
Compliments Quotes

There are 2036 quotes

"Instead of giving compliments of 'Don't be sad, you're beautiful,' giving genuine compliments like 'I think you're a great person' or 'I appreciate this about you' or 'Thank you so much for being my friend' it really gives value to the inner core being of who we are."
"Try complimenting a fat woman on something other than her hair, her skin, pretty face, bravery, or her inner beauty."
"I like those glasses on you, bro. Yeah, they're really cool on you."
"Compliments are dangerous...they tend to trap someone inside of public expectation."
"You look absolutely beautiful today, by the way. Loving the hair."
"Keep it honest. I love a sincere compliment. It really means a lot more."
"Compliments allow you to update and up level your self-image."
"You're an incredible human being and like it's just you're so easy to speak with you should do this for a living."
"Everybody beautiful. I like to compliment everybody. Nobody's better than nobody."
"Every taste just makes me fall deeper and deeper in love with you, Valentine. You look beautiful, by the way. I don't know if I forgot to say that."
"I would rather smell good than rancid, and whenever someone tells me that I smell good, it adds 5 years to my lifespan."
"Thank you, Wolfie. I love your blue eyes and your teeth."
"I'll accept compliments from anyone, but I ain't accepting limitations from nobody."
"Telling me that I'm an enriching person to be around, that's like the nicest compliment."
"You might think that an innocuous, 'Did you lose weight? You look great,' is a nice thoughtful thing to say, but you don't know."
"People saying I'm down to earth is one of my favorite compliments."
"Your wedding pictures are really beautiful, Emiko."
"Let's normalize complimenting each other rather than putting them down."
"This one right here has gotten me more compliments than all of these combined."
"You don't need expensive fragrances to get compliments."
"Dior Sauvage... is a massive compliment puller. It just is."
"YSL Y... these fragrances are extremely versatile, you can use them almost any season, any situation, and pull crazy compliments."
"Oud Bouquet... every single time I wear it, somebody's complimented me on this scent. I have had the most insane compliments with Oud Bouquet."
"You look gorgeous. A very nice compliment to give, just be careful with the way that you say this."
"Wood Sage & Sea Salt by Jo Malone gets lots of compliments for me. People just stop me and ask me what I'm wearing."
"Complimenting something specific indicates a greater level of attention from you than just saying you're beautiful."
"Be sincere when you're giving a woman a compliment; you want to make sure that it's actually something you genuinely actually admire about her."
"If she is your girlfriend or wife or long-term partner, you can say, 'Babe, you look beautiful every day, but today, you look especially beautiful.'"
"Be original. If you can come up with something that is original and unexpected, then it's going to have more impact."
"You look good, man. I hope I look as good as you when I'm your age."
"Most people giving a compliment would just say 'You look great.' This is boring. By using more unique words like enchanting and sensational, your compliment is much more likely to light someone up."
"A false compliment does more damage than a truthful insult. It really does."
"Don't withhold compliments from anyone. There are too few of them in this world."
"I like that haircut, looking good. Beard and goatee, dude, I'm liking this old you."
"An unprompted compliment from a woman to a guy can be something they'll remember for years afterwards."
"Every time I wear it, I also get compliments on it, just because it gives you the most flawless finish."
"I still one of my favorite fragrances and here's the thing, it doesn't matter about the compliments, yes they're nice to get."
"I've gotten compliments with this one...you sometimes walk a bit more confident, you feel better."
"The compliments on this one, guys, are just insane, especially from men."
"Dad said you were really pretty, and you are."
"If you were any card in a deck of cards, I think you would be the queen of my heart."
"Hello there beautiful, how are you doing today? You were looking stunning as always."
"This gets me so, so, so many compliments almost every time I wear this."
"Compliments show that you're paying attention and have a genuine interest."
"The only thing complimenting someone's weight loss achieves is reveal how truly little you valued who they were before."
"If the compliments feel too good to be true, they probably are."
"You're going to be turning heads, receiving more compliments."
"The greatest compliment anybody can ever give you is to ask you."
"People always complimented you on your confidence... they want to be taught it."
"You're pretty like a rainbow because they're the sun and they're the sky."
"I feel like my face looks dream we smooth and glowy and healthy and flawless and it's all because of you guys."
"You make women feel like they're the eighth wonder of the world."
"Don't let compliments get to your head and don't let criticism get to your heart."
"Humor is sexy. But then are you. You are, too."
"I think you are more beautiful now than when you were on Vine."
"That was a good call, man, I got tears in my eyes right now."
"We can't all be as naturally beautiful as you are."
"Roja Elysium is definitely that. It is a beautiful citrus fragrance that lasts a long time, you're definitely going to get complimented."
"You're very sharp, Master Coya. Wow, what a smile."
"One of my favorite things about you other than the obvious, like, you're super hot and talented and amazing, I love your little projects."
"I love your accent because it's the most Eric accent ever."
"I think you're a really nice person, really smart."
"You could be receiving a lot of compliments, a lot of attention at this time."
"It's not arrogant to say thank you to a compliment and to accept it. It's the opposite."
