
Cost-benefit Analysis Quotes

There are 220 quotes

"It's an investment in your health. If you get a colonoscopy, it's $500. You're good for 10 years if they don't find any pups. It equivalent to like $5 every month over the course of 10 years. Is one coffee a month worth your health and your life and not dying or going through painful chemo and radiation? Colonoscopies do it."
"In a financial decision, you want to make sure that the benefits will be bigger, higher, or more than the cost."
"The idea of cost-benefit analysis is weighing benefits and costs, whether you're an individual, a business, or the government."
"Given all of these costs, why on Earth did sexual reproduction evolve, and why did it stick?"
"When people tell me they can't afford organic, I remind them the cost of medicine. It is much more expensive."
"It costs you more money not to do this than to actually do it."
"If you do secure just one ticket, it'll most likely pay for the cost of admission."
"The enormous benefits that will accrue as a result of Christianity being true just outweigh any costs associated with it."
"The Ryzen 5 2400G offers similar gaming experience to Pentium G4560 + GT 1030 combo, but vastly superior productivity performance for just $20 more."
"The benefits of liberty must exceed the cost, and the intervention should not systematically violate human rights."
"Greenhouses are not cheap, but they're worth it."
"Blood Funnel: None creature spells you cast cost two less to cast. Whenever you cast a non-creature spell, counter that spell unless you sacrifice a creature."
"If we stopped every vehicle, gosh, there would be some pretty long tailbacks, wouldn't more border staff pay for itself?"
"So it’s possible at a high cost, but if the project can stop climate change, maybe it’s worth it."
"For that extra 400, is the upgrade to the M2 MacBook Pro worth it? It depends on your needs and how you want to future proof yourself."
"Cheaper doesn't mean worse, but expensive also doesn't mean better."
"When those personal benefits are large, the 'negative' costs of war can make conflict efficient and eliminate any room to negotiate."
"The benefits of what's happening right now outweigh the costs."
"Which material is better over the 25-year lifetime of a composite deck? The maintenance savings versus wood is in the thousands of dollars."
"Don't be afraid of the annual fee... the credits make it worth it."
"The FOV is definitely the one outstanding factor of like damn that's pretty cool but it's not enough to make up for the money difference."
"There's a cost to everything, and this is a business."
"If the price is right, you should be 100% sure about joining."
"The food at the Cocoa Beach Club might be worth the cost of admission. It is that darn good."
"It's worth it. It is worth it. It is a price, but it's worth it."
"So yes in-house movements definitely are nice to have but sometimes the cost per ownership is just not there and I think this is often not considered by buyers."
"Is this Thai really worth that? I don't know, maybe it is. Maybe it's not, but if it sets you back like a day or two because you didn't sleep that well, yeah, to me it's not really worth the Thai food."
"We must not adopt things because they have benefits without thinking about the costs."
"Probably just go for the hybrid because you get a lot for the extra three thousand dollars that Hyundai charges."
"People who build their own gaming PCs are often looking for that perfect balance between the amount of money they have to spend, the amount of power they want out of their system, and what they're using it for."
"For the amount of time that you save... it is totally worth the money to me."
"The cost of my electricity plays a big part in how much money I'm saving by going electric."
"Samples aren't cheap... It's worth it in the long run."
"Three mana to three almost draw card isn't that good yeah it's not bad."
"It's funny how we spent so much time and money on the games but the real truth here it comes here it comes with the friendships"
"Is it even worth that extra 36 bucks to shell out for this chocolate?"
"A lot of cities are moving towards a free public transportation option, realizing that the amount of money you generate from fares isn't necessarily big enough to dissuade people from taking transit."
"Change if you don't like change, don't purchase a machine."
"I will contend that the $750 option is worth considering."
"There's an opportunity cost to this identity politics."
"But what is the financial comparison of losing weight when you're overweight?"
"For three thousand five hundred dollars, yes, it would be a no-brainer."
"Ultimately, you stop iterating when the cost of further iteration outweighs the benefit of further iteration."
"I'd rather pay $400 than get hacked, to be honest," - Emphasizing the importance of investing in security tools.
"It's a better all-rounder for adaptive sync gaming which is why I guess it costs more."
"For the additional 40 points investment, you've gained around seven anti-infantry shots and about one and a half anti-tank shots."
"A lot of men are walking away, and it's because a lot of y'all have realized you really don't get a lot of bang for your buck."
