
Media Influence Quotes

There are 2682 quotes

"Media is a very powerful medium but it's also very personal. Oftentimes, it gives us the chance to interact with people we may not ever encounter in real life."
"It's easy to make these assumptions with the bombardment of news lately that either all women are crazy or all men are scumbags, and I know that's not true."
"I used to, I still have the number one Us Weekly cover that ever sold."
"I was really consuming this content between the ages of 16 and 24 years of watching these videos nearly every day, it really did shape me as a person and became a huge part of my life."
"YouTube is so much more powerful than Netflix."
"One of the hopeful things that I've discovered is that nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies."
"We as adults need to make a world that is supporting those children. We need to make media that makes them feel valued."
"I'm sick of the media dictating what we are supposed to feel about our own bodies, about our own skin, about what we think is beautiful."
"Don't let marketing and media tell you that you are not allowed to age."
"The Real Housewives franchise has fundamentally changed the way that we think about a lot of aspects of wealth, and how we'll spend money and how we represent ourselves, particularly as women."
"Manufactured consent is the idea that if you control the airwaves, if you control media, you have the ability to construct the consent of people who listen to you."
"Islamophobia is a real phenomena, and one of the major reasons for this is the media."
"Our point was to change the media. And if we have changed the media, and they're all copying us, then the audience wins."
"The media has such an amount of power to be able to do this, this is a good demonstration of that."
"It is the billionaire ownership of the media that has led to the dissemination of anti-climate change propaganda."
"The great lesson is don't let what's going on program you."
"When billionaires want to open up the markets for their trade, they'll fund media outlets that tell the audience how important investments, innovations, and economic growth are."
"80% of what shifted [the cultural view on gay marriage] was a single network television show called 'Will and Grace.'"
"Pay attention to what your young brothers, your sisters, your cousins, your nieces, your nephews, your children are watching."
"Why are there still so many Americans frightened by the thought of COVID? Because CNN wants you to stay scared."
"It would be exponential if every day every single person who watched shared it would be an exponential growth bigger than CNN overnight."
"Hollywood has been controlling what we watch for the last 100 years... Hollywood can't know what you want because they're not you."
"The problem with the real world is that when you become such a well-known figure, your reputation precedes you, and you don't get the chance to make first impressions because they've already been made through publicity and media."
"If it had not been for 'The Apprentice,' Donald Trump is probably not president right now."
"88% of Democratic voters and a majority of Americans support Medicare for All right now. We have poll numbers, but it is not politically toxic to oppose Medicare for All because we have no one in the media institutions or in the political institutions who are willing to point out why it is that our elected officials don't support this popular policy."
"The news affects almost everything in our lives, and what we hear and read shapes who we trust, what we eat, what we buy, how we vote, even how we think."
"It's safe to say that the part of the Sonic fandom that we classify as creepy spawned around 1993 due to the cartoons and comics."
"Television and movies play a much, much larger role in shaping our concerns, our attitudes, our behaviors than we think."
"Maybe I could talk about all four of them: what do these four have in common? All their lives were ruined by the show Total Drama."
"His storytelling is filled with empathy, and as our empathy grows for these imagined characters on TV, maybe our empathy will grow for people in real life as well."
"There's been generations of people that recognize how powerful the medium is and the need for us to counter the conspiracy to make us look like dumbasses."
"The world of media... tends to tell you what humanity looks like... when you go home to a mess... you just feel like it's wrong."
"Fear tends to be driven not by statistics on crime but by vivid, imaginable events. As the media become more effective at reporting them, our sense of danger increases, even if the likelihood of any of us becoming a victim of crime can decrease."
"Our subjective sense of fear can be manipulated by these highly newsworthy events."
"If you have enough self-worth and enough self-awareness, it won't work or affect you."
"Minecraft is the game that changed the landscape of media to allow people like myself to do what we do."
"Media can be our window into 99% of the world with which we do not interact."
"You don't buy or sell your business based on today's headlines."
"There's a great quote in the documentary 'Misrepresentation' where they say, 'You cannot be what you cannot see.'"
"Our reality is being constructed by the media."
"Media is a tool that can enact change and influence public thinking at a global scale."
"The job of the presidency is a performance. That is what television did to the presidency."
"You don't realize it, but you are being programmed."
"We are used to the way people talk on television, which is actually different from the way people talk in person."
"We're consuming advertising without realizing or in spite of it being advertising."
"We all have been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won't."
"If Facebook and Google are steering the mainstream narrative, then they ultimately have a massive influence in the direction that society goes."
"We are better suited to meet this world and its current demands than we know because we are fed fear on a daily basis."
