
Domestic Violence Quotes

There are 463 quotes

"Empathy for people with addictions, empathy for domestic violence survivors, empathy for those in codependent relationships."
"Domestic partner violence is to blame for more than one in three murders where the victim is female."
"It brings the idea of domestic homicide and domestic abuse to a whole new level... It's the same old psychology as domestic violence, just a new means, a new method, a new level of evil cleverness."
"A domestic violence survivor got justice. That is a good day."
"He was afraid, just like domestic violence victims."
"We have to protect the victims of domestic violence."
"Madam, you are mistaken. You are not fighting; you are being subjected to domestic violence."
"Domestic violence isn't always something that you can see. The more education there is, the more that we can help ourselves and also help those in Our Lives who may be suffering possibly in silence."
"Domestic violence is not just punching, hitting or physical violence. Oftentimes it's emotional violence, psychological violence, sexual violence, financial violence, legal violence."
"A lot of the change in the attitudes we have about domestic violence were shaped by his leadership."
"Domestic violence is very important to address... it's about seeing someone safe and happy."
"There's no excuse for abusing your spouse, whether it's physical or mental."
"Girls who marry under 18 were more likely to be physically, emotionally, and sexually abused by their husbands."
"Victims and survivors of domestic violence each are different and they have different experiences. There is no perfect victim."
"Australians deserve a political party that doesn't weaponize laws designed to protect victims of domestic violence in order to silence whistleblowers and those who expose their wrongdoings."
"Family violence happens to everybody, no matter how nice your house is, how intelligent you are."
"If you change your behavior because you're scared of your partner's reaction, that is domestic violence."
"The biggest single reason women die worldwide is domestic violence."
"The primary duty of law enforcement officers responding to a domestic violence call is to protect the victim and enforce the law."
"You know why the domestic assault code is there? It's there to protect people. The reason why they don't give us discretion on these things is because too many times, women at risk want to go back to their abuser. They just wanted him to stop. They don't want to have to be separated. They don't want him to be charged. They don't want him to go to jail. And then they end up getting worse and worse treatment, and they end up getting killed."
"Domestic violence isn't always physical. It can be mental and emotional as well."
"Monitor and be aware of what is happening in your own circle. Do not tolerate domestic violence."
"There needs to be a conversation about domestic violence awareness."
"The conversation needs to be, is the policy up to speed with where we are in the domestic violence and domestic abuse conversation?"
"As much as Ms. Heard and her lawyers have tried to make this case about Mr. Depp's language, it is Ms. Heard that repeatedly admits to violence."
"When a woman is in an abusive relationship... risk of death is significantly higher."
"We treat domestic violence like it's a tampon commercial."
"There's just such a high demographic of domestic violence in our military personnel."
"Strangulation is a significant predictor for future lethal violence."
"Surviving strangulation is surviving attempted murder."
"Domestic violence and economic hardship don't lead to death."
"The first civil right of every American is to be free from domestic violence."
"She saw and she took action, and the courage and bravery to do that in spite of knowing that Smith is with some kind of violent nightmare of a partner."
"It is so sad and yet it is a common story that domestic violence does progress over time."
"If you are in a situation... I really truly beg of you to reach out for help to somebody that you can trust and get out of that situation."
"Domestic violence is not about violence it's about control"
"Women more often commit domestic abuse and relationships against men, that's a fact."
"She dedicates her life now to raising awareness about teenage domestic violence and keeps Jayden's memory alive."
"It's a tale of two trials... and the court found that Mr. Depp had committed at least 12 acts of domestic violence."
"Imagine watching your husband, the person you love, behaving violently that way, like a wild animal."
"Tell the world, Johnny. Tell them. Johnny Depp, I, Johnny Depp, a man, I'm a victim too of domestic violence." - "I said yes."
"Believe all women and only believe women cheapens domestic violence victims."
"It's just unbelievable that in this day and age we are still losing men and women to domestic homicide."
"Nobody has the right to hurt me like this. I don't want him anywhere near me and my family."
"No woman deserves to be hit under any circumstances."
"Certainly a lot of people who commit violence against their partners do not have a lack of empathy."
"We need to have a meaningful discussion about what domestic violence looks like in all of its forms."
"In the heat of the moment, you can't kill a domestic partner in an argument. Instead, I guess you'll just hit them, which, while not great, is certainly preferable to shooting them."
"Domestic violence is a big issue, and it's like okay but you're not doing [ __ ] about it."
