
Settling Quotes

There are 225 quotes

"You should never have to settle for anything."
"Hollyhock, you are an amazing woman, and you should never settle for someone who only loves the idea of you."
"For most of our recent history, women had been settling with guys that they really weren't that keen on."
"We've spent the last few months settling in here and making this place our own."
"Everybody else is getting married, everybody else is having babies, but you steady like, 'Oh, I'm not settling.'"
"You may not be able to change that, but that doesn't mean you settle for really bad compromises."
"Don't just settle with that or don't settle on the fact, 'Oh well, I guess what Tyler said.'"
"Can you settle for a seven or an eight instead of having to wait for a ten?"
"Hopefully by the time our friends come over for dinner, it should have kind of settled into place."
"A hopeful new beginning, settling down energy."
"You came to Earth to elevate, not to settle."
"But I never usually settle for good enough. I like to overkill, especially when it comes to the possibility of something falling off of my wall."
"That's what he was hoping that I would settle for."
"Make the necessary change and let the dust settle - these are the two most important things."
"You shouldn't just settle because you are getting older."
"There's something better, please don't settle."
"This is where she really starts to settle into how calm she is."
"You're settling down with new soul family members."
"People who have high standards for themselves and who crave success are repulsed by the thought of settling for a life that is less than what they are capable of living."
"If you settle for a mediocre life... you settle for a certain baseline satisfaction but not real excitement."
"Don't settle in mediocrity. Don't settle for average. Don't settle for breadcrumbs - breadcrumbs in careers, breadcrumb boyfriends, breadcrumb relationships, breadcrumbs friendships. Do not settle for those things, child of God."
"It's okay to quit, but it's never okay to settle."
"Why are you choosing to settle when you know you deserve more?"
"I settled for second best, but you fascinate me."
"The dust settling, allowing things to settle down, and seeing how the land lies."
"I realized how much I was settling for the short end of the stick."
"Settling is a fabulous word and a lot of people say don't settle, I'm like I say settle when you find an amazing man and you look at your lifestyle and what he's offering and it's a match, you settle."
"You ruin your life by settling, you settle in love because you're unsure of what you want."
"Don't settle because you have somebody here that is so compatible with your personality."
"I just moved to Vancouver. I actually got this place fully furnished."
"You don't have to settle. Life is too short to be unhappy. Why should I settle if this is not my [ __ ]?"
"Just let it go, then and only then is it finally good enough. It's not just great, it's good enough."
"Women have a problem that they don't want to settle for, let fall for what they see as less."
"A lot of girls get into relationships or deal with guys because they feel a certain necessity that they need you know what I'm saying they don't want to be alone so they just settle with someone"
"Why on Earth are we settling for less than we deserve?"
"Life's too short; you're never gonna be happy when you settle."
"You're going to get whatever you settle for in life."
"You don't have to settle anymore; it's not a necessity."
"I have actually become Ali Gordon by the way because we moved in and I was unpacked before he was."
"You don't want to be the guy that she settles for."
"How do you move on after you had kind of the love of your life and there's someone else presenting themself and you know that they're great but there's just maybe something missing? How do you not settle?"
"We stop looking for places to grow, we stop pushing, we stop seeking to live life to the fullest. In other words, we settle."
"Leadership settles your mind a bit more."
"Remember, it's your choice. Don't settle for just anyone. That's the mistake I made."
"You've got to let those fish settle."
"Stop settling and allow God to give you the best."
"Do you know what the scariest word is while dating? Settling."
"At the very least, you can find comfort in knowing that you're not settling for less."
"Don't settle if you actually really want something in particular."
"Settling becomes laughable. It becomes really funny because why do you need to do that?"
"That's one of the hugest things, is not settling."
"Knowing that we're going to be buying a house and knowing that I have to find stuff to put in that house and decorate it and get us all settled in I'm not looking to pick up any new crafts or hobbies in 24."
"I can decide what I want and not settle."
"You shouldn't be settling for less."
"Settling and being happy with something that you shouldn't necessarily be happy with is not a long-term recipe for Success."
"I love some bogey starts, they get you nice and settled in."
"Where value is absent, settling will be present."
"It kind of is about not settling in the sense that we're going for something we don't want but we cut the unrealistic expectations."
"Life is too short to settle for something you don't enjoy every day."
"...you ladies want all men who are earning all this money and if you don't get this this is where the whole notion of settling comes from."
"I think it is knowing yourself so well really getting in touch with yourself and um not settling for less."
"Dogs don't love bones, they love steak. They settle for bones."
"Why are we settling for 30-fold when 100-fold is available?"
