
Modularity Quotes

There are 480 quotes

"If you can make this in a modular way that is inherently safe, very cheap, you could get everyone to use it, and we wouldn't have to talk about climate change anymore."
"Modularity...if all of your behavior is isolated to systems, if you want to completely rewrite that system, that's not hard to do at all."
"Encouraging plug-and-play, high-level concepts is useful and important."
"Modularity is a really powerful statement. As an engineer, you can then assemble different things."
"The MP5K base model's modularity is actually a strength in the case of a concealable PDW."
"It's kind of plug and play like Legos and there's going to be a diverse conversation to be there that's actually the fun of it."
"The Lynx is a very impressive vehicle with quite a bit of capability, and clearly, they put a lot of development into trying to make this vehicle modular."
"Modular is better because we believe in that community and that ecosystem being able to work together."
"Angular has the concept of services, which increase modularity and reusability."
"By building a more modular and decoupled system allows for a lot of iteration by designers."
"You shouldn't write all that code in one file like we have done so far. You should break that code into smaller, more maintainable, and potentially more reusable chunks."
"Expect deeper modularity with larger rooms and pods being changeable on ships to give them different functions."
"What distinguishes UNIX system from any other system is the degree to which those building blocks can be glued together."
"It was an agile car. It was split into eight modules."
"Interchangeability is something that is great on these guns."
"With that modularity, so you can take your daily driver and convert it to this and bring it right back."
"Modularity screaming in your face whenever you look at the one."
"You could literally take your modular pistol grip slide it into their interface that then connects to any AR upper receiver that you want."
"Modularity, that is the key in the future of firearms."
"Modularity wise, ThermalTake's done a great job on the case."
"This entire case is totally optimized for the best possible cooling and also the best modularity."
"A desk setup that has all the tools I need to create is inspiring, comfortable to work in, and highly modular."
"These layers or modules... can be stacked up into neural Nets like Lego building blocks."
"Inner functions, or closures, can utilize variables and arguments from outer functions, but the reverse isn't true. This encapsulation mechanism enhances modularity and data privacy in JavaScript."
"The chassis system allows for modularity, you can switch out grip frames."
"It's got all sorts of modular design features."
"It's just the modular aspect of it I love."
"It's very modular but more importantly, people don't want to have to worry about range anxiety."
"Domain-driven design aligns with the microservice philosophy of having modular, independent components."
"The engineering in it is so good that every part is sort of like a modular race car."
"This idea of building an install base and being able to re-engage that install base by building our products to be modular and upgradeable and repairable."
"Whenever you start creating new instances yourself, you are highly coupled to that code."
"Instead of creating a new instance of the article repository here, maybe what we can do is accept an argument to the Constructor of that type."
"Dependency injection is much cleaner; this is a true unit test now."
"React routing also comes with inbuilt modules, and that particular module needs to be imported."
"If systemd had defined APIs, those services wouldn't necessarily need to be in the same project."
"Everything was quite modular and relatively easy to take off."
"Software should be in modular fashion so that you can buy add-ons as per requirements."
"It's this creation of our own functions, this modularity, this abstraction that's going to be the idea that keeps coming back to us."
"One useful new feature remained: the idea of swappable Drive modules."
"...structured prompting kind of gives you really useful components that you can reuse and make modular."
"The main benefit of using the dependency inversion principle is that dependencies can be swapped out without having to modify the class that uses them."
"Composability in software is like compounding interest in finance."
"If you removed all the interchangeable AR-15 parts from the world, the world would probably weigh as much as the moon. There's a lot of mass there."
"My goal is to build stuff that's modular."
"I'm really liking how modular this thing is, it's absolutely incredible."
"Ethereum, thanks to the modularity, is potentially a better place for chains because app Chains would require more customizability and less competition with other apps for on-chain resources for block space."
"Modularity is the ability to take specific things and sort of slot them in and out, turn them on and off at a moment's notice or very quickly."
"The benefit of modularity is the ability to take specific things and sort of slot them in and out, turn them on and off at a moment's notice or very quickly."
