
Abuse Of Power Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"When one group holds more power, there's a possibility for the abuse of that power."
"We ought to be critical of highly concentrated forms of power wherever we find it because that kind of power is usually subject to chronic abuse."
"Legalized power invites the abuse of that power almost invariably."
"It's obvious at this point it's an abuse of power."
"It's this act of behaving as though they were gods that Greeks called hubris, this arrogant, violent, arrogant kind of exercise of power."
"John detested the abuse of power. He could not abide bigots and swaggering despots."
"The government takes your property for the ostensible purpose of a legitimate public use, but the real purpose is just to stop you from being in business."
"Creating censorship regimes can lead to abuse by powerful entities."
"Conversion therapy is not only an abuse of power, but also spiritual abuse."
"Selling access to Joe was certainly an abusive soft power."
"I did it. I used my leadership, my gifting, my position in church to manipulate women."
"Politicizing the Department of Justice and weaponizing it to go after your political opponents is an abuse of power."
"His constant attacks on the FBI the free press inspectors general federal judges they all have one purpose to remove any check on his abuse of power put simply he treats our country like it's his family business."
"If a person abuses their power it has the capacity to do great harm."
"Congress has no choice but to investigate abuse of power, abuse of oath of office, and that leads to impeachment hearings."
"Abuse of power. There's not a president who has served in the Oval Office who couldn't be impeached for abuse of power."
"You exploit your power over others, you play God."
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice."
"There is absolutely nothing more disgusting to me than somebody who abuses their power or authority."
"Just because you're rich and powerful, it doesn't mean you can grab women by the [expletive] whenever you want."
"It's thievery from your citizens. It's theft and it's thuggery because how do they take the money? How do they intimidate the banks? Ultimately, it's the government that has guys with guns."
"The abuse of power, the corruption, the witch hunt."
"I am muzzling those who have abused their powers and platforms, as I tore the kingdom away from Saul."
"The story is abused power is bad the ability to control others is bad you know that was always and always and always that was always the message that came out time and time again."
"He is the President of the United States... using the power of the federal government against her."
"Online platforms play a vital role in our society, but they can abuse their positions of trust."
"If you abuse your power, you lose it. They certainly have been abusing their power and deserve to lose it."
"Hopkins abusive techniques and his cavalier attitude to the law would be his undoing."
"We must be vigilant and continue to watch the police and expose their abusive powers."
"Officers often use arbitrary power to override the constitutional rights of citizens and erode the very foundations of democracy itself."
"Those with authority make their criminal actions legal."
"This is a very not okay situation and not unheard of for people in positions of power to abuse their positions of power even unintentionally or intentionally especially when it comes to people who are underage."
"He witnessed Donald Trump ask a foreign leader to dirty up Joe Biden’s son and Joe Biden a potential political rival."
"The President of the United States tried to leverage U.S. taxpayer money to get another foreign government to investigate his opponent in the 2020 election."
"Every single day around the world you see abuse of power... This has to be checked."
"Any opportunity you can talk truth to power when that power is being abused yeah a thousand percent."
"Time to come out of the abuse of power to a humanitarian empowerment."
"If we cannot impeach a president who abuses his office for personal advantage, we no longer live in a democracy."
"Abuse of power is always awful, any kind of power, financial power, any kind of power. It's also really common. People abuse their power by definition. That's just a function of human nature."
"You don't use federal agencies to go after people that you disagree with."
"For one party-controlled administration to target the head of another party using such protective and abusive tactics is destabilizing."
"The essence of the story we're covering today: the abuse of power."
"Ubisoft's entire corporate culture is built to protect powerful men who use that power to exploit, terrorize, and rape people."
"It's to bring this home for many reasons rent family you name it we go out and hustle my friends because no we don't do this pro bono we don't go and volunteer we go out there to make money."
"The bidet used his power to manipulate and prey on followers."
"When you abuse your power and influence over young vulnerable fans all for the sake of stroking your 100 million dollar a year ego then accountability must be called for."
"It's never okay for somebody to use their power and their influence to take advantage of other people especially in a sexual situation."
