
Exceptions Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"Rules are really just suggestions to maintain social cohesion at the mass level, but every rule has an exception."
"You can get a pass if you save the universe."
"Julian Assange is an exception to the rule, but what's actually happening is that they're creating a new rule with his exception."
"Human beings are unique and there will always be exceptions to every rule."
"Every rule has an exception. Once might be a fluke, twice might be a coincidence, three times or more might be a pattern."
"Almost everyone has a pretty normal life now. Almost everyone."
"Every Harbinger is listed in the exact same format, except for Piero."
"My position on abortion is clear: I am pro-life with exceptions for life of the mother."
"There are some good people in Night City too... exceptions to the rule."
"The exceptions probably swallow the rule itself."
"This is what's true... they still don't believe you... but they've never met an exception before so why should they believe your words."
"We accept all technology as inevitable... except nuclear bombs."
"Why can't a white guy be an exception to be a really good basketball player?"
"There are times when even unbreakable rules can be bent."
"At first, nobody was safe from the razor except for priests and peasants."
"I've always considered Alan Moore to be the exception to the rule that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover."
"In the UK, trespassing is not a crime, but that does not apply to some specific places."
"An exception is just an object that is created whenever an error occurs, and the exception itself tells you what error specifically occurred."
"You're just like sweethearts and then all of a sudden they get like so nasty."
"If you write something off wholesale, you are gonna miss out on the exceptions to the rule."
"Women will often talk about what they're attracted to and what their type is. And if she likes you, she will make an exception."
"Time skips usually suck, but this one's different."
"I'm not ashamed of anything that happened, except for one thing."
"I think boxing is the only one where you could really make the counter-intuitive argument that in this one case maybe it's the exception that proves the rule."
"Airport security might say no to terrorism but they can't say no to love."
"A ban on abortion should have exceptions for extreme cases."
"Inflation is all over the place with notable exception of course like prescription drugs and airfares."
"They say only the good die young but I'm praying to god that he makes four exceptions."
"There's no pandemic exception in the charter. There's no convoy exception in the charter."
"Most fans generally respect the boundaries and privacy of the person they're supporting but there's always exceptions to the rule."
"I think at the very least maybe just admit of certain exceptions."
"Past performance isn't indicative of future performance, but Big Tech is an exception."
"Just because it's the standard doesn't mean you couldn't be the exception to the rule."
"The rules of society didn't apply to you in the face of extreme Danger."
"America always obeys all kinds of legal and ethical and moral rules, but there's once in a while comes a rare exceptional moment when the threat to us is so intense that very reluctantly we must put those aside."
"Every rule has exceptions, especially when we're talking about unusual anatomy or unusual accessory pathways."
"When you're researching the law, you need all the stuff because the case you're missing might have that exception that saves your client from some big pile of trouble."
"I mean the cheesecake, besides the cheesecake, that one doesn't count."
"the reason for that is because this is jeff johns basically saying no one's safe there's no safe haven but he does provide one exception the only exception he provides to this are individuals who died and are at peace"
"Thank you everybody for coming to my talk today. Exceptionally bad: the story on the misuse of exceptions and how to do better."
"...there will always be exceptions and unlike the other entries on the list for once it has nothing to do with health concerns."
"There is not a single exception according to Scripture."
"The takeaway of all of this is that no software is ever going to be completely watertight because there's always going to be an exception that the company didn't plan for."
"Despite all of these assumptions being violated, the theory still seems to hold."
"There's no exceptions for rape or incest, and no exceptions even if the mother's life is in danger."
"Exceptions don't disprove the rule."
"The only exception to her weird contract that wasn't in it and one I confirmed very deliberately in writing."
"For stories in real business, it's extremely hard to figure out obviously like little arbitrary exceptions that have been created and can still move fast."
"The question is simply whether all zeros are somewhere on this line or whether there are any exceptions."
"Define your own exceptions only when you have to." - Jack Didrik
"There's something to be learned from the exceptions."
"To every rule there's an exception."
"9 out of 10 times you are not the exception to the rule. It's a slim possibility that you're one out of ten."
"By no means are you beholden to it, and there are exceptions to every rule."
"But usually exceptions aren't that well regarded especially functional programmers uh often have issues with exceptions."
"...the people that I mentioned in this video were definitely the exceptions to the rule. Most people are perfectly nice."
"There are always exceptions to the rules."
"I think the challenge is that we also start to talk about these exceedingly rare cases."
"Every rule has exceptions. There are sometimes where you have what I would call Mini Matlock moments."
