
Anti-bullying Quotes

There are 655 quotes

"Pick up the boxing gloves to find that confidence, find that purpose but also to fight back against bullying, and more so, specifically cyberbullying."
"Never give into bullying. That's Nick A30's number one thing."
"She's apologizing for being honest and outing a bully. It's sad."
"No man likes a bully. I hate bullies with a passion. I've dealt with bullies all my life, from boy to man."
"Look, as the certified #1 Geometry Dash YouTuber of 2023, thank you for that by the way, I wanna take a moment and use my status to say... stop bullying creators over checkpoint placement."
"Our brand new anti-bullying device, the Bully Bear, looks like a regular teddy bear."
"It's a tragedy anytime children are hurt. Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work toward resolution."
"We need to be more focused on teaching younger people, and just people in general, that when you hold someone accountable, that does not give you a free pass to bully and harass people."
"Attacking people for their looks or appearance or [stuff] they can't control, or using it as a way to tell people to kill themselves, yeah, that's never the answer."
"People focus way too much on the like canceling of it all. I think we need to be more focused on teaching younger people and just people in general that when you hold someone accountable that does not give you a free pass to bully and harass people."
"I hate bullies. When you see somebody being bullied because of their race or their sexuality or something like that, you want to stand up against that."
"It's not okay for somebody to shame you; it's not okay for somebody to bully you."
"We're supposed to stand up to bullies, not follow them."
"We are Americans. We're supposed to stand up to bullies."
"I watched Arthur. I know that I can stand up to bullies."
"Imagine if you tried to like help people. What if you tried to send positive messages instead of these toxic, manipulative, bully ones?"
"If you're a bully, screw you, and I hope you experience far more worse than what you do to your victims."
"I plan to be an anti-bullying ambassador for the rest of my life."
"Honestly, I wouldn't want anybody bullying anybody else in a classroom."
"Elite women gamers team up to destroy online bullies and abusers."
"When we stand up to bullies, we show America is strong enough to take on anyone."
"Being anti-bullying is almost a non-political position."
"Bullying is moronic. You can be honest and tactful."
"I was never a bully I don't think there's a single person from my school that would call me a bully."
"Accept them, don't bully them into being something that they don't think they are."
"Leave Leslie Jones alone. She's funny. Stop picking on her."
"You cannot solve bullying with more bullying."
"Anyone who bullies you knows it will be a cost, they'll get a punch in the nose."
"Be honorable and courageous when bullies move in, speak up for what you know to be true."
"My life has been hard, I've had battles all my life, but I never bow down to a bully."
"I never bow down to a bully, and I won't bow down to a bully."
"We don't need to be afraid of bullies, not when we have each other, not when we have kindness and the support of a community we love, not when we have the truth."
"The only thing I don't like seeing is when people are mean to somebody else, because of how they look, because I think they're missing out so much."
"It's a deep one. Empathy, being a good person and a good friend, like sticking up for people who are getting bullied."
"I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies."
"That's bullying, there is no bullying allowed in my school."
"I hate bullies and I want to protect people."
"When you go after these bullies, you are able to win."
"Bullying people is not the way to do things, especially for whatever skin they wear. It really doesn't matter at the end of the day."
"We must protect these children from being bullied."
"The only way to stop a bully is to say that's it, that's enough."
"Let's not bully each other, let's work together at this, let's have a conversation about these feelings."
"I had been picked on all the way through my high school career...but when I started dressing goth the bullies actually backed off."
"Stand up for non-binary folks when the trolls are trolling."
"It's absolutely cruel to harass someone for being fat."
"You gotta punch one dude in the face, bullying stops."
"Hey, it's just a joke. It's not a get out from everything. No one is obliged to find something funny just because you do, and to insist that they should is bullying no more no less."
"Major deal breaker: someone who doesn't respect waiters. Because there is no place for bullying in his life."
"I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies, I don't care where they're from."
"This is not bullying. This is not canceled culture. I don't want her canceled, I want her to do better."
"This is not bullying and this is definitely not cancel culture."
"I started Her Universe as a means to end the bullying."
"I hate bullies. I will fight bullies all day long."
"It's important that we don't just say, 'Oh, all children should be bullied and they'll become stronger and that's all good.'"
"I don't like bullies, particularly when cloaked with awesome power."
"No teacher is supposed to bully you because you're not a quick learner. It's your right."
"I was the one that if I saw people being bullied, I actually would stand up and do something."
"Bullying is wrong and sometimes people need support and friendship."
"People who love themselves will stand up for others, people who don't are susceptible to being bullied."
"Why would I waste my energy on bullies when my higher goal is to end bullying?"
"We stand with Moses, we love Moses, and if you're sending her bullying messages, you're no Star Wars fan."
"If you're a bully, stop. It affects people for the rest of their lives."
"We finally have somebody to stand up to the bullies. I truly believe that he is the only choice."
"I just think it's wrong to make fun of anybody's physical appearance."
"It's not cute or fun or cool to be a mean girl... the world can always use more good people."
"When you see a bully, you stop them. You tell them it is wrong. But when you decide to stay silent, to act like nothing is going on because it doesn't directly affect you, you are the bully too for letting it happen."