"He lost his temper, picked up a picture frame that was next to the bed, and struck her three times."
"The deluge of abusive content targeting Amber Heard is not only failing her and future survivors but also shaping how young people understand domestic violence."
"The first myth is that women like being abused."
"Renee and Doug had their fair share of fights as well, an investigation report said that Renee had expressed to Doug how he had kicked her during their New Year's Eve honeymoon."
"It bothers me when it comes to domestic violence because people put these cops in a bad position because they enable this behavior."
"We've condemned domestic violence in every way possible."
"Men can also be victims of abuse, and in this case, sadly, victims of murder."
"If you are a victim of domestic violence, if you have suffered from domestic abuse, if you've been in an abusive relationship, hashtag you're not alone."
"It's a horrible Legacy that these men leave."
"What actual survivor of domestic violence wants that?"
"If we're lucky, maybe we can help a few people get out of violent relationships or maybe even save a life."
"What Gabby's legacy can be, what her memory can be, is the ability to give more attention to those other people and to domestic violence."
"Leaving an abusive relationship is so dangerous."
"Verbal abuse is abuse that's considered the same as physical violence."
"40 percent of men are victims in domestic violence disputes."
"Men also are victims of domestic violence. That's an important conversation."
"He started choking me, I tried fighting him but he was honestly a lot stronger than I was."
"I called the police when he left later that night, I think some part of him believed that I enjoyed what he was doing and I really didn't."
"We of course have the recordings in which Amber admitted to hitting him."
"Your abortion is about supporting women when you're allowing men to beat the crap out of women in sports."
"The issue of domestic violence against men is a gender equality issue. It's not a women's rights issue or a men's rights issue."
"There are a lot of sadly other instances of domestic violence across the country."
"If you or someone you know is dealing with domestic violence, please reach out."
"Living a seemingly carefree existence... however, his father is a violent man."
"What came out is that men can also be abusers and men can also be the victims of domestic violence."
"For many others who are still suffering from abuse, we urge you to contact the national domestic violence hotline. It's completely confidential and they can help you find a way to safety."
"These are not acts of peaceful protest... These are acts of domestic terror." - Trump
"The horror that she felt as the man that she loved wrapped his hands around her throat and choked the life out of her must have been unimaginable."
"Why are you constantly beating me? Please stop, you're hurting me, I can't breathe."
"I'm not going to cite you for domestic violence battery."
"She is a representative of someone who is trying to defraud the experience of real legitimate domestic violence survivors."
"There absolutely should be more domestic violence shelters for men – but framing it as if there’s only one is a lie."
"This whole thing is about a young woman being shot in the neck, which looks like a domestic, senseless, just absolutely senseless."
"Domestic violence is just absolutely irrational and not necessary."
"I told shenan about his affair with that woman Nicole and said that their marriage wouldn't last that shenan replied Chris would not see the kids again and then he strangled her to death."
"Tell the world, Johnny. Tell them, Johnny Depp, I'm a victim too of domestic violence."
"I truly feel in my heart if she was arrested she would have called her parents, they would have intervened and once she was away from her abuser she would have came clean with the abuse and gotten help." - Angela
"The signal was designed to communicate violence at home, 'I need help, domestic violence.' It involves putting your hand up with your palm out, tucking your thumb into your open palm, then folding your fingers down over the thumb."
"The hand signal used by the teenage girl originated from the Signal for Help campaign launched by the Canadian Women's Foundation in 2020."
"When a family member kills another, it is an especially chilling scenario that strikes at the core of our fears."
"The well-researched connection between a history of domestic violence and gun violence combined with expanded background checks could've prevented much of the gun violence we experienced in this country."
"I knew he had hurt her before, but I never thought in a million years he would do this."
"Increasing awareness of risks associated with DV and facilitating access to help-seeking services is crucial."
"Physical aggression by a man towards his partner is abuse, even if it only happens once."
"You do not have to tolerate no man beating you. No, I don't care if he's a pastor in the church. That's right."
"If you're in a relationship and the person starts punching you in the face, are you going to stay?"
"That language is trivializing of domestic violence."
"Chris Brown has been ordered to stay clear of ex-girlfriend Karrueche Tran after she filed legal docs stating that he vowed to kill her and he's beaten her up before."
"I just stood there and watched while she systematically started to pound him to a pulp."
"Texas man accused of beating girlfriend gets no jail time."
"We encourage any victim to come forward, domestic violence doesn't have a gender."
