
Corporate Ethics Quotes

There are 596 quotes

"Their moral obligation, as Milton Friedman would say, is to maximize the profits that they return to shareholders."
"I think that every company, if it does not exist for the benefit of the public, it should not exist."
"If economic globalization is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of transnational corporations."
"This was never about bettering the company and its products; it was very much about lining the pockets of those at the top."
"Companies exist to make money, but we're seeing the long-term damaging impact of that ethos where no matter how much money you're making, it's never enough."
"It can be very tricky, obviously, with these giant conglomerates. The baby company can seem okay, but the parent company may be evil."
"Stockpiles of personal data serve only to enrich the companies that collect them."
"Emma's research has revealed that AA is a multinational company involved in the development of military weapons."
"Business decisions made in the interest of maximizing shareholder value have caused mass layoffs, environmental catastrophes, an endless list of corporate frauds, and record inequality in the workplace."
"It's not just about whether a company is 'good' according to some abstract set of values; it represents another way of factoring risk exposure into investment."
"When I hear large corporations that make billions of dollars in profits trying to blame our interest in providing health insurance as an excuse for cutting back workers' wages, shame on them."
"You have these companies artificially raising the prices because they know that people are so desperate that they'll pay it."
"This is Corporate leadership betraying the actual workers."
"Every organization that says we choose people before profit is making progress towards a better world."
"Meanwhile, the tobacco industry actively spread misinformation and propaganda in an attempt to keep their product and businesses alive while their customers unknowingly risk their health with every puff. It's the epitome of profits over people."
"There is perhaps no better example of corporate greed, misleading consumers and companies placing profits over people than this."
"Met with the information that their products were causing a massive health epidemic in the 1960s, the industry responded not with concern, apologies or any effort to rectify the situation, but instead with a massive push to mislead consumers and deny their part in causing hundreds of thousands of people to lose their lives."
"Fundamentally, the government does act as a counterbalance to corporate force."
"Meta makes a hundred billion dollar a year profit. It's time to invest less of it in sanitizing opinions and more on keeping children safe."
"Time companies actually have to take a profit hit in order to make the world a better place."
"Every day to date, they have decided that profit and shareholder value matters more to them than public health."
"The highest level of Ford's management made the decision to go forward with the production of the Pinto knowing that the gas tank was vulnerable to puncture and rupture at low rear impact speeds, and knowing that fixes were feasible at nominal cost."
"It's not that the individuals did anything wrong by buying or selling; it's that Robinhood did something wrong by not being able to manage their business accurately."
"Activision Blizzard is being sued by the state of California for being horrible people."
"PlayStation boss Jim Ryan slammed Activision Blizzard... writing in an email to staff that he was disheartened and frankly stunned by this week's news."
"I'm proud to be part of a company that takes a hard-line approach to inappropriate or hostile work environments and sexual harassment issues."
"It's going to affect the quality of the games, but more importantly, it is just human indecency and it has to be rooted out of Ubisoft, it has to be rooted out of the games industry, it has to be rooted out of all industries."
"It goes without saying that it's completely unacceptable that anyone at the company faces discrimination and harassment."
"Companies are just choosing to operate this way because they're choosing profits over the talent and the people who they call family."
"It's especially manipulative when companies co-opt social issues to sell their brand."
"18 million dollars is a slap in the face to workers considering Activision Blizzard is worth 72 billion dollars and workers dealt with toxic working conditions for years."
"The story of the Boeing 737 MAX would end up exposing corporate deception and a broken regulatory process."
"The problem is that corporations are making record-breaking profits and over 700 billionaires in America became nearly two trillion dollars wealthier during the pandemic while engaging in obscene levels of price gouging."
"The story of disposable vapes is the story of our times: one of addicted customers, trapped in coercive consumer relationships, of cash-strapped state regulators struggling to bring rule-breaking corporations to heel."
"What Facebook was effectively doing was looking into the analytics other applications were gathering as a way to spy on their competition, which is not okay."
"Because a corporation is concerned only with making money, which it'll do at the expense of its employees, its customers, and the environment."
"Predatory monetization has become and how many of these entertainment companies are run by corporate vultures."
"It's time to stop giving your money to local corporations that hate your guts."
"There are so many good people here. They deserve better. They don't deserve to cry every day watching a company they love openly care so little about them."
"If you want to be just a soulless blood-sucking company, then be a soulless blood-sucking company, but don't be a soulless blood-sucking company and then post things about how much you care about different minorities."
"Fans and critics questioned whether Blizzard's massive financial interests in China... led the company to punish a player for expressing free speech."
"The goal for corporations is to maximize profit and market share, and they also have a goal for their target, namely the population: they have to be turned into completely mindless consumers of goods that they do not want."