"But this is such a rare set that we're gonna make that exception if somebody wants it."
"...but even among you know just scholars who in general scoff at the idea they'll all of them say you know except for this guy yeah if somebody that they've worked on because it turns out that if you dig deep enough regarding almost anybody you'll come across this stuff..."
"You have this established pattern... and you think 'Am I the exception to the rule?'"
"The exception disproves the rule."
"No return is often quite the opposite of no except, as it's used with functions that throw exceptions."
"Only use exceptions for the exceptional."
"Even life itself is an exercise in exceptions."
"People that are signed to labels, they don't make [__] well, some do, but unless you're like Drake or someone like that."
"There's always an exception to every rule."
"Always remember, you have a rule and then you have an exception."
"There's always kind of weird exceptions and particularities to data sets."
"Abortion is now illegal with no exceptions for rape or incest."
"I don't consider IKEA to be sustainable, but I do believe in making exceptions for things that you fall in love with and that you know will be useful for a super long time, in this case forever because it's solid wood."
"Jehovah was willing to make an exception to his own rule and accept an offering that did not contain blood."
"Sequels are usually worse. Usually. But there are exceptions like Terminator 2, certainly."
"In all seriousness, Plain View and consent, those last two of our six exceptions, are ones that are routinely used by law enforcement."
"It is not a very frequent exception that we see but it is one of the most tricky ones to solve."
"Not everything under Disney's umbrella was garbage."
"There is an ancient saying that curiosity killed the cat but it doesn't mention Hawks."
"I don't date girls with more followers, but I'll make an exception."
"Everything is free basically except for some stuff that's not free."
"The exception destroys the rule. That's all there is to it."
"I don't trust anyone. Not even myself. You, I give a pass."
"Exceptions do not slow down your code."
"Sometimes you get the odd place open during siesta time, but not today."
"Patterns are very general design principles, there is always an exception...but honestly this exception probably doesn't apply to you."
"That's not true of all A-classes."
"The rule includes an exception that allows non-competes between sellers and buyers of a business."
"You know it's crafted in a way to be watched and processed silently however there are exceptions."
"The exception to the rule never makes the rule."
"Rules are made to be followed, but there are exceptions."
"You're acknowledging there are exceptions, aren't you?"
"Doing everything by the book doesn't always account for the ridiculous amount of exceptions."
"Costco's return policy is pretty much anything except cigarettes and alcohol."
"If the rule is that the gods are distant, dead, or non-existent there is at least one notable example I can certainly think of."
"It sparks a good conversation, I'm all for it. And if there are a lot of exceptions to the rule with a lot of different studies, where you're like, 'Yeah, in this case, that it does apply.'"
"The smell of meat gives me the ick. Unless it's Korean barbecue. Any other meat smell I'm like no, get it away from me."
"Almost always there's an exception to every rule."
"There's always going to be exceptions to the rule, but all you can do is watch behavior over a prolonged period of time."
"This is basic exception handling: you use the try except keywords."
"There are no rules in comedy because every exception, everything you think of, there is an exception."
"There's always exceptions to the rules."
"Prefer exceptions to return codes; provide some context with those exceptions."
"Catching an exception is a language construct; handling an exception is how you meaningfully respond to that error."
"Just because there is a rule, there are always exceptions, no matter how unlikely."
"A woman is going to make an exception for anybody that she likes."
"The exception does not change the rule, the predominance of something makes it the rule."
"However there are always exceptions, which is why we have stories."
"I think they should have exceptions for certain specific educational purposes."
"We can speak in generalities, but there's always exceptions to the rules."
"For every rule, there's an exception."
"Violence isn't always the answer, but sometimes it is."
"Exceptions are important to the law."
"There always will be exceptions to the rule, but you don't use those exceptions as a source of your advice."
"I before E except after C, that rule is not true; there are more exceptions than rules."
"Applications crash because of an unhandled exception."
"An exception is an event that occurs outside the normal flow of control."
"The real ground state electron configuration for copper that's an exception to the rules is Argon 4s1 3d10."
"For every rule, there is an exception."
"There's always going to be exceptions, and not only that, but everybody is on a different path."
"The world is complicated and there are exceptions."
"They say don't meet your heroes, but Jazza breaks the rule on that one."
"We're not above the rules, but our rules are a little different based on what you do."
"I do hate oranges, but sometimes they work, chat, sometimes they work."
"There are times that rules are made to be broken."
"Everyone should be killable except Superman and the Hulk."
"Use exceptions and exception handlers instead of return codes."
"Typically we don't have wild animals as pets, but sometimes there are special circumstances that make it happen."
