
Violence Prevention Quotes

There are 227 quotes

"The budding music scene would create an opportunity for those young men stuck in the cycle of violence to get out and forge another path through music."
"At its heart, what we're talking about is the ability to confiscate weapons when there is clear evidence that violence is about to be committed."
"The more people are able to assert themselves, the less aggressors they would have against them and there would be less harm, less violence, less crime, less people hurt overall in the long run."
"We legalize sex work, increase regulation of the industry, and do everything in our power to fight back against systematized violence against sex workers, be they trans or otherwise."
"My advice is not about how to grow your community... my advice is about how to stop innocent people from getting killed."
"Community Violence Intervention is an evidence-based approach that has been shown to reduce violence by as much as 60 percent."
"We need violence to stop, because if we don't, then we are losing the plot."
"Social media platforms like Twitter must own up to their responsibility in spreading violence and chaos."
"We owe it to our youth, bro. We owe it to the young boys out there who are going to lose lives over some [__]."
"The point of democracy is to prevent violence from occurring."
"We're not coming for everybody's guns. We're coming for the end to gun violence."
"Social media companies have a responsibility to prevent their platforms from being used by any user to incite violence."
"We actually do know enough now that we can intervene and we can stop these attacks, but it requires effort and it requires education."
"Impeaching him and holding over his head the possibility that he may be convicted or removed from office in the next week actually may prevent him from inciting more violence."
"Since nobody else could stop the violence here, she started a community activist group called Stop the Violence."
"Condemning violence doesn't stop it from reoccurring. Understanding and alleviating the causes of violence does."
"Community involvement and youth centers were proposed as alternatives to combat gang violence."
"A national approach to tackling violence against women is needed."
"When people have a sense of belonging and community, they don't resort to violent acts."
"Being a polished man means challenging violent behavior and language both locally and globally."
"And it isn't just gonna solve mass shootings, it's gonna solve all the shootings that are going on all over the country."
"Reducing the accessibility to firearms decreases homicide rates because it's more difficult for people to kill one another."
"More guns as we've seen is not the solution to gun violence in this country."
"Violence is a choice. It's preventable. It's not something that just happens. There is no excuse for it."
"There are things we know that work to reduce gun violence and violent crime."
"We will spare no resource in fighting so that every American child can grow up free from violence and fear."
"We had a lot of OGs who was fresh out and you know we was doing the unity thing in the city trying to like stop the violence between the Sides and the 20s and show them that we could make money together."
"If violence maybe is threatened and I know somebody who can do something to prevent people being killed and so on, I think I'm entitled to go to that person and say please, we don't want violence."
"If you don't want to have that threat of violence, don't call the cops."
"Why don't we do that in real life to stop people from killing each other? You know, send the guns to jail."
"This is not just about inflicting violence on a child; it's about not taking action to protect that child."
"It's time to stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence."
"We all want the same thing: a safer, less violent future."
"Anything that we can show that can tangibly decrease the amount of violence and tangibly save lives should be implemented."
"Trans women are not men who dress up as women to cause violence or harm to cis women."
"Turning our streets and our communities, our neighborhoods and in our schools into war zones is unacceptable."
"Courts are there not to provide justice, courts are to provide good men with a reason not to use violence in pursuit of Justice."
"If you don't give people a pressure release and a means of feeling like they're being heard, you get violence."
"Ensure safety and security of all candidates and promptly hold perpetrators of violence accountable."
"He was really spending the past year at least trying to overcome all his internal demons to not try to find a way to prevent himself from killing people."
"If we're lucky, maybe we can help a few people get out of violent relationships or maybe even save a life."
"Violence against women and girls also includes violence against black, brown, minoritized women, LBTQ+ and disabled women."
"School shootings are committed by boys due to dad deprivation and lack of male role models."
"We need real Revival in this country... it's just Christianity in other countries and they don't have mass shootings."
"Most of the time it's not going to end in a shooting."
"Men and boys as both perpetrators and allies in violence prevention."