"You cannot have the abuse of emergency powers like this."
"They've proven that they will weaponize the government not just against the other party but against anyone who refuses to bend."
"It cannot be the case that a president of the United States can attempt to overturn an election and seize power."
"This is a blatant abuse of power and a clear conflict of interest."
"This was an egregious abuse of power and I've never seen anything like it in my 20 years in the swamp."
"If his management threatened women who were gonna talk about this or prevented someone's career from moving because of this if that happened that to me is almost worse."
"This has nothing to do with free speech, this has everything to do with harassment and abuse and conduct."
"Police officers, I think, need to still be held accountable for their actions. Yes, they have a hard job. Not everyone can do their job. But that doesn't give them an excuse to abuse their power."
"I think the greatest sin that anyone can commit is the abuse of power." - President Biden
"Threatening people's jobs because your ego feels burned is one of the most disgusting things you can do."
"The core principle being not disagreement to cancel elections but abuse of power that could endanger future elections."
"He's abusing his power, can you believe that? They're doing it again, they said what he did to the Georgia Secretary of State on that phone call was criminal."
"She abused her power, she abused her position to threaten her boyfriend's wife with criminal prosecution to gain advantage for herself and her boyfriend."
"When you weaponize government and now you're weaponizing networks, that is wrong."
"We need to make the case and educate the country about Donald Trump's criminality, his abuse of power in the way he is endangering us by making the presidency about himself and not us, the citizens."
"MKUltra will forever be etched as a dark chapter, a lesson about the potential pitfalls of unchecked power."
"We can't have those same people in power that would do something like this to thousands of people based upon a lie."
"Harvey Weinstein is the Oscar and Tony winning producer behind works like Pulp Fiction Goodwill Hunting and Shakespeare in Love however behind the scenes he used his power and influence to sexually harass and assault women."
"You cause a storm every time that you abuse authority."
"This is so much worse, this is so much more of an abusive power."
"The federal government should never be weaponized against the people."
"When power of control is given to a few, chances are this power will be abused."
"To do nothing would make us complicit in the President's abuse of his high office, the public trust, and our national security."
"When leadership is no longer about service but about maintaining power, individual freedoms are taken away, punitive measures are levied against the Citizens, and a cult of personality is eventually established."
"Sexual harassment and assault in the parliament are an abuse of power, position, and authority by my gender, the male gender."
"Two main things: the abuse of their power and discard wounds."
"I thought it was a gross abuse of power by somebody who should not be doing that."
"He abused his position of authority, and he went with his students, and he shouldn't be doing that in the first place."
"Some of your very heroes are taking advantage of people."
"On its face, it is insulting, an abuse of power, and a punch in the nose of all Americans who've obeyed COVID-19 lockdown restrictions."
"Nothing makes my blood boil more than some a-hole in a position of power abusing that power."
"There's no question to any of you who have followed the channel for some time that I have been very critical of police who abused their power."
"What's happened is they've the military courts have distorted the rules to really mean if you offend powerful people we're going to call that a clear and present danger to national security."
"He is defiantly saying you can't touch me... it's his own employees that are whistleblowing on his abuse of power."
"Donald Trump abused his power over the government."
"Those who initiate unjust force or violence on you when you have done no wrong are committing a crime even if the aggressor is an agent of government."
"People are viewing this as an abuse of power quid pro quo extortion bribery whatever you want to call it."
"The president of the United States is using his power of office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election."
"His absolute abuse for executive power is going to have the longest term consequences."
"Abusive of power, the President abusing his office for his own personal gain."
"When you abuse your authority, when you abuse your legitimacy, you wreck your own power and the people don't take kindly to that no matter what situation or society you're in."
"When you have absolute power like the prosecutors have, sometimes they abuse that power."
"The evidence is clear, glaringly, he used his office for a more personal gain."
"As soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they begin to exercise unrighteous dominion."
"The president delayed funds for an American ally at war with Russian invaders. The president's purpose was personal and political. Accordingly, the president is guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust."
