
Immersive Experiences Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"The partnership between Elon Musk and YouTube is poised to usher in a new era of digital media, one where immersive experiences, interactive content, and technological advancements are not just the norm but the expectation."
"Bringing people together who would never be able to be together in an immersive experience."
"Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance is a full 20-plus minute galactic experience."
"We pursue a future in which immersive shared experiences enhance and enrich people's lives."
"It's standing at the playa of Burning Man, or going into an iMax theater and listening to some beautiful Hans Zimmer score that moves you to tears."
"The metaverse offered people the chance to engage in an immersive experience."
"Wonderland Eurasia boasted a remarkable collection of dinosaur attractions, featuring lifelike replicas and immersive exhibitions that transported guests back to a time where dinosaurs ruled the Earth."
"When everything else is so strong – when just about every element of the game’s design, tone, story, and mechanics come together to provide an experience that is this compelling and memorable, well, it’s not really worth focusing on what’s missing."
"Space 220, a highly immersive space-themed restaurant that takes place in the Centauri space station 222 miles above Epcot."
"Just that clarity is enough that it's going to draw me into the experience and I can really see myself getting lost and you know so immersed in the experience."
"This is probably as close as you can get to a total immersive experience."
"There's such an immersive quality to it... it's definitely challenging but that's something I enjoy."
"DKC proved that the coming leap in graphical fidelity would allow for more immersive gaming experiences than what had come before."
"This game is seriously beautiful even simple moments like looking up at the night sky had me staring."
"Soundscape plugin helps generate procedural ambient sounds for immersive experiences."
"The actual sound of all the zombies' feet behind you is so upsetting."
"Do you desire RPGs? Spectacular stories, compelling characters, and wondrous worlds await."
"It was like virtual reality, it was like I've got a whole world here."
"It just needs to be experienced to be understood."
"Squadrons comes off as a concept that VR gaming was invented for in the first place."
"With VR, you can put on some goggles and feel, viscerally, like you're somewhere else."
"The Metaverse is promising anything and everything from playing games to living a life of luxury to exploring a fantasy world."
"Every visually stunning planet you visit and every new bombastic and creative set piece you encounter feels like its own ride."
"I just realized this was all done in VR chat."
"This game introduced a lot of staples in games that would be lumped together as immersive sims."
"The Metaverse will likely infiltrate every sector in some way in the coming years."
"Rise of the Resistance is going to set an entirely new bar for theme-park immersion."
"Horizon Call of the Mountain is a reminder of how transcendent a high-quality VR experience can be."
"Help people be more creative and experience things more immersively."
"It's kind of a nice immersive change when you're walking around looking at raiders."
"That really communicates the feeling of what it's like to fly to the lunar operation command."
"I always like the games that were just baked in some kind of realism."
"It'd be so cool, like you could just walk around on the upper deck, actually be like a Marine and just go for the ride, enjoy the ride, like that would be insane."
"Let the sights and sounds of Ralph's Carrot Farm transport you to a world of pure imagination."
"It makes it that much more a profound experience... I just remember in the middle of metropolis like the, like all of a sudden I felt like I was in the Caribbean right?"
"Some of us are really just here for narratives and worlds to immerse ourselves."
"It changed the way that I perceived games... and the experiences I could have with them."
"PlayStation does what it does best in creating near-perfect gaming experiences."
"Music practically feels like black magic when it comes to connecting with your emotions, so pairing music with the interactive medium of video games is a match made in heaven or hell, I guess. I mean, it fits."
"That's about grabbing it all, enjoying it, and being profoundly lost in your experience of living on this earth."
"This experience starts the moment you enter."
"That's amazing and it's really nice to see someone with so much passion and experience."
"I love going to any place or any park in the world that really takes you on that immersive experience."
"You'll just feel like you've stepped into a luxury travel magazine when you step on the property."
"The goal is to create a sort of digital Disneyland, an interconnected world of experiences that let people immerse themselves in their favorite stories to whatever degree they want."
"Kind of makes you appreciate the beauty of the game around you a little bit more."
"I realize this game is one of those games I could potentially get addicted to."
"How well it worked and how vividly and wonderfully it described those little tiny things that truly make up a whole entire world."
"This is the most immersive, interactive experience I've ever been a part of."
"That's as close to the experience as you can get, I think."
"It's not hyperbole when I say this game is just like playing the movies."
"I stand by the statement that the core magic of any rift experience can be brought to this."
"You remind me of an older version of L from stranger things like okay but the put the blindfold on get some music and now let's go see what they're doing and you're like mmm you're opening the door you can see where they're at you can."
"This game has me completely blown away... a VR experience like nothing I've played before."
"There is no such thing as a dungeon that's too big when in doubt make it bigger"
"Once you actually take a ride it's pretty compelling experience."
"The museum relies on an immersive experience for visitors Awakening their interest in science Robotics and their typical intelligence."
"It makes it seem tangible too, like a place you could actually go to."
"When the line between fantasy and reality becomes blurred, it's like discovering a place so sublime it's so surreal that you never want to leave."
"Moments like this are only possible when the systems in the game act in a way that's, if not realistic, then consistent."
"A ton to get lost in in the best possible way."
"The game is absolutely chock-a-block with these little exploration zones."
"Galactic Star Cruiser gives me that Nostalgia trip without crossing the ocean."
"Think of this as like a pavilion, the same way you would go to Mexico or France or Canada or any other pavilion, except for it's interplanetary."
"You know, if I can put them in like an imaginary world where they can literally just be like, 'Oh my gosh, mom, look at me, I'm actually in the world of Fallout,' or, 'Look at me, I'm actually flying through the air.'"
"Sometimes when you go and you witness situations like this, you will end up becoming a part of the experience."
"Making us once again the sole superpower but it also makes anybody holding on to gold and silver a very very rich person in my opinion."
"If you've been paying attention, what you'll notice is that one of the goals of Soulbound Studios has always been to challenge people's idea of what's fun and immersive."
"Video games are a wonderful means to escape yourself and put on the shoes of someone able to do things you may only dream of."
"Thanks to the money he's earned, he can add features and comforts to his online avatar to make him enjoy the experience even more fully, and since his brain can't distinguish between real and virtual, the online life is as good as real."
"Developers created many new experiences that pushed for greater immersion and storytelling."
"At a certain point these Virtual Worlds will become full simulations of any reality."
"What if you actually could step into the pages of a comic book?"
"This game is so awesome, like this is a pretty big world right now. It's really, really cool."
"This hotel decorated tastefully with authentic indigenous art has an option to add on a cultural experience to your stay."
"When you start an Umberto Eco novel, you are indeed entering something. A new, strange, often unexplored, sometimes threatening, often hilarious world."
"An immersive experience with standout performances."
"The clever vehicles and effects on the ride are able to deliver a second to none thrilling and immersive experience thanks to meticulous engineering and technology."
"At some point Jesse promised gamma would be backed by their groundbreaking AI the quantum engine breakthrough technology empowering immersive experiences with AI."
"I'm excited for the future to see what these next crazy immersive experiences come next."
"The Wizarding World section is the park’s best themed area."
"The past few weeks have actually ended up being pretty wild in the world of VR."
"Sometimes called VR, name any computer-generated environment in which the user can move and interact."
"Opening up sort of these beautiful immersive experiences to more gamers is important for industry growth."
"We are looking for top talent in the coming years, variety of unique immersive and horror-centric experiences."