
Victimization Quotes

There are 431 quotes

"The saddest part about all of this is that, regardless of who we think did it or who you think did it, HRJ is kind of a double victim in this."
"The suckiest part about having been victimized is that it doesn't change the fact that you still have to live a normal life."
"She believes that Jane Doe was a victim of human trafficking and the man that gave her a false name convinced her to trust him."
"He and his siblings were also victims of their mother."
"If you have suffered from gaslighting or are maybe even a victim of it right now, then your real issue is that you have no trust for yourself."
"The vast majority of women who find themselves in that situation are desperate, threatened, or victimized."
"We have to acknowledge that women...have to acknowledge their victimization but not build an identity out of it."
"It's absolutely right on target to say that women should not create an identity out of their victimization."
"The more victimization you can claim, the more beloved you will be."
"Please do not allow my actions and the actions of Muhammad to hold you hostage and continue to victimize you for the rest of your life."
"Because victims feel shame and perpetrators and predators use shame to keep people quiet."
"Danny was basically looked at as a victim here, along with the rest of his team, and really the entire league."
"There is a victimization complex that is a human trait. It is a way that human beings can go wrong where you fetishize victimhood, you exaggerate victimhood."
"You don't have the right to slander me and destroy me on YouTube to make me the laughingstock, strawman of the bad gaming YouTuber, so that now people are trying to kill me."
"There is nothing you can do to completely eliminate the possibility of you being victimized."
"Setting up bad victims in opposition to genuine ones is a very effective method of unpicking #MeToo."
"The terminology we use... often go to extreme lengths to avoid using words like rape and instead use terms like forced sex."
"Many female offenders have a history of victimization and abuse which is taken into account and given more weight."
"Because they're everywhere. But the reason as to why people have been blindly becoming victims of the enemy is because of ignorance, because of lack of knowledge."
"A lot of times you are a victim before you ever got a chance to be a criminal yourself."
"It's like a bad dream that you really don't want to tell anyone happen to you, because I look back now and think you silly girl, how did you not see it earlier?"
"If I feel I've been victimized I am victimized."
"The moment that you take your problem and inflict it on somebody else, you turn from being a victim into the victimizer."
"The woman who attacked me and assaulted me and then proceeded to blackmail me and try to ruin my life for six months has been welcomed into the sptv Discord server as a hero and a victim."
"when female characters are damselled their ostensible agency is removed and they're reduced to a state of victimhood."
"The gaslighter is only as good as their victim is impaired."
"The more you can claim victimization, the more you can claim heroism for yourself."
"The sense of peculiar victimization when you make a pretty obviously terrible decisions."
"We who bled blood, who shed blood, who experienced the worst treatment are called the true racists."
"The police admitted that she may have been the victim of foul play."
"But I couldn't help but feel like -- like the attack itself didn't make me a victim. This process has made me a victim of -- of procedure and of bureaucracy, and I got lost in the mess of it all."
"These kids are victims bro. You're stealing their childhood."
"There's a huge difference between someone who is a law-abiding citizen pushed too far versus someone who preys on law-abiding citizens until they're pushed too far."
"If you did not have an association with Trump it's really obvious none of this would have happened to you."
"Nazis and conservatives have always engaged in a relentless campaign of self-victimization. They will claim persecution at the drop of a hat over literally nothing."
"The ultimate cry bully: murdering a man over nothing and then complaining and saying that you're being persecuted when people criticize you for it."
"She was victimized, maybe she was, but she's victimized me and I'm gonna fight back."
"One thing that stood out for me in this case was how whenever society marginalizes any group of people, those people can easily become victims of various types of crime."
"It's not just the Tweet, the constant victimization, the sensitivity to jokes where I feel like you of all people should be embracing the people dunking on you."
"Women are victims of the system that was built against them."
"Abusers induce shame and dirtiness in victims to increase control."
"The most grievous injustices are those imposed upon the innocent victims of their crimes."
"We need to move past victimization and return to self-reliance."
"You basically just like, you just get assaulted all the time."
"Magneto just wants equality; everyone's trying to victimize."
"Anger seems to be consistent during and before the crime, often directed towards the victim."
"Victims harbor dark spirits and demons, and anytime someone tries to point out how they're harming others and how their behavior isn't right, they can pull 'I'm a victim' to protect the demon."