"I'm not settling if I go for comfort."
"Expectation is great because expectation means that you don't settle."
"She's not there. Alone. In a strange galaxy. Settling in for the long nap. In our new home."
"Why settle for anything else and let anything less?"
"You are someone who doesn't settle."
"Every time I settled in life I always made myself miserable."
"Stuff is gelled down, yeah, over that."
"I finally feel like we're settling in."
"It feels nice to be able to settle into a place."
"Don't settle and use your intuition."
"Don't settle for the description of the place. Hold out for the place itself."
"Let's never settle for anyone less than Farkle."
"I never do the same thing. You've been on this journey for a while, but it seems to be in a place where things are finally settling and making sense."
"If you feel like you're settling, you don't have to settle."
"I will settle for just somebody that gives me the bare minimum just because, you know, whatever reason they gave me."
"If you don't respect them or feel proud of them, it's a big sign you're settling."
"You're settling when you relax your standards on how you want to be treated."
"You settle when you don't accept someone for who they are right now."
"If being with them feels like a chore, it's a sign you're settling."
"You're the guy she settled with, and no one wants to feel like they're just the person their partner settled for."
"People mistake compromise for settling."
"You're not settling, you actually have a healthy human being who can emotionally connect with you."
"I moved in and I don't know like I kind of just like always felt like I never felt like I could fully get settled in the place you know when you have that feeling it sucks that there's like no return option once you decide to rent you're like [ __ ] actually these."
"Don't forget to reflect and never settle."
"You're robbing yourself of that opportunity of seeing what's out there and what standards you should have because you're trying to almost settle for someone just because there's time in your history."
"There's a big difference between settling and settling down."
"Actions speak so much louder than words though they do. I just want to let y'all know that whatever relationship that you have with somebody, please don't settle."
"You are not afraid to settle. The people over there that are talking about you or judging you, they're obviously settling."
"I'm finally starting to get settled."
"You should constantly look for new goals and new aspirations. I don't believe in settling."
"I feel like a month in is when it really kind of, you know, you sink into it. You actually really grow some roots somewhere."
"When God says we can have Plan A, and it's so easy to settle and just take what life will give us, but if God said we can have the city, a dream, a place, we don't need to settle for Plan B."
"Are there just guys that you're never gonna be settled... Are there guys you're just never gonna be a hundred percent one way or the other?"
"We're all unpacked, we're all moved into our room, what we're going to do now folks is we are going to go to the funnel, we're going to find the name, we're going to have a selfie in front of it, aren't we? Yes!"
"There's a difference between those who aim for the top and those who settle."
"Leadership is... There's a difference between those for the top and those who will settle, and that difference matters."
"It has been many years since this has happened, and I moved about until I settled in Motherwell, Scotland."
"Stop settling. It is preventing you from reaching your potential."
"You're not settling, Libra. You are not settling in 2024."
"There's nothing more than settling and hearing it squeal across the paint work."
"When you make a decision to stop praying, you've made a decision to settle."
"The person that settles now is gonna be like the woman searching forever, but if you continue your search then you'll be able to settle permanently."
"Settling is intentionally or unintentionally accepting a state of existence that is inconsistent with God's intention."
"If you settle now, you'll be searching forever."
"If you can't attract who you want now, otherwise you would have settled down, right? It doesn't make sense."
"Guys, you don't understand... most women settle."
"At the end of the day, the biological clock goes off, she wants to have kids, get married, the whole nine yards, so they settle."
"Black women do not want to settle."
"Well, you'll have to play the nine for mid-table. Yeah, there you go. He didn't get the email closer, he was just settled for what he has."
"The enemy of great is good, and there's a whole lot of good people in the body of Christ that have settled for being good."
"Peace is not settling, because peace is our norm."
"I just found a little world that felt so comfortable and I just settled right in."
"I was like, 'Whatever house I get, it's gotta be like, one room, and then I'm set.'"
"Don't ever settle because you think this is the best that it can get."
"If she settled for you, she's not going to do all those things that your dream woman is supposed to do."
"I just want 2024 to just feel like settled."
"Never settle in a friendship, in any relationship."
"It would be a damn shame to settle."
"Either stay on the path you're on or quote unquote settling."
"Don't settle in relationships or in life."
"No settling, no complacency, no fear."
"We gonna end up settling for somebody."
"Most people settle because they can't take waiting and holding out."
"Not settling for less, not settling for crumbs."
"Recognize your options, or you'll settle for a life that doesn't fulfill you."
"I don't settle but I appreciate it, yeah."
"Do you think you'll settle on one eventually?"
"You're not settling if somebody's on the same level as you."