"I still get the thoughts, I still get the want to be violent and all this stuff but now I just kind of rebuke it straight away."
"I think those that's one of the key things that kept me from fully engaging in violence... at least try to be."
"I believe we can prevent violence... even if it saves lives."
"Some of your crew are going to want to retaliate now and now you have a whole beef in the whole war over over a stumping that could have been prevented."
"I think my contribution to the black community is showing that like, you know, well number one is hoping that some of this violence or genocide or some of the degenerate behavior, try to solve it."
"Guns kill, and you don't have to be a gun. You are what you choose to be."
"I think mass shootings would go down... if you didn't show their name or face and you never read their manifesto."
"Family members and peers are often the best position to witness signs of mobilization to violence."
"The antidote to violence, the inoculation against evil, is intimacy, connection, honesty."
"If you want to improve your life, improve your families, improve your next Generations then the onus is on you."
"It's never too late to learn a new language."
"Freedom is not licensed and we have to be very deliberate when we are talking about guns and the violence that's perpetrated by those that choose to use guns as a tool of violence."
"We condemn any threats against anyone. There's no place for violence."
"It's their least radio-friendly release to date and, in my opinion, their best and most ambitious release since 'Viva La Vida.'"
"As her first order of business she vows to end the annual purge for good and finally put a stop to the senseless violence once and for all."
"My hope is that this will not turn to real-world violence."
"I want to live in a world in which we change the rate of murder against women."
"Twitter is tackling threats of violence on its platform."
"The level of violence here was critical to us. I mean, we had to stop these guys before it happened again."
"We've banned more than a hundred and eighty groups from our platform for violent extremism."
"We will never accept or tolerate hate or violence of any kind in our great city. It goes against every fiber of who we are."
"Fix these issues and the violence will disappear."
"People who have hope can have dreams of a better life; people who have dreams of a better life are not attracted to violence."
"We're not going to allow kids to shoot up each other or shoot up neighborhoods. It's just not happening."
"What's mine will become yours and what is yours will become mine."
"Have his thoughts be piloted by the acknowledgment of the subtle beauties around them rather than the possibility of violence."
"We could just be doing better by educating the community on the signs and indicators of somebody that might be mobilizing to violence."
"Enough is enough: the senseless acts of killing must stop."
"I think those red flag laws are in place to try to make sure that those who have a history of doing physical harm to others are not able to continue that harm with the use of a gun."
"The violence could escalate at any minute so just the exercise of making a plan can help the individual that's suffering going through this visualize which steps are needed and to prepare psychologically to do so."
"Our top priority is gun violence and reducing violent crime."
"We shouldn't be debating about shapes of plastic regardless as though those are what enable a depraved mind to kill and not the depraved mind itself."
"Territorial control plan: a bold approach to halt escalating violence."
"There is a direct correlation between youth employment and violence reduction."
"We do not rule, but we may guide the men that do gently away from violence and short destruction, and instead toward peace."
"Prevention of this kind of violence is absolutely necessary."
"When I stood in front of him, I couldn't pull the trigger."
"The time has come for everybody to get on board with this, be more proactive amid the upsurge of violence."
"None of these people would be able to inflict their pain if they didn't have weapons."
"There's a direct correlation between youth employment and violence reduction."
"Preventing these acts of violence is not the sole responsibility of law enforcement."
"Don't kill people over cartoons, can we agree on that?"
"Every gun ball King come from a place where you don't need a gun."
"Somebody has to cut off the chain of violence in this world."
"Whether or not you're applying that and yeah, and also if you know someone's about to kill several people, you do what you can to stop that person."
"The first line of defense against a culture of violence is free speech."
"A.I. was really connected to the people, you know what I mean? When you can make people put down guns, people that really wasn't thinking about they could make it, he gave them hope."
"Debates about gun control only work if both sides are genuinely interested in finding a solution to gun violence."
"I just want to make this clear: if you're a man you should not hit a woman unless it's in self-defense."
"No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman in anger other than in self-defense, and that's rarely ever occurs."
