
Off-grid Living Quotes

There are 231 quotes

"Living off the grid isn't about escaping society but finding peace within it."
"I started out with the goal of proving that you can get off the grid on a budget... I was living fully off the grid with my homemade solar panels."
"Curiosity is an HH44 OC, which means ocean cruising, and what makes her truly unique is of course the off-grid capabilities."
"If you're looking for a home backup solution, power for a tiny home, cabin, or something to power your RV when off the grid, there just really isn't a better all-in-one plug-and-play solution."
"Living off the grid in the winter... there's five things that we had in mind when we were preparing: shelter, food, heat and warmth, water, and transportation."
"Solar is all about freedom and being off-grid is all about freedom."
"Just got my approval for a loan for 40 acres of off-grid mountain forest land seven miles outside a 200 population town and up a mountain."
"Living off-grid is about economic sustainability, not just environmental."
"Living off-grid means you are not reliant on outside sources."
"Ironically, when it comes to living off-grid, one of the most important tools that you're ever going to need is a generator."
"I am completely off the grid when it comes to electricity. I haven't had an electrical bill for the past 20-some years."
"Follow our journey from the very beginning as we document the whole process of creating an off-grid home."
"Many people will be prepared and will be able to live off-grid."
"Welcome back to off-grid, folks. I guarantee you're going to want to put it on your bucket list."
"You've inspired me also to build an off-grid bus so that's my next project."
"Living off-grid resonates with so many people; it's about simplicity, peace, and satisfaction."
"Off-grid living: it's what you make it, tailored to your lifestyle and values."
"Living off the grid is a lifestyle without reliance on one