
Error Correction Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"The science is never wrong; scientists are wrong, doctors are wrong. The science is the process that helps us figure out that we were wrong."
"Science is a self-correcting discipline, one that relies on critique after critique to correct errors and a merciless series of checks and balances in order to prevent errors from being published in the first place."
"We should just do it humbly, realizing that we're going to get it wrong, and try to correct afterwards."
"Science can revise itself and correct for error- can and does astrology do that?"
"This robot shows impressive dexterity making coffee and can correct its mistakes."
"Science is not about cataloging a history of events that have occurred in the past and presuming they're going to occur again in the future. Science is an explanatory framework; it's an error-correcting mechanism."
"When things go wrong, you have to bear in mind it maybe we got something wrong along the way or missed something."
"Science makes mistakes, but a self-correcting system is in place."
"Do not destroy the means of error correction. That's the moral imperative."
"Ultimately, Einstein famously disavowed the cosmological constant, calling it his biggest blunder."
"I would rather correct my errors and improve my understanding of the way things really are, regardless of what the truth turns out to be."
"Everyone makes mistakes and it's important that we all address things that we have said that are potentially wrong because again it's not about ego it's not about pride it's simply about ensuring that all the information that is shared is factual up-to-date and accurate."
"We should be delighted when we're shown to be wrong because it means we've learned something."
"The error has been corrected, and that is important."
"Science isn't about being perfect. It's about catching your mistakes, refining your data."
"Do you feel that I can correct me if you think that I'm in error?"
"I believe in science completely... in its methodology which is this error correcting mechanism relentless unflinching and it's to me kind of spiritual discipline."
"Some corrections are necessary, others are just blatant."
"Pros here is the process is very straightforward and you can easily fix mistakes because of the link system."
"The fortunate thing is I can mess up all I want and all I have to do is hit ctrl Z to undo."
"I tend to point out other people's mistakes."
"That's feedback, not as I'm a failure. It's just an event. Now who we are. So that error correction is really important."
"That's just a typo, you can ask the teacher."
"Acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly."
"I'm a damn sure don't let anybody down myself down but I'm not going anybody down, I'm gonna make mistakes but you know if I make a mistake I'm probably gonna make up for it two times in the next two or three minutes."
"Do I get things wrong? Absolutely. I get things wrong. But I try to correct them whenever I get something wrong. I try to correct it because I'm interested in telling the truth."
"In engineering, we have to always learn from our mistakes."
"Some of this stuff, if one of the DPS is not experienced enough or actually made a mistake, a bard can cover that up."
"Take your time. You will fix more of your mistakes than you will fix of anything else."
"Ownership, analysis, correction. That's how we deal with mistakes."
"If I screw something up, well, I could just jump back to a previous version."
"The making of mistakes is going to ensure that in the long run you will speak with fewer mistakes."
"It's long past time to correct this egregious mistake."
"Nothing helps you improve more than correcting your own errors. Don't be afraid to learn from them."
"The full accounting says, 'Here's how I got it this wrong,' is itself a demonstration of updating their model."
"The Buddha can make errors, self-correct like great, can we keep doing that?"
"It's very easy to make a mistake and put something on upside down or backwards so just be patient and take your time."
"Scientists are often wrong but they are aware of it. They admit that they're wrong and then as a community move forward."
"You love truth to the degree that you are willing to confront and correct error and falsehood."
"I thought I was on my foot on the accelerator but then I processed, no, that's not right."
"The only thing worse than me being wrong is me being wrong and then giving you a false impression."
"Physically, it hurts, but me, personally, I never worried about the pain I was feeling in my body; it was more thinking about the mistake I made and how I need to correct it the next time."
"If we make a mistake, we correct it. That's what journalists are supposed to do."
"It's okay to be wrong, but always correct yourself if you are wrong."
"Science figures out when science makes mistakes, not guesses, not holy books."
"Writing is reflective, allowing you to identify and correct mistakes more effectively."
"You don't really have time to do it right, but you always seem to have time to do it again when it doesn't work."
"I persisted, got to the right person, they checked it, found a mistake, corrected it, and the model just improved dramatically."
"Whenever I'm typing fast I always make a lot of different random mistakes and it's so nice that Grammarly catches them."
"Quantum error correction in quantum computing can benefit from the ability to predict and prevent quantum jumps."
"We need to identify, refute, and correct as best we can those errors that are committed regardless of who commits them."
"It's much easier to correct a mistake early on than it is to double down and deny that you made a mistake."
"Identify the flaws and go through the process of correcting them."
"The difference between a professional and an amateur is that a professional knows how to fix his mistakes."
"Error correction is like water being pushed by a rock, getting back on course."
"The trick to avoid just drilling in your mistakes is to break the exercise down and bite size it."
"Nothing drives me crazier than the correction and you're wrong with the corrections."
"Are we able to go back and get those errors or do we just, well then you kind of disturb it."
"Reciprocity: 'You must give and take, and if we make a mistake, we must make amends.'" - Animal Totem Message
"I'm happy to learn along with you guys. If you guys know something that I'm saying incorrectly, please let me know. That's how we learn."