"No one should be bullied for what they believe in."
"How you gonna get the bully to stop bullying if their victims don't stand up, bro?"
"I truly and firmly believe we need to make a change to this horrible act. It needs to stop bullying, immaturity, and just taking things as a joke..."
"If I see any of you bozos bullying, I'll say your mama."
"My goat is LeBron James, but I know there'll be a lot of people who say the GOAT is MJ, and both have strong arguments."
"There is never a good reason to bully a person."
"Swing first, and they'll respect it. Don't let bullies embolden."
"We are demanding better leadership and no more bullying in our schools."
"Stick up for people who are being bullied. Be a nice person, always."
"Most studies show that when you tell somebody you're being bullied... bullying stops and it tends to stop immediately."
"God hates bullies. I hate bullies. I don't. Bullies are just awful."
"Because it was a time when people stood up to a bully and they said, 'No, we don't think we need you anymore.'"
"Meanness doesn't work for me, the bullying meanness. That doesn't work for me at all."
"When you punch a bully in the face the bully thinks twice before they pick on you the next time."
"He didn't like big powerful people or governments picking on children or innocent women."
"We don't attack people for their identity. We don't attack people for what they do in their spare time. None of those things justify bullying or harassment of any sort."
"Elvira was a major influence to them to stand up to bullies to feel like being a an outsider a geek is okay."
"You can absolutely respect and not bully somebody on the basis of how they express themselves, but at the same time honor the biology-based provisions."
"What can be done here are some ideas: first speak up, do not submit to bullies, refuse to speak news speak if you see that the king is naked say the king is naked."
"We do not condone bullying or harassment of any kind."
"Now that we live in a world with two pretty solid Sonic movies with both a third and a spin-off series about Idris Elba on the way, it's easy to forget that somewhere out there is a universe where he wasn't a victim of cyberbullying."
"Regardless of how you feel about the people in this video, it is never okay to bully, harass, or send hate."
"End this bullying epidemic once and for all."
"Anybody that wants to step up and fight against bullying and cyberbullying, we partner with organizations all across the country."
"Bullying is not okay, no matter who the person is. You cannot judge people."
"No one deserves to be bullied. There's no good excuse for that."
"They shouldn't tease or mistreat her," - Daywin
"You cannot allow people to bully you, you can't allow those who are in power."
"Within less than a month this boy was stopping other people from bullying me."
"We're allowed to hate bullies. We don't have to be part of a tribe. We can live free and actually we can create a tribe of the tribalist that just believes in facts."
"You never let the bullies you never let them bully you into silence."
"We're well-resourced and we don't back down to bullies."
"I have a chapter in my book called 'Stand up to bullies'... Because you don't belong in this one. This one will be your legacy."
"Practice is cultivated by practice, not by bullying other people."
"Guys, you know what [__] you, I'm timing you out, I'm not tolerating any bullying towards me or anyone else."
"I would make one of these and be like, 'No bullying zone.'"
"Don't bully kids, okay? And if you see it, stop it. That's right."
"Don't ever succumb to mockery, be proud of who you are."
"Melania's initiative as first lady was the Be Best campaign against cyberbullying."
"Strength is not bullying; it's the choice not to be a bully."
"If they were really focused on themselves and focused on their own goals and what they wanted to do, they wouldn't care or have time to bully."
"But the best thing you can do is to just tell the truth and stand up once and for all from this bully."
"But I don't want to sound like a... I don't like bullies. These people are bullies."
"Bullying only stops when someone takes the high road."
"It's just not a nice thing to do. Don't bully anybody."
"I stand against bullying, especially the most vulnerable and freedom to choose."
"Don't bully people and even if it's just harmless fun you never know how something is gonna affect somebody."
"If all the negative comments are acted on I think this game could be amazing."
"They stood up to the bullies, so there was a strong message there."
"They don't believe when they say they want to stop bullying."
"I don't like bullies and I don't want to sit idly by and watch bullying happen without speaking up about it."
"I truly do believe that any kind of stereotyping, any kind of bullying, any kind of nastiness towards another human being is done on the basis of assumptions."
"Stop the bullying guys stop with the hate comments we do our best we're human were just as imperfect as you guys are."
"It's not okay to bully anyone. It's not okay to be a mean girl."
"I just don't like people who bully other people. Everyone has to speak out."
"Bullying awareness: preventing traumatic experiences for kids."
"Nobody should feel upset, feel sad, feel ashamed, or take their own life just because they are made to feel unaccepted or different."
"That's what we need to do in life, stop trying to put people down."
"We're gonna have a no bullying zone. Grow the hell up."
"If you or anyone that you know of are experiencing forms of bullying or harassment please know that there are groups out there who can and want to help you."
"No one should be bullied for their sexual orientation or anything like that obviously."
"I'm not going to sit by and watch her be bullied like that. That's not gonna happen."
"Jake started out saying he hates bullies but when I see someone like Strickland constantly bullying people, it's time to bully back."
"Bullying's not okay for any reason, but it's even more disheartening when it's for a reason people just can't control."
"Being a bully is not nice. Don't be a bully. Nobody likes mean people or bullies. Don't be a bully."