"Server actions are composable. It means basically that we don't have to have this function inside of here. We can shift them out to keep things clean."
"Server actions are composable. We can shift them out to keep things clean."
"Let's talk about modularity, other than of course how badass this thing looks, another excellent aspect is the modularity."
"The most fascinating thing about networking equipment is all this modularity, just incredible."
"It's wild, but fantastic. Sticking with our modular philosophy, totally customizable on the interior."
"Separate components offer a modular approach, allowing for targeted improvements and adaptability over time."
"Understanding individual modules allows us to build up to something bigger."
"The key idea of deep learning is to compose a simple set of General modules into highly complex functions."
"Functions can call other functions, enhancing modularity and code organization."
"I love that with the workspace Wonder setup everything is modular and you can reorganize it at any time."
"The modular system obviously is the best that we currently have."
"Independently deployable is the defining characteristic of microservices."
"This fridge is super clean, super modular. I love it because it blends in with the space."
"It's a new product offering. It's world first magnesium alloy bino and it's fully modular."
"Having three separate small surfaces makes them modular... you have flexibility to do that and you can easily reconfigure things on the fly on your table."
"I really value modularity in a lot of my jewelry pieces. I love looking for pieces that can be kind of up in a different way so you never get bored of your jewelry piece."
"Numerical notation's key property is its modularity, its use of a componential system whose properties are not derivable from any specific language or indeed from language at all but rather derive from a graphic modularity or a graphic componential."
"Now one of the things I did differently... is that I made it more modular."
"...super modular. It's like a Lego kit. Start with kind of the bare minimum and use it a bit, learn what you need and what you want and what you don't even want."
"Dependency injection can help developers decouple the different pieces of their application."
"Dependency injection: swapping behavior by moving it out to components."
"Dependency injection: making methods for behaviors and then writing the behaviors."
"This makes it really easy to create lots of widgets that are self-contained."
"Here's a look at the back, it looks like everything's modular."
"Deciding to separate your game code into distinct modules has several advantages."
"There's some benefits to having that functionality extracted inside of its own component."
"It's just something I want to try out and the benefit is even if I absolutely hate it it just doesn't work because these are keystone modules I can easily go in pop them out arrange them differently."
"The interface segregation principle advocates for the creation of small and atomic interfaces."
"I love that modularity of the system."
"Repositories in domain driven design provide a way to store and manage aggregates, promoting modular and adaptable software."
"Controlling how your llm modules interact with each other programmatically is the second key super exciting thing about dpy programming."
"Design your classes so that they have only one reason to change."
"The DFAM truly offers something new. It's something else. It's a perfect example of what's great about modular synthesizers."
"Components have this wonderful bit of reusability. If somebody needs to edit how dots function across our entire application, they go to our dots component."
"If we could start breaking down our applications into reusable components, not only does it make your life easier when you have to maintain or update or work with other engineers that want to do the same, but it also accelerates your development because you can just reuse them."
"Composability is one of my favorite parts about React."
"Lovely console. Lovely to take apart. Just everything, it just looks so easy to swap parts out on this. Just the front comes off separately, the back does, that power supply, everything just looks really easy, just the way it's modular, just to take apart."
"PCS will be built more like the internet based on a backbone. This will make them more modular, more scalable, which translates into tremendously more powerful machines that are easily upgradeable. No planned obsolescence."
"Pipelines encourage you to build pieces that can be connected in all sorts of different ways. They're not like one use only."
"...all the components are composable they're reusable they're testable in isolation they're single responsibility all the good stuff."
"The modularity of it is really second to none, everything just fits together directly as it's supposed to do."
"We're the Forefront of this market and doing our communities we're going to tell you all about the new models that these models that we have right here that I'm so excited about adding not only could you put two of these together you could put three and four together."
"The call activity is used when you want to make your subprocesses reusable or define them as some global task."
"So monoliths are fine, real microservices are fine too, but coupled modules are only very inefficient monoliths in disguise."
"The beauty of the palette system is you customize it now a guy could move to something simple and then he just there's no reprogramming or recutting or 3D printing Jaws none of that as modular as possible simple modular approach."