"It's another one of those products that whenever I wear it, you guys always compliment my skin."
"You look great, dude. I really appreciate it."
"I don't know, your mom personally, everybody, but I bet she's awesome. I'm just saying, I bet she's awesome."
"Can we just acknowledge how pretty she looks?"
"If I had one or two words to describe Maddie Mae, it would be just an angel."
"Damn Anastasia with a hundred dollar donut! Go ahead girl, you look good by the way."
"I watch your team, tell him to take a compliment."
"It's great when someone hits a nice shot and you just say, 'Nice.'"
"Congratulations on your engagement, you're beautiful."
"You have an incredible aura and energy, honestly, I'm not just saying that."
"Thanks... you're pretty amazing too, you know."
"It must be that produces awesome people I like that I'll take that I'll take that I like that that's cool thank you that's a nice compliment but yeah guys I'm gonna go have a great night."
"Pool, you are such a sweet little girl. Every video you're in just makes my day and brings a smile to my face."
"Wearing that has gotten me so many more compliments."
"You look good, man. You look healthy. You're like good wine, you get better with age."
"They think you're hot like damn, like I gotta talk to this person."
"I like your eyes," he blurted out. "I like yours too," she said with a soft tone.
"No you're breathtaking and nobody will say otherwise."
"Give compliments when you see a positive, encourage the positive."
"Having a kid tell you beautiful just hits different."
"Compliments coming in from an admirer, boosting your confidence."
"Whenever people say 'bro you got pretty privileged' I'm like you just said I'm pretty, thank you."
"You're the freaking empress, relationship material."
"Wow, you look so beautiful. Oh thank you man, come around, come."
"I wouldn't do the job, that is me complimenting."
"Why are you so beautiful? Thank you so much."
"Every single time I wear this I get loads of compliments."
"I think I would go for Charisma because not only one, you are very pretty, but two, I also really like your answers."
"You are beautiful like she looks the best with us without a scrap of makeup on she just looks like this gorgeous amazing beautiful angel."
"You're wearing a crew neck sweatshirt, it's beautiful." - Daniel Cormier
"Oh my god, they look stunning, they look so good on the cover."
"I feel like everyone knows or has that guy friend that compliments everyone and makes everyone feel super special."
"They turned out great. You raised an exceptional family."
"You're beautiful and bathing suits would be honored to be worn by you."
"Girls will give you compliments on the way you smell because smelling good is rare. A lot of guys smell like [ __ ]."
"Welcome to the click, you smell amazing today, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."
"You look great, but there's someone here specifically that you were resonating very strongly with."
"When people are coming up to me, it's because they know me and they're so flattering and lovely."
"I love her and you did her saggy grandma boobs so tastefully so congratulations you did so good with the collar."
"Beauty, everything about you is perfect to me."
"Every single time I use it I get so many compliments and it just inspires me."
"It's quite amusing to see this hulking bombshell get all twisted up with these personal questions. Kudos to you, Patrick."
"I think you're beautiful and I don't think you're worthless."
"You guys are beautiful, you guys are as Freddie says, superstars."
"Being different and unique gets more people's attention, and you get more compliments."
"Every single article about her runs through a list of highly complimentary descriptors like witty, refined, sophisticated, intelligent, beautiful."
"You're breathtaking, you're all breathtaking. No, for real, you guys really are."
"I woke up next morning and she said, 'Yeah, you were wonderful. You were eloquent, you were great.'"
"It's amazing... Black Panther means so much to so many people."
"Simply telling him that he looks nice will have a great impact on him."
"Now lastly, we like people who are like us and who like us back, so when you're in a group, it always helps to emphasize similarities with other members and to give genuine compliments."
"Whenever someone has come up to me or said to me, 'Oh my gosh you're so talented,' I have found that to be a great compliment."
"Oh, you look nice, right? But then if you go, 'Ah, you look ugly,' they know obviously that they're not ugly... That's the type of stuff that Gio can take."
"My favorite of which, and the one I have received the most compliments about, has been a few variations of lilac."
"I just really wanted to show you this because I wear it all the time and I also get a lot of compliments when I wear it."
"Love it, you looking good today. Look at you."
"My mom never gave out compliments ever... Not a [__] peep, she says it to her friends."
"That was his biggest compliment that he could give you."
"Ignorance is what you don't want. If you are criticized, it means it is a compliment in academia."
"There's a new world now where you say nice things to each other, a lot of compliments."
"Your eyes, they're one of my favorite things about you."
"You're [__] gorgeous by the way. No, I'm not gay. No, I'm just saying, you got the hair, you got it, baby. Appreciate it. No problem, made my day."
"The best compliment I ever received was that Jade, you're the same person I met when you were 12 years old."
"You have the most gorge hair. Oh, and your eyes, you have big beautiful eyes."
"I actually love the Debbie Harry vibes, like the Blondie vibes. I just think you're so beautiful and like I really love your makeup. Like, I would love for you to do my makeup."
"Thank you for inviting me. Oh my god, you look so cute."
"She ages like a fine wine; she looks better today than she did here."