"Netflix gained 15 million new subscribers... and one of the reasons is a show called Tiger King."
"The media can be a weapon; it can be used for good, and it definitely is powerful."
"We're living through a postmodern era in which the grand narratives of religion and political ideology have collapsed. In their place have emerged a crusading desire to right perceived wrongs, and a weaponization of identity, both accelerated by the new forms of social and news media."
"How do you wake up from the Matrix when you don't know you're in the Matrix?" - Tristan Harris
"All the influence I have, and the reach I have, I would argue that a lot of the things that are already out there inside of the Legacy Media, The Matrix, is all are far more damaging than the things I say."
"James O'Keefe is getting more and more popular among regular people."
"TV is exactly what programming is. It's television. All TV do, it tail lies."
"Mad had a circulation of over 2 million readers and was increasingly seen as a vital voice in the counterculture movement."
"Television is the most powerful tool they have in terms of controlling people."
"Parasocial interaction...the feeling of connecting with an on-screen character...they can strongly affect a viewer's emotions and behaviors in the long term."
"The world is a friendlier place than the internet and the News will make you think."
"Content creators drive more numbers than traditional media, and that's just the truth."
"People are led by the media to care about one thing and then another then another, as the media jumps from one lily pad to the next."
"By controlling the flow of information, nobody does this better than the Murdoch family."
"The media is the message and the messenger, and increasingly, a powerful one."
"Media doesn't just tell us what to do; in some ways, media is a reflection of who we are."
"This is going to have a massive impact on how special interests can manipulate the election by selectively choosing who can and can't comment on and fact-check presidential debates."
"I love my fellow Americans. I have no problem with conservatives. These are people who I feel have been taken advantage of by right-wing media."
"The second world war and the German invasion of Poland was a result of carefully constructed lies. That is war by media."
"Glamorizing weight loss surgery on shows like this does nothing to illustrate the uphill battle that people living with obesity face."
"The most popular songs on Spotify may be because the algorithm has chosen for them to be."
"The real issue is that our education system is so poor and our media like propaganda outlets are so effective."
"Fiction does not equal reality, and media does affect reality."
"Fiction does actually affect reality, which this is not my opinion, this is a fact."
"The fact that Nigel Farage has a platform at all... is strange but also mirrors a lot of American politics."
"I love AI. People hate AI now; we just need everyone to watch Wall-E again so we can appreciate AI."
"What does it mean to have lost your way in your life? What does grace mean to you? In what ways are we manipulated by our media?"
"The constant state of hurt, of fear, and of rage stoked by ever more divided media and entrenched ideology is a perfect breeding ground for further division and for the type of widespread addiction we now see in the United States."
"We are animals and they have trained us. However, we can be untrained to tune into interesting ideas and honest disagreement, to contemplate art that illuminates our complicated humanity."
"Do not underestimate them. Their audience is not Britain; their audience is America."
"The power of screens and TV programs in shaping beliefs cannot be underestimated."
"About how media influences societal views and societal views influence media. It's kind of the main thesis of this channel."
"Be discriminating about what images and ideas you permit into your mind. If you yourself don't choose what thoughts and images you expose yourself to, someone else will, and their motives may not be the highest."
"The press is terrible at telling people what to think but is very good at telling them what to think about."
"We never said that playing as a Nazi turns you into a Nazi... However, there's plenty of research about how art and media can shift people's perspectives."
"The bigger picture that it paints I think is pretty disturbing to anybody who cares about free speech."
"Media controls the minds of the masses. Politics is not everything."
"The most important documentary made in America in the last 10 years."
"Someone is tried, convicted, and will be executed on live television. The fact this all happens within the course of one day shows that the justice system has been corrupted."
"Exposure to media, and particularly social media, can have serious negative effects on self-perception, body image, and general psychological well-being."
"Sarnoff recognized that there was gonna be awesome power and that with that awesome power was gonna come awesome responsibility."
"It's not what the media tells you a lot of times that's the real story; it's what the media doesn't tell you that's where the truth often is."
"I remember there would be these like these viral videos periodically that were extremely gruesome and people would be like don't watch it don't watch it. I'll be like I kind of feel like you shouldn't hide from what's out there."
"When our entire world, down to the shows and movies we watch in our free time, is shaped by those who would maintain the status quo, we end up living in a little propaganda bubble."
"The resurgence of left media is real, it's modern, its appealing, and its timely."
"The fact that it even exists shows how powerful and popular the X-Men brand was."
"What Tucker's doing with his own thing... is a way forward."
"I think the FBI went after James O'Keefe because they were scared that O'Keefe had information on them."
"Cable news is ripping us apart... But the good news is they are failing and they know it."