"Settling is a sickness that leads to suffering in your soul."
"Settling because you don't want to be lonely is heartbreaking."
"You've gotta find the right kind of person you can't just settle."
"Am I the [__] for walking out and not settling for the dish he picked and paid for?"
"She's finally settled in she's really comfortable now and we've actually had a few times now where our bond has really solidified an extra little bit."
"Try to settle on something that sounds great to you and connects with you and stick with it."
"I guess since I am an inherited kid, I'm not going to settle."
"Why settle? Like, why just feel like okay cool I'm doing it? Like, why would you not want to... I don't know, just be open?"
"Don't ever settle for being the person that they just settled with."
"It sort of ends up exploring this idea of settling for something that you think you know or something that you think you yearn for or want."
"Why settle for anything less? If we have the promise of Jesus in our giving that this is what we can expect to receive, then why settle for anything less?"
"Finally being settled in this beautiful house and feeling safe and having that sense of security is allowing my creativity to thrive."
"You're definitely not going to settle."
"You can do better. Some of you guys are settling. They might be very trusting of what's comfortable, and what's comfortable might not be what's best."
"This is a lovely apartment, Vincent. I do hope we can finally settle here."
"Touch wood, things have just started to settle down a little bit."
"Damn, the dust settled. I like that visual."
"I'm a romantic, and she just settled me down."
"It feels really great. It feels like we could really just settle in, and you know, it's home."
"She settles into her new home nicely, establishes a routine."
"People settle every day, but that's still a choice."
"The minute you know you're settling, you know you're settling. Stop it."
"We can settle for a lot of things in life, I think romantic relationships if we decide to settle on that...that can be a pretty dangerous place to be."
"It just feels good to kind of just be a bit more settled with the house now."
"I'm so happy I can finally get settled and start getting into a routine and a groove."
"I'm giving myself that grace, and I'm just... I'm ready to be settled in."
"Anything that settles always ends up at the bottom."
"Now I can settle down, I can be more content."
"Pam was hoping that this latest move to their new home on Little Brave Drive in O'Fallon would be their last; she wanted to settle down there."
"After we won the championship, pay change, facilities were better, and we grounded ourselves here."
"It's always better to grieve than settle."
"You deserve the best, stop [__] around with stuff where you are not really getting the best."
"I honestly have no clue where I see myself settling down, and I think that's the beauty of living in a van."
"You have to settle down at some point."
"It's never good to settle, let's be very clear here."
"You two seem to settle down nicely together."
"We got to stop settling for the struggle."
"Is this a phase? Will I eventually get over the curiosity of what else might be out there, and will settling down be the right thing in the end?"
"A lot of you guys are settling for these men that got to fumble the bag and then you decide to give him more of your heart."
"You deserve better, you deserve more, but also, you deserve what you settle for."
"You deserve way more than what you're settling for, but you also deserve exactly what you're settling for."
"Allow your mind to settle, your body to settle."
"Relax into your seat, let the sit bones descend, let things start to settle."
"Live life, go out there and experience, then settle down."
"If you settle for less, then you're just like everybody else."
"Find yourself a nice corner in the game and pitch your tent."
"He felt that it was time to build a house to settle down."
"We are pretty much pros at unpacking and settling into a home."
"Every single time that you settle for less than you deserve, you are indirectly communicating to the universe that this is all I need."
"You cannot have the life that you desire to live while you are settling for less."
"God has put greater in you, but because you're so tired of being disappointed, you settle for good."
"You deserve exactly what you settle for."
"It's nice to be able to settle in one spot for a while."
"I just feel so genuinely content and so happy to finally be settling into Dallas."
"I'm gonna settle down and stay in one place for as long as possible, maybe one year."
"We are completely moved out of the other place, so now we are fully moved into the new place."
"It takes a while, doesn't it, to make a place feel like home, but we're getting there."
"It makes me feel like we don't quite live here still, once the paintings and things are back on the walls then I feel like we're really settled and moved in."
"I think with Sancho there's almost an air of... we've got a really good player there who's just taken a year to settle."
"Now that we're all settled in, it's time for the fun to begin."
"But if you sit it down and let it just sit there for a while, all the dirt settles down to the bottom, and the water becomes clear."
"I don't wanna settle for good not great."
"Settling is not about not getting what you wanted, it's about not getting what's best for you."
"That's why they call it settling down."
"You settle, you always get less than what you settle for."
"We wanted to be closer to family and thought it was the perfect place to finally settle down and put down roots."
"You find that confidence and then it just kind of settles."
"You are a great woman, but look at what you've settled for."
"For want of the green grass of truth, they accepted the dry hay."