"The best example is Google's 'Don't be evil,' which is the most... They did drop Google."
"They prioritized money over the trust of their customers."
"I'm not doubting that teamu is not shady. In my opinion, it is a shady company based on who they are literally owned by."
"I mean, it's actually wild that corporations can be incredibly profitable but not pay into the societies that support them." - Narrator
"Homelander embodies everything wrong with corporate superheroes."
"I don't think removing people and like firing people was necessarily a bad thing but the way Blizzard won about it was kind of bad."
"I'm going to say this today and I'm going to stand behind it: I think Samsung is worse than Apple."
"If everybody knows that Samsung is actively working to try to destroy the independent repair market, that's not a good look."
"Even with all this backlash and all this community dissent and disapproval, Wizards of the Coast management has shown zero empathy."
"Having done that, to now see some of those same businesses wanting to fire employees over these injections, I kind of feel like they're stabbing us in the back."
"Microsoft had fired their entire AI ethics team, removing the brakes on AI development."
"Maybe allowing giant digital media corporations to exploit the neurochemical drama of our children for profit, you know, maybe that was uh, a bad call by us."
"Disney's now being kind of forced to admit it, because you know, they're in the business of teaching their kids, teaching your kids, values that are very different than the parents expect from the content."
"You're seeing these companies using the government as a tool to assert an unethical level of control over the consumer."
"I believe in Redemption and I want this company to redeem itself."
"For Goldman to be winners, there had to be losers."
"When Intel destroys their own credibility, they go and destroy the credibility of people that they work with as well."
"I've just never seen a company going so far out of its way to basically take a dump on their community."
"Do we work to shut these companies completely down or do we just continue to call their ethics into question?"
"Why don't we just try treating the people better?"
"Where do we draw the line on a company's behavior towards their own customers?"
"As a business, which side of history do you want to be on?"
"Blizzard's apology: every voice matters however yours is inconvenient to our profits."
"Was Nevsun's business partner also in business with terrorists?"
"Corporations are like psychopaths. They'll do whatever it takes to make more profit, even if it means harming people or the environment."
"Sadly, this is a classic move of an old dominant company that believes the rules don't apply to them."
"Wells Fargo traded its hard-earned reputation for short-term profits and harmed untold numbers of customers along the way."
"Big tech, like any other business, needs to follow the rules in an unbiased manner."
"Denying working conditions issues, Amazon's PR push backfired."
"Corporations have no ethical responsibility whatsoever to greater society and only serve to make money."
"I'm not anti-marijuana at all but I am anti-corporations taking advantage of vulnerable patients."
"If you fuck over your audience, if you fuck over your customers all the time, eventually you're not gonna have any customers. Fucking over the world the way that BP has fucked over the world has lost BP tens of billions of dollars."
"Just respect what we're doing and don't let the greedy bastards win."
"Agencies can be bad and good, I am anti bad corporations."
"The fact that this EA employee is trying to rewrite history and trying to make it out to be like two and a half years ago is just a different situation."
"The Twitter files are a once in a lifetime window into the dark soul of a corporate tech-centered Nation."
"In my eyes, the Twitter files are a once in a lifetime window into the dark soul of a corporate tech-centered Nation."
"Do you know if the below market rent that she had on her rental apartments at 502 Park Avenue were provided in exchange for work performed as part of her responsibilities at the Trump organization, same answer?"
"The new three Ps are people, planet, and profits."
"The corporatization of psychedelics is fraught with pitfalls. Corporations need to recognize that they have an obligation, using indigenous knowledge."
"I think it's clear that they don't care about artists, crew, cast, none of that, none of the people who are making the products that are making them money."
"At what cost are their employees being treated fairly?"
"I make no apologies for fighting that which opposes the very existence of my profession."
"Adobe is taking an ethical stance on this using already licensed stock images for responsible AI development."
"We have this opportunity now to tell those corporate Agra see people, 'Okay, go ahead, maximize profits, but only do so within the context of always heading toward creating an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and peaceful world.'"
"Unfortunately for the company, Jeff Bezos wasn't going to go down quietly. So instead of signing the contract, he made it all public on Medium."
"Boeing's corporate culture fostered an attitude where profits were placed over safety, and 346 unsuspecting passengers ended up paying for this with their lives."
"You've already got enough money to buy the earth and all the heavens. Why do you need to sell out to Sony to just say stuff that's just not true at all?"
"You're obligated to continue to act in the best interest of that business."
"We're not the suits and we're not the corporation, but I think what you guys are making is good because your version of the corporation is better than the Disney version of the corporation."
"McDonald's accused of tortious interference with contracts."
"If you're funding a company whose founder is donating to political campaigns that you fundamentally disagree with you have every right to not support that company anymore."
