
Personal Truth Quotes

There are 907 quotes

"Your soul knows your truth, and the more you are aware of how you can let your soul come through, the more you'll recognize that you've had all the answers within you all along."
"I am not what people say about me. I am not what people think. That's part of my sobriety."
"When you have that inclination, you have to follow it. You can't let that die; that's some truth in you speaking."
"It's our authenticity, it's our truth, it's a message that we feel really guided to share."
"The moral code that is never rewritten is just the integrity of your karma and knowing your truth and knowing that you are powerful within the authenticity of yourself."
"There are some things that you're wearing that look like they fit on the outside, but you know they're not right for you on the inside."
"We respect what you believe in; we respect your right to determine for yourself what's true."
"Every time you live your truth, you give permission for someone else to do the same."
"Drop the things that offend your soul. Embrace your truth. It's your life; let no one live it for you."
"Everyone has a soul truth; stick to yours and practice tolerance for others. You may be the sole person with this truth and that's okay; you are so special."
"We gotta keep it real here. That's why I like to speak the truth, at least my truth."
"It's like, what is your truth, Gregory? What is Gregory's truth?"
"What matters is to find a truth which is truth for me, to find the idea for which I am willing to live and die."
"You'll never feel purposeful until you realign with your personal truths, the core of who you are."
"The Republic of truth, love, lies within you."
"I love the reality of me more than I love the idea of us."
"The only thing I have ever chosen on my journey is to be happy and to live in my truth."
"I wish that I would have not been afraid to tell the truth about my divorce and what led me to my divorce."
"Being loyal to who you are is finding your ultimate truth in art."
"All we have to do is become who we are authentically."
"Just don't harass anybody, right? Because everybody's truth is their own truth."
"My message? Love and peace and unity and truth, you know, my truth."
"You're letting go of any false truths or any narratives that you've even told within yourself where you felt fear and you couldn't do it."
"Move forward in love and light at all times; that is your truth, that is your heart, that is your destiny."
"The truth, their truth. The real truth about who they are as a person. And I think it all really starts there, at the truth."
"There's a reason why you haven't been happy recently because you weren't doing what is true to you as a being."
"Your feelings and your intuition are always a powerful representative of your personal truth."
"I support anybody that's bold enough to live in their truth."
"To thine own self be true...Listen to yourself, find the essence of who you are."
"People are entering Islam because they see the religion as the truth, it resonates with them."
"I feel that I found the truth and I really have no doubt about it."
"We're living in the opposite of the stoic age... the 'your truth' age."
"Your identity cannot be authentic if it is not congruent with reality."
"Say what you really think. If you tell the truth and it doesn't work, then maybe that's not the path for you."
"Remember to always take what resonates, leave what does not. If the message simply doesn't resonate, that's okay."
"I feel like I can go in and tell my truth, I'm not the one that has to hide anything."
"So long as you were abiding by your own particular truth and you're listening to yourself and it makes you happy to listen to yourself, then you don't ever really lose. Not really at least."
"Forget it all, Mommy. Those are all things I said for the TV, but Mommy, you know the truth in your conscience."
"I hide behind material things, finding out the truth crushed me, and I love you unconditionally."
"Lean into your truth. Once you get over the hump, then you're fast."
"The truth will set you free, at least that's what I've found over the years."
"Speaking the truth was something that I owed to my children and to all those who have remained steadfast in their support of me. I feel at peace knowing that I finally accomplished that."
"Living according to one's truth is the pathway to peace."
"You don't have to be courageous you just somehow or another haven't forgotten what you've always known to be true."
"The only truth is the one you've agreed with. You are unlimited potential whether you believe that or not. And be kind."
"Knowing your truth, no matter what you're pursuing, is so huge."
"As far as what I've learned, this is what I know to be true."
"You're standing strong in your truth amongst turbulence."
"Whatever is happening now seems to be putting you on that path towards this person or towards what it is that you want as long as you're being true to yourself."
"It is time to speak your truth... gather yourselves... banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary."
"Be who you want to be, be proud. R+E. Richie and Eddie."
"Power is when you stand in your own truth, no matter what."
"Petty tyrants help us clarify our own stances and clarify our own truth."
"You have to be okay with standing alone sometimes, living in your truth."
"As much as I've heard about how hard it is to be kind of both and neither and to be lights going to be confused yet confusing do your truth."
"I never thought of coming out of a closet because I never was in a closet."
"And what I have found the best resolution um to to these issues in in my world and my work and my own healing and my own you know demons that I've had to face is truth and to me that's the only way we're going to get through this is truth."
"That's my truth that's my side of things and I'll let you determine what you think."
"You would see every emotion as having a special message about your personal truth to convey."
"Make how you feel the most important thing in your life."
"Is because they know that by doing this, it is inevitable that you will end up, in alignment with your personal truth."
"When you live in your truth, the voices of all this noise no longer matter."
"His need is not to choose one of these identities but to own the truth he is all three."
"Sometimes a man just needs to speak his truth."