"Compliment women on their behavior and character, not just their looks."
"Every time I wear these, I always get compliments. They knock it out of the park."
"I thought you guys looked amazing yesterday though."
"Every time I see you, you seem like you glow up."
"Ruffles said you smell like fried chicken, tell them I say thank you."
"Compliments when they're genuine, not compliments that are empty."
"You're beautiful, you're brilliant, you're kind."
"Actions don't speak louder than words. Unsolicited compliments mean the world to you."
"I love giving people compliments to make their day, you know?"
"They're saying you're a really good listener."
"Hey girl, how's that? Even enjoying it? Is that better? I called you exceptional."
"Enhance sounds like a compliment, mutant is like yeah."
"You're beautiful both inside and out, so I feel you will notice a lot more eyes on you Pisces in the next couple of weeks."
"I usually get compliments on my skin regardless, but with the Dior, I had at least like five to ten people come up to me like 'your skin is so pretty'."
"Oh god, there she is. She's uh, really quite the catch."
"If you really like a person's shirt, yo just stare at them, tell them. If you think someone has such a cool unique look, like, tell them."
"You're very attractive; somebody finds you to be very elegant."
"You're just so perfect, and I love your sense of humor, you know how to make me laugh."
"Giving a man a compliment does nothing desperate about that."
"It's not a compliment to tell a trans person that I would never have guessed you look really good for a trans person."
"Smooth as [ __ ] butter man, smooth as butter."
"I love when somebody tells me I sound mature."
"This is just fancy, man. Do you see that?" - Nicole, no surprises here. You have immaculate taste.
"Give genuine compliments—it speaks volumes about your character."
"You are a gentleman and a scholar, holy crap, I appreciate it."
"It feels good for people to tell you that you're pretty yeah it feels good that people say oh my gosh you haven't had a boob job oh my gosh look at you."
"You're an actual like 9.5 out of 10 your actual model you've got Riz Charisma you're funny you're you're confident you don't think you can you guys are insane."
"If you want to tell Jill that her hair looks good, it does."
"I will never play hide and seek with you, why? Because someone like you is hard to find."
"Francis Ngannou vs. Jairzinho Rozenstruik: Clash of two powerful heavyweights, historically exciting potential."
"There is nothing more sexy in the world than someone giving you a hug and stepping back and saying, 'Damn, you smell good.'"
"Lead with a compliment, like 'Hey, those shoes are sick.'"
"It's wonderful when people have nice things to say, but it always means a lot."
"You look so cute, I don't want to make it weird but you're just a little cutie in my heart."
"Like I said, I got [ __ ] range. Accompaniment, a compliment. Oh, that is a compliment."
"This chick gets it because it's like you don't really want to be taken away from all of your friends but you still want to make a connection with somebody so it's like hey you look great you know I see you with your friends just wanted to say that."
"You look so good. What have you been doing to yourself?"
"People like compliments, makes your ego feel good, you know."
"Sometimes people say really nice things and it hits you in the heartstrings."
"Your heart really shines really beautifully."
"Have you ever had someone come to you and be like, 'Hey man, you smell really good right now'? It is a dream."
"I love your energy. You're so happy and positive."
"You're really smart, you shouldn't forget that. And so handsome and kind and thoughtful and considerate."
"You look like you have a million colors in you."
"Accepting a compliment gracefully is very valuable."
"I think you would be a crushing volleyball player."
"I absolutely don't take it the wrong way, I take it the right way. Adorableness is reigning supreme over badass skill."
"You gotta have one friend who tells you you look nice."
"You look so handsome, how adorable is that dude, oh my gosh, yes."
"You look like Prime Kareem baby, are you kidding me?"
"Realistically, if you have a conversation with a stranger and start off with a compliment, instantly they're gonna like you and they'll be disarmed."
"You have all the other marks there, your natural hair, your skin is clear, you have a nice smile, in shape."
"They view you as someone who's very attractive, very charming."
"Really nice look for that shirt right there."
"Those results look so good on her, her hair looks so much more full of life body movement it's so much better."
"They might compliment you on your kindness and intelligence."
"Solid fragrance, you're gonna get well beyond the 12-hour mark on this one, and I'm confident that you're also going to get compliments when you rock this thing."
"I remember one of the best compliments I ever got was, one time we were at a party in Georgia..."
"Blond: 'Do you ever get tired of hearing you're beautiful?' Chris Buckley: 'No, especially now that I'm old, so shower me with compliments I do not deserve.'"
"You're going to be given a compliment that will make your day."
"Either y'all look good or you got filters on but either way you look good tonight shout out to you."
"You're a very attractive young man. Well, you're very kind."
"You have a lovely smile and a lovely headshot."
"Compliments are so right, yes, it's about though, good kick, you know."
"Captain Love doesn't look odd, you look sexier in your new outfit."
"She looks absolutely beautiful I think. I don't think anyone's going to be disappointed by how she looks."
"Perfection, whatever you've been doing, keep doing it. You look great today."
"Whoever's talking about you... they're complimenting you a lot."
"Can you give some props right now? That mustache is [__] phenomenal."