
Division Quotes

There are 1817 quotes

"Division is what keeps us all... Love unifies us."
"In this world, we seem so divided, and everyone [is divided by] ethnicity, class, etc. The actual truth is our brains are essentially wired in the same way."
"This isn't about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump and Joe Biden; this is, we are being led in our own countries, each of us, to believe that it's us versus them. It's not. It is the people in each free country in the west against a really nasty blob up at the top."
"A country divided against itself cannot stand."
"Don't listen to those people who try to divide us. That's a small minority that does not represent the vast majority of the citizens."
"Conversation is the cure-all of this division."
"It's about if two people who are supposed to be the opposites of each other, who supposed to be avowed enemies...are there common concerns that do something other than just feeding the food fight that our politics has become?"
"What's the point of dividing people? All it does is weaken them."
"Notice that both of them are multiples of 7, so what I would do is divide top and bottom by 7."
"What is happening to critical thinking, and why does it feel like in a time where we can more readily access the truth, we've only become far more divided?"
"Unity isn't a myth or a lie, and it's definitely not a silly ideal. It's what we would already have if we weren't purposefully being driven apart."
"The unified world can endure, the divided world will perish."
"Turn off social media that only amplifies and encourages division through calculated algorithms."
"The most important thing is to make sure that we understand what the country's principles are that bind us together rather than those that divide us."
"I want people to think more like me because if they think more like me, there's going to be less division in the world."
"The last thing we need is more blush and more violence; this country is already as divided as we've been since the Civil War."
"The facebookification of the United States has made it much easier for people to silo each other, to segregate from each other."
"The divisions we have amongst ourselves are the biggest problem that we have right now."
"It's interesting Britain has been in recent years seen to be very like America, that is, we've been repeatedly told that we're a divided society."
"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand."
"The world is one thing; we divide it into big and small, and it has to work together."
"If we start segregating into I'm only gonna do business with people with whom I agree, that further divides the country in pretty terrible ways."
"I don't think Donald Trump caused the division; he revealed it."
"We have to divide ourselves from that period. We have to divide from people who want to separate us from our culture."
"I do not believe what's causing the divide in this country is leadership; I believe it is algorithms on social media."
"The problem with Congress isn't Congress itself, it's the division of the American people."
"We are a divided country, divided over very fundamental issues."
"In recent years, the world has seemingly been steadily pulled apart by forces either too subtle or too momentous to discern."
"Extreme ideology, on both sides, by the way, left and right, is what gets a nation to be divided."
"If Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?"
"We're obese as ever, we're suicidal as ever, we're drug addicted as ever, we're at each other's throats constantly. We're kind of obsessed with materialism and hedonism."
"Democracy works pretty well. I think that's the problem sometimes. I think a lot of people look at our system and they complain that it's really ineffective, but I think the reality is that we're historically divided today in ways we haven't been prior to this."
"I personally think his return to the presidency is going to be civil war in this country because he's going to be desensitized to bringing anybody together."
"We need positive examples of loving connections because we're living in a society where... there's so much division."
"What unites us has to be bigger than what divides us."
"What Putin wants above all is to try to divide us and in that, he must not succeed."
"The first president in my lifetime, who does not try to unite the American people, does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us."
"The cult leader makes no effort to reach out to his opponents; the cult leader seeks to widen the divisions."
"The more fundamentalist they get, the more 'us versus them' they are. That's a trademark of fundamentalism."
"The ability for us to be demonized is eroded and broken down... the more difficult it will be for power centers to keep us divided and to prevent us from ever working together."
"You demoralize society, you make society hate itself, you make society divided, and then it crumbles beneath it."
"The way of Beatitude: Living radical hope in a world of division and despair."
"We're not as deeply divided, but we got to break this fever."
"It's impossible to divide on the truth. It's impossible. You can have so many sects and groups and different political agendas if you're on false, but on truth, you can't. You shouldn't divide on truth."
"The ordinary activity of the devil...begins with deception, which leads to division, which leads to diversion, which leads to discouragement."
"Jesus came to divide, that's our job. The truth divides."
"We're not as deeply divided as we're told we are."
"Divisive attempts to tear Americans apart, whether it's coming from the right, left, or center, are bad."
"It is another reminder that we're covering this election against the backdrop of a deeply divided nation."
"Our investigation uncovered division, training substandard facilities and equipment, inadequate support for officer Mental Health and Wellness."
"The more we create us versus them, the bigger the mess."
"The feminist movement seems to be divided on the idea of trans individuals and what to do in certain circumstances."
"If we've got two sides of an ever-increasing tribalism which won't speak to each other, you're going to have a fight at some point."
"Halloween is not a gospel issue. When we take a non-gospel issue and we elevate it to the ranks of gospel, we do violence to the body of Christ, we create unnecessary division."
"The polarization in this country is that extreme."
"Opinions on politics can't be avoided in today's climate, but promoting division is not something I'd stand alongside."
"If you divide people, then we're going to be living in a divided society. But if you unite people, then we will be united."
"If we do thirds, we can see I get a remainder of one."
"There is no black-brown coalition. I really want y'all to understand that."