"The truth of a man lies not in the land of his birth but in his heart." - Amy Mason
"It made me realize that I need to live in the moment more."
"Redirect, speak your truth, be strong, and step into the transformative energy."
"Know that own your truth and don't be afraid to speak it."
"Speaking your personal truth is never necessarily unkind or loveless."
"I speak my truth and encourage others to speak theirs."
"I'm trans, my pronouns out of drag are she/they. I'm the happiest I've ever been."
"A truly wise person will not accept a new concept unless they can really own that concept as part of their own truth."
"Your truth doesn't have to be big, sometimes it's very quiet, very kind, very small."
"Thinking about this person helped you tie up those loose ends and is supposed to help you be prepared for what is to come."
"This recent bout of thinking about them was aimed to really clear up and show you the truth for what it is."
"Don't force it, resonate with what feels right."
"Follow your heart, even if people around you don't understand."
"This is me. This is our truth. This is what we have the potential to do."
"Sagittarius, take off the mask, follow your heart, make it happen."
"One's likeability can also be seen as a spiritual validation aligning with advanced Souls with their higher truths."
"What's your version of truth for your reality and don't worry about what everybody else thinks."
"You ended this whole scenario in which you were lying to yourself about something. I'm not happy seeing you in that place of confusion."
"Don't be afraid to speak your truth because even though people think that they can take it they can."
"Definitely a lot about truth coming out — the truth of your feelings, the truth of the situation, the truth of what it is that you really want."
"If you get that feeling in your stomach that what you're doing is not aligned with who you are, probably isn't."
"I'm going to serve up the truth and try and be as authentic as possible."
"The truth that your person is not telling you: they secretly love you more than you think."
"Authenticity always wins. Everything she's ever put out is rooted in her authentic reality."
"She's entitled to to speak her part of the story and that's exactly what she did she didn't hold anything back." - Empowering Ashanti to speak her truth
"Essentially what you're doing is telling the truth to yourself in an untrembled manner."
"Nothing I say in these videos is actually true, unless you discover it in your own experience."
"Create your own truth, live that truth, shine, and people when they truly love you and accept you can't help but to support and to embrace the true you."
"Your intuition about being unhappy is a signpost to an objective truth."
"Don't be afraid to speak your truth and stand up for yourself."
"The claim 'I know who I am' is the claim of the Monet or the Divine self."
"You always know your own answers deep down. Listen to your Soul's guidance."
"It is time to rise and shine from the false stories of who you are and to embrace the truth of God's timelines..."
"Speak your truth, speak your light, and move on."
"Don't be in denial. If something doesn't feel right, acknowledge that to yourself."
"Choose to speak your truth, even if your voice shakes."
"You get to that place where you just know it's beyond your guts, beyond what you can really tangibly put something on. It's just something inside of you."
"Live your truth." - Doctor mentioned in the video
"I'm winning because I'm stating my truth and living in it."
"You got to live it, quit the fairy tale things, live your true life and be your true self, and you got to own it."
"The feeling of realizing that despite what everyone else is saying to you, you know in your heart that the way you actually perceive the world is in fact real."
"The key is perspective... if you're lying to yourself then it's not going to matter."
"Nothing is true for you unless you are aware of it."
"Discern what is true for yourself; challenge what you've been told."
"Questioning what is true for you, what is your truth."
"Channeling gives us the ability to find our own truth, our own personal relationship with creation."
"The truth is relative, you decide what truth is based on your experience."
"The thing that always interests me is I think like contradiction is so fascinating to me because I think it exposes the lie that you're telling yourself."
"A teacher is never a giver of truth; he is a guide, a pointer to the truth that each student must find for himself."
"Everything that comes out of my mouth is the truth... I'm the weatherman of the culture."
"If you're going to stand up for something... stand up for your truth."
"See your light, know your power, have the courage to walk your truth."
"Live your truth. Ali London is just as Korean as Caitlyn Jenner is a woman."
"How long do you get away with telling yourself the lie? I don't know, you tell me."
"You are made perfect as you are. Don't let the majority of society try to dictate to you what is normal and what is right for you."
"Some of you found out the truth about the situation or this person, but still can't walk away."
"You have to live your truth fam, and it is this kind of performative transgression that is necessary in realizing Network spirituality."
"You don't have to be anything else but yourself because you get to live in your truth."
"It's all about being true to yourself and being true with yourself."
"I just kept it real. I just came out and I just told my truth."
"To speak your truth even if your voice shakes."
"It's a mistake to think that self-hatred only hurts the self and that despite the truth hurting, not everything that hurts is true. You are your own person."
"Trust yourself over everybody, your soul knows what's right for you and what's true for you."
"Speak your truth and speak from a place of authenticity."
"Being authentic and real... when you feel that feeling you don't ever want that feeling to go away."
"You're going after what you want, with truth and integrity."
"Stay focused on the positive, stay focused on what is true for you."
"The truth is always within you. Nobody can lie to you, nobody can fool you. You always feel the truth within."