"Bullies are not allowed, indeed they're not allowed."
"Never listen to rude people, no bullies, no hate allowed. This place is for positivity, fun times, accepting, and friendship."
"Being forced to appease bullies and people who break boundaries is harmful."
"My goal is to stop bullying immediately and to discourage a bully from ever wanting to bully ever again."
"Bullies never prosper, do they? Look, bullies never prosper, that's the story we're telling you today. Everybody be a star, don't be a bully."
"Bullying is a really bad thing; it shouldn't happen to people."
"One thing I cannot stomach or support is a bully... someone who threatens another with bodily harm or tries to suppress differing opinions."
"If you see someone being bullied, reach out to them."
"No one deserves to be bullied; no one deserves it."
"It's a beautiful thing, this bullying has to stop."
"I think every student and kid in person should be able to be exactly who they are and not have to worry about being bullied at school or anywhere."
"The lesson of these stories is always stand up against the bully you are facing."
"You got to stand up for yourself, don't let anybody bully you like that."
"Bullying's not cool at all, don't do that."
"I cannot abide bullies; I can't handle treating someone especially you know that thing of like how you treat the little people."
"Sometimes the bullies got to get punched in the face for them to understand."
"I don't like bullies, I want to bully the bullies, especially institutional bullies."
"I'm not gonna let people get away with bullying... it's just not okay."
"Bullying is not okay, don't do it."
"This movie is an anti-bullying movie, right?"
"I just don't like bullying. I just don't like bullies."
"He's an on-top fighter, he's a bully fighter, and when a bully gets bullied, he falls every single time."
"I am not a killer at heart, but I do not like bullies regardless of their origin."
"Please, please, please don't go on to any of these person's account and send them hate. It does nothing, it's not productive, and it's just so corny."
"I'm not going to let my kids go through none of that. Bullying is zero tolerated."
"Be that kid thrashing and swinging for the fences; after one or two exhausting exchanges, the bully chose not to bother him or her."
"I don't like bullies. No one does."
"Bullying is wrong and I'm going to make sure it doesn't continue."
"Those who pivot and adjust accordingly will win, but the days of bullying are behind us."
"Great power, use it on the right side to help. Don't be a passive witness to a bully."
"There is no excuse for bullying, and I hope that my retorts symbolize the fact that you shouldn't tolerate it."
"All the anti-bullying campaigns, like how hard they went, like there was a level, right, of like bullying that is appropriate, like say we were here, and they brought us down to like [__] right?"
"I don't like bullies. I don't care. That's a good answer."
"Enough of the bullies already, please."
"You should never let anyone bully you, never again."
"Don't go around being a bully, don't fight with weapons."
"I've knocked a pair of you out. Don't bully someone, leave him alone."
"Do not for once even think of having the satisfaction that you're gonna get away with bullying someone."
"Words are just words, sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me."
"Don't be a bully. It just makes people miserable for no reason."
"Bullying is unacceptable in any form."
"I never liked bullies. I didn't like nobody to either bully somebody or take something from people."
"I developed this thing about where I never liked bullies."
"If he can stop bullying, that means he could stop war as well."
"I love you and let's stop bullying together."
"...I just hate seeing kids get bullied in movies..."
"Never worry about causing a scene it's so important that you are not bullied."
"Vote for the hero and not the bullies."
"Don't bully people, no matter how big a star you become."
"It's important to treat each other with respect and to really stand up for people and kids if you see them getting bullied or someone's being disrespectful to them."
"Don't bully others just because there are more of you. I, Xie Nanxiang, never bully girls."
"I can't stand a bully, and I ain't raised one either."
"One thing I don't like is bullies. Don't get me wrong, I used to rob people, but I never used to bully people."
"Why do we always have to bully her? Like, she's no one deserves to be bullied but like I just feel worse for her."
"Stay true to yourself, then you might not get bullied for years."
"Kids knew real quick, 'Hey, don't make fun of Brad.'"
"I hate bullies. That's just...I have a problem with that."
"You cannot be mean, rude, disrespectful, and a lot of times provocative towards certain people, especially Papa Ghost, provocative towards people, and most of the time bully them."
"Don't be a bully 'cause nobody likes a bully."
"Don't be a bully that ain't no good."
"They have been serving up the anti-bullying this season."
"I'm an advocate against bullying. I think whoever gets bullied, it's so wrong."
"Literally everyone hates bullying. I think that's pretty clear, but too often bullies get away with doing terrible things to other people."
"Make sure you're not playing a hand in it by bullying people because you don't agree with what they're doing."
"Don't bully nobody and if you're being bullied I'm here for you."
"I have no time for bullies. You're automatically going to be not the [__] to me. How could it be your fault? You were bullied by this person, a person who had ample opportunities to come up to you and apologize."
"Honestly, the world needs a lot less bullies in my opinion."
"Imagine how pathetic a person has got to be when they feel they need to pick on a little girl for the color of her hair. Ain't that the truth, guys? Ain't that the truth."
"So if that's left a mark on you, just ask Our Dear Lord to forgive these people and to make them understand that being a bully is beginning your way down."