"...this code has zero coupling with my player or with my point of interest..."
"This is a great example of when we could extract out something to be a component."
"What I like about Sonos compared to other Soundbar manufacturers is the modularity of Sonos's products and how well they maintain their value."
"Making it perfect the first time was probably going to be a fool's errand, and if you can't make it perfect, at least make it adjustable — well in this case make it modular."
"Modular architecture for handling specific functionalities."
"You don't build this one massive page. You build small components and then you put them together like Lego bricks."
"Lego parts are intended to fit together and Interlock in a system where every single piece Builds on each other to allow you to have endless possibilities for creativity."
"Reusability is key for modules. If you create a block of code that deploys something useful, it's great to be able to reuse or share that code."
"Custom components enhance the scalability and clarity of our applications."
"By encapsulating logic within methods, our code becomes more modular and readable."
"...sometimes you might have functionality related to each of those houses that isn't distinct or unique for any of the houses. It's functionality that's going to be exactly the same no matter the house in question..."
"Decoupling animation from the element makes animations more reusable."
"Native JavaScript modules allow us to split our code into separate parts that can be imported where they are needed."
"Module federation allows you to take parts and pieces of your application and share them directly out of your app which is really exciting."
"Let's encapsulate all of the card logic into its own file."
"The idea is to keep it modular so that you can customize as needed or as your tools change or needs change. That's kind of the whole philosophy behind this."
"React's goal is to make it painless to create complex UIs by composing small, reusable components."
"The pros are kind of obvious: it's modular, it's flexible."
"Angular Services provide a way to separate app data and functions, allowing reuse across multiple components, with extended support for HTTP client."
"Modularity of this environment really helps you to design a very good architecture on azure."
"The Monad allows you to chop a function that produces side effects into smaller pieces and then compose them."
"The Monad is just composition. It lets you split your big computation into smaller computations and glue them together."
"Before we even start building in this case, one thing that sets it apart from any other case that I've built in so far is just the modularity of the panels."
"their pieces are so modular you can change them add or take away depending on how you want the pieces to look"
"Single Responsibility Principle: Each module should be responsible for a single task."
"Split interfaces into smaller ones to avoid unnecessary methods."
"Terraform allows us to describe our infrastructure in an easy to read modular template."
"The thing with 320, it's good 'cause it's modular. So, you can literally—it's like a Lego kit for an adult."
"My favorite part of this project is just how modular everything is."
"So the way that this is going to be sold is in two pieces at a bare minimum."
"The batteries are removable and slip into the side and are fully modular."
"They made this modular, they allowed us to upgrade the hardware without changing everything."
"It's all modular, easy to adjust."
"We've implemented brand new behavior without having to modify the SelectionManager."
"...organize structure in programming... modularity is a very common feature."
"Every single piece of code is automatically locally sequential and easy just to plug in other bits and pieces."
"...everyone wants modularity, sure, right?"
"Your functions should be quick, stateless, and ideally do one thing and one thing only."
"By having each component being separate, that gives us many more options when it comes to scaling our OpenStack Cloud."
"Inheritance provides the reusability of code."
"User-defined modules organize code and promote reusability."
"You can break your complex code into smaller pieces and then invoke them as a generator."
"The separation of concerns is very, very clean, and the way that it's structured is very neat, and that's one of the things that makes this very testable."
"Understanding the modularity of signaling proteins helps us rewire cellular behaviors and networks to generate novel functions."
"We're going to be splitting up the application into multiple smaller applications, smaller islands of functionality."
"...the fact that it looks like it's easy to take off the base is a massive massive win for me."
"Part of the advantage of a long trajectory strategy in general is that it's super modular."
"They're decoupled and independent."
"The thing I love most about this set is that it is completely modular."
"...everything is built in modules so attached to every single end of the foliage elements here there are little bars and clips which can be used to attach it to the rest of these sets which I think is a really nice detail."
"Atomic design takes cues from the structure of chemical compounds and uses this analogy to describe a modular approach to building components."
"Modular brings programmability back into this world."