"America sucks and America's bad and America is this and uh get a little one of the benefits about having YouTube and access to different channels where you can kind of brainwash yourself out of the insanity stuff."
"China's official newspaper abroad, the China Daily."
"The media are a powerful socializing agent of the modern era."
"On the Matt Wall Show we talk about the things that matter, real issues that affect you, your family, our country, not just politics but culture, faith, current events, all the fundamentals. If they matter to you, come check out the show."
"People are becoming more and more alert because of our ability to communicate, because of independent media, because of independent thinkers like you."
"More Society mainstream media tells people they're bad for having a view."
"Quit being a simp, start listening to fresh and fit."
"You don't know how many homes you're actually in when you're on TV or when you're doing radio."
"Mass media determines how people view the world, shaping narratives and society's thinking."
"We are completely moving beyond the fact that a woman was holding a knife and trying to murder someone else, and we're trying to turn her into a saint and the police officer into the devil."
"The court of public opinion carries more weight than the court of law in the modern media age."
"Events, thanks to her trademarked name and being an heiress to the Jenner Scott assets, this kid already has a net worth of over 720 million dollars. Daddy's girl."
"Clinton's appearance on the show played a significant role in his ability to resonate with young voters."
"The weed obviously starts altering Homer's personality."
"Call her daddy will be looked at years later as one of the greatest contributions to thought in the 21st century." - Call her daddy will be looked at as one of the greatest contributions to thought in the 21st century.
"I've concluded that this show, possibly even all reality TV, deserves more respect than it's given even if just for the impact alone."
"Everything that's presented through the mainstream is accepted as reality."
"They're trying to destroy what made this country great if Tucker was still on the air he would be furious about this."
"Culture and media have a huge influence; you cannot say that a child can protect themselves from those things."
"A lot of the people I just named have I mean Joe Rogan is smashing audiences on network TV all the time."
"If you're a youtuber or some other kind of content creator and you see racist activity in your audience, you have an obligation to take a stand against it."
"Deep fakes can go one of two ways: political cartoon funnies or intentional manipulation of the truth."
"The ability to get the viewership is what is important."
"The power of a video: if there was no video who knows if this would have happened."
"It's exclusively pro Trump, and you can see this in the nightly work of Tucker Carlson."
"The January window is propaganda for the mob. Don't be sucked in by the narrative."
"Maybe the tail end of season 15 wouldn't have been quite as juicy if TMZ had spoiled the news, right?"
"Its unique style and thematic elements would serve as the framework for every piece of gangster-related media that would follow it."
"Being a YouTube creator, you can reach the amount of people that traditional entertainment platforms reach."
"One of the most destructive forces today is the ability for corporatized news to influence popular opinions simply with what they choose to show or not show. Video is powerful."
"I think it's unfortunate that students have to basically go to the news in order to have leadership at many of these schools actually pay attention and do something."
"I think the media is going to say Nikki Haley's the winner. That's what I think."
"That's exactly what Dr. Greer just said right yeah exactly and if people were paying attention to exactly what he just said and what I was asking him is that's the problem right they're going to try to make you scared of it."
"Yeah, social media is talking about it so much and social media has made it so big that these outlets feel like 'man, we gotta report on this [__].' We missing something."
"Elliot's main aggravation is directly with the culture and mass media which he believes has essentially brainwashed the American population."
"The media created this environment and then they are very upset to learn that this is now the environment in which we live."
"The story of energy privatization in the UK begins with another TV clip."
"The CIA have departments and tendrils within Hollywood."
"Who benefits from you believing whatever they feed you?"
"What concern do you have about these private companies controlling the vast majority of communication between people and social media? It's extremely dangerous."
"They're rolling out their very biggest gun, Jon Stewart is back."
"The power brokers behind the movies are able to create content that they know can influence and manipulate our minds."
"Streaming services and shared TV universes like the MCU's and the Arrowverse have ensured that comic book heroes are in every home."
"Billions of dollars are being spent to manipulate the American people."
"The media are in charge. They are driving the agenda."
"The narrative isn't everything but it's a huge piece of where people's attention is."
"The spread of the rage virus being the result of testing of violent media."
"The country isn't as divided as the magic light box makes you think it is."
"Fox was like a revelation for the conservative movement."
"Assange is being imprisoned because his reporting hurt the Democratic Party."
"I'm not a philanthropy proponent to the degree that they get cachet in the rest of the media."
"Diddy's cable network Revolt has access to more than 50 million viewers and can be watched worldwide."
"They will generate a huge amount of conversation, and all the conversation is centered around the article."
"Engaging Joe Rogan and his viewers, you're completely blowing up the political system."