"These stories are a reminder that it's often best not to meet your heroes unless your hero is Tom Hanks, Keanu Reeves, or Hugh Jackman."
"I like to know about the exceptions because then it widens my perspective."
"It's never addressed in any of the Ghostbusters extended universe that there are ghosts that are not malicious except for Slimer, who's like the one chill guy."
"As with anything in football, though, there are some exceptions that prove the rule."
"Waiting for coroutine termination is universal and we also need to be able to handle exceptions that might happen in this coroutine."
"School is one of the last places that you would expect to actually be elated, but these few exceptions made it worth it."
"Throwing exceptions is not referentially transparent and leads to all sorts of headaches."
"The base ruling or the default is that it is not allowed to work in commercial insurance companies, however exceptional circumstances can be granted."
"There is no consistent definition of gender; you will always be able to find a hole or an exception."
"Start making exceptions, and you end up with chaos."
"Exceptions don't make the rule; majority makes the rule."
"Just like many things in life, there is always an exception; there's always more to learn."
"There's always going to be exceptions to everything."
"You can't live your life based on exceptions."
"I still feel that's important. I mean, we can look at the market and see exceptions to that."
"There are always exceptions to rules."
"There's an exception to all rules."
"...you need a kind of a buffer of exceptions, a buffer of things that don't quite fit on the edges of things because that's what helps you see the identity."
"Laughter is the best medicine, except in cases where you're actually suffering from a medical condition or disease."
"Exceptions to the rule actually prove the rule itself."
"You have to realize that exceptions to the rule actually prove the rule itself."
"There's exceptions to every rule of course."
"There is a general rule and there is an exception to the rule."
"We want to make exceptions usable for real-time projects."
"The religion of Islam has its norms but it has its exceptions."
"Function theory is deceptively simple: you can’t just combine chords randomly based on their functions—or especially ignore the handful of special exceptions—and expect to sound anything like Beethoven or Schubert."
"Every circumstance is unique, so everyone's probably got a page of exceptions that go with every statement."
"If you throw an exception out of your code without handling it, it automatically maps that into a call to the on error method of every single subscriber to your event source."
"The problem with all the how-to, step-by-step books: they don't take into account the exceptions to the rules. They never leave room for the outliers, the geniuses, the miracles."
"Everything in English has a rule, and even if something doesn't follow a rule, there's a reason it's not following that rule."
"Observe your exceptions... it's a pretty important thing to do is to actually make sure that you're not lazy about handling exceptions for async APIs."
"Every once in a while, a media franchise comes along that disproves the cursed third installment theory."
"Generalizations are general; there are always exceptions."
"Nothing is made to be broken. Uh, piñatas, karate boards, spaghetti when you have a small pot, rules, wrapping paper."
"The error is called an exception because it was an exception to what was expected."
"An exception is an object that contains information about an error."
"For me, ultimately, almost anything can work if it is done well, with a couple of exceptions."
"All are insoluble except the results of ammonium, sodium, and potassium."
"There are exceptions to all things."
"Most of that advice is good most of the time, of course, there are exceptions to every rule."
"Copyright exceptions play a key role in furthering this mission by supporting the free flow of ideas and creativity."
"We sometimes break these rules that we have in chemistry when we have something going to something much more stable than what we started with."
"I'm going to focus on the exceptions to those rules and why I think those exceptions work."
"The general trend is because sometimes there are a few exceptions that buck the trend, but generally speaking in period 3, you should know is the row 3 in the periodic table."
"Exceptions are a fancy word that basically means an error."
"It shows a model, a pattern that is not the reality at 100%. It shows up even if it's 70% of the reality, there is a 30% that is an exception, and in statistics, 30% is a lot."
"When a particular type of runtime exception happens inside the try block, instead of just crashing, we will handle it."
"We're actually capturing the raw exceptions so that you have as rich a set of data available to you as possible."
"Use exceptions conservatively, as they can be costly if used recklessly or unnecessarily."
"An exception is an exceptional event, it's something that's not common."
"The exception to the rule does not negate the rule."
"What's neat about our software is that we have the ability to log as exceptions."
"I'm allergic to categorical answers. Because usually you can find a counter example to embarrass a categorical claim."
"There's an old saying that you make exceptions for exceptional people."
"Computer vision is a lot harder than that and every time you think of a rule there is always an exception."
"Exceptions do not make the rule, but they make it obvious that one rule is not an absolute."
"On a cruise, do you need a passport? Yes, you do, except for in some very specific situations."
"Exceptions in Python are not always errors."