"Probably the most important realization in the history of quantum information... You have the ability to do quantum error correction."
"Come on guys, where's your heads at? These are unacceptable mistakes."
"It's a group decision making, and there's error correction in groups."
"Learning a new program is about messing up, knowing why, and not messing up next time."
"Acting as if the correction was an objective solution to a genuine error."
"There is no real mistakes because everything can be corrected."
"We always make mistakes, that's why we have undo."
"...the most impressive aspect of the scientific method is that it has a built-in error correction machinery, and that humans are deeply vulnerable to error."
"An error is not a mistake until you refuse to correct it."
"Being Dimension 12 means the code can be presented with just 12 code words so that is a lot of efficiency and a lot of error correction."
"The fact that in principle quantum error correction is possible is to me much more profound and amazing than the fact that you can do quantum computation in principle with a perfect device."
"...the ubiquitin system plays a very, very important role in cleaning up after those mistakes to prevent them from accumulating."
"And this can be done with quantum computers today, in the absence of error correction already and hence the before fault tolerance."
"Error correcting codes are a way to encode data so that even if some of it gets corrupted, you can still recover the original information."
"Quantum error correction is fundamentally challenging. You cannot copy Quantum information, and you also cannot measure the Quantum State without destroying it."
"Another very common source of error in your image comes from microscope aberrations, what's called shading correction or non-uniform illumination."
"The lighter the weight the less inherent mass there is to dampen and basically cover up our human errors as shooters twitchy twitchy."
"What we've done here is we were able to fix an error in runtime by essentially fixing the process definition itself, redeploying it, migrating the errored instance, and then retrying the instance again."
"It would have been a further mistake to continue with the error."
"When you fix these errors, make sure you actually understand what you're doing to fix them."
"Luckily nowadays in the 21st century we have Google to correct all of our mistakes."
"Knowledge removes ignorant and error."
"You don't have to throw it in the bin just 'cause you made a silly little mistake."
"Catching mistakes early has a big impact on your long-term learning goals, your long-term strategy."
"Accountability: understanding where you went wrong, why you went wrong, and how to rectify that wrong."
"If you have code that you want to change or if you notice that I make a mistake and you want to fix it, then definitely open a pull request or an issue."
"Forward error correction is very important in everything that we do from how we actually encode data on the line."
"When you make a mistake, that is where you're gonna find your score improvement."
"We all make mistakes, but you can always fix them."
"As long as we know how to spot the mistakes, right, and then correct them."
"What if you make a mistake? There's a thing called Wite-Out? You just white it out."
"We do not let an error go unchallenged, because uncorrected errors have a way of multiplying."
"...we are seeking to correct errors, but by that very fact, truth is a fundamental sort of regulating principle in the theory of knowledge according to Popper."
"Preserving error correction means preserving our civilization because that means preserving progress and problem-solving."
"The one thing we should never do: we should never destroy the means of error correction."
"Science made a mistake, but who figured out he was wrong? Scientists did."
"Help them realize the mistakes that they're making so they don't make them again."
"The optimizer makes mistakes, your brain can fix them."
"The miracle of aggregation... relies on the idea that the errors always cancel out or the errors are not systematically biased."
"Wet the paper and lift off anything you don't like; it gives you a sense of security knowing that you can actually kind of erase mistakes in your watercolor painting."
"Quantum error correction is the basis for our belief and hope that we will be able to operate large-scale quantum computers."
"It's like pretty easy, right? If you make a mistake, you can just erase it."
"If you make a mistake, you just undo it."
"The flexibility that Elixir gives you in going back and correcting mistakes and just making these mistakes in the get-go kind of offset those drawbacks."
"When I'm wrong, I'm not wrong for long."
"Every mistake we take out, we're better off."
"The really nice thing about these friction pins is if you mess up, it's going to completely erase as soon as you put your iron on it."
"If you're careful about it, you've got plenty of room in the jewelry making to fix a mistake."
"The ideal is not that you never get anything wrong, the idea is you do everything you can to stop yourself getting things wrong and when you do get things wrong you correct them and you're transparent about it."
"If any corruption or bit rot's detected, it's gonna use that parity to resolve it automatically."
"You're adding a little bit of extra redundant information so that you can computationally recover from any errors."
"We grow by our willingness to face and rectify errors and convert them into assets."
"We made a mistake, and we've owned up to that; we need to fix it."
"Think all men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride."
"The independent errors within each model will cancel out and we'll have much better recommendations."
"We can correct this using a technique called Ridge regression."
"That's why a lot of aircraft or spacecraft... definitely need to have that error correcting RAM."
"Speed compensates for a lot of mistakes."
"I reward people for finding errors in my books."
"When you make a mistake, that error is back propagated throughout the entire network."
"Use a whiteboard... it's quick and easy, if you make a mistake you can quite literally rub it off and then rewrite it."
"What we have to do is to trace the initial error that is at the back of our minds and pluck it out."
"Science works through... it's corrective; we're allowed to make mistakes and fix it, and that's science at its healthiest."