"Anna's a victim too, in an abusive marriage."
"People took a Reddit post and used it as an excuse to treat someone like [ __ ]."
"You're begging for the conspiracy bottom line okay robin hood got effed by the man robin hood god screwed hardcore by the suits."
"Egyptians are angry, many claiming to be victims of a plot concocted by Afrocentrists."
"You were a victim in that situation, and you shouldn't feel bad for it."
"Conservative leaders have pathologized their numerous fears of failure and powerlessness into one targetable word; a word that covers almost every group they feel victimized by."
"No victim self identifies money or there's a fear they're indoctrinated they don't."
"It sucks to have to compare who was more victimized by a corrupt business, but guess what?"
"History rarely gives us purely good victims nor purely evil perpetrators, and the satanic panic bears this out."
"If they're black, they're victims whether they experience it or not."
"Honestly, in Brittany Griner's position, she's not the one conducting these deals or asking for stuff. She's just a victim of the situation."
"Why only Hindus are victims of such dangerous organizations?"
"Every time that somebody downloads, shares, opens or views CP, a child is re-victimized."
"That's why some don't come forward. I mean just look at Scientology and what they do to the victims."
"Abalam is a king who serves under payment. The thing about Abalam is that he preys on the flesh of the innocent."
"Hunter Biden is not a victim. He is anything but a victim."
"If you were battered, if you were sexually victimized, why are you over sexualizing yourself?"
"That's wrong. You've had something taken from you as a result of that."
"Conspiracies exist... if somebody conspires to take away your rights and your freedoms or your money then there is a conspiracy afoot and you are the victim of said conspiracy."
"Painting a victim as deserving of abuse is manipulation."
"In fact, if you suffer from mental illness, you are 10 times more likely to be a victim of violence."
"In a world of victimization and people who make themselves victims, there's one group that is truly marginalized and no one cares about: children."
"We're creating this privileged class of victims where if you belong to a particular group, you can get away with saying anything."
"A lot of times in society, we believe that men can't be the victims, right?"
"Listen Joanne, you don't get to play the victim card when you're the advocate for taking away women's rights."
"This wasn't about the movement, it was about him. It was about him being a victim."
"Trump casting himself as a victim is worth fighting over."
"Casting judgment, alleviating blame of one person but casting it on others, and putting undue blame on victims isn't raising awareness."
"A man has um he has to live within a system in a society that does not believe that he can be a victim."
"Homeless people are victimized by poor decisions at multiple levels of our government."
"It's an interesting period in history in that every person and group seems to feel victimized simultaneously."
"Critical race theory is the idea that black people are relentless victims of relentless white racism all the time everywhere."
"Richard is the victim of mythmaking and propaganda."
"Children of criminals are often forgotten victims."
"And I really believe in true equality which to me is equality of opportunity... Males can be victims of sexual assault and victims of false allegations as well."
"People who feel they are the victims of some wrongdoing may often seek restitution for the wrongs done to them, perceived or otherwise, and this can in turn lead to victims making other groups feel victimized as well."
"You're in America, ours is an American story. It is the American story. We were plundered and pillaged unlike any other group."
"The idea that generally being a good person makes you a perfect victim for a psychopath seems wildly unfair to me."
"When you politicize suffering and you get into the habit of denying others' suffering, you re-victimize people and you create more future victims."
"The Internet is the only place where if you cry too much, you're a victim."
"Insecurity is extremely dangerous and when combined with this obsession with personal victimization it becomes a sickness."
"There is nothing worse in this world than telling the truth and not being believed and not only not being believed but being vilified for it as well."
"Miles was just an innocent bystander who simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"You cannot be a victim and an abuser that's what her therapist said too."
"Turning someone into a victim is about the worst thing you can do to a human being."
"Never. You can do anything you want with me, murder me, spit on me, hang me out to dry, but never... you can never just my hope bagels."
"Turning someone into a victim is the worst thing you could ever do to them."
"It's amazing that in this kind of culture, where it's supposed to be about strength and manhood, he's actually like the biggest victim ever."
"The Russian people are not our enemy; they are the victims of thieves who've stolen their wealth and stolen their chance of democracy."
"Felix Nussbaum and his family fell victim to the cruelest people that the world had ever seen during the time when the war had claimed so many innocent lives for so long."