"We will protect our world-class scientists from political interference and ensure they can think, research, and speak freely and directly to me, the vice president, and the American people."
"Disney is the most negative, destructive influence for children in society hands down."
"Look at all the ways a person growing up, they're exposed to advertising, TV, movies, and if everybody had a mission statement that we want to be more educated at the end of your day, that's a whole different world we're talking about."
"David Portnoy is like the super wealthy founder of Barstool Sports and he's like, oh yeah, he's great."
"I'm just doing what I see on TV, every injury, every success, every failure."
"I think the Game of Thrones stuff has definitely elevated it to a degree."
"Jerome Powell the other night on 60 minutes echoed those sentiments he believed that in the third quarter because we had a really strong economy just two months ago the fundamentals are still strong that's encouraging right."
"We have to stop gravitating towards the dumbest [__] we can gravitate towards in making it a trend just for attention."
"You're the voice of American exceptionalism. We should be proud of that. The world needs VOA's clarion call for freedom now more than ever."
"You could change what just like it used to be Upworthy style headlines."
"Disney Star Wars generally suffers still from the disease it contracted from JJ."
"It isn't fair because they've been told the story over and over again, especially by the media, how great Silicon Valley is or how great wellness culture is."
"One thing I'm pretty confident in is that after this signal boost, Hopi's channel is more likely to succeed than Victory."
"There's a difference between having more viewership and having people that listen to the end."
"Your sexual expression respecting, anti-slut shaming rhetoric that likely brought you over to my little corner of YouTube to begin with? Just gone."
"Television sits in our homes for years on end and that gives the underlying messages it sends a lot of power to subtly mold public opinion."
"This could be a major blow to the ideological hold that cancel culture has over the U.S."
"Removing these channels would send a message to these abusers."
"Tucker Carlson gets revenge on Fox announces his show on X and goes on to publish some of the biggest interviews in human history."
"The New York Times might see its subscribers go up a few million as the country sees total subscriptions go down."
"A movie has the potential to rocket a series' popularity but also completely ruin it; it's a huge risk versus reward situation."
"The power of earned media and more importantly the power of no such thing as bad press."
"It's hard to gain as much traction because it's not as controversial."
"In order to really hit China hard, that's what has to be targeted." - Chief editor of the Chinese regime state-run media
"He was validating the fears that Fox News provoked in the conservative base by repeating them back to them."
"It doesn't matter what is true in YouTube, it matters what people think."
"Scared by constant news coverage of big city crime waves."
"The media always have the narrative, so they have the narrative."
"The book impacted way quicker, way harder than the music did."
"When you read these articles, you forget just how awful Donald Trump has been and what people have had to go through."
"Every Angry Boomer that is screaming for Tucker to do something right now is right."
"Victim shows just how powerful popular entertainment can be at changing public opinion."
"This is a case of the media choosing whether to decide if someone is guilty or not and going with it."
"If Disney tells me to shut the [] up, I'm taking my 20 million dollars and I'm shutting the []."
"Traditional media is dead, the power of the people is in social media with free speech on Twitter."
"Democrats are not in touch with reality, they think the Maga movement is a loser because they read the New York Times."
"You have forgotten 10 times more about that route than he'll ever know but he's there questioning you knowing nothing his power is he happens to have a microphone in his hand."
"Yes, 100... you should no longer be able to profit off of that. You should no longer be able to have a bullhorn. Yes, that's how this works."
"What's the bigger threat to America: a bunch of pro wrestlers dressed as snakes or a billionaire who thinks he's the hero forcing us to see reality through his virtual lens?"
"Thank you so much for having me absolutely and thank you for helping to get the word about about this to a whole new audience of people and keeping it in the public eye because like I said that's the only reason they didn't kill me."
"You can have a foreign agent or even the government or some corporation say this guy talks about things that we really like dump ad money into his channel through Google AdSense and they'll never know we were the ones funding them."
"It terrifies me that these unelected billionaires can decide whether we get to hear from an elected president."
"Over the years, Copaganda has had a profound effect on how our society functions, and it impacts a lot more than you would think."
"This will put collective pressure on people like Susan McGeeky to de-platform us. And that is exactly the point. What I've been saying is wrong the whole time? Who knows."
"The media is responsible for the mob mentality."
"Tucker is great when he's giving his opinion and expressing his thoughts and giving a voice to many people who feel like they don't have an outlet."
"The thing is, with what's popping right now, our op-eds do."
"Depictions of wedding dress shopping from 'Sex in the City' to 'Say Yes to the Dress' portray a grand and emotional moment of certainty when a bride first dons the dress."
"Media warfare is a manipulation and control of news outlets, social media, any outlet of information."