"If you do make mistakes or want to change a file back to a previous version, it will be a great deal easier on a NAS."
"The power to fix your mistakes is a power that is nearly impossible to resist."
"The purpose of tradition is to serve the truth, for when all is said and done, error disappears and the truth remains."
"The command to do this is called the git revert command."
"If you do screw up, you have the ability to correct really easy."
"Forward error correction... you're adding extra redundant information to your transmission so that when the receiver gets it, it can actually computationally recover from any errors that it sees."
"Making mistakes like that, that's pretty common; it's pretty easy to go back and fix them."
"We were taking noisy channels and imagining fixing up those unreliable channels by putting an encoding system in front and a decoding system after the channel."
"Feedback is so important that you immediately correct mistakes so you don't practice the wrong thing."
"Self-efficacy is not the conviction that we can never make an error; it is the conviction that we are able to think, to judge, to know, and to correct errors."
"Our system only works if we catch errors that are not fair and give defendants an opportunity to have a second trial."
"The first step to correcting a mistake is patience."
"The evolution going on now is eliminating the type of smaller chemistry errors that have a quiet but cumulative effect over many years."
"The absolute value is necessary; my mistake, I'm sorry."
"This is what I love about digital; you screw up all the time and it's just not a big deal, you just undo it, redo the step, and it's not a problem."
"Once this error is corrected, the promise is we will be free of the sufferings of Samsara."
"The one thing required for correction of an error is consciousness."
"The issue is what the brain is perceiving and the output that it's then producing off of that incorrect input."
"...you can identify error. And you might say that part of your goal as someone living life is to try to see error for what it is and correct it."
"If you habitually ignore all signs of error, you're not going to stop doing something stupid as fast as you should."
"You just kind of have a whole different level of confidence when you know that you can erase your mistakes."
"Lord save me from error, correct mistakes and sin in us."
"BCH codes can be effectively used to detect and correct multiple errors."
"In BCH codes, we start from the other end; we decide how many errors we wish to correct and then we design the particular BCH code for that number of errors being corrected."
"The design distance is T, so the G(X) so designed will guarantee you that you correct at least T errors."
"We have looked at the generator polynomial for BCH codes and how BCH codes can be used to correct multiple number of errors."
"When you get a large numbers of gates on large numbers of qubits, you can do error correction to stabilize the entire computation."
"Check out how accessible your site is and correct any common errors."
"Hopefully this has helped out, hopefully I haven't made any mistakes, if I did, please leave them in the comment section below."
"Learn from your mistake; this is part of taking good notes, having mistakes on them, and correcting them."
"No more errors, the errors have disappeared, so that's really good."
"This is actually something called 'Reed-Solomon Error Correction.' And as far as I'm concerned, it's absolutely magic."
"I did get them up late today, I know, I'm sorry about that; it was later than I even want to put them out, but we did catch four or five typos that you don't have to deal with, so that's nice."
"I'm always ready to correct my errors if anyone reaches out."
"If there's an error present, if the reference does not match the output, then our controller can modify its control to try and change that."
"If you show me that I am wrong, I get to stop being wrong. I'm not afraid of not being wrong anymore."
"You're not afraid or ashamed to find errors in your understandings of things."
"Science is self-correcting; mistakes are identified and can therefore be corrected."
"If you make a mistake when you're learning something new, immediately stop, tell yourself that there was a mistake there, and start again from the beginning."
"The difference between a screw-up and just a simple mistake is whether you're able to rectify it immediately."
"Knowing that you received garbage is one thing, but knowing what was the intended message is even better."
"I'm so happy to have been mistaken."
"We have fears, but we face them; we make mistakes, but we fix them."
"SQL Server learns from its past mistakes."
"If you do spot a mistake and you want to make a change, then you can easily fix that mistake."
"We actually have a multi-step undo."
"If you make a mistake, you can correct it easily by clicking the undo button."
"The little chips on here take care of a lot of error correcting and dealing with frequencies and whatnot, so they do a lot of work for you."
"Lord, save me from error, correct me on the spot, save us from sin, and illuminate us to hear Your voice in scripture."
"If you've ever typed a command wrong, AutoCAD will attempt to auto-correct it to the most relevant command."
"Markets have no egos; when they make a mistake and they find out, they correct the mistakes."
"Development of motor and procedural skills is achieved only by making and correcting mistakes through trial and error."
"Listening destroys all pain and error."
"The integral control action results in the steady-state error becoming 0."
"It's okay to make an error once; the worst mistake would have been to keep going without correcting it."
"Channel coding introduces redundancy so that if errors happen in our channel, at the receiver we can work out that those errors happened and hopefully correct those errors."
"The ARDL model solves the problem of autocorrelated error that is suffered by finite distributed lag model."
"She is my Noble Lady Wei. Don't refer to her erroneously again."
"Positive education always corrects errors."
"In the long term, we want to do quantum error correction so we can do quantum operations with essentially no errors at all."
"Spell-checkers are extremely important."
"I like easy projects where if you make a mistake, it's real simple just to remove it and put it in the right place."