"The victims... are unheard of, they're muzzled, they're silenced, and they're a nobody."
"Simple solutions, profound impact: the homemade food mixer."
"When you stay silent, you are at the mercy of the victimizer."
"Exposing how the police set him up and extorted him."
"People who view her as a victim, I would like to just give you three the opportunity here."
"Twitter cancel is you just get cancelled, you didn't do anything but Twitter just wants to cancel you."
"That is such an offensive inversion of who is the victim in that scenario."
"Anyone that has been indoctrinated since birth or radicalized by revenge has to be considered a victim of the war."
"The choice of when the victim becomes a victimizer in their own right."
"The feels familiar part is like okay, victim? Yeah, I agree with that perpetual victim feels familiar sister snatch death threats."
"The only thing I'm guilty of is being shot. Amazing."
"In all of this, the unaware consumer is always the victim."
"The victims of his crimes were nothing more than guinea pigs to him, just test subjects, just games to play until they eventually succumbed to his poisons and died."
"He is wrong for doing what he did and saying this stuff. It's weird, it just feels like Dave is trying to make himself look like the victim out of this. It's unbelievable."
"My elderly godmother was actually targeted by a crime ring of robocallers and she lost over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars of her life savings."
"You think they're about to apologize to you and then they instead incite their four million followers to attack you. Goddamn."
"Victim blaming is like code words. Obviously, victim blaming exists."
"And I look at the Trump supporters ultimately as victims."
"Nothing got accomplished, we all generated a victim to the game."
"It's the most powerful idea in politics to be like I'm the victim of you."
"We as prisoners, we weren't just the victims of Guantanamo. The guards and camp staff are also victims of Guantanamo itself."
"Mr. Draco was the victim here. That's the sad part. The victim, the true victim, has become the defendant in a very serious criminal case. His life and liberty are at stake here."
"Our compatriot was the victim of a blatant Islamist terrorist attack."
"Colleen who came to job corpse thinking that she was going to get her computer skills and go on to find a career one day was beaten and tortured."
"Once the enemy has stripped you of your dignity and put you in a place where you're constantly ashamed of yourself, you can do anything."
"He had successfully utilized victimhood as a weapon."
"I drove her into another man's arms, my daughter had nothing to do with it, she was a victim of circumstances."
"You went from being harmed to having to defend yourself from being the perpetrator yourself."
"You mocked my bloodline, turned my childhood into a nightmare."
"The charges are essentially we're going after somebody for being the victim of a blackmail attempt instead of the blackmailer."
"The archetypal good German is at the mercy of sadistic and military ideologues, and positions of authority over him, forcing his unwilling participation in combat or even war crimes, but the hero helpless to resist."
"Countless Afghans were murdered by the Taliban."
"He was trying to lure her up to her bedroom. She said he turned from a man into a monster. It was horrifying."
"Abuse doesn't make sense and the abused victims are not chosen they just happen to be there conveniently."
"It's ridiculous and vices playing it like this dude is just like the biggest victim in the world."
"You're the lowest of the low, bullying people weaker than you knowing they can't fight back."
"You were a victim not just to this woman, but your entire social circle."
"We are making them feel that who they are fundamentally... is wrong."
"When you do something to someone, just take ownership of it and say sorry, and even if you don't want to take ownership of it and say sorry, please do not try to turn it around and turn yourself into the victim."
"The real villains to me are these people around, taking advantage."
"She's a poster child because she messed up... and because she was a victim of a coordinated campaign."
"At the heart of what's happening online in numerous communities, it is a dance of victimization. Collusive victimization where both parties want to enhance, propagate, and perpetuate the victim status."
"All he ever were was another victim of the War Machine."
"I'm not here to be looked at as a victim, but I also know that I am not the villain that people in the media have portrayed me to be."
"People with mental illnesses are much more likely to be the victim of crime."
"Victim blaming is a form of gaslighting... mutual abuse does not exist."
"Your tears are not your fault or your problem. Just because someone cries doesn't make them a victim."
"It's kind of intriguing if you think about it but uh anyways I'm always happy this time of year just to slow down a little bit and uh, you know, give thanks and enjoy it."
"People who truly have DID they're more likely to be victims of violent crimes than the ones who perpetrate it."
