
Mutual Aid Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"A community of love, solidarity, and mutual aid produces stronger people than a community of backstabbing, sabotaging competition."
"When you don't call me and ask me for help, you deny me the opportunity, the joy, the honor of sitting in the mud with you."
"Mutual Aid -- People band together to meet the needs that the government is not satisfying; mutual aid projects are a form of political participation in which people take responsibility for caring for one another and changing political conditions."
"Mutual Aid describes the work we do in social movements to directly support each other's survival needs based on a shared understanding that the crises we are facing are caused by the system that we're living under."
"In mutual aid, the focus is not on size or scale but on relationships, community building, and meeting the immediate needs of each individual person."
"What we did was that we trained people in how to set up a mutual aid network between your neighbors in leaving and helping each other meet their needs."
"As we back off and embrace the new paradigm of cooperation and mutual aid, that is huge. It is a hugely different way of thinking."
"What would really make us feel good is if we can provide support for one another, and in order to do that, we're going to have to get our raft afloat first."
"People are getting help from folks that also need the help."
"Remember, empower each other, women empower each other, let's all help each other get through this life, let's all help each other every day."
"Mutual Aid has been the foundation of peace and prosperity, as well as the refuge in times of war, disaster, and misery, keeping people together when they need it the most."
"Mutual Aid is more than survival or scraping by. It’s how communities can THRIVE."
"Our time is short. Until next time, think about Mutual Aid."
"The norms of fairness say in emergencies, we help each other out." - Richard Thaler
"You have to support each other... If you take care of the community, the community will take care of you."
"We need a lot more you in the world right now and you need a lot more of it."
"I think that we should all support one another, help each other out because in return they're gonna help you out when you need it."
"We help them out, they help us out. It's a hand-in-hand relationship."
"Mutual aid seeks to build an alternative to the current system."
"It's how the Mox got started. We look out for one another."
"Mutual aid is not charity... it's symptomatic treatment not a cure."
"We've seen a resurgence of social power and mutual aid groups."
"Everybody was helping each other, raising each other up."
"Let me find out, look to the man near you, left to right, and say, 'I got your back.'"
"If we help each other, we both are successful."
"We all get by with a little help from our friends."
"A threat as great as the super mutants would force communities to band together for mutual protection."
"Thank you guys for supporting us me but also supporting each other."
"The more you support me, the more I'm able to speak out for you and expose more truths to you."
"Support those people. It benefits all of us to have a place where we can support each other, including the mistakes we make, including the things that should be obvious but they're not obvious when you have PTSD. That's why we have each other."
"We're here to help each other." - Unknown speaker
"Support your sisters and allow support to come your way as well."
"Thank you so much for supporting me and supporting each other."
"Empower another, and the Almighty empowers you. By helping another, the Almighty will help you."
"Mutual aid and working together and collaborating is the formula for success."
"Mutual aid theory: profound theory of social science rooted in biology."
"The reason no one's come to help you is the same reason no one's come to help them."
"Mutual aid is and always has been the groundwork for a functional society."
"Support is required and the burdens between friends should be shared."
"Little Baby comes from the long lineage of people that helped each other."
"We're here to help each other navigate this journey, you know, good and bad."
"Building true community: taking care of each other in times of crisis."
"Success in coming together and helping one another."
"This community is here for you, we will encourage and support one another."
"If I give to Ryan because of the Lord, and he has to give to me because of the Lord, that means we're all balancing one another out."
"When we start building the new society, this is one of the ways we can really start helping each other out."
"People are trying to help each other live our best lives."
"The two of you are helping each other through something."
"Solidarity not charity, we look at the network of mutual aid groups emerging across the country to protect each other in the face of the corona virus."
"When we call each other friends and partners, we can't desist with one thing and then refrain from helping with the other one."
"Life can get overwhelming, but we can all help each other out."
"It can teach us to actually participate in communities of care and mutual aid."
"We all have every right to help each other and we can share our experience with them."
"We need to focus on building Mutual Aid societies."
"We act like your faith is like a hand and you're grabbing a hold of Amanda and her faith, and we're joining with her and we're pushing forward."
"Solidarity means mutual aid, mutual support. It's about people coming together, organizing, and helping one another, from local neighborhoods to the international arena."
"Let's just do a Q&A and we'll ask some questions and see if we can't help one another out."
"Mutual aid already forms the backbone of many of our communities and I believe we can put prefiguration into practice."