"That's the cool part about opinions! We can all discuss what we enjoy or don't enjoy, learn things from one another, and, uh, point out malicious practices by corporations to better influence the future of entertainment!"
"To see Wild Works go from condemning crypto to openly supporting and profiting off it is really disappointing and a sad way for a company and the games that they made to Fall From Grace."
"Since Disney's a business you'd think that they'd want to operate with utmost professionalism but they don't and in the end this will eventually fight them on the ass."
"Facebook knows its products are harmful but puts profits over people."
"I always hate it when these companies lie to us."
"We need to mainstream the idea of attention as sacred because it's so important."
"International companies, including US firms, are being forced to disregard human rights abuses in China."
"Apple's admission that it was intentionally slowing down the performance of older iPhones triggered news reports around the world."
"Blizzard may have a flagstone saying every voice matters and honestly they're right they just weren't listening to them but those voices are speaking out now."
"Government intervention really right now looks to be the best way as corporations won't voluntarily out of the kindness of their heart stop implementing scummy schemes if it makes them money for them money is the king of all their endeavors."
"The conversation is around Apple's monopolistic position in the market."
"You don't have to go to bat for major AAA multi-billion dollar corporations because if you do please understand you're going to bat for thieves for abusers for predators."
"There are these companies that pretend to do good while doing evil just so they can earn those ESG scores."
"It's a story of how major companies acted wildly irresponsibly, skirted any meaningful consequences, and for the most part avoided public scrutiny."
"You're pumping your money into owners that don't care about the things that you support, you're making it worse because you're enabling that behavior."
"You can be intense, you can be passionate, and it's not scary, it's [ __ ] amazing."
"Seeing the way that a company treats their partners is one of the ways that I evaluate the integrity of a company."
"Nothing was said at that meeting or any other meeting to suggest that any political bias ever influences the way we build or operate our products."
"Is Apple evil? The short answer is of course not."
"If a corporation regularly violated federal law, what would happen? It would be shut down."
"If you are a decision maker at your company I hope that you will consider the human cost of your decisions."
"Activision Blizzard are so greedy that they can't even allow the people who made their original games that are still full price playable and safe to even launch and play multiplayer."
"Activision Blizzard has found themselves in another kind of cash crab choke out the community Scandal where they are actively shutting down modded Call of Duty projects."
"As consumers, our only solution is to stop buying their product."
"The winners of our age must be challenged to do more good but never ever tell them to do less harm."
"Be aware of how vicious and snake-like corporations are and how willing they are to manipulate you."
"Rules don't apply when a corporation is trying to make money."
"Boycott companies that utilize prison labor."
"You can't be all about curing cancer and treating your employees like shit."
"Sony, you don't get to bribe people into letting you continue to break the law."
"We feel a deep sense of responsibility to get this right."
"This has to stop now. This is bad business. The audience is furious."
"There's nothing sustainable about a company that will tell you that one t-shirt was made out of organic cotton, but everybody who made the t-shirt is exploited."
"Southwestern Advantage should be proactive to prevent these things from happening."
"It was not appropriate for Facebook to impose the indeterminate and standardless penalty of indefinite suspension."
"The real issue is the corporate power exercised by big tech."
"There is no place for abuse, harassment, or predatory practices in any company or any community."
"Don't be stupid, these companies are straight up evil."
"You have alienated a massive portion of your audience, exchanged a HUGE amount of respect for your company for money."
"We have not made offers to very qualified competent people because they were nasty to our driver."
"Patriot mobile shares your values they're not going to charge you hidden fees and they're also here's the big catch here guys they're not gonna send your hard-earned money to Planned Parenthood or other left-leaning causes."
"YouTube or lease management at YouTube knows they're screwing people over... they just want to hide this because it means a smoother operation for them."
"We will not be silenced, we will not stand aside, and we will not give up until the company we love is a workplace we can all feel proud to be part of again."
"What these companies are doing is the equivalent of trying to burn down the modern-day digital equivalent to the library of Alexandria."
"Microsoft has proven itself to not be a trustworthy company."
"Do majority white companies genuinely care about Black people?"
"The story of the radium girl should not only serve as a historical anecdote about the rise of workers' rights, but also as a cautionary tale for societies and corporations that value money over human lives."
"We must end the practice of corporations profiting off the suffering of incarcerated people in their families."
"When the profit motive becomes unmoored from the purpose motive, bad things happen."
"My main worry is at the moment it feels like these big corporations don't lean in favor of truth."
"If we want companies to behave better in their interactions with society, putting boards in place that are not accountable to anyone other than a vague concept of 'the greater good' is probably not the best approach."
"The reality is, if you look at what's coming down through the leadership, they're fronting for something wildly inhuman."
