
Offense Quotes

There are 1289 quotes

"Sometimes the best defense is a good offense."
"Whenever you share your opinion or your thoughts, it will offend someone, no matter what."
"This episode may offend and disturb you... because here we are stabbing the ego right in the heart."
"If something is that deeply offensive and disturbing, it also probably means that there's a lot of growth to be had there if you become conscious of it."
"The truth was so apparent it didn't require editorializing. If reality is offensive to you, reality is the offensive part, not the person acknowledging reality."
"I find it extremely offensive that there is a cultural taboo around aging."
"If you have any difficulty understanding why those comments are deeply offensive, try flipping the subject."
"In this day and age, with access to social media and whatnot, it's given people a platform to express themselves, make cool content, and most importantly, get offended by things that are completely harmless for no reason at all."
"You're certainly willing to risk offending me in the pursuit of truth."
"Words are not hurting you. If you're offended, then that's fair enough; everyone gets offended from time to time. That's being human."
"It's much easier to be offended than to take responsibility for your own actions."
"If you're making fun of someone to their face and they're laughing, it's very hard to be offended on their behalf."
"The right to not be offended is now more important than the right to speak freely."
"To be offended is to be right and to gain status."
"When you are offended, you are complicit in the offense."
"Sometimes when you're telling the truth, the people that are not used to the truth, it's going to be offensive."
"I have been really careful not to say things which are gratuitously offensive."
"If people are going to be offended by me in our first interaction, let's not have a second one."
"Don't walk around looking to be offended in life, and don't walk around being a prick."
"The offense isn't just because a person is racist... but the normally the reaction is to the violation."
"If somebody comes up to you and tells you that what you said to them was offensive, who are you to tell them that it wasn't?"
"Everyone is so offended these days about everything."
"It's just an opinion...now everyone's like too offended to hear people's opinions."
"Putting a hierarchy over who can be offended... Now I'm offended."
"If you feel offended... there is a violence... in learning."
"Insulting the wives of the Prophet is insulting the Prophet himself."
"You can play defensively because his counter it game is so strong and offensively his lows aren't that scary."
"If you're offended, you don't have the right not to be offensive."
"I always want mechanics that favor offense, and this mechanic is very beneficial for offense. It's good for defense too."
"Some people wake up in the morning looking to be offended. Let me find what can offend me."
"You don't get to offend people and then dictate how they respond to your offense."
"Odi's best defense is going to be offense." - Taking proactive measures.
"You're not supposed to be sync offense, you're supposed to be skeptics."
"Why do we give bigotry a pass in the narrative of the easily offended?"
"If the actions of the Bible offend you, you are accursed."
"It's not actually the specific words, it is using a type of language that is considered unrefined, offensive, or out of place in respectable language."
"Just because you were offended by a joke doesn't mean the joke was inherently offensive."
"You're allowed to offend people, you're allowed to hurt people. Don't cancel people over that."
"Being offended is not currency, you can't spend it."
"If you want to be a leader, ideally you want to play offense."
"The best defense was a really solid offense."
"Free speech always wins... there's no right not to be offended."
"Did not mean to offend by quoting Churchill."
"Getting offended is a choice. You made a choice. Bad choice."
"Just because something's offensive doesn't mean it's truly offensive."
"You don't have to get personally offended by everything somebody else stands for."
"If you don't have offense, you don't have progress."
"Everyone who is proud and arrogant in heart is disgusting and exceedingly offensive to the Lord." - Pride offends God.
"You got to laugh if you're offended, you got to laugh."
"We're addicted to being offended by each other... we woke up this morning here in the greatest country in the world and it still is."
"Things that don't even offend people teach you how to be offended, and it's harming the black community."
"Teaching people that they should be offended is what's going on now."
"I'm very much in favor of playing offense there."
"When you leave the United States, people are not looking for a reason to be offended."
"When Chun-Li is walking and blocking she's scared of scythe she's scared of booms when she's scared of all that kind of stuff that's when you can dash up and that's when you can you know commit to your offense."
"In a free society, I have the right to offend you. That is my right."
"The easily offended people need to just...get over it."
"That's very important to me. So you know if you don't support that, I mean I don't care about offending you for that."
"If I hurt your feelings because of what I did or I offended you... I apologize."
"In 2019 some people actually do get offended over things."
"This type of condescending racism, it's offensive."
"It's offensive, it's like when you make these assumptions and prejudgments on entire groups of people."
"It's not the word that's offensive, it's the sentiment behind why it's being said."
"Being offended is inevitable, but living that way is a choice."
"The White lives matter thing offended me more, even though he told you your life matters."
"When someone says that you offended them that's what you want to focus on why were they offended why is it offensive for you to question that."
"If these beliefs are really backed by fact and reality there wouldn't be a reason for you to be so offended."
"We live in extraordinary times in Western liberal democracies where people being offended for some reason seems to, for some people's minds, justify killing people."