"We may not have it all figured out, but we can definitely be there for those who need us."
"Ordinary Canadians who have been there for each other."
"Keys to happiness lie in getting help from others and supporting them."
"I think everyone should be in mutual aid networks right now."
"Working together and through mutual aid is a path forward towards a better life."
"Friendship is a relationship that helps one another."
"Everything here is free. Just return the shulker boxes and take what you want."
"We rebuild and continue to support each other."
"Build a strong community around you, a support system around you, people who can help you, people who can support you."
"That is the benefit of comic skate. Get back here, help people out, be a sunbeam, give and take in equal measure and succeed."
"We need to come together as a community here and support each other to kick this habit."
"We should all be looking out for our neighbors and all looking out for one another."
"Support each other, find Community, donate to Mutual aid funds if you're able."
"We as individuals can go and help each other. That's part of what a MAG means Mutual assistance group."
"Helping others can often help yourself. In fact, if I have a guaranteed ally, some cards in Magic become insane."
"You will get through this, and so will they."
"Support one another, fill in the gaps of what we don't have."
"The beloved community is one person helping another." - Bishop T.D. Jakes
"Having a community gives you the ability for people to have each other's backs."
"We're all in this together, we're trying to help each other hit that level of financial freedom."
"Small town America... people will help each other out."
"It's always nice as a community at all levels just kind of helping and trying to support each other."
"The more we support each other, it's going to keep going."
"Humans and demons alike help each other in the restoration."
"Who is lifting your arms and whose arms are you lifting?"
"It's about being able to help, because in many ways it's like we're our own little networks."
"At the end of the day, we try to help each other."
"I want a relationship where both parties help and support each other."
"A community based on mutual help and support."
"I give my life in a very simple value, you know, should help each other."
"We choose to help each other and we choose to accept help."
"We are each other's safety net, mutual aid, and love."
"Mutual Aid is a pro-social anti-capitalist response to systemic failure."
"Recognize that you probably kind of already do Mutual Aid with your friends."
"When Yanu regained consciousness, T showed more care towards her, and she in turn helped him tend to his wounds."
"Gohan helped his dad just as much as his dad helped him."
"Fortune dealt with them in such a funny way that both rivals had saved each other."
"Maybe we could work out something next round, we maybe help each other out, you know."
"This runs all of our mutual Aid calls."
"The meaning of life is finding out that lesson that we need to help each other."
"Every party should help the people in their community because you're going to need help one day."
"We're called towards opportunities where we can help each other."
"Individuals taking responsibility for their own recovery and helping others to lift themselves up."
"We have to take care of each other because together we can get through absolutely anything."
"At the end of the day, if you're renting a crib, it's like you guys are providing for each other."
"Everyone's sort of helped each other a little bit, shouldn't they?"
"People helped each other. It was a neighborhood."
"...you are never a burden to me I come to you when I'm in need you come to me when you're in need..."
"No one person wins and no one person can do it... we all helped each other..."
"It's amazing what happens, you know, people help one another out. He helped me."
"The actual people who live there do a better job of taking care of each other than the government did."
"The first option is to help each other and share your wealth when especially when the husband is in difficult times."
"Let's help one another, you know, you never know who's going to be there for you tomorrow. Nobody knows tomorrow."
"Why can't we just all just go up, you know, just Pierce you know just help each other out, yeah?"
"I think we really helped each other."
"The idea being that the thing you have to learn is we will take care of each other."
"We're getting to a more honest and transparent place because everyone's just trying to help each other at this point or they should be."
"Kropotkin showed that the conception of nature as a field of unrestricted warfare is only a caricature of real life."
"Asking for help is already hard enough, change your Optics a little bit to realize we're almost going to be sort of kind of helping each other."
"Shouldn't we be helping each other when we're able to?"
"Everybody kind of takes care of everybody."
"Collectivism and comradely mutual aid, one for all and all for one."
"The most important thing to do, especially nowadays, is to organize, create instances of direct action and mutual aid in order to remove dependence on the state, build dual power, and eventually sever all ties with those who claim to govern. This is the way."
"We recognize that we're all in this together, and there's this impulse for mutual caretaking."
"It was always about helping each other out."
"That's decentralized command. That's not only decentralized command, that's what a good team is. The strength of the team is the mutual aid, if I know you got my back. That's the strength of the team."
"We'll never have anything unless we help one another."
"Nobody that I can remember was ever hungry because everybody would help everybody and that's something they don't do today."