"A man who puts hands on a woman has no truth with her. He hates himself and he hates her all the way."
"Domestic violence awareness is becoming more widely known."
"Months after Yardley's death her family actually established the One Love Foundation to raise awareness about DV."
"If you are in a situation where there's DV going on... please get out or away from that situation... especially when you're younger."
"Trauma informed JD's legal team knew how to handle domestic violence survivors."
"A three-year-old doesn't know better when she misses her father. A three-year-old doesn't know better when she would rather be with her father than with a violent angry woman that hurts her."
"He knew she was leaving, that was it. She made it clear she was done with his ass and he had that mindset of if I can't have you no one can, so I'm gonna take your life before you can even leave."
"We live in a society... where 1.4 million women a year face domestic violence."
"She poured gasoline all over him and lit him into a bonfire in the backyard."
"She goes in her room and hides in her closet when there's violence in the home."
"Who should the justice system prioritize: the woman who got beat half to death or the guy who did the beating? I mean, it's not even a question."
"Illinois state law did not protect her, and we really do not protect victims of domestic violence. We protect homeowners from murdering a burglar more than we protect victims of domestic violence. That is not okay."
"She's over she's in her 60s her life was taken that night too Illinois state law did not protect her and we really do not protect victims of domestic violence."
"No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman in anger other than in self-defense, and that's rarely ever occurs."
"Domestic violence, hitting the mother of your children, hitting any woman, I don't know how you could be divided on this one."
"If Javon Belcher didn't possess a gun, he and Cassandra Perkins would both be alive today."
"As a domestic violence survivor, it's nice to see justice prevail."
"Domestic violence victims are men too. Just because she's a woman doesn't mean she can't inflict harm."
"If your wife has to get an order of protection on you, you have failed as a father and husband."
"It was clear to her that Mr. Depp was the one who initiated the violence."
"Your manhood is not measured by how many slaps you beat a woman."
"What that mutual aid work does is to say understand what intimate partner violence looks like."
"Decriminalizing domestic violence completely yet changed the way that I think about intimate partner violence."
"If you've been ambered, if you are a man who's a victim of domestic violence, come forward and tell your story."
"Joe Petito feels really strongly that there's more that can be done to protect people like victims of domestic violence."
"The more help they have to discern troublesome signs, the more they can help prevent future tragedies."
"Thank you so much for watching. Hope you enjoyed it. It was pretty fun to go through and just play some random goofy levels."
"The abuse in this group is systematic and men are taught to beat their wives and children for misbehaving."
"If you educate the girls, they will not accept domestic violence."
"He allegedly hit his girlfriend multiple times after accusing her of cheating on him, a pattern of jealousy, insecurity, this is going to be very important here in just a minute, guys."
"Chris confessed to strangling his pregnant wife, saying that he had flown into a rage after she killed their children."
"A cautionary tale of what happens when a violent relationship goes too far."
"There are lots of ways to be sort of supportive of a woman or a man in a domestic violence situation. It's not just keep talking to them until they get it."
"Very rarely, the women who got killed by their partners thought that they would be killed by their partner."
"If you hit a woman or a child, you belong in handcuffs."
"Have you ever witnessed one of your parents trying to hurt each other and it was all your fault?"
"Domestic violence is something that occurs across this country, really around the world."
"Even if she had hit him at some point, even if she'd punched him directly in the nose, even if she'd thrown something at him and it hit him on the head."
"When domestic violence survivors face coming forward to the police about these kinds of incidents, they often have to contend with the prospect of being gaslit about their claims."
"She's now an advocate for domestic violence."
"This triggered a lot of domestic violence flashbacks for people."
"Families don't talk about family violence. They're all very secret."
"People who have violent relationships, help them leave violent relationships."
"It's just a nice easy little cute thing to show your support against domestic violence."
"Domestic violence is prevalent in every community and affects all people regardless of age, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or nationality."
"This story has an even darker turn of events with it being domestic violence awareness."
"On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States."
"When he started hitting his eldest daughter, she woke up and started screaming, alerting the two younger ones who were able to escape along with the eldest daughter."
"Foreign domestic violence is eating up more than we have seen."
"Have any of you ever been hit or assaulted by your significant other in a serious manner?"
"Over five women a day are killed by men in this country."
"Our legal system has never embraced the idea that violence behind closed doors is a public problem."
"Violence is often used to punish any dissent in the relationship."