"You can't take away my freedom of speech just because you're offended."
"It's an attempt. If I'm going to understand you correctly, you're an equal opportunity offender."
"With Dobbins, he is going to be in a pseudo running back by committee... it still should be a great offense in a hyper-efficient running game with Lamar Jackson."
"No one should go to prison just because they said something offensive, no matter how distasteful their remarks."
"It's an insult that you would dare even claim to be the Straw Hats."
"A completely self-developed human being will never get offended at anything."
"Take responsibility for your own offenses and use them as vehicles to promote your own growth."
"His instincts are good, you have to be on the offense to keep people away from you on the defense."
"No offense, but saying no offense only makes people offended."
"When you're perpetually offended, a sense of humor is the first thing to go. A drink for their loss."
"If within the confines of the demon slayer universe the perfect breathing style is the perfect blend of offense and defense..."
"God understands... we easily offend him, that's what he understands."
"If you get offended over something you see on the internet, you deserve to get offended. It's your problem."
"Sometimes your best defense is offense." - Dave Jackson
"I think we live in a culture where people are so busy trying not to offend, but where is the offense?"
"If the truth offends some people, let them be offended."
"They were ranked fifth in offense and second on defense."
"I want to apologize... to anyone who I offended in my past actions."
"You just insulted him, the little Texas thing you got on your hand."
"It's just hard to wrap your mind around a person just expressing themselves and it being like offensive to someone else's existence."
"It's really not hard to be funny without like, being really offensive."
"If you're easily offended, you should just stay home. You shouldn't show up."
"There's no possibility of not offending people who are determined to be offended." - Christopher Hitchens
"The kekkei genkai itself is the perfect combination of offense and defense."
"This LSUniverse is one of the greatest offenses they've ever had."
"The LSUniverse offense is one of the greatest offenses they've ever had."
"I don't want to create an offense with my attitude, I don't want to create an offense with my bad behavior, but if the gospel itself is offensive."
"I don't give a god damn that you're offended. Go cry in a goddamn corner."
"That's like saying from one side who's more likely to [__] animal, you."
"Redemptor dreadnoughts: the go-to thing for gunning down the enemy."
"His reluctance to build defensive weapons stemmed from his belief that the best defense there's a good offense."
"I just don't care whether they're offended. I know that sounds horrible, but this is really [ __ ] low on my list of priorities."
"Why should we have to change because you're offended? No, that's not good enough."
"I don't care whether they're offended or not. They shouldn't be making rules about offense."
"Autism is portrayed in a stereotypical way, and that's offensive."
"The man, the spirit, and the Beast are now on the earth." (Repeating for emphasis)
"The best defense can also be a strong offense."
"If you use a word in its proper context, how can it be offensive?"
"It's never my intentions to offend anybody, even when I'm offended."
"Dubia cockroaches: the best insect feeder of all. They're amazing for almost everything."
"This is one of the most Unstoppable offenses in the NFL."
"The currency today is to be offended, the currency today is to be a victim."
"We must deal with that offense and not suppress it and pretend that it's somehow evil to mention these obvious parallels in history."
"It's time for Jack Del Rio to resign or be terminated. His comments could not have been more offensive and ignorant."
"Zanka no Tachi is the perfect offense, the perfect defense, and just also has range and kind of area of effect and just everything built in to make it the unstoppable killing machine that it actually is."
"Scary Terry's a monster upgrade to our offense."
"Context matters I mean let's be honest context matters and in the way you say things matters I could say the word Pig nobody's gonna be offended but if I call you a pig then it becomes offensive."
"I'm an equal opportunity offender like yeah don't feel special because I offended you because I'm gonna offend the opposite person and everybody around you and it's we're all sharpening it."
"None of these things are worth getting offended by and I was just making a joke about our ability to take the most absurd offence if one is minded to do so."
"It's offensive to people who went through Jim Crow... acting as if their struggle was less."
"Bombing our Statue of Liberty, it's a slap in the face."
"That's right, I get some messages that are like offended."
"If you are doing anything comedically, there is generally a risk involved in it that somebody somewhere might be offended by something."
"Your willingness to defend yourself should always be stronger than your unwillingness to offend another."
"Our unwillingness to offend another should never come at the willingness to defend our own selves."
"I think we've gotten to the point where we're afraid to offend anybody about anything ever."
"Firebending is the best for offense because it tracks."
"You're offended isn't an argument... it's exactly equivalent to 'I'm offended' and the conversation, oh that's cancel culture, that's it, no we're done."
"The most effective way to defeat an enemy is to balance offense and defense."
"If I caused pain to another person and you empathize with that person, you will become offended."
"Being offended doesn't give you a right to silence and censor everyone else."
"Smart people are silenced so that stupid people won't be offended."
"Not to love God, not to thank him, not to worship him is tremendously offensive."
"But if the truth offends, I can't take it back. I am undeniably Christian, a preacher of the gospel."