"When you're rich and famous you can do whatever you want to do and they just let you do it." - Donald Trump
"Often powerful people use that power for wrong."
"This may be one of the most egregious abuses of power, privacy rights, and civil rights that I've seen maybe ever."
"Vice President Biden is guilty of using the government to go after a political opponent."
"Every time we give the government more power, they abuse it."
"Power unrestrained by morality will be abused."
"We've been programmed to vote for someone to have a politician leading us but it's these same politicians which abuse their power."
"The Bush Administration officials promoted conspiracy theories, plotted conspiracies, expanded executive power, repressed dissent, and lied and covered up the truth."
"Does he deserve to be impeached... he tried to impede an investigation... he is also using the presidency to enrich himself and his family."
"They weaponized the tools that we use to keep this country secure."
"Nine out of ten times, girls are gonna abuse that."
"Power combined with transactional sex leads to sexual abuse."
"Cosby was allowed to get away with so much, he literally could be a married man who slept with 400 women."
"There is no glory in using your power to destroy."
"This Rabbit Hole goes deep. This person has been abusing his power and money for years."
"They knew that it is wrong for the President to use his office to try to shakedown a foreign leader to do political favors for him."
"The official misuse of legal process to pursue private vendettas and stamp out dissent is incompatible with the free Democratic Society."
"It really is a crime that can only be committed by public officials who misuse their power."
"For an incumbent president to then use his presidential powers to try to enhance the likelihood that it succeeds makes the crime in our view worse."
"Abuse of power involves employing the powers of office for illegal or illegitimate ends, particularly to gain personal, political, or financial advantage, or to injure political or personal enemies."
"They have been mistreated by people in positions of power."
"It turns out that this guy had a history of threatening to arrest people that did not agree with him or did not want to do what he said. He thought that being a police officer meant that he should get special privileges and get to do anything he wanted."
"This is a toxic work environment culture and this is just an isolated snapshot of probably something that was indicative of decades-long abusing of power."
"When people deify the leader of their country, the leader is able to abuse power more easily."
"...it's an abuse of power. It's an opportunity for chaos, it's an opportunity to exploit and destroy."
"Saw someone claiming he can fire the waitress because he has the power."
"She often abuses her powers as Ladybug to get something she wants or just to get somewhere really fast."
"Many make the argument that he abuses his position to take advantage of these young impressionable models."
"Somebody took their position and they used it for bad."
"Because he's really abusing his power. He's shown it. It's not a belief. He's shown it."
"It means to have an evil motive in the exercise of your official Powers other things you know going out and shooting someone on Fifth Avenue is such a trivial application of what we're worried about all all right."
"He is an example of how absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"Nixon first of all, what we were able to establish and what the Watergate hearings and the White House horrors of John Mitchell's term showed was an abuse of power on a scale that had never occurred in our history, and hopefully never will again."
"You're talking about crimes spying on American people systematically without warrants required by the criminal law that are really at the heart of abuse of power."
"Trump turned the federal government into a horrifying weapon for his own personal gain."
"This case is a fantastic illustration of how a billionaire may abuse their power in the most heinous way possible."
"This is a story about our nation's largest employer and the abuse of power that those leaders in charge have done."
"They are definitely tyrants here who believe that Freeport is their own personal Kingdom in which they can do whatever they want and not suffer any consequences."
"If a guy says, 'I'll give you a role if you have sex with me,' that is sexual harassment, that is abuse of power, and that is wrong on every level."
"The President's abuse of power, his incitement of a mob against the duly elected representative body of the United States, is a manifestly impeachable offense."
"The post office was manipulating its prosecutorial function in order to embark on debt recovery."
"It's completely unacceptable for people in a position of power to wield that power over someone in a weaker position."
"His position of power allowed him to betray his oath to protect the public."
"It's not okay to try to silence people and use your power of authority and your legality to try to scare people into silence when it's not valid or it's not in good faith."
"He had abused his position of power and authority for his own personal gain."
"It is an impeachable offense for the President to exercise the powers of his public office to obtain an improper personal benefit while ignoring or injuring the national interest."