"In the long run, I believe the benefits will far outweigh the costs."
"If so, say this card costs five dollars. You don't not play this in any deck."
"If you're debating between spending $100 and $180 given the current 3600 prices then the extra $80 would gain you about 65% more performance in this application."
"Would you pay Toomey $750,000 to be your good servant if you were going to get billions in return?"
"The value that you get will start to disproportionately outweigh the cost that you put in."
"Safety inspections take time, take money, take effort, but we make sure that the punishment for having your workers get hurt on the job is far higher than just preventing it in the first place."
"When your value exceeds the cost, it's a no-brainer."
"Safety first I mean if you can prevent a recall or did somebody get hurt what is money in comparison to death."
"If we had just protected them in a targeted way we would have saved countless lives for almost no cost."
"Yellow is only played as the poles, you think that's good pierce armor for a unit that's as cheap as it is with a civilization that has eco that good and has unique tech and cavalry that good?"
"Drywall ceiling or drop ceiling? It's a 60/40 split. You gotta decide where your proficiency lies versus your cost."
"Does the chicken come first or the egg? Do we focus on making space flight cheaper first or do we try to build a moon or Mars base first?"
"I just toured the two bedroom and it is stunning like I said the price is a little bit more but then you'd be saving on things like parking."
"We doing all this for like two thousand Hong Kong bro, and it's like, I'm not gonna lie, you can get a lot more by doing a lot less."
"The purpose of fortification is not to be an impregnable defense, but to make it more costly for an enemy to project power."
"The price you pay is less important than the value you receive."
"While it’s a little pricey up front, you’ve locked in your costs and will benefit from that over time."
"I've always felt that the value I've received from it netnet was worth more than I was paying for it."
"Contracts like this might cost a bit more, but it's a small percentage of what you stand to lose."
"I think the iPad Air is the sweet spot between price and value."
"It's not wrong for people to weigh the costs and benefits of the approach."
"The free night every year is worth way more than the annual fee."
"Everything feels like it comes at a cost versus benefit."
"Who is going to go buy a new expensive platform for a $700 CPU that's only 10 percent better than the established am5 Zen 5 platform?"
"You're saving five or ten dollars, but you're giving up 25% of your performance."
"You have to balance cost with what you're willing to pay for."
"We find for a couple billion dollars you could save the vast number of them."
"If you were able to make just 500 pounds of extra a month, would it be worth it?"
"Sounds to me like it's well worth saving the extra money for the i7."
"Would you be considering getting these headphones or would you be ok spending a little more about 50 bucks more to get the wireless bullets - which in my opinion I still believe are the best pair of headphones that oneplus has to offer?"
"If it is more useful than it is expensive then it is not prohibitive."
"If you're looking for a premium experience, don't knock the high-end cards just because the initial price seems high."
"There's a lot of stuff in the world's clearing a tile pot that takes time and costs minerals any but the free space often makes it worthwhile tile blockers."
"Now, if you're just going from the 8 core to the 10 core, that's a 200 upgrade, so that's 10 more money for 30 real-world 100 CPU stress test performance, and I would say that is definitely worth it."
"Do you agree with me that after all the controversy after all the weird product decisions that deep down at its core for 450 it's still worth it?"
"The trade-off of how much you pay versus how much you're actually going to use is just a consideration that I keep wanting to put out there."
"The APA presupposes that participation from the regulated public procedure benefits outweighs the cost."
"If you're willing to spend more than $1,000 for it, and if there hasn't been a price drop on the S10, in my book, the Note 10 Plus is a better choice versus the S10, S10 Plus, or any other Android phone today."
"Is it worth fixing it? Is it worth like $50 a month?"
"Is this expensive high-tech device worth the cost, or will a cheap alternative do?"
"What matters is simply whether the benefits outweigh the costs."
"For the cost of this solution and what I'm going to gain from it, it's worth it."
"Is 16 gigabytes of RAM enough, or should you pay the extra $400 and upgrade to the 32 gigabyte option?"
"The price is the difference... you might not even need it. So if it could last you to at least the season so for ten dollars, why not?"
"That's one of the reasons you would pay an extra $10,000 for this diesel engine, because it comes with the high capacity trailer tow package."
"It's just over a 10-minute space tourism experience before you finally touch down for all that money."
"The trade-off for the Navy: sacrifice a half-million dollar UUV to save a multibillion-dollar sub and its crew."
"Even if that happens once, it basically pays for itself."