"If you want something more modular or maybe you're a teacher in a classroom and want to teach kids how to put together a brain computer interface, the Open BCI is really fun to put together."
"I love modularity, I love being able to do what I want with the product that I purchased."
"Modular systems come with a lot of benefits: code reuse, flexibility, ease of character creation, and so on."
"The componentization is a big part of what makes Simscape really good."
"The defining feature of ROS was that it encouraged modularity, consideration for system integrators, and it allowed researchers to share basic functionality."
"Everything is kind of like a bunch of Legos you place together that you can mix and match between different projects."
"The modular aspect has a lot of benefits."
"The modular design of the circuit boards is impressive."
"We're at cost parity with the large centralized facilities, and that's really how we're able to be modular."
"This is essentially what we called a modular monolith."
"Buying a Bug Out today is like buying a modular platform that you can modify and change in all kinds of amazing ways."
"Make your programs small, make your programs simple, and build modular programs."
"This is the most fantastic thing about it, it's completely modular."
"The Kiev 88 is a very cheap way to get into a modular medium format system of photography."
"The patterns that I've doubled down on and I have no regrets is first, that modular pattern of keeping things modular and really isolated."
"All of a sudden, it starts looking really cool, really modular."
"The whole idea about modular is that it's extendable, expandable."
"Eurorack is extendable, expandable, it's highly configurable, it's what you want it to be."
"It separates the minimal functional core from extended functionality and customer-specific parts."
"The brain becomes more modular and it becomes more efficient."
"A module should be responsible to one and only one role."
"So any complex system can be made out of small composable components, they are very simple."
"All software that grows beyond a certain level of complexity has to eventually be modularized, broken down into smaller and more manageable parts."
"Modularity is something that a lot of teams want because it really increases velocity."
"We have a module architecture... you can add Nuxt PWA and you have a progressive web app directly."
"Believe it or not, trucks are actually really easy to install radios into; it's almost like they were designed to be modular."
"And of course, this modular system is exactly why anybody would buy this thing in the first place."
"It's a modular system with eight standard outputs, but it's stackable."
"It's more modular this way so it's easier to bug fix and easy to extend."
"We provide more of this Lego kit approach where you can take parts of different applications and put them together to create whatever you'd like in your own way."
"This board is extraordinarily modular."
"It's a great pack due to the modularity of the Modular 30 from Tasmanian Tiger, no matter what you throw at this, it's just gonna power through it."
"I absolutely love this and the fact it is so modular."
"With modules, you can create reusable parts, public parts, that will help you make some more global ecosystems of application components."
"Now you see how we can create a modular host application and a module."
"This entire building is nothing but modular pieces."
"With digital assets, what we can do is we can bundle up our networks into a reusable module."
"The idea of having a module here that handles all of your compute that gets plugged into the peripherals is actually kind of cool."
"Component-based architecture is where software is divided into reusable and independent modules called components."
"This makes the app very modular instead of monolithic where everything is together."
"The driver model provides several abstractions to drivers to make it more modular, reusable, and very easy to maintain."
"In the end, all of the drivers are very modular and reusable and pluggable."
"It's fully modular, fully scalable, and it can help anybody who's growing anything."
"It's nice to be able to break this up into separate functions so they're easy to change, and you can replace if you want to change the functionality, fix bugs, and also test in isolation."
"I love it when Lego sets can combine with each other and are fully modular."
"Microservices are independent modules that are very small and they're small enough to take a very single action."
"The advantages of probabilistic machine learning include composing and connecting reusable pieces."
"Modularity is where Fairphone rises above the pack."
"Modularity is great because of fault isolation: if we build our network in layers and we have a failure in one particular area, it's going to be easier to isolate, easier to troubleshoot."
"Firebase does have a new version which is Version 9 that comes with benefits, for example, one of them being that it is modular."
"The modularity of the Sea Sword 90 corvette enables the operation of submarine drones and tele-operated surface devices."
"Dapr is also very extensible and pluggable."
"Service-oriented architecture is breaking down our application into individually composable parts that have their own responsibilities."
"By splitting them up like this, it allows us to treat them separately and scale them independently."