"Perhaps more than ever, it is our job to stop giving ear to political arsonists who would burn down our institutions and intensify our divisions."
"If you're vaccinated, quit it, you're just dividing the country."
"Violence divides, doesn't unite, destroys businesses, hurts families."
"There should be tremendous pressure from the people for you to hate each other."
"Diversity is divine, but division is diabolical."
"When you have almost half the country suing the other half, is that not indicative of something really crazy happening?"
"Diversity is divine, division is diabolical."
"It's ugly Market out there, no one agrees everybody's fighting everybody."
"Every time we turn against one another with invective and rhetoric that is full of loathing they benefit. They want us divided. The thing they fear most of all is us uniting against them."
"The country isn't as divided as the magic light box makes you think it is."
"Remember here on this channel what we believe the problem is is that we're being turned against one another by centralizing globalizing interest."
"American's greatest allies will always be other Americans and we have these platforms that are motivated to continue that division of polarization."
"What unites us is supposed to be so much more than what divides us."
"You can put an end to the politics that would divide a nation just to win an election."
"In which case you had people that were both team Cap and team Iron Man. I'm team Cap, how about you?"
"Dwayne Johnson regrets endorsing Joe Biden for president in 2020 because quote what that caused was something that tears me up in my guts which is division it caused an incredible amount of division."
"It's divisive, it compromises the democracy that we live in. Stop doing it, stop talking about how you were robbed or rigged and all of this other stuff."
"There are great larger influences that seek to create divisions amongst us."
"How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come."
"I don't see how we bring factions back together when they're this bitterly divided."
"It's used by bad evil people to divide America."
"Doctrine divides, but it's necessary for spiritual purity."
"The division I see is between the Ricks and Mortys that like the Citadel divided, and the rest of us."
"We've had a president who loves chaos and loves division."
"We were manipulated to not like each other for the gain of these people."
"The truth is always going to divide. You have people who love it and people accept it; you're going to have people who hate it and people who want it."
"America, we are not as divided as we are being told we are."
"This guy should be running every business. The media is trying to divide this country."
"The U.S. will break up into some different parts, the question is how we do it at this point."
"Video games are supposed to bring people together, but organizations like this manufacture division."
"There is nothing holding our culture together and so it will break apart."
"When the system breaks down, it won't be right versus left, it will be faction versus faction."
"Thanos is the villain of the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Perception is an interesting thing; some people saw it one way, others were impressed."
"So much more unites us than divides us, and we cannot allow people to use our hearts as the place where they're making money by teaching us to hate our fellow Americans."
"People are divided more by class than nationality."
"Are you on the evidence side or are you on the not evidence side?"
"I believe it's creating a divide, de-unifying America, causing hate, and further radicalizing each side left and right."
"Well, we're not gonna understand each other better if we stay separated."
"When people have no vision, they revert to division."
"How can there be healing when one side is gleefully celebrating this and still behaving in an evil way?"
"Stop with the labels and stop with the division and stop with who's in who which camp."
"The Holy Spirit spoke to me very clearly, he is grieved over the division in his church."
"We shouldn't divide ourselves based on our politics."
"It's a winner take all, they are creating a civil war in our Congress."
"I think some of this division has come from God being ripped out of education."
"I've been saying for years that successful politics is about addition and multiplication not subtraction and Division."
"Do you want your eight-year-old taught that, especially when it involves separating students out into what are called affinity groups? What, oh hell no."
"This is an attempt to create north and south Korea in Ukraine."
"The country's not divided. It's the politics of a country. It's the politicians that are dividing the politics coming out of our capital and in Washington DC and out of every state."
"We've been living in a divided society, and then a crisis comes along and it shows it for being a certain amount of hot air."
"Their starting point is othering people and having an us versus them mentality."
"The things that unite us are far greater than the things that divide us."
"They keep trying to divide us and we're just not going to let it happen."
"There's too many divisions, you can't put this country back together."
"I'm uncomfortable because this event is tearing at the fabric of this community that I care about."
"Playing on people's grievances and exaggerating their differences tends to make the political system less healthy."
"Our country is divided into two camps and the wall is a giant wall, it's a chasm."
"It turns people against each other by sowing hatred and division is the primary means by which communism corrupts society."
"This president isn't trying to make America great, he's trying to make America hate."
"Everybody is just wildly divided more so than i've ever seen in all of my life."
"I reject Donald Trump's xenophobic comments meant to divide our nation rather than attack members of Congress."
"I do not think it is tenable for half of us to feel one way, half of us to feel the other way."
"The Western Elites brazenly divide the world into 'civilized countries' and all the rest."
"We have nothing to gain as a country by being divided."
"Who gains from us being at each other's throats? It's not America."
"Unity is the antidote to the Divide, but it's also the antidote to the conquer."
"We are divided. Normalcy is not coming back."
"The body of Christ is torn apart, what could be worse than that?"
"Why are people in Congress, why are the mainstream media outlets, why are they pushing this? This is insanity. This is divisive." - Tyler Zed, Zeducation
"You need to lead by uniting people not dividing them. He talks about dividing us all night long. It's what he does. It's who you are. It's what he's about."
