
Personal Rights Quotes

There are 906 quotes

"Your voice matters, and your curiosity is not a crime, even if some people would like to make you think otherwise."
"The relevant factor is freedom. Freedom from coercion."
"Freedom does matter. I will always fight for people's freedom. I will never sit there and say what you can say and not say. I'll never tell you how to live or not live."
"We deserve to have this kind of freedom of choice."
"Acknowledge that you deserve to be seen and heard and to express yourself fully, and that what you say matters."
"It's okay to not let men control you. It's okay for you to also have those personal boundaries."
"Freedom is my divine right. I am free to think wonderful thoughts."
"Respect freedom, respect people's right to choose."
"Freedom, personal freedom, is fundamental to who we are as Americans. There's nothing more important, nothing more sacred."
"Just let people make informed decisions about their own bodies."
"Economic freedom and personal freedom are still freedom."
"No one is owed forgiveness. Forgiveness is purely at the discretion of the aggrieved party."
"You're entitled to do literally whatever you want, as long as you're not hurting anybody else."
"I believe any individual should be able to do, or at the very least should be able to pursue, whatever happiness they have in their hearts in this country."
"We do not have the right to other people's bodies, and that's what incels believe."
"You always have the right to change your mind."
"You have the right to your independent, autonomous life, separate from other people's opinions, feelings, needs."
"A lot of people who vote for gun control only do so because they don't own guns, so they don't feel like they're losing anything. But once someone does become a gun owner, generally, they will be way more inclined to protect the right because now they have something to lose."
"Your reaction is your reaction; your reaction is never going to be proven wrong. You have the right to think what you think and to feel what you feel."
"It's your body, and you have the right to accept or reject a medical treatment."
"Americans can own whatever they want and in whatever quantity that they're capable of owning or to their desire. That's the bottom line."
"Being forced to choose between their faith and serving this country, and our clients, these 40 U.S. Navy SEALs, collectively have more than 350 years of military service, more than 100 combat deployments."
"You have the right to feel the way you feel. It doesn't mean that you're right, but I understand where you're coming from and why you're feeling that way."
"All bodies are entitled to experience the pleasure that they are capable of."
"The case that's been put against me is completely fabricated."
"Advocating for oneself is more important than anything, having that open line of communication."
"Freedom means you should be free to choose your own medical decisions."
"Whatever Britney Spears chooses to do is her right. She's given so much to the public."
"Let doubt prevail and I realize that that's not a political point of view it is a personal right."
"I may not agree with everything you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."
"Authentic happiness and total wellness are your natural birthrights."
"I guard the ability to choose my own words under every circumstance as of crucial importance."
"You're not entitled to anyone's love, time, or attention."
"People's rights to define themselves as they want to be defined."
"President Biden blasted Republicans for standing in the way of quote Americans rights to make the most personal decisions about their own bodies, families and lives."
"You're not putting me in handcuffs, no you're not."
"What I do, so I know the law and I'm telling you that you can't. A law can't violate your constitutional rights."
"Death threats versus appropriate boundaries as it relates to government seizing your gun."
"Why don't you just let people protect themselves?"
"You don't get to offend people and then dictate how they respond to your offense."
"They deserve to be able to make their own medical decisions."
"It's hard isn't it not to want to speak up for yourself?"
"You have the right to defend yourself period full stop."
"People have the right to their views and the freedom to express them."
"No one on this planet should have to tailor themselves to fit your ideology."
"Speak up for what you need, what you don't like; you have a good chance of getting it."
"The ability to control your life and your body and your decisions has nothing to do with whether you have an R or D after your name."
"If there's no benefit to me to you seeing what I am doing then frankly you should have no [__] business looking at what I'm doing."
"You cannot make me inferior without my permission."
"Gold is actually your human right, your individual right, and your civil rights—physical gold."
"You don't have to sacrifice so early, you have a right to show up in this world full-grown."
"But there's also a larger part of me that feels like people are allowed to gather with the people they choose."
"You've got to fight for the right to partake."
"You should have the right to choose for yourself."
"If I'm not committing a crime, you guys have no authority over me."
"I would never accept somebody telling me that I can't publish my views or perspectives without having other people first agree with what it is that I'm saying."
"No one has the right to tell you who you are what you are how you're feeling what you're thinking what you need."
"I cannot look at that evidence in court and believe for one second that Jonathan Major should not be suing everybody in sight after this."
"That's not freedom... It's not freedom when he gets to decide who you're allowed to marry."
"Wrath, I assume means he's angry. His judgment, he's exercising his prerogative."
"Britney cannot tell her story unless she's out of this conservatorship."
"Don't be afraid to push back if it's not right."
"I choose not to be a common man. It's my right to be uncommon."
"We're supposed to live in a free society, and people should be able to take part in whatever they want."
"My entire life, my personal life is not for public consumption. 90% of my life is for public consumption but 10% is for me. I'm a girl, I have the right to keep that to myself." - Priyanka Chopra
"My body is my own; it doesn't belong to anyone else."