"The idea that Google thinks it has the right to adjust content so that he doesn't get elected again is the height of hubris."
"Threatening a corporation with higher taxes if they don't stop blasting smog into the air that we all have to breath becomes an empty threat when the corporation can just move to a different country but still serve the same market."
"Executives are paid too much... Are you creating programs that incentivize your executives?"
"No corporate bailout if you are going to lay off workers."
"You don't have to buy a game from a company that openly employs racist and sexist you don't have to buy a game that has all this negative controversy surrounding it."
"Executives who are only focused on the money don't seem to comprehend the value of customer goodwill."
"Sarver got to avoid being publicly condemned by a massive corporation."
"They know that people don't like this but they're choosing to do it anyway, and that's what's so depressing."
"It's so rare that you come across a company that aren't greedy and that truly wants to help you out."
"The only thing that matters to me is that brands are trying."
"Facebook is just... they have no moral conscience."
"Vince McMahon promised him something and then went back on it."
"Amazon doesn't share our values and if we don't make sure that they play by common sensical notions of fair play, they'll just crush us."
"Not all paths are equal. Humanity plus companies like McDonald's that sell junk food are humanity minus. We have to stop tolerating humanity minus companies."
"Larry Fink even went as far as to write a letter to his existing portfolio companies urging them to make contributions to society in order to continue receiving BlackRock's support."
"The question remains the same: Should an establishment be allowed to grow so powerful that it can control the entire world?"
"Shame on the CD Projekt Red executives for just lying to our faces."
"We need more companies with a moral responsibility and ethical stature overall."
"It's extremely generous for Elon to be offering them a package. That's the right thing."
"The entire experience takes you through 17 rooms."
"Do we want Disney speaking out? Do we want our corporations to take on woke politics? Well, if you want that, then you don't want to participate in the sort of current version of capitalism we've got."
"Trump's CFO, much celebrated CFO, Trump saying 'this is the guy, this is the best guy,' has been charged with a 15-year sequence of 15 felonies."
"These companies thrive on uncertainty and prey on the vulnerable."
"We cannot allow a situation where private corporations are able to profit from taking something that has a public good."
"What would really suck is if we don't fix a corrupt system that lets giant companies like Facebook engage in illegal anti-competitive practices."
"I would tear this company to the ground before I would submit to any of that."
"Blizzard shows it is willing to humiliate itself to please the Chinese party. No American company should censor calls for freedom to make a quick buck."
"Blizzard's morals will only hold out for as long as the cash flow does."
"The world is increasingly about the bottom line and not so much about human respect or human dignity."
"So Joe Camel's appeal among kids was no accident. It was a priority conceived at the highest levels of the company."
"Bethesda bait and switching is considered illegal."
"If companies are serious about installing an ethical culture, they need to reward whistleblowers not punish them."
"How these companies are allowed to get away with this level of counterfeiting is flooring to me, especially when they have the [ __ ] balls to go up against one of the most powerful companies on the planet, Disney."
"Greed is a running theme in the world of AAA corporate gaming."
"Threats of termination and deliberately vague codes of conduct surely must be counted as infringing on free speech, private company or not, that is, if you aren’t a corporatist."
"They are putting profit over people... profit over people and it pisses me off."
"We've never laid off a soul, we've got over a thousand team members."
"Policy Genius will never sell your information to other companies and they will never add on any hidden extra fees."
"These companies don't see trainees as humans but more so products that have the potential to make you a lot of money if they're successful."
"There is almost always some sort of angle these shady companies are pulling, it's become quite obvious that the first step to looking at any of these promoters is examining the fine print."
"Terrible company that has done terrible things."
"Greenwashing makes an eco-conscious public view the company more positively while not actually changing any of its potentially harmful activities."
"Is the onus on companies or consumers to combat misleading advertising?"
"If you're not on the side of the customer above corporate interest regardless of the reasons you have to always choose their side over theirs."
"If your client Tristar had nothing to hide, it would simply produce the information as any reputable business manager would have done a long time ago."
"Amazon workers dying is the cost of doing business, and it often costs less than keeping them alive."
"They care about one thing: lining their pockets at the expense of anybody and anything."
"You don't want to give people the impression that different classes of people, different classes of companies get treated differently."
"CD Projekt Red pledged to be more humane to its workers."
"It's blatantly dishonest, it's blatantly biased, and this is why we are always pushing back against the idea that these companies should have the ability to pick and choose how they handle these situations."
"Transparency can go a long way in attracting admiration."
"We're all stakeholders, not shareholders. If it's not good for all of the stakeholders, you can't do it. That's a fundamental perversion of what America and freedom really is."
"What do you do in that situation? Stick to your guns and pull out of the China market if you have to."