
Moral Courage Quotes

There are 187 quotes

"You don't have to be Muslim, Palestinian, or Arab; you simply just have to be a free thinker and someone who has moral courage."
"When we were kids and we were learning about the Holocaust and Nazi Germany, we all had this idea like, if I was there I would have stepped up, I would have said something."
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."
"People are afraid a political correctness is a very feeble phrase to cover the psychological landscape in which people of moral character are afraid to say what is extremely obvious."
"It's not nothing to admit to someone that you've been having this sort of idea and that you're in that much trouble. That takes a fair bit of reorientation and moral courage."
"The significance of individual life and the psychological necessity of courage, nobility, and responsibility... are old-fashioned in the best sense."
"We all have a line...All we have to do is recognize where that line is, recognize what we believe, and commit ourselves not just to believing in it, but to standing for it when it comes under threat."
"It takes courage in this day and age to stand up for your values... but always make it with love and gentleness and compassion."
"It's that type of moral courage and conviction that we need right now."
"I told him, 'Son, it's lonely doing the right thing. It's lonely standing up, and when you're 14, it's really hard to do that.'"
"It all comes down to someone's courage to do the right thing."
"Sometimes people have to stand up for what is right."
"But is it good that there are people who are willing to stand up at this point to anything? Yes."
"A good person exposes evil without stooping down to the level of their opponents."
"If you're not willing to stand up to your own side now and every now and again there's really no point in having this job."
"Even if it's your job at stake, still do what's right."
"We have not been taught how to manage personal change, and isn't that shocking?"
"Just stand up for what's right, do what's right. You know, never run, Shield's never run, never hide."
"Good cannot be accomplished without courage, and it is the rarest of human traits."
"Do the right thing even if you pay the price."
"We need more good people to stand up for what's right right now."
"True courage is about knowing not when to take a life but when to spare one." - Gandalf
"Being a good, strong person ultimately comes down to moral courage."
"Be honorable and courageous when bullies move in, speak up for what you know to be true."
"Have the courage to stand up for what matters."
"We need to have the courage of our convictions and be brave on this. We have to accept some hardship and pain to defend the principles of liberty, democracy, and the rule of law."
"Romney showed a level of moral courage that validated the founders' faith in self-governance."
"Courageous people do not fear forgiving for the sake of peace."
"To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong."
"I would not follow orders if I was in Nazi Germany."
"Be smart, be faithful, be convicted, be courageous, be a believer."
"All the world is a stage, and if we see this world as a narrative that has been authored by the most benevolent being in the universe then we can have hope and we can find courage to do the right thing against all odds."
"You've got to stand up for what's right, not what's easy."
"If there are still 10 people who are willing to tell the truth, then all hell will not break loose."
"Not standing up for your loved ones, not standing up for your country, not standing up for yourselves in the face of horrible opposition from within or without is probably worse than hypocrisy."
"It's going to require moral courage to stand up to this president."
"Integrity's honorable, you know. It takes personal courage, standing up and doing the right thing."
"That took courage, but it was the right thing to do and say."
"Courage to stand up for one's beliefs, even in the face of persecution."
"The tragedies not that one man has the courage to be evil, but that so many have not the courage to be good."
"Krillin always stands up to do the right thing, and I like that about him."
"Doing the right thing even when it's difficult, that's a superpower."
"Do you have the moral courage to value your life in God more than you value your life in the flesh?"
"Moral courage is just as, or maybe more important than physical courage."
"This is a moment for good people to hold hold their nerve right not not just fall into the the pit the endless pit this endless descent to hell that we're all in and good people need to stand up."
"Courage is something that is rare. Moral courage is the most necessary yet absent characteristic in men."
"What drives people to be brave, to commit acts of heroism, often in the face of the enemy?"
"Who's gonna be that person that defends and stands up essentially like the Good Samaritan... are you gonna be that person that nobody expects?"
"Standing up for what you believe in... that's what it means to be strong."
"Fortitude means courageously doing what is right even when it's hard to do."
"It's for anyone who's brave enough to do what's right no matter the cost."
"His sense of duty overcame his personal bias."
"Decide now to stand for truth, be the cost what it may."
"We will lead with courage and do what's right not what's politically correct or convenient love it."
"We need to have people that are going to stand in the line, have the moral courage."
"There are a lot of heroes too, and they're heroes because they did the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing."
"I want you to promise me that you will always stand up to those who are cruel."
"The right thing to do is not the most popular thing to do."