"This offense for Washington might be one of the better ones that we've seen."
"Being offended is actually a choice you make."
"Drew, Marlo, Philly, were you guys offended when Marlo called Philly dirty?"
"Offense is essentially your personal take on it, it's not up for anyone else to cast judgment at all."
"You're offended? No one gives a fuck. You're offended? So what? No one cares that you're offended."
"Tatum is a complete offensive player, he doesn't just hit jumpers you know."
"We won the division though, third best offense."
"Just because you're offended by what someone says doesn't mean that what they said or their intentions were offensive."
"Breaking throws is reducing the damage you take for free and punishing is making sure you get all the free damage your opponent gives you."
"I think it's wildly offensive to just deduce it as 'Black people just got a corrupt culture.'"
"The idea that the governor general could go to meet with the queen and even make the insinuation that there is some sort of comparison to what happened in Ottawa to the blitz is totally insulting."
"The fear of offense empowers the most emotionally volatile." - Stefan Molyneux
"There's a line when the joke is not funny it just seems like the the comedy is used as a cover to actually say something hateful."
"Rather than him taking responsibility for poor outreach to black voters and not having an actual robust black agenda, the narrative is starting to shift."
"When you get a true reflection of who you are, it can be offensive. And sometimes you need to be offended in order to change."
"The truth is offensive sometimes, even if you're offended by the truth."
"If your profession is to be a comedian and you say something that's gonna offend somebody, it's like that's why they said it."
"If being offended is a personal choice, I wouldn't choose to be offended by something that somebody said."
"I wanted to be offended by this but the more I thought about it, I was like, this is a really good idea."
"I'd be insulted initially by some of the inroads they made to me."
"You have to be willing to offend the one you love so you don't end up offending the God you serve."
"Leadership is about who you're willing to offend when necessary."
"Why should your rights to freedom of speech Trump a trans person's right not to be offended? Because in order to be able to think you have to risk being offensive."
"But most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love."
"He's not losing because he's backing up, he's actually affecting good offense."
"Your true self, like your ego-less self, meaning you're just your pure awareness, can't be offended."
"I genuinely excited to see Jacksonville's offense this year, especially through the air."
"If you like dishing out massive amounts of burst damage, then this is the build for you."
"Offensively they're going to be unstoppable."
"There's a difference between being offended and recognizing something as offensive."
"We have been playing defense for decades without an offense."
"The ability to make high leverage passes is not only a huge contributor to how impactful and effective Yices is as a scorer, but it also puts this offensive juggernaut into territory of being impossible to defend."
"And you are presented with someone who is not only unguardable, one of the greatest offensive peaks we've ever seen, and I would argue the greatest offensive player in NBA history."
"All advantage goes to the offense in cyber."
"In my heart of hearts, I just didn't want to offend people who I actually had an affinity for."
"Not a whole lot of complicated things happening offensively, but a whole lot of effective things happening offensively for LSU."
"If you can score inside of a Zone, that's when you get the defense in trouble."
"The Kentucky Wildcats right now have the hottest offense in the country."
"I'm trying to make money and offend the least amount of people possible."
"You're just seeing a superb offensive machine."
"If you're watching this and you're offended, then I will tell you to frankly... off."
"The greatest defense serves as a good offense."
"As the war dragged on, they became the infantry's rock in defense and his armored fist in attack."
"Being a comedian is very hard because you can't make people laugh without offending someone."
"Every time an offense is threatened, the other side has closed the deal. What else did you think would happen?"
"Anything you say can really, really quickly be taken as offensive."
"Don't get your panties in a bunch. This defense is a good offense or is it the other way around?"
"You have a higher chance of getting flowers on Valentine's Day if you die on the 13th of February. Never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with."
"The greatest defense is the best offense."
"At the end of the day, it's just a jerk who decides to be offended by someone else's choices."
"That was the highest level disrespect."
"The Rams had the offense of the future."
"That was super uncalled for, I did not like that."
"An offended person will eventually betray and if a betrayal is not dealt with, it can ultimately lead to hatred."
"I'm all love and light but like I really got offended I was like, like what are you doing here why are you playing these games?"
"Most people spend their lives looking for occasions to be offended."
"just because you are offended doesn't mean you are right"
"This offense is absolutely loaded."
"If McCarthy pans out the way I think he is, you could line this Minnesota Vikings offense up against any group in the NFL and I might take the Vikings offense over any other group."
"A real gang member is not about defense, he's always on the offensive."
"With him on this roster, the Cowboys offense is looking absolutely insane."
"Nobody's been able to just beat Georgia with meat and potatoes offensive football."
"Good defense paired with crappy hitting is not as impactful as great offense paired with crappy fielding."
"I get offended when a weirdo calls himself an essay."
"So many weapons on this Florida State offense."
"A talented receiver, it's tough to stop this offense."
"If I offended you, well, that's just life."
"They really do look impressive on offense."