
Tact Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."
"Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly."
"You can say certain things with tact, you can say certain things without disrespecting other people."
"There's an art to being honest, without being insulting."
"He's basically he's basically he basically has slammed him in a very public way in a very polite way."
"The most important thing when introducing someone to anything is to know when to shut the fuck up."
"Tact means to communicate with sensitivity, subtlety, and an acute awareness of the impact of your words."
"You can be brutally honest in a video and review but without being a complete and total dick."
"There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours."
"There are tactful ways, especially once you've built the relationship a little bit, of asking what do you gonna do with this money."
"Being diplomatic can help resolve conflicts."
"A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way to make you look forward to the trip."
"You don't say that to broke people."
"You have such a beautiful open heart and emotion, you move that way and I'm not saying for you to become sly but you are learning to be more tactful."
"...tact is a characteristic of wisdom."
"Even if you don't like something that someone's doing, you have to say it in like a nice constructive way."
"If you have something to say to me that's critical, find the right words that are listenable."
"There's a science to how to deliver bad news in the most gentle way possible."
"if you come in here and you start telling us how it's better down the street or across town they do it for this you're not really winning a friendship here it may be true but what's the point of saying it especially in front of other customers to make us feel bad"
"You don't want to sound like King Edward or anything like that, then don't tap."
"It's never a good idea to tell anyone that you think their stuff is tacky, that you just don't understand why anyone would buy it. Like, that's never a helpful thing to say."
"Keep your damn mouth shut. If you have to say something, then say it with class and dignity."
"If I start, it's not I'm not trying to insult you."
"Maybe one day you can learn to not say stuff. Okay? Maybe don't say everything that comes to your mind."
"If you disagree with common sense, just keep it to yourself."
"You need to check your message, my friends. I have to say the right thing in the right way. This is also very, very important. We have to be wise in how we articulate that information."
"Well, you can be honest without being rude."
"I was kind of like, 'This is not a great look for you. You look old.'"
"Just be nicer about it. You get a lot farther."
"So am I wrong for telling one of my classmates that they are the dumbest person alive?"
"Honestly, this guy's even less tactful than Saul with the way he's like... like Saul knows how to keep it like classy on the surface, you know?"
"There's nothing wrong with being direct or honest, but bossy, bossy never crosses good."
"Ask for feedback with tact and humility."
"Tactfully delivering the truth is important."
"It was very considered, very polite you know."
"You don't have to be a jerk about it, you can still have grace and kindness."
"You don't want to make someone feel stupid. Hey, you're riding wrong, I learned that lesson real hard."
"It's better to do it nicely, as nicely as possible."
"You don't make those types of statements. You may believe it, but you keep that in your mind."
"I saw my son tells me well he could certainly teach you a thing or two about tact I'll say that."
"She had a way of saying what needed to be said but it wasn't so just ugly about it I guess like some of the others."
"How can I ask her to cool it on Facebook without hurting her feelings?"
"How to establish authority without being pushy."
"Tact and diplomacy are the essence of social skill."
"I will put the question differently since I do not care to make any contestant on this program blush."
"A diplomatic person is good at getting things done without annoying too many people."
"Learning how to disappoint your partner tactfully and lovingly is, I think, really important."
"I'm trying to be diplomatic about this situation."
"I'm more diplomatic, you know what I'm saying."
"You need to raise the question diplomatically."
"You should never comment about something that someone can't change in the first five minutes."
"There's a fine line between straight-out lying and being tactful and using wisdom."
"Be honest with yourself, but when someone asks you how the breadsticks are, be honest with them but don't be an a-hole."
"You have all the cleverness which makes a successful man. Have you the tact?"
"We just talk about things as plainly as possible when there are certain things at play without trying ever really accuse anyone too aggressively."
"I've always been very diplomatic."
"Tact is a sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others."
"The essence of showmanship is to be different without being obnoxious."
"I'm always gonna be honest, but I always try not to be mean either."
"There is a classy way to do it, so we'll see."
"It's totally possible not to sugarcoat and be blunt with your friends without being a dick."
"I am all for honesty in a relationship, but you know what, if you can cushion that blow a little bit, it might go a really long way."
"That's a great way to get out of it, it's so graceful."
"A person can be honest without being hurtful."
"He spoke his mind but he had tact; that's a pretty rare combination."
"Diplomacy is the ability to deal with people and situations tactically."
"We're going to show them the mailed fist, but we're also going to show them a velvet glove."
"You can say anything to anybody if you're saying it the right way."
"You try to be as tactful and as polite and showing as much respect as possible."
"Put a little butter on your bread, and it'll butter them up."
"It requires a large measure of tact and goodness of heart not to bring out these shadows of the past."
"It was a way to ask the question without being judgmental or accusatory."
"How do you make people aware of what you're doing without making yourself feel obnoxious?"
"Speak softly and make them come to you."
"It's a very nice way of handling it without making the other expert seem like a fool."
"Live by the five-second rule: if someone can't fix it in five seconds, don't say anything about it."
"I like a straightforward person, a person with some tact though."
"Do not come out swinging. Use a lot more questions instead of statements or assertions."
"I really like the idea of offering upsells but not in a tacky way."
"There's no use in sensing a neighbor when you can avoid it with a little tact."
"I'm sure if we just use a little tact and kindness, this whole matter will soon resolve itself."
"Jesus carried into his labour cheerfulness and tact."
"They have this unique ability to keep their mouth shut when it's supposed to be kept shut."
"You can be persistent without being annoying."
"Try to find the ways how you can help that person without offending them."
"Ours is to conscientiously avoid being abrasive in our presentations and declarations."