"Say no to those that want a divider. Say no to those seeking attention, or you can just be respectful and stop being a big baby."
"Impeachment only incites more division; it does not provide unity."
"I hate seeing so much fragmentation within sub-communities."
"You want a constitution that unites us and political arguments that divide us."
"Malice seeks only to further division, cause confusion, contradiction."
"I believe in unity, my whole thing is you lose over separation."
"We live in the real world and we are brought together by things that we can all relate to, not by what you're putting out which is trying once again to cause more division."
"Forget ‘hate speech’. For me, this is the most dangerous kind of language — the language of totalitarian ultimatums, that seeks to conquer by dividing, trying to come between us and our loved ones in order to achieve total subservience."
"I just thought that this was such a gross way to feed and really exacerbate division."
"You have to divide, there is no doubt about it."
"The core of politics is uniting your coalition and dividing the other's coalition."
"This demonstrates that political expression is an issue that divides the Democratic coalition between centrist Democrats and their left flank."
"Cities burning, rioting in the streets, vigilante shooting protesters, and culminating with a literal Insurrection on the US capital because the guy at the top set a tone that turned Americans against each other."
"I find that so much of political discourse right now is like really just plastering the other side is backward or idiots."
"The system was put in place to divide and conquer."
"Certain TMNT fans get insanely tribal over their personal favorite."
"Deep fakes divide people... No matter how much fun it is to see, is it just about videos? Absolutely not."
"For me, the division of the fan base is based on whether you're Mourinho in or you mean you're out."
"If speech actually amplifies hate and division, the problem probably is not the speech."
"Fear, envy, distrust. That's how you divide a nation."
"We're divided, we have people who are powerful and who are doing great things within our community but they don't get press."
"There's a huge divide in this country right now between law enforcement and the citizenry."
"Humanity will fracture into two tribes, incompatible tribes."
"We have far more in common than that which divides us."
"This country is just becoming extremely divided."
"You can't be saying you love God and dividing the kingdom of God."
"When this event happens, you'll have people taking the mark and then you'll have people living free and clear."
"Are we going to be participants in creating more and more ossified and oppositional camps?"
"The spin is so they appoint the wrong people... They're not united people."
"Too much of our politics has been looking for ways to divide people and separate them from the deeper values which make us Americans."
"I really worry about that it fractures people rather than bringing them together at a moment when I think we need to be together."
"America is basically breaking into two or three kind of balkanized countries within it."
"Unifying the country means you have to take on the people who are trying to divide it for partisan gain and profit." - Dan Pfeiffer
"Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, rather division."
"Now they're doing everything they can, all these operations going on to break, to divide us, break up the family in any way possible."
"Like-minded people can be torn apart by social structures just as much as those who've got nothing in common."
"The social fabric is deeply, deeply important and the fact that we have neglected the social fabric for so long is I think one of the reasons why we as a country are coming apart."
"When it comes to locker rooms, it's only two types of people: us and everyone else."
"It's just a lesson in polarization and how polarized we are now, it doesn't matter like everyone's already chosen their side."
"The nation's sort of political center of gravity seems to be in two places right now."
"That the president of the United States despises half of the nation is really detrimental."
"The truth is divide, especially dividing the way against each other. No, there's only one truth."
"They are trying to divide us, black from white, and weaponize identity politics."
"Let's cut this country in half and let's build it up for the Queen!"
"We have to come together as one nation, or we will cease to be a nation."
"In division there is conquest, in unity there is strength."
"We're entering a political system where one side thinks they need to own the other side."
"We're all stuck here for a while, so let's at least do what we can to understand why we are so easily divided into hostile groups."
"We are living through a crisis of trust as we're beginning to relate to each other not as opponents but as enemies."
"The key word is United, a unity of divided things."
"All divided entities will reunite, and all unified entities will divide. No one part can gain a monopoly over the whole."
"If the devil can take down the church, the only hope for this world... he's going to try to divide the church."
"If we fundamentally are not understanding each other and we're standing on two separate sides of this issue, we can't be friends anymore."
"His message was to show how dumb it was to divide people up like animals."
"The political tribes are split in a million ways."
"We're at our best when we're unified, we're at our worst when we're divided."
"The outcome is not going to be a victory... Ukraine is likely broken into pieces."
"Without the facts we cannot have agreement and our badly divided nation more importantly without the facts we cannot have an honest disagreement."
"Doom 3 is a divisive but technically stunning showpiece."
"A rare and remarkable step reflecting the intense pressures and deep divisions."
"The country seems to be going in two directions right now. One is a direction roughly of sanity, clarity, something based on fact and reality."
"This issue is dividing America in a way that none other really has, and it's about life, it's about people created in the image of God."
"Selective outrage and double standards only deepen the divide in American politics."
"They're trying to put us into voting blocks, into little sections, right? So they can separate us as much as possible."
"Fear is the biggest part of this, they're using fear to divide and conquer."
"Though the world might be divided, the Church of Jesus Christ is not divided."
"A house divided against itself cannot stand. We need leadership that unites people, not leadership that divides people."
"The division of the body of Christ is opposed to the will of the Lord."