"Your personal truth needs some attention, so don't let it get lost in your present dealings."
"Getting recognition for your truth from the outside world."
"It's more than believing you're right; it's a daily realizing. You know, there's a difference in saying something is true and then realizing it's true."
"You stand in your power and you stand in your truth."
"Don't trust your thoughts, trust the seeking impulse. It's the source of all intelligence."
"Stand solid in your truth, having healthy boundaries, speaking your truth."
"True realness, vulnerability... people living their truth."
"Living in your own truth, your integrity, this is going to be your superpower."
"Color outside the lines, break some rules, and do what's right for you. Be true to your heart's desire."
"Follow the truth that's the best decision for you even if it feels like, ah well then now I'm gonna have to you know"
"Choosing the red pill is about staying true to your feelings and what you know in your heart is real."
"Be emotionally honest with yourself and others."
"Being gay isn't an act for me, it's a feeling, it's who I am."
"Ever told your truth to someone and they refused to believe it because it was so outlandish to them?"
"Honor what you truly feel, don't try to talk yourself out of it."
"The truth isn't in a religion or a belief system, the truth is a person."
"The bravest thing that you can do is to live your truth."
"You're standing on truth, you're standing in your power, you're standing on your truth, you can do this okay."
"Deep in your heart, you already know the answer."
"I just have to come to the fact that I'm not going to please everyone so I just need to work on what I feel like is true and what I feel like is right and being authentic to myself."
"Accept what people show you; don't argue with someone's truth."
"This is my truth and you can't take away from my truth."
"Radical honesty: to believe in the facade is to suffocate."
"It's inspiring to other people, right? But this is a lot about claiming your truth and owning your power."
"This is my crown, this is my prosperity, this is my truth. What matters is that I live the most meaningful, powerful, and brilliant life for me."
"No part of you is unacceptable. All parts of you carry wisdom and truth."
"Speak your truth; it's about being authentic and honest, even if it's not what others want to hear."
"The heart will always tell you what is true for you in the moment."
"If you're a monster from the inside, it will come out eventually."
"I transitioned to be happy, to be true to myself."
"Honor your truth or accepting your truth is inherent in order for you to move forwards."
"Acceptance just allows yourself to be as you are."
"Your only job is to realize that the only truth is your truth."
"Stay who you are and go where that truth leads you."
"I'm finally ready to just fully live in my truth."
"Being true to where you are on your spiritual path is the golden ticket to spiritual evolution."
"I choose to be myself and to express my truth."
"Be true to your heart because you're going to be doing something that you are passionate about. Do what feels true to you because that's what's going to bring you the ultimate success towards your life."
"I just realized like why am I lying to myself you know like no amount of money or success from Twitch or any of that egotistical stuff that I was chasing years ago is going to make me happy."
"Know who you are. Be settled with being you."
"This person is truly bringing enlightenment with them. Very cool. Aries Leo Pisces Scorpio coming in."
"Please do not let the rest take from you. If anything is unhelpful, do not let it stray you from your truth, from your clarity."
"You both are crusading in some way and it's, you know, you're showing up as the Ace of Swords, so this is definitely about speaking your truth and manifesting."
"Like a trail of breadcrumbs, they are leading you into your truth, your story."
"Just always been real and been herself and that's what worked."
"We know the truth when it comes to our relationship."
"Live your truth, but swimming is a privilege, not a right."
"The only way to do that is to live in your truth."
"If that's your truth, that's what you want, then you gotta stick to it."
"The chaos around us has to be tamed... how do you tame it? Through your truth."
"Realizing the truth about yourself and your partnerships."
"Understanding the lies we tell ourselves and others based on hurt and lack of healing."
"Always use these readings only if they are helping you. Use your discernment. If you feel it's truth for you, if you don't feel like it's what's going on for you, just drop the reading. Turn the reading off, no big deal."
"Your intuition is strong, you have to follow this, it's your truth."
"Choose to know the truth because you can open your inner vision. You can see through deception. Let the past go and make room for a better life. Rise up, magic and wisdom are your birthright."
"Listen to the call of your soul. It will never lead you astray."
"The more in tune with your spirit you are, the more you can see through the BS."
"When a person tells you who they are, believe them."
"Just before they die, they say something to themselves and they realize that's the truth, and then that's when they die."
"Even in loneliness, you find the ability to find yourself, to find truth for yourself."
"What matters is the honest expression, the authentic sense of living our truth."
"Get support speak your truth look at what you're swallowing and start bringing it out into the world."
"Express your truth and manifest it into existence."
"If you're not willing to go look behind the curtain, if you're not willing to go deep into your truth, then right now they're doing that to everybody."
"The key is to be constantly in a perpetual process of discovering the truth of who you are."
"This is my truth. I can't shove it down anymore or I will end up in that place I was in a year ago."
"Owning your voice, owning your truth... objective facts that you cannot deny." - JJ Redick
"Choosing the road that leads to you living in your truth."