"It would be nice if we don't kill these people."
"Maybe then, we can stop family violence, we can stop men's violence towards women, we can bring some light into the dark."
"Is it really a sin that we want to stop gun violence?"
"We are building the most loyal crypto community in the world."
"Yo, I work for a Cure Violence program called Guns Down, Life Up, and I deal with gun and I work out of Lincoln Hospital and I work with gunshot assault and staff victims and I try to mediate beefs."
"Social media should not be used to incite violence, but this cannot be used as a pretext to suspend freedom of expression."
"The best way to prevent these is to stop it before it even starts."
"We got to put them guns down. Just imagine if every rapper made it home."
"Kindness: the secret weapon against The NeverEnding cycle of violence."
"If you break your ankle and you don't skateboard for two months, then you're not going to shoot up a school."
"You're not a killer, you're not going to kill anyone."
"Some of ashley's friends now work to keep her legacy alive by providing help for those suffering from domestic violence."
"Living in a neighborhood where everybody has a gun... it's time to put the gun down."
"If we see crime regardless of race and we say if we can alleviate poverty by targeting class issues and you know, economic factors and education then we can help solve that PR problem of violence."
"The incident prompted stricter gun control laws in Canada and increased efforts to combat violence against women."
"Violence and harassment in workplaces across the globe must be eliminated."
"You can't solve violence against women without addressing the men committing it."
"There's never any excuse to kill anybody ever, but the point is that we can always look at our behavior and try to modify it so that we don't carry on this consistent theme of patterns in our relationships that are destructive."
"Certainly she does not by any stretch deserve any kind of violent assault per se, let alone being murdered by her own girls."
"Gender-based violence must not and will not be tolerated."
"The way to curb... senseless violence is to understand people as they are."
"Political violence must never, ever be allowed in America, and I will do everything in my power to stop it."
"We can't allow violence to be normalized in this country."
"The only way we can reduce firearm violence is through a comprehensive plan based on three pillars."
"What causes you not to run around and shoot people? It's because you're sane, you're mentally healthy."
"Prevented a shotgun from being fired directly into someone's face."
"Do not fall for the traps again. Do not show up at this as a true conservative that loves this country armed because if you go look for a fight, you'll get a fight."
"But could there have been anything to prevent him committing the violent, malicious murder of Rebecca Elwood in the first place?"
"How do you make people not shoot people in malls? Stop giving kids pharmaceuticals."
"Cutting people's first amendment away in no way, shape or form stops violence or hate or lowers anti-Semitism. It doesn't work. It never works."
"The president Liz McGill has officially now resigned amid the quote unquote controversy over anti-Semitism."
"World Peace must develop from inner peace peace is not just the absence of violence peace is the manifestation of human compassion."
"We have to stop this violence when it comes to law enforcement in our community."
"It's so foolish to suggest that the best way to weed out mass shooters is by confiscating guns."
"The point of gun laws is to make gun violence less accessible."
"No appreciably this is going to be a significant tipping point and I don't see right now any major shootings or school shootings coming up in the very near future."
"We need our kids and teachers to have the safety to learn and grow in an area where they are not subject to slaughter."
"If we as a society ever want to make things better in communities torn apart by gang violence, then we have to have some empathy and focus on the real causes of these problems."
"The federal government must start taking these online threats seriously to ensure they don't cross into the real world violence."
"Football keeps a lid on the violence."
"We really could end a lot of gang violence by funding schools and mental health services."
"Do you want your family coming to visit you on a slab because you've been stabbed or you've been shot?"
"Don't let no man ever push you to a place where you got to feel like you got to put your hands on him."
"They're anchored in hope, and they have a reason to get up in the morning, and a reason not to commit a violent act."
"People need to acknowledge the fact that there's still a lot of people who want to do violence towards innocent people."
"To put an end to the violence will take a collective effort. It's about what goes on in the home, on the block, in the schools. It's about creating hope. It's about creating a strong community again."
"Writing saved me from the sin and inconvenience of violence."
