
Women's Safety Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"90% of incarcerated women in California are battered and beaten or have been battered and beaten, and now they're continuing to be battered and beaten."
"The gaming industry is not a safe place for women."
"Women shouldn't have to carry pepper spray; men just shouldn't rape."
"Freedom from fear, harm, and violence for women was a legal right, a civil right, and a human right."
"Freedom from fear, harm, and violence for a woman was a legal right, a civil right, and a human right." - Joe Biden
"If the families are broken apart, if children are being molested, if women have no sanctuary or protection in the society...then the basis, the essence of the society itself has become rotten."
"The biggest single reason women die worldwide is domestic violence."
"The game is now up. Australian women must be safe in all workplaces, led by the parliament itself."
"Please stand by me and help me to expose him in order to protect more women."
"A national approach to tackling violence against women is needed."
"Women's physical safety should matter more than what a man says he wants."
"I feel like these individuals who are doing these abductions and trying to lure women what better place to go than a ladies night at a popular club."
"Donald Trump is dangerous to women and to our families and to our country."
"The reality that for so many that came to this country on America's promise, the prospect of women and girls being returned... it is very difficult to swallow."
"My wife hates being cat called. Women do not like being harassed on the streets by creepy men."
"We don't condone any violence against any woman, especially a black woman."
"Until we see the change in the numbers of black women stop getting murked in these streets, we ain't doing enough."
"Violence towards women is unapproachable, the most disgusting act."
"We all have stories... unfortunately... but it's so traumatizing that women just want to live every day and feel safe."
"It's time we actually take women's safety seriously and not just talk about it when something bad happens."
"Violence against women is wrong. It's really, really wrong."
"You can say a woman didn't deserve it and here is how you prevent this from happening."
"One in four women will have been sexually assaulted or raped by the time she has graduated from college."
"Women should be believed. No man has a right to lay a hand on the woman no matter what she is wearing and what she does, who she is."
"Protect women; that's the point of this story."
"Our girl, okay? Selena Not Afraid's case is an example of what Native women face."
"This means he has done this before, and calling it an isolated incident is an insult to all women victims that he previously has done this to."
"Women just want to exist without the fear of being murdered."
"Ladies, it's 2022, we all need a pepper spray."
"Instead of victims waking up in fear, now the men who have hurt them wake up in fear."
"No woman chooses an outfit and goes out thinking I want to be sexually assaulted."
"Northern California in the 1960s and 70s was a pretty dangerous time and place to be a young woman. Countless young women vanished, some never to be seen again and the bodies of others being found after they had met dark fates."
"How about you stop attacking women how about you stop getting women intoxicated or rendering them unconscious and then taking them how you please how about you start being held accountable for your actions."
"We need to normalize reporting, so every woman after you will feel it's important."
"If you don't wear the hijab, there are chances that you shall be molested, there are chances you shall be raped."
"Women should not be in fear of their lives and in fear of the lives of their children because of a man, that should never be the case."
"We live in a society... where 1.4 million women a year face domestic violence."
"Engaged with women was dangerous. This is something that's not just speculation, it's not just allegations, it is a jury of his peers deciding that he did this."
"Ultimately, a woman's kindness put her in harm's way."
"No matter what a woman is doing, she is not consenting to be violently murdered."
"No woman should ever have to change who she is or how she dresses to not be murdered."
"Women take lessons from True Crime and feel they learn how to best protect themselves."
"If we ever get to a place where women are safe and free, I think everyone will benefit."
"It's not just about the safety of women... it's about the dignity and privacy of women."
"Is the law working to make women safe? Are the deterrents strong enough?"
"We need to stop telling women to not go out at night."
"That's how you get killed, and I really don't want to see an entire generation of women walking off the cliff."
"Justice for all the young women that are missing."
"One thing remains clear: 51 women lost their lives in cruel and violent circumstances."
"Zara believed women should be allowed to walk the streets and feel safe."
"We knew our women weren't safe. What happened?"
"A society that no longer allows honest public conversations about such matters, supposedly in the name of combatting rape culture, is a society that doesn't protect women."
"Josh started a nonprofit called keep our girls safe which offers free self-defense classes and focuses on women's safety."
"Gas stations and rest stops are dangerous for women, and I don't give a [__] what anybody says about that."
"What can people do to their own house and car to make themselves safer, to feel safer? Should women carry? They told women to put the keys between their fingers. Ah, that's hand, hand. That's already done. Come on, you're dead."
"It's just unthinkable to contemplate how women in the area on that day were in such peril, such danger, and unfortunately, on this occasion, she fought back, and it led to him stabbing her, then killing her."
"I just think women should protect themselves and be safe. But to try to be this or that for a man, it's just gonna disappoint you."
"Over one million women deal with stalking, and that's just incomprehensible."
"There's probably more we could do as a society to tone down violence against women."
"I'm still committed to doing my small part to create a world where no woman is at risk of experiencing this."
"It's terrifying what can happen to a woman on a street late at night."
"It's time we actually take women safety seriously and not just talk about it when something bad happens."
"It's safer for women when they have more choice, more freedom, and equal rights."
"It's about women's safety and about women's comfort."
"We now need to open a dialogue for change and to support women's safety."
"Women's safety is a priority right now."
"Whether you're a trans woman, whether you're a straight woman, sis woman, black woman, period, we're all dying, we're getting missing."
"Keep in mind that one in five women in the United States will become the victim of a sexual assault during their lifetime."
"The world is a dangerous place for women, and the story of Blackbird would back that up."
"Not all men have made women fearful, but yes, all women have experienced fear because of men."
"At the end of the day, did a woman get hurt? That's really the main question that matters at all."
"You have to have a sense of danger at night, you have to have a sense of danger when you're walking alone, you have to have a sense of danger as a woman."
"This new law could help and save a lot of women."
"I've changed laws and I help women that are fleeing that kind of relationship."
"Congratulations, safe transport for women, that's what it's all about."
"It is never okay to put your hands on a woman ever."
"The biggest concern to women right now is their risk of being a victim of sexual assault or rape."
"I wouldn't want that to happen to any woman."
"I think there's a clever, smarter way to protect a woman, to solve that problem you have with this man."
"It's important for women to still have a certain level of being able to protect themselves also."
"The safety of women should be above politics."
"I understand the plight, I understand how scary it is just to be a woman in the world where dudes do crazy stuff."
"The non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work."
"The violence against black women by black men is the number one health issue facing black women."
"Women in general just need to feel safe."
"Hitting women is a nonstarter for me."
"It's interesting because especially as women we have to be so hyper-aware of our surroundings."