"If you can help as much as they help, if they take a step you take a step."
"Just sharing these experiences with other people, whether we're helping them or they're helping us."
"They're carrying your prayer for you. You carry their child."
"We're all here to help each other out."
"Little do you guys know, when you say we help you, you guys also help us."
"I'm here for one purpose and one purpose only, and that's to share with you, and for you to share with me, our experience, strength, and hope."
"You help them survive their hardship, Allah will help you through something else."
"Sometimes you think you're getting involved in someone's life to help them, and then they end up helping you along the way."
"It's okay, we should help each other out in times of need."
"I believe that helping each other out benefits both of us."
"They help each other more than, for example, in my country."
"We're all here for each other; we help each other."
"If everybody helped each other, the world would be a perfect place."
"There's no better sign of a good friendship than helping each other."
"We could all help each other out and support one another."
"We can help each other, yes 100%."
"You can't help other people without helping yourself first anyway."
"Nobody's going to save you; we've got to look out for each other."
"Humans by nature build and live together in communities, resorting to collective intellect and mutual aid."
"It's not like a payment, it's like a help each other."
"Social ties give us this kind of informal insurance or mutual aid."
"The family is the first network of mutual aid and the best one that's ever been devised."
"I think he helps people, and the community helps him."
"Help others in need or ask for assistance when you need it."
"Those two things support each other."
"We wanted to help each other as much as we could in the ways that worked for us."
"Let's keep being good medicine for each other."
"Mutual aid is, the more it is expanded, an increasingly real model of communism: distribution based on need and production based on ability."
"It's really not me saving her; it's... so she can save me."
"By me helping you, you help me, and we help each other."
"We're all in this together, let's help each other out."
"After all, life doesn't last forever, and we will all be happier when we help each other and live life to the fullest."
"Family is about supporting each other and helping in times of need."
"We help each other out of the hole, and as I'm helping you, I help me."
"This kind of community organizing is kind of mutual aid is also empowering."
"It's a community and everybody's here to help each other."
"One hand washes the other, and both hands wash the face."
"You mean helping me is your chance to fix your own life too?"
"As long as we're in the help of others, Allah will be in the help of us."
"It's when you feel that your stories flow into each other, so being the recipient of help does not cure loneliness. What cures loneliness is giving and receiving help."
"Charity is providing like a limited one-time thing, whereas mutual aid is building something that is sustainable."
"We're trying to grow a community here to help each other out."
"Mutual aid was something which was very much part of the human experience."
"We help each other; that's how we are helped."
"Humans could only develop through cooperation, through Mutual Aid."
"Helping others with addiction helps yourself when you have addiction."
"We are not dependent on USA the way Israel is; we need certain help from USA, equally USA needs help from us."
"Mutual aid is regular people getting together to meet each other's needs with the understanding that the system we live in is not meeting those needs."
"Mutual aid is inherently sustainable."
"We need you, get around, we have each other."
"The addict we reach out to in a moment of need may well be the person who saves our life later."
"I mean, we ought to help each other out, right?"
"I think the best possible world seems to be one where everybody is cooperating and where every nation is growing and where everybody is helping each other."
"Mutual aid is different from charities in that they aren't investors; you're held accountable by your own community and the goal is to meet the needs of the community."
"Mutual aid encourages alternatives to the system, while charity is a byproduct of its existence."
"It's all about mutual aid, man. It's all about taking care of yourself and taking care of your neighbors."
"Mutual Aid is about solidarity, not charity."
"You have to work with others to survive and I don't think any of them would have made it this far without somebody's help."
"We're helping each other fund our healthcare expenses."
"We all pull together to help each other; it's a natural human instinct."
"They were meant to be there to help each other, and the story is basically about how they both helped each other."
"We're going to prosper as a community by supporting each other."
"It's mutual aid, trans people supporting trans people."
"It's us helping, they're helping you, you're helping them. That's how we're gonna move."
"If we can't help each other get through this experience called life, then what are we here for?"
"Now we must help each other get to heaven."
"You keeping me positive helps me keep you positive."
"We got to take care of each other, we just really do."
"Stop it," Ivory said as she straightened. "There's no score to keep here. We help each other when we need it, if we can."
"Community helps you and you help the community."
"We can help each other; you help me, I'll help you."
"It is really nice to see when people come together and just help each other out because they're good people."
"There's a way for you to help them, and a way for them to help you."