"He had the profile of courage to call a spade a spade."
"You have to be willing as a leader to take that chance and say, I know what the right thing to do is."
"The famous picture of August Landmesser, one of my heroes."
"Be honest and don't avert your eyes from what’s the ugliest."
"You must engage and destroy. Never fear, never flee the enemy. Only the wicked flee when no one's pursuing them. But the righteous are as bold as a lion."
"If you don't speak out about the most transparent injustice, what good are we?"
"Stand up for what you believe even if you're standing alone."
"That kind of reinvigorates my faith in humanity, that there's people still out there that can do the right thing even though it may be to their detriment."
"When we do the right thing and we speak for truth, you're good no matter what."
"Let's be courageous, enduring with people, enduring with God, not bailing, trusting, pressing into relationship, enduring with doing what is right because it's right."
"How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause?" - Sophie Scholl
"Stand up for right, even when people are saying that's not the popular thing to do."
"At least someone had common sense, courage, and compassion. It's too bad these characteristics were absent among school administrators."
"You must stand now, equally unbreakable as the traitors return and the filth and corruption they bring."
"Saying no, I'm not going to agree to your oppressive terms. Even if it costs me seeing my grandmother is an incredibly strong move, and you have to give her tremendous respect for doing that."
"As long as you're doing the right thing, what do you have to fear?"
"I'd rather be known as the guy who did what he thought was right than the guy who quit because he was afraid of what other people might say."
"All that's necessary for evil to triumph is for men of good character to remain silent."
"Take a stand for the truth, even if it means standing alone."
"Courage is we all have to answer to God for the amount of Courage he gives us."
"I'm not asking you to pick fights, but I'm asking you to stand up for what you believe in. The world is gonna be a better place because then we won't be ripe for invasion."
"For people who really care about politics, not reflexively voting for Joe might actually be a difficult and certainly very active and maybe yes ultimately a brave choice."
"Anyone can do the right thing when it's easy, but it's what you do when things are hard that makes you a hero."
"If our leaders are afraid or unwilling to fight back against things that they know are wrong, maybe they are not leaders."
"You don't confront the Mean Girls at school unless you think what they're doing to your friend is wrong."
"Should we fight for what's right and should we stand up for Freedom? Yes, yes."
"You have to believe what you're doing is right."
"A good man will stand up against evil; a nice guy won't stand up against anything."
"Silence in the face of evil is evil. Not to act, not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act. Thank you for speaking, thank you for acting. You are an inspiration, sir."
"Hold your head high when doing the right thing."
"Lose your seat if it means doing the right thing."
"If you're not willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, you should probably keep your mouth off people who are willing."
"Don't be afraid to stand by your beliefs, even if they're unpopular."
"There are always people in every society willing to defy the oppressor and stand up on behalf of the oppressed." - Chris Hedges
"He is courageous enough to stand up against the face of evil."
"The industry may be dark, the industry may be evil, but don't let it make you afraid. Stand up and speak the truth."
"A true hero isn't always the strongest but the one with the spirit and the will to save others."
"Being a man is about standing up against evil and fighting for your children."
"Do they have the courage to do what their conscience is telling them?"
"Their legacy endures as a powerful symbol of moral courage in the face of oppression."
"You have to stick up for what you believe in."
"So much courage at times we thought it would be impossible in a country politicized as ours now is."
"Courage is doing the right thing when you know the risk."
"Courage has a responsibility, even if you have to stand alone on your principles."
"It takes courage and strength to offer your cup."
"People need courage to do it because they have to have the comfort of knowing they're on the right side of the issue."
"I refuse to be discouraged; I refuse to be disempowered by anybody who comes along and tells me that we black folk do not have the moral courage to link up with other folk."
"In truth, any man can make a difference. It is not given to us to know whether we shall succeed or not. In failure, there is no disgrace. There can be but one ultimate shame: the cowardice of not having tried."
"If you speak up, you end up on God's side, and there is no death."
"Profiles in courage: people who are standing up for their beliefs and putting their careers on the line."
"Being a hero actually is about stepping up to the plate, a moment of selflessness doing what needs to be done whatever the consequences to yourself are be damned."
"Moral courage is the most necessary yet absent characteristic in men."
"Courage is to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves."
"I called Sam over and told him in front of the man, that's standing up for your beliefs among such a large and friendly crowd is a definition of courage."
"He even fights against their orders and stands up for what he believes in despite being a trained warrior."
