
Diet Culture Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Your weight is not the problem, food is not the problem, diet culture is the problem."
"I genuinely do think there is a difference between anti-diet and health at every size."
"Fat isn't the problem. Dieting is the problem."
"Fasting has gotten so lumped into the diet culture, and that's not what it is. It is a healing tool."
"Eat without guilt, regardless of what society says."
"The problem with a lot of these videos on YouTube to do with diet culture is that it can result in a lot of dangerous eating habits."
"When you're 90 years old, are you gonna be more proud that you lived a happy life... or are you gonna be happier that you ended up yo-yo dieting?"
"Diet culture stole so much from so many of us for so long, and it's time for that to stop."
"Kids who grow up being told they can't have something because it's bad are likely to become adults with problematic relationships with these forbidden foods."
"Generational diet culture runs deep but if you're finding yourself falling into some of those same patterns that your parents fell victim to here are some key tips to break the cycle."
"Are you feeling mad? But what possibly makes me even more mad is when I see influencers trying to sneakily sell diet culture rebranded as Wellness."
"We can be better than diet culture. We can fix our relationships with food."
"Changing the language we use around diets and eating in general is key."
"Toxic diet culture language fuels unrealistic body expectations."
"We were never meant to count calories for a lifetime."
"Diet culture diet losing 5 pounds before summer that is toxic."
"It's not about the weights... Diet culture is toxic."
"The worst advice I've ever been given... 'Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.'"
"Life is for living, not constantly cycling through diets."
"Poking fun at diet culture in a hilarious way."
"Classic diet mentality: we will always fantasize about the things we say we shouldn't have."
"Reject the diet mentality. No more yo-yo dieting, no more starving yourself."
"If you are a disciple of one of those calorie counters who turn the joys of eating into a form of punishment, close this book at once."
"Diet culture is so ingrained in how we view ourselves and others that even when we're alone with no one to impress, we're measuring our bodies."
"Letting go of that stress and negativity around food and weight has just helped me so much mentally."
"Despite a little seemingly inevitable kpop diet influence... he approaches food from a place of enjoyment."
"Challenging the food police is all about unpacking those internalized food rules and quieting the diet chatter telling you that you are good for choosing a salad or bad for skipping your workout."
"There is so much to gain when we stop obsessing over food and our body weight and normal fluctuations that are really not meant to be hyper-controlled."
"Don't fear food you guys, it's so unfortunate that in today's society we are made to think food is bad."
"Our society lurches from diet to diet looking for some magic formula, but it's not the formula as much as the pattern."
"In China, it's almost all plant-based diet...Chinese peasants eat plants and they have very different cholesterol in their blood and they have far fewer heart attacks."
"Reject the diet mentality, no matter how many times you might fail."
"Clean eating is overrated and can lead to disordered eating."
"Honestly, it's just so refreshing to see a Creator eating carbs and fats or like not adding any pseudoscience science ingredients or supplements or explanations why they do or don't eat something."
"The biggest thing is to get out of the diet culture, this restriction... all it's doing is making your ghrelin levels rise."
"Food should be a way of life. Unfortunately, the term 'diet' in the context in which we use it today has a great deal of toxicity associated with it. It's all about removal, punishment, sin."
"...the psychological piece and that's why diet culture is so successful because as soon as you label something as toxic that amygdala is like oh okay I'm never gonna eat it you know..."
"Diet culture is the notion that there exists a subculture of sort of pro-diet interests, folks and corporations and organizations that try to get people to follow diets more or less all the time."
"It's being broke and thinking it's cute, not eating and then getting f***ed up, it's being... it's f***ed up diet culture."
"When medical professionals let diet culture cloud their ability to see the patient case holistically, it makes for a less productive and in some cases dangerous interaction."
"I wanted to have a sane conversation between toxic diet culture, anti-diet culture, between conventional medicine and functional medicine."
"There doesn't need to be this 'if you're part of diet culture, you're a bad person' mentality."
"The wellness movement is just a camouflage for the old diet culture."
"I think I let go of diet culture because every part of my being was just like, 'Oh, go away, go away.'"
"The underlying message about diet cultures is rooted in fat phobia and weight loss schemes."
"We live in a culture that says, 'Give me one diet, the one fast, and now I'm good to go.' But it doesn't work like that; we are meant to have variation."
"I like the idea of breaking up with the diet culture and just following your body's lead."
"I think what we really should be doing is to be educating and bringing awareness to the fact that diet culture is absolutely a profitable thing."
"I've learned to recognize diet culture traits, and they're everywhere."
"Maintenance Phase unpacks everything having to do with diet culture, and it is so fascinating."