"He was overheard saying to his wife, 'You may be the mom, the mother of my children, but I can still kill you.'"
"Stop beating up your wives. That's right. Stop beating up women period."
"Violence is absolutely a red flag, but unfortunately, people still make excuses."
"Domestically abusing their wife one last time because they know full well they might not come back."
"There's not a week that goes by that I don't have to deal with a case involving domestic violence, people are just terrible."
"Most married homicide victims killed by their husbands."
"There's no excuse at all. I don't want to hear nobody talking about I wonder what she said I wonder what she did that made him do that."
"This is why women don't leave. They often end up dead or alive but still not free."
"DV can happen to anybody, regardless of gender, age, sexuality, income level, or educational level."
"Rigid gender views and roles contribute to toxic masculinity, likelihood of DV, and abuse."
"Every 15 seconds a woman in the United States experiences domestic violence."
"Wife beating is sadly familiar because some men believe they have the right to control women."
"If you're a real victim of domestic violence, I would assume... you're immediately going to start to shake and panic."
"There's no safe place for a woman who is married to a police officer that is dead set on getting rid of her."
"It's far worse to grow up in an environment where your dad beats your mom on a regular basis."
"If you beat your partner, you're a garbage ass person and you might need some therapy to fix your own [ __ ] issues."
"How about focusing on that end and not expecting women, okay, okay, the ones who overwhelm me, take the brunt of it and the worst ends of it, to just sit there and be punching bags for men who haven't dealt with their [ __ ] issues?"
"I don't deserve this and my daughter doesn't deserve to grow up seeing a man put their hands on her because that's exactly what she's going to grow up thinking that is okay."
"I've never yet heard a woman say about a man who was abusive to her, 'Oh, I really wish I'd hung in there a little bit longer.'"
"Investigators theorized that that Thursday morning Zaniah was put in the car, her mother Crystal was buckling her in when she heard Brittany and Larry having a fight in the house and she ran in only to find that he was killing her."
"Pregnant or not, you should not be putting your hands on a woman."
"Beating the [__] out of a woman is not normal."
"Asking a victim of domestic violence or narcissism to live is a very simple advice to give but a very difficult decision to make."
"After years in silence and darkness, Miss Ventur said in a statement, 'I am finally ready to tell my story and to speak up on behalf of myself and for the benefit of other women who face violence and guse in their relationships.'"
"Domestic violence is so huge and nobody talks about it but it really is, you know? I mean, how many times have you just wanted to like, 'Oh [__] you know what I mean?' It's just, you know, how many times you been hit by a woman? I mean, it goes both ways."
"A lot of people get this part wrong. They always say, 'I don't put my hands on a woman.' But if you are in any way using your physicality, your strength to impede her, to move her, to block her, to not allow her to do something, that is wrong."
"Molly's tragic death has sparked outrage and calls for better protection of domestic violence victims."
"It's important to have a father in your life but not if he's hurting your mom."
"People thought the domestic violence took place when he lived with us, but that was far after."
"Honestly, at the end of the day, no person deserves two black eyes."
"If a man puts hands on you, let that be the last time he ever put hands on you. Move on with your life."
"Women are killed every week in England by a partner or ex-partner."
"Anger is an interesting thing because I don't think if your husband, you know, if he is mad and throws the remote on the ground, you know, I don't necessarily think that's a sign that he's going to hit you."
"Help the person contact their local domestic violence agency so they can develop a safety plan."
"Domestic violence in all its forms should be looked at as a primary factor in determining child custody."
"There's such a stigma around what a victim is and what a victim isn't, and a domestic violence victim is a domestic violence victim."
"If a man puts his hands on you, from the one time, don't excuse it."
"Some women for whatever reason don't leave the relationship at least not right away."
"Jaden was the 138th woman in Britain to be murdered by her partner that year."
"It turned out that this domestic violence had been going on for months behind the scenes, and no one had ever noticed."
"Domestic violence is a pattern of intentional coercive behaviors used by one partner to gain or maintain control over the other partner."
"Domestic violence is single-handedly the most expensive crime in the United States."
"Just because you have been exposed to domestic violence does not mean that you are more or less likely to perpetrate it."
"Dr. Banks concluded that Amber was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of Mr. Depp."
"Domestic violence is part of state licensing boards that you can't get licensed unless, in some states, unless you take training on domestic violence."
"He hit her at work, did he? Should have went to jail."
"Everyone has to understand what domestic violence is and what their role is in helping stop it."