."
"One of those wings has to separate from the pack and become the standout."
"Acura has made some nice detailed changes here to make the RDX stand out in a very crowded luxury space."
"Branding is the thing that separates you from the rest."
"Implications: The recommendations for beginners are very different from those of the advanced. Beginners should not copy advanced verbatim programs, as is so common."
"Differentiating yourself sets your brand apart."
"This game was so scared of being a smash clone that it changed things for the sake of differentiating itself from smash."
"Controversy: Have a position that other people don't have in your industry."
"Kia decided that their vehicles shouldn't all look like scale versions of one another."
"We have to differentiate between prophecies that take place within the Bible that we cannot prove and prophecies that are natural."
"This is something that's going to separate Cadillac from the rest of the Auto industry."
"It's not about showing what you've done. That's what a resume is for. A reel is for showing me you can act."
"Affiliate marketing is not the same as network marketing."
"Average content doesn't cut it anymore if you want to stand out."
"That's something that if you really focus on that you can stand out from the crowd."
"Remember, there are two ways that Sunday tries to firmly differentiate psychometrist from psychometrician."
"The hook is the thing that separates the winners from the losers."
"Don't confuse geopolitics with investing. They're very different things."
"Intimacy has very little to do with sexuality."
"Your most compelling point of difference is your point of view."
"I love deeply, but love and sex are completely different things."
"I think we have to differentiate very sharply on things you know that have not happened versus things that are on the cusp."
"New Balance isn't just trying to be weird and different to be different."
"So far so cliche but what really set Ikitozen apart from other battle manga back in the day is the care and attention that it pays to small details."
"There's a lot of them but first of all Bungie talks about the actual spread differences within the shotgun subfamily."
"You just have to have probable cause, but that would be the difference between a person of interest."
"Winners don't do things differently, they do different things."
"Your best path forward in whatever you do for work is to be the standout. Don't blend into the background, be the one that's front and center."
"Be different, that's all I can say, be different."
"It's never been easier for you to stand up from the crowd, make money, be better, be stronger."
"Our goal is to be set apart, to be different, and to share with people why we are different."
"Dynamic weather is going to be such a massive feature to help differentiate DMZ from just regular war zone."
"People have to differentiate between the two A's agenda and analysis and my analysis as you know has been steadfast on this Man United team."
"Different is better than better. Look at everybody in your industry and see what are the things that you do need to hold on to, but then what are the things that you can be different to set yourself apart."
"Go against the grain... Stand out in that industry."
"Echoes doesn't feel that way... they fix so many problems I had with the original and differentiated itself through music."
"It sets itself apart when it comes to action."
"You have to differentiate between wants and needs, and not at the expense of your own personal needs."
"The main thing that's gonna differentiate you from everyone else is your work ethic."
"Justice and punishment are not always the same thing."
"Show you're different, but really be different."
"You probably think that I have talent right but it's the difference between talent and effort."
"Just because something is bad doesn't make it morally bad."
"Blind obedience and submission are not the same thing."
"It's so easy to separate yourself from everybody else, you just have to want to do it."
"Information is what separates the successful from the unsuccessful."
"Try to do something different, people will notice you."
"Surviving and thriving are two very different things."
"He thought he could be a nicer version or a different version of Donald Trump and he's finding out that campaigns are about contrast."
"Don't be like other creative agencies. If everybody uses red and black, use purple and yellow."
"Kia is doing something different and cool in a segment that's typically quite bland."
"Give it a Twist, give it a hook, give it a thing that's different from all of its compatriots, you know what I mean?"
"I know we had one that was pregnant. I don't think that's the same one though."
"Core values will always make you stand apart."
"The performance is what separates, you know, characters."
"Gender and sexuality are two very different things."
"Love doesn't mean sexual intimacy or sexual attraction."
"This watch really offers that standard smartwatches don't offer is just a classic aesthetic."
"Lexus has the F badge and they also have F Sport. The difference is that F is the full-on performance model. F Sport really is more of a looks and handling tweak package."
"The Linux desktop will not succeed by being a carbon copy of Windows."
"The pro M is actually looking to actually tell the difference between the different signals whether the Honda and Acura or if it's a police radar gun even if it's on the same frequency."
"Just being able to say one we have we've delivered one burrito separates you from the pack."
"You understand how to distinguish emotion from facts and logic."
"I prescribe being different, not just better."
"Awareness and conscious are two different things."
"When you use the word distinctive, I think it just says, how do you do something different, right?"
"That sort of tech and that sort of thinking is what sets this car apart from the other two in this test. It's very smart."
"A personal brand should be about standing out, not fitting in."
"Let me be different. Let me separate myself from everything that's going on."
"Belief is one thing, faith is one thing, but trust is the only thing."
"Be picky those little tiny details will set your company apart."
"Thinking correctly will separate that individual from the average person."
"This guy looks pretty wild right... looking quite a bit different than the other Mavics."
"We're not over here just talking about the same [ __ ] everybody else talking about."