"We are being tested: Do we have enough courage, conviction, and people to stand up and do what is right for ourselves and generations yet unborn."
"Don't stay silent. If we're silent, we'll be on the wrong side spiritually. We have strength with each other, primarily in Allah and His Messenger."
"The real courage comes when you do it with nobody's listening because it's the right thing to do."
"When we fight these things, when we speak out against these things, it is all about standing up for righteousness."
"Maybe just maybe somebody in parliament finds their moral courage."
"People who have the courage to do what is right, that is a hero."
"Be that one person prepared to stand up to unkindness. You'll never regret being a good friend."
"Something ain't right when somebody allows their mom to get beat up on by their friend on their friend's platform and they don't even have an ounce of courage to speak up."
"Those with a Moral Courage to expose this security and surveillance apparatus... We Will Be Sustained in our revolt Which will require us to confront all Systems of Power."
"The Duke 38 and The Duchess of Sussex 41 have been praised for their moral courage when winning the prestigious U.S award for their work on racial Justice."
"God bless every one of you because that kind of battle that kind of that kind of political and frankly moral Warfare that we're waging is the thing that will save this country."
"The integrity and moral courage of the upright will guide them, but the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them."
"He had great courage, moral courage, and physical courage."
"Don't ever feel like a dick for trying to do the right thing by seeing what people are about."
"It is so hard to be that person to stand up and say wait a second this isn't right."
"...you will be held higher by doing this than if you were to rat them out."
"Wouldn't the greater test of moral courage be to go against someone who is in a position of authority who's doing something wrong?"
"It takes a lot of moral courage to stand against your own tribe and say hey no this is a bridge too far."
"I might not agree with her on a lot of things but it takes a lot of moral courage to stand against your own tribe and say hey no this is a bridge too far."
"Bravery to hear the voice of the Lord, to see something that's not okay, and to call it out."
"how hard is it to call out evil when you see it do you still have that ability or does it feel like an existential threat to speak up about what you see"
"Stand up in the story and pull a Keyleth, and be like, 'Guys, this is wrong!'"
"The Midwives however feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do."
"The man is a blessing because he has courage and he has the fortitude to stand up and speak the truth."
"Some people still chose to stand up and protect vulnerable Jewish children."
"Being a hero doesn’t mean being able to win fights or overpower people with your arguments and rhetoric. It means standing up for what’s right."
"It starts with courage, the courage to do the right thing."
"We find ourselves in desperate need of morally brave, selfless leadership at the presidential level and beyond."
"Do the right thing, especially when it's hard."
"The moral courage of fighting error when all of a sudden it starts spreading, that was my husband's force."
"True courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but to spare one."
"This is a guy who made a moral stand on civil rights."
"No amount of money, or no order or law, should be able to make you go against doing the right thing."
"Seek the truth, come when it may, cost what it will."
"It's rare in these days to shine bright in a dark world and live for Jesus."
"They opposed the Nazis and they decided to stand up to them even if there was a cost to it."
"If you are asked to do something you believe is wrong, or see something that you believe is wrong, you must not take the easy option and keep your head down."
"I will not compromise my integrity, nor my moral courage."
"We do need this moral courage and the only way to get good at it is to do it."
"We can be hopeful and we can be confident and carry ourselves with a kind of moral courage."
"Do we have the moral courage to stand firm for our beliefs, even if by so doing we must stand alone?"
"Whoever amongst you sees evil, try to change it with your hand."
"The moral courage to stand against the crowd and don't give in to peer pressure."
"Nice people never confront evil. Good people do."
"If you observe something that's wrong and you know in your heart that it's wrong and you just stand by and watch, that's making cowards out of men."
"Finding the strength to do what's right in fearful situations with threats of violence, backlash, and criticism isn't always easy."
"Let us demonstrate that moral courage and use today's debate not to whip up war rhetoric but to give peace a chance."
"Continue to do things in the upright no matter what anybody says or tries to do to you."
"Being a hero isn't just for people who could fly or shoot lasers out of their hands, it's for anyone who is brave enough to do what's right, no matter the cost."
"Courage is of two forms, physical and moral, and of the two, moral is the more difficult to manifest."
"Sometimes doing the right thing is not the easiest thing, but when your soul is calling you, you have to listen."
"True honor is when you can do something in the face of possibly losing everything but because of who you are as a man, as a character, you still do the right thing."
"When moral courage feels that it is in the right, there is no personal daring of which it is incapable."