"Ishmael becomes a victim of a grudge that he was not responsible for."
"The normal moral position the consent-based position the subjective position of the person being stolen from is that he was infringed upon he's the victim."
"The most high really blessed us showing us the program showing us how these people gangstalk how they be perping us and how they be watching and targeting us."
"If you feel empowered, you don't feel victimized anymore."
"I hope they can see my dad as a victim of extreme circumstance and set him free."
"Being a victim for too long is really where you don't feel the worthiness, the empowerment to handle business, to handle the situation that you're in."
"What power does that institution, group, or individual have? If it's no power, it's just a victim."
"The Titans are introduced to us as the primary antagonists of season 1, but as the series unfolds, we realize that the true antagonist was conflict and that the Titans were as much a victim to it as the people they consumed."
"The major victim here, of course, is democracy."
"It's really about the destruction of the Ukrainian people."
"You are not a victim, you are someone who has been victimized."
"It's the victim who ends up being the villain."
"Imagine being a victim, a victim, and then not even being, like, um, you were found guilty when you shouldn't have been, when the justice system fails you."
"If you tell people enough times that they are the victims of oppression... they will completely imbibe it."
"I'm a victim of covert harassment and electronic harassment and gang stalking. I'm what's called a targeted individual."
"Nobody deserves to have their money ripped out from under them unto the guys that somebody's going to help."
"I mean the amount of victimization that he ascribes to like his very existence is just hilarious to me."
"If you just give yourself over to an external authority figure, you basically become a victim twice."
"The witch is both the victim and an empowered magical woman."
"I do think that she is absolutely a victim here."
"The parents... they are not Brian and they are victims in the situation."
"You can be prepared, you can be educated, or you're going to be a victim."
"They have done nothing, therefore they deserve none of what is happening to them right now."
"Salvation will not come if they sacrifice someone just because they don't want to be the victim."
"We're in a bad place in society... the good people in this society are being hurt the most."
"These are the true victims being re-victimized."
"You just want an opportunity to get dressed up and come on camera and play victim."
"These predators, they keep on getting new victims, new younger victims, and more and more."
"This is horrible, like this is horrible and it's countless other victims."
"It just re-victimizes folks who have already suffered this terrible trauma."
"Bullying is normalized in our society, and when the victim fights back, he's the one who gets in trouble."
"I hate the idea that victims are always in some way tinted, dirty, or ruined forever."
"Even though we're victims in crimes, we're made to feel like criminals."
"No matter how good you are to them, no matter how neutral you are, they will find a way to make you the villain."
"If you're purposely changing reality, you're lying about what happened just to try to hurt somebody, you're doing a [__] up thing because you're pretending you're a victim."
"The glorification of being a victim, if you are not a victim, then you're an oppressor."
"It's sad to know that she really didn't do nothing wrong, but she was the one that got [__] at the end."
"Narcissists don't choose their victims because of who they are; they choose their victims because of what they can extract from the victim."
"Some victims' stories get dismissed because of misinformation like QAnon"
"It's always tempting to an aggressor to exploit a victim, but of course it is ruinous to a victim."
"Everyone else is the perpetrator, and I alone am the victim"
"He prayed upon me, he targeted me, he set me up, he groomed me."
"Many Germans saw themselves as the victims, a sense of grievance that populist political leader Adolf Hitler rode to power."
"I became his prey for two years, and he always kept that power. His smell still haunts me."
"It was times where the person I was dealing with was mentally abusing you know one way."
"He's just been getting screwed over the whole time. Nobody's actually trying to help him."
"Complaining is not really my style. Instead, I like to keep it positive and talk about overcoming obstacles instead of being victimized by them."
"Winnie gets bullied every single day."
"No one ever thinks that they'd be the victim of a jealous loved one."
"He's just become another victim of the beach."
"The personal type of an offender wants to look in the eyes of the victim and they want to spend hours if at all possible with their victims being in a position of total control and domination."
"Living on Railton road 50 years, rape victim can't testify, case dismissed."
"...darvo is pernicious; the last part, the reversing of roles and making themselves the victim when they have so clearly done wrong, is the gaslighting main event."
"He's on my murder list because he took multiple victims, many of whom were vulnerable young women often waiting to get home at bus stops."