"It's all about does the benefit outweigh the downside."
"Having a toilet and shower... it's worth every cent."
"When in doubt, just pick the cheaper one."
"Are they worth the higher price point for you?"
"This is a long way of saying that if you want to get more stuff done then you can focus on shifting your marginal cost curve to the right."
"So what he said was for a behavior to evolve, the cost of that behavior has to be less than the benefit of that behavior times by the relatedness of the person who's benefiting."
"Even if this is great, it's just too expensive."
"This is not necessarily the way we ought to do things but the advantages it will bring outweigh the disadvantages."
"So I guess this was kind of a no result because, even though it does normally make the better cocktail, I still don't think it's worth the... the juice isn't worth the squeeze."
"The cost-benefit analysis as traditionally done has a very narrow view of what counts in life."
"If we really care about distribution, shouldn't we be caring about the stuff which is cost-benefit justified as well as the stuff which isn't cost-benefit justified?"
"For most people, I don't know that I could recommend shelling out the extra several thousand dollar difference."
"The assumption that many leaders make is this: that better always costs more."
"As Ziltek said, if you gotta keep doing this, man, the juice isn't worth the squeeze."
"That additional cost of the Smithy, the $150 more that this pan costs, for me, that is more than made up for in happiness."
"If it is causing a lot of stress and anxiety, is that even, you know, is the stress and anxiety worth the benefit of it? And I'm not sure it is right now."
"I'll eat 40 bucks worth of oil change to not have to worry about a bearing getting spun"
"What point does the cost outweigh the benefits and where is the sweet spot?"
"Is this the better way to go? Are you getting more, even though maybe it may cost more than some of the competition? Are you getting that much more to make it the smart choice? Is it worth the price?"
"Is this worth it going for a Hummer EV SUV, especially the top 3x trim?"
"Cost and worth are very different things."
"When you hedge it's not free so what we need to do is make sure that the marginal benefit of hedging exceeds the marginal cost of hedging."
"If you're asking me if I think he bought it, I do think he bought it. But I do think it's gonna be grossly, just overpriced if he's planning to use it for the majority of things he's gotta do. It's just too much money."
"The cost of not getting organized was greater than the cost of getting organized."
"Do you think it's worth all that money?"
"Shift your mindset from what does it cost to what value is it going to bring the business."
"Nobody's going to give you something for free. You really have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages."
"You have to outweigh, okay what's the benefit versus what I'm going to lose."
"How is feeling inadequate serving you and what is it costing you?"
"Do a little bit of cost benefit analysis...it also helps us think about the long-term value of a certain item."
"Depending on the situation and for the price point, this is what we're really going to focus on today: do you get more than you pay for?"
"You made a pact with the efficiency devil. Yeah, what did it cost? Cost your sanity."
"...the benefits outweigh the cost."
"For me, I think it's well worth the 370 dollars that this thing goes for regularly."
"The upgrade was not costly. It was approximately an extra 350 Canadian for the week. Was the extra cost worth it for the privilege level? To answer that question we need to begin with where a privilege level experience begins."
"Is it worth all this time and energy or should I just go run up to my local grocery store and spend two dollars on a jar?"
"So are the benefits enough to justify the cost?"
"Knowing the cost and weighing it out with the benefits to make yourself the successful you that you want to see."
"It cost time and money to process it, to pay Tina to photograph it and measure it. So I want to make sure that I'm making good choices."
"From a cost benefit analysis, many feel CBT is worth the expense."
"We have to talk in terms of value, return on investment, and cost-benefit analysis."
"If you're purely after a solution that makes your plants grow and you don't care what it looks like... maybe the price being higher might be something you need to consider."
"You guys have to understand when it makes sense to make a chain yourself."
"Is it worth the trouble and cost of swapping in newer technology to reap the potential benefits?"
"Yes they're expensive to run and no they're not as reliable as an old Corolla but... the positives far outweigh the negatives."
"We need to be worried and concerned about the marginal costs and the marginal benefits."
"I would much rather lose 350 dollars versus 600 dollars."
"Money is no object when it comes to saving your life for personal defense, but if you can get the same performance for half the cost, you'd be crazy not to."
"Here's the outcome, here's the benefit, here's the cost. If you still want to do it, is it worth it?"
"Sometimes the juice just ain't worth the squeeze."
"There's a cost-benefit ratio to everything we do."
"This will make you a lot more money than it's actually going to cost you."