"I think in no circumstance shall we force somebody...to use their body against their will."
"People should have the freedom to be able to do what they want with their money."
"If it's not your pregnancy or your body it's kind of none of your business unless you're the doctor."
"Free speech is the greatest thing, and I'll defend people on their free speech to say whatever they want."
"You have to advocate for yourself, demand the proper treatment."
"I support freedom, individuality, and meritocracy."
"You don't get what you promised; you get what you fight for."
"It is haram to force your daughter to marry whom you want."
"It's the worst form of slavery imaginable because it's the slavery of your mind. You are not free to express any independent thought."
"Freedom cannot be forced on others, it must be earned for oneself."
"Britney's desire to get married and have a baby has never been impacted by the conservatorship."
"I just want my life back, and that's saying it minimally."
"Britney deserves to have a life. She's tired of being bullied, feeling alone. She deserves the same rights as anyone else."
"If the guardianship is hurting her, if she feels controlled and manipulated, is that any better than just letting her make her own decisions?"
"This is not a drill, Britney Spears will be speaking for herself about her conservatorship."
"Medical choice absolutist. It's your body, you get to decide what you put inside of it."
"You should have bodily autonomy... no forced medical procedures."
"No one is considering Britney the human being."
"I will defend your right to say it 100 no matter how crazy you are. You've got a right to voice it on a plucker."
"We have the right to be heretical. Fantastic."
"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"
"Don't let anyone make you feel like you don't deserve what you want."
"Respecting me, thank you for respecting my rights."
"Liberty, the absolute right of each person to go his own way."
"I just want accountability and truth and I want to control my own life."
"You cannot stand up for bodily autonomy only when you think you can."
"Freedom is something that only exists if you individually exercise it."
"I didn't do anything wrong. I defended myself."
"It's more than our right to do so, it is our responsibility to do so."
"If she doesn't want sex, she doesn't have to be pressured. Ever."
"The only thing you really need to do right now and the best thing you could possibly do is just stand up for yourself and voice your opinion."
"My body, my choice. Completely agreed. My wallet, my choice. Also completely agreed."
"No one would think it's the best result to have something in Washington DC dictate whether you or a member of your family must be vaccinated."
"You can't take your life, it's not yours to take."
"If you want to regulate certain aspects of a person's life... I am pro-choice on everything so I believe that that is a decision between me and my doctor and not my government or my boss for any of my medical decisions."
"Pro-life means the right to life it doesn't mean the right to force someone else at gunpoint to pay for services that you want."
"I'm not going to ask for permission, it was never that, that was never a conversation."
"You don't have the right to revoke my ex-Christian card."
"They behave as though the rules don't apply to them. They behave as though you don't have rights. They do."
"If you're targeting me or my children and trying to convince us not to reproduce, then I don't think you really love me."
"Feel comfortable to do it because it affects you and you have a right to speak."
"Privacy is an important thing, and if someone wishes something be private it should be private."
"I have a right as an American to talk about what happened to me, to own my story and my truth."
"That's why I will never be ashamed of ever speaking up for myself."
"Elon is gonna give the people their right to free speech back."
"Something as simple as the name of Jesus, they can't take it off of your body."
"We live in a free society, people should be able to do what they want as long as they're not hurting people."
"I trust people to make decisions about their body... full stop."
"Wanting love, wanting respect, that is not asking for too much."
"Don't let anyone bully you, Pete Light. It's your money, you can do what you want with it."
"People say it's about the veil, it's not about the veil, it's about the right to choose."
"I'm gonna make a one-sheeter with my religious freedoms on them, and smack people in the face with it when they tell me I must do this thing."
"My right to swing my arm stops at the contours of someone else's face."
"At bottom what's super important is that people get to decide who gets access to their body."
"Nobody really has ever the right to abuse another person regardless of their backstory."
"The decision to engage in a medical procedure is personal, deeply personal."
"It is a part of your own human dignity, it is a part of your intellectual liberation not to put up with this nonsense anymore."
"You have a right to express yourself in that way."
"That person has publicly posted, 'Oh yeah, that's okay, I deserved that.' No, that's not okay, you did not deserve that."
"Pregnancy is a private and personal decision... it involves another person."
"It's still my vagina... even if I am naked and unconscious."
"It's my right in the Constitution as an American to own a gun."
"This is a terrible intrusion in the privacy of our lives, in our family's lives, in our business."
"The article tries to paint the father as a bad person and that being with the father is bad for the kids."
"You wouldn't think so. It's not really their business. Your body, your choice, remember?"
"My sympathy and the moral impetus always lies with the person who wants to be left alone."
"My body my choice is it's a loser of an argument."
"You can't pull somebody over, I gotta pull because you're the police. I didn't do anything wrong."
"It's not that mental health issues are to be ashamed of, hi I'm Jim sterling and I need pills to make my brain function normally sometimes, but it's only ever the right and the choice of the person with the mental health issue to publicize it."