"The incident not only exposed the inadequacies in addressing domestic violence within the legal framework but also highlighted the intricate intersections of law enforcement, judicial decisions, and the inherent challenges in assessing the potential for extreme violence."
"Chicago put the guns down. Harvey put the guns down."
"Women should also have zero tolerance for any form of violence, particularly domestic violence."
"Sport, and in particular sport like boxing, can also play an important role in tackling youth violence and can have a transformative impact in the prevention and early intervention work with children at risk of offending behavior."
"We cannot tolerate this practice and our work to tackle FGM is an integral part of our violence against women and girls strategy."
"We have to understand how important it is for organizations to come together if we're going to be tackling violence and crime."
"The government is committed to working to support the victims of domestic violence but also to working to ensure that we end violence against women and girls."
"No more excuses, everybody take an active role and get intentional in doing whatever you can do to fight gun violence in our city."
"When you have people mingling... it cuts down on violence, believe it or not."
"There's a myth that a shooter just snaps. It's just not true; there are always signs."
"The goal is to make sure you can prevent as many instances of gun violence as possible."
"I fought to stop white people from being so filled with hate that they would wreak violence on black people."
"I did not fight for the right of black people to murder other black people with reckless abandon."
"Violence against women and girls is a real issue."
"When we're aware of the fact that violence is going to occur or may occur, and we think we know who the violence is going to occur against, we have an obligation to go out and warn them."
"We must stop trans hate because it leads to trans violence and people lose their lives."
"Discussing toxic masculinity is not an assertion that men are naturally violent."
"We must do more to shape the type of society that we live in; violence against women and girls is an epidemic and it's an emergency."
"If children have no education whatsoever, if young men are standing idle each and every day, and feel completely detached and completely removed from the modern world, they are more likely, they are more susceptible to ideologies that appeal to violence and destruction."
"Massively scaling the amount of research funding into what gun laws are effective is the first step to address gun violence."
"No child should be a target or witness of violence anywhere or at any time."
"We got to stop the gun violence, it's for real though."
"This 14th of February, don't give women flowers or treats, just stop burning them, beating them, and killing them. Thank you very much."
"The more people who have better choices, and don't have to make as many hard choices, the less likely they are to resort to violence."
"Prevention really is to train employees to recognize behaviors of people who are on the pathway to violence."
"I was raised in the hood, so violence is not new to me, and I have to bring peace here community."
"I pledge to never commit, condemn, or remain silent about violence against women and girls."
"Improving interventions that improve incels' mating intelligence and help them with their mating prospects will have the added benefits of improving their own mental health but also the potentiality for violence outwardly as well."
"Ryan Grantham's decision not to proceed with further violence was called a 'saving grace' by the presiding judge."
"You can avoid a lot of these aggressive violence fight situations through social skills."
"If we focus on the small number of extremely violent people who have made up their mind that they will continue to do violence no matter what happens, we can make a difference."
"Paid family leave and paid sick days promote the economic independence that is a preventative factor against interpersonal violence."
"I'm against sex trafficking and I'm trying to figure that out to be real. I'm trying to stop the violence."
"It's not the education of women that's going to change the problem of rape, it's the education of young men."
"What if I told you that there is one subject that if you studied, is better than training 95% of the reality self-defense and combat sport arts that there are."
"Violence prevention is directly tied to our investment in young people."
"Paying attention to the world's transience and beauty might act as a kind of antidote to the hatreds that create ideologically motivated violence."
"We as African-American men need to stop killing one another. There are better ways to handle different types of issues."
"If you reduce the guns in the space, you reduce the propensity for violent crime."
"Focus on the causes of gun violence and serious violence."
"My job is to enlighten you guys on generational curses and break the cycle of violence."
"If you want people to be less lonely and less violent, then let them create."
"We all got to come together if we're going to stop some of the epidemic of gun violence in this great City."
"Homeboy Industries was founded in 1988 by Father Greg Boyle in order to address the root causes of gang violence, poverty, and lack of access to education."