
Foundation Building Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Rock bottom is the solid foundation to build the future."
"Creating a solid foundation for ourselves feels so good; it's so solid, we're so sure of ourselves."
"Your future self wants you to know that you will be building a strong foundation for yourself and receiving a lot of achievements."
"They're working hard toward building a foundation, being someone who wants to show up for you."
"Every question he asks is like another attempt to set one more brick into that foundation."
"You will protect what's yours, but you're also going to build up this absolutely mind-blowing foundation for the future."
"It's time of creating strong foundations and fortifying any weak foundations."
"What's a good way to build a foundation or on any belief?"
"They see you as somebody they could possibly build a very strong, steady foundation with."
"Sometimes magic is subtle and we don't realize it, building a solid foundation to something pretty spectacular."
"You're building a solid foundation for yourself."
"This is my truth, this is my passion, this is my power, this is me. Like it? Fantastic. Don't like it? Get out of my way."
"These 10 items are going to be a great starting point to build on top of."
"Rock-bottom can also be a great foundation on which to build."
"One reason for that is that they managed to get in good with a guy who laid the groundwork, the foundation that they could then build off to build a greater Empire."
"I want to start on our own, make our own solid foundation."
"You're doing a lot of self-evaluating right now and building your own solid foundation first from the ground up."
"I'm grounding this into reality. I'm making it my own. This is my foundation. You went from a three of pentacles to a 10."
"We could start forming a foundation for how black and white people talk to each other in trust, honesty, and truthfulness."
"First and foremost, build a good base and keep out of trouble."
"Patience and planning ahead are keys to building strong foundations in your life."
"Capricorn, rewrite your story with hopeful optimism and strength. Build upon new and solid ground."
"If you're making helpful content that helps your viewer in some way, then you're going to make a really solid foundation for your channel here on YouTube."
"Of the cottage cheese things I've made, this one is pretty stinking good."
"Building a firm foundation for the years to come, you can do it!"
"If you think you should start with 50,000, start trading with 5,000... You can never start too small but you need to be willing to build that foundation."
"It can go up from here if we lay a sturdy enough foundation that can last the centuries, the ages, the generations to come."
"We were building this thing brick by boring brick outside of the UFC we were building all the bright lights tiny bulb by tiny bulb you know decades ago now and now it's all just kind of coming to fruition."
"We can basically build our team brick by brick from the ground up."
"Building everything from the ground up and based on the interest, talent, and skills."
"You got to work hard because it lays a foundation and a groundwork for whatever you want to ultimately do."
"I see a solid foundation, I see a new beginning coming in."
"Beginning slow but developing a strong foundation."
"You gotta learn to build your foundation and try and work on each building block now."
"The grind was real, but you've got to do what you got to do to build some foundations."
"Remember that this is the year of foundations, of really building your dreams into reality."
"This moment is the foundation for all future moments."
"You've built a solid foundation and things are gonna grow from there."
"Your stability in your life is building a powerful foundation."
"If you want to have the biggest boom possible in a future game you need to build the foundation before it comes out."
"It felt like a team performance, it felt like something that you could build on."
"Cutting ties with inconsistent energies, manifesting solid foundations."
"You really can't focus on doing the work of building things unless you're willing to grapple with the things lying underneath the surface."
"Be cautious, don't rush it, build that solid foundation."
"All I'll say is this, I have built a foundation for myself here over years of hard work."
"If he could help someone complete their Foundation Building, they would certainly be willing to pay him for it."
"...from a risk mitigation standpoint I had built a strong enough foundation with YouTube that by the time I left Consulting it was more of a calculated risk than a rash one."
"You have truly been creating that foundation within yourself."
"What I learned is before you build your new foundation is you have to slow down and figure out what you value, what's important to you, what you want to include in that foundation that is important."
"Building a strong foundation on which you can build on."
"The patience that is needed just to build up the foundation of something like this."
"You're walking away from what hasn't served and what has been on an unstable foundation to build something solid this time."
"Everybody to be on the same even playing field so that we can build a common foundation for them to continue to grow upon."
"Let's go ahead and build this thing from the ground up."
"Invest enough time in building your foundation."
"Pre-university is really, really important because pre-university is what's going to establish your basics."
"If you want to have that dog that walks perfectly on a loose leash, you need to start by building a foundation so that the dog actually prefers to make the better choice."
"Your first five years are like your real foundation."
"Let's build these songs from the ground up."
"You're feeling more grounded, more stable, and like your foundation is starting to solidify into something that is very concrete and solid."
"You're laying the roots down right now, you're setting a solid foundation to expand your family."
"I am okay, and I'm gonna be okay, and I am going to go forward with my wife, and we are going to continue to build our foundation."
"Now is the time to lay down the foundations for your future, for financial gains are more than likely."
"This is what you're building, three of Pentacles talks about building your empire, building up your foundation."
"You're putting a lot of emphasis on building this foundation for yourself."