"Sue me for what was rightfully hers... if she was gonna sue me then go ahead sue me."
"If I wasn't under the restraints that I'm under right now, I feel so liberated and feel like myself."
"I'm happy and I shouldn't have to hide my happiness because of what's happened."
"You have to speak up for yourself if you feel something is not right."
"Britney Spears has been under conservatorship for the past 12 years."
"At 36, I've earned the right... and I hope you have earned the right to not be adaptable, to have things you don't like."
"Earn the right to draw a line in the sand and say no thank you. I don't want to go there, I don't like them, I don't want to deal with it."
"If you actually believe in free speech you don't go sue over that, you respond with your own speech and do your best."
"I will forever defend people's rights to have like different opinions on movies."
"All I want is to own my money for this to end and my boyfriend, um, to drive me in his [ __ ] car and I would honestly like to sue my family to be totally honest with you." - Britney Spears
"Gareth is right, absolutely right, well within his rights to sit there."
"We have to have some semblance of privacy and privacy is freedom."
"When you're due for something and you don't put that work in and you haven't been rewarded for it, what you deserve, you got a right to stand up for what you deserve."
"I have the right to protect my family and myself."
"That's my medical privacy and I would like for you very much not to disclose my medical information."
"You don't get to tell me what to do with my body, and I'm going to make you uncomfortable."
"My body, my choice, except for when it comes to student loan debt."
"My body my choice... the state should stay out of things like abortion."
"Have you seen my house I'ma barricade myself in the palace I'm not coming out for what I ain't this ain't gonna do [ __ ] and it's always gonna be [ __ ] the police I don't give a [ __ ] if I get personal opinion"
"The most powerful word you can say is 'I do not consent' because your consent is yours."
"Silence is consent; it's your body, it's your choice."
"For some of you, it's about being heard, feeling respected, and making people listen."
"The USDA is trying to strip that away... they're willing to lock up an Amish farmer... and bankrupt them in the process."
"Remember that whole thing? Pursuit of Happiness means you are allowed to enjoy the fruits of your own labor."
"If you are willing to give up your freedom in exchange for security of anyone else, you will lose both."
"I'm tired of these right-wing bullies saying, 'Oh, you were born wrong.' I don't like your freedom."
"I believe in Freedom. I think that everybody has should have a chance to determine their own destiny and not have to live under a boot."
"Everybody's got a right to do as they do, as long as you're not breaking the law or making a victim out of anybody else."
"Your freedom to swing your fist ends where the tip of my nose begins."
"You're not taking my rights. You're not coming into my home. You're not locking my doors."
"I want people to be able to express themselves however they like without fear."
"I just want to know who I belong to, my identity, I deserve to know that." - Demisha Webster
"There's always a balance between freedom and security."
"This is an amazing sort of hypocrisy. She can have her religion but I'm not allowed to have mine."
"That's disrespectful! You deserve better than that."
"You can't treat all of us like your own personal slaves."
"You're either for individual liberty, the right to do with your body as you want, or you're not."
"Sovereignty is a choice. It's not something that's given to you."
"You have a right to be happy, you have a right to joy."
"Let them set their rules. It's their bodies, their minds, their lives. Let them set their rules."
"You can't use my data in any way without my permission. I own me, not them."
"I'm not saying that I get to do whatever I want individually all the time... but I have the political freedom in this country to persuade my fellow citizens."
"The hijab is after all my right, my choice, my life."
"You can manifest something that is owed to you from another, something that you've known about."
"Every person deserves the right to choose when, if, and how when they have this dangerous and life-altering experience."
"I revoke that privilege and I'm dilating that revocation."
"Your body is not your own and anybody can weigh in."
"My body, my choice. Don't inject me with something I don't want."
"My style is different from everybody here, I have no problem in breaking your arm and making a statement."
"My body my choice is a true statement and always is because it's your body nobody else should ever have any say in the matter."
"It's their right. They're an adult. They're a citizen. They're not a subject."
"She won't do a damn thing unless they remove the entire conservatorship."
"Freedom is not an abstraction. It is real and it affects our happiness, our ability to flourish, to lead fulfilling lives, and it cannot be taken for granted. It has to be learned and it has to be earned, even fought for in every generation."
"You can use the power of cryptography to give people back their voice, their property rights, and their sovereignty."
"I'm not being detained or anything, right? I'm not being detained or anything?"
"Under threat of arrest, I'll give you my ID."
"No matter what you are, what you believe, your bodily integrity is your decision."
"I got labeled as difficult. My husband and I... We got labeled as difficult because I said one word, and that was no."
"We have no right to happiness, but we do have a right to pursue joy."
"I am standing up for myself. I am standing up for the future. One day there's going to be something mandated that you don't want and then what?"
"An individual has a right to say no to the state."
"I'm never gonna be scared to speak up for myself."
"I'm not gonna allow somebody to dictate when I exercise my rights."
"If we don't have freedom, we don't have anything."
"My free speech is not contingent upon someone else's emotions."