"Is it actually worth that extra cost? Let's find out."
"We set the cutoff point where you spend a dollar and you end up doing $15 worth of good."
"Is the price worth it for a carry gun?"
"Is the price right? Is this going to be worth it for both the upfront costs of what the product costs itself but then also the cost of time to implement?"
"Is a skimmer worth it? That's a system design question: what is the problem that I'm trying to address with the skimmer and is it the best tool for the job?"
"There are times when you have to do things that may not look cost-effective because the nation needs them."
"What I would like to be able to do is instead of spending 10 cents in 30 seconds, I would love to be able to put my question into chat GPT and spend $1,000 and wait for half an hour and get something that's truly amazing out."
"Make risk decisions at an appropriate level... only accept the risks when the benefits outweigh the costs."
"For every benefit, there's a cost; for every challenge, there's a benefit."
"These are very hard questions and there are costs and benefits to every decision you make."
"Treatments have side effects, treatments have cost, and so we really have to be convinced that the data is overwhelmingly convincingly there."
"Pitch prices aside, I think you've got to weigh up how much it already cost against how much you've enjoyed it and how many happy memories you've made."
"The benefits significantly outweigh the negatives for me."
"Does that thirty-nine thousand dollar price point justify not having to go to the gas station, and can you live with it on a daily basis?"
"It's a balance between the benefits that the project will eventually bring to the organization and weighing that carefully against the cost and the risk of doing so."
"Decision making in business is about considering cost and benefit."
"Not all battles are worth fighting, and the effort wasn't worth $40."
"One of the biggest lessons in the process was that if you do a cost-benefit analysis, the KLR will outperform just about anything else on the market."
"The mantra of optimization: always keep in mind, is it worth the price at all or not?"
"That's how much I value time, so I'm willing to pay less for the car but I'm willing to overpay for a flight to go over there just to go see it because I value the time that I have."
"If low cost is the positive, what's the negative?"
"You want your benefits to be bigger than your cost."
"What are your goals? Are you meeting those goals? And are the costs worth it?"
"Spending that extra 250 bucks for 16 gigabytes of RAM can be worth it for a lot of you."
"$25 is not worth ruining $800,000 worth of equipment."
"Accept risk only when the benefits outweigh the costs."
"The benefits outweigh that as an issue."
"Cost is essentially the consequences of staying where they are is greater than the consequences of investing in your solution."
"I always get the question asked, 'Is it worth it?' The short answer for myself is yes."
"If the price of holding on is much more expensive than the price of letting go, then letting go is the right decision for you to make."
"The optimum level of product availability depends on the cost of overstocking the product and the cost of understocking the product."
"What benefits would result from it which ultimately will contribute to reducing operating costs?"
"The question we have to grapple with is, after shedding significant cost, size, and mass, is there enough baby left here to make this a compelling value proposition?"
"Are they all the same? Are some of them that cost more money actually worth the money?"
"The million dollar question is whether the price matches the effect and the expectations."
"It's hard to say whether this machine is worth the retail price of 700; it has a lot of great innovative features, but those come at a steep cost."
"The timing of decisions or like the decisions are sensitive to the timing of costs and benefits."
"You have to weigh the benefits versus the cost."
"Everything has a cost and a benefit."
"The marginal cost of production equals the marginal benefit to the consumer."
"Cost-benefit analysis is built on the premise that the benefits, the observed positive outcomes, have been caused by the program."
"On a scale from 0 to 10, we estimate that our lives have a cost of approximately 22, with a reward of 25."
"It's convenient having your own car, but it's definitely expensive, but it's worth it, one hundred percent."
"If this cost twice as much, took twice as much time, would I still do it?"
"It's not about cost; it's about value."
"The value of clean air and water must be compared to their costs."
"We can use this as a simulation tool to try and get to a cost-benefit decision about how much effort we have to put into our equipment design in order to meet a reliability goal through life."
"Be smart, ask yourself a very simple question: what is the benefit and what is the cost."
"A thorough evaluation will help the project manager and stakeholders make an informed decision about whether the benefits of the new technology outweigh the costs and risks of implementing it mid-project."
"In the end, the question boiled down to how low did we want to go, and the optimization tools gave us the ability to make a fully informed cost-benefit judgment."
"A rational Maximizer is somebody who, when they make a choice, they weigh the costs and the benefits of making a choice."
"If the benefits and the pros are going to outweigh the cons, then you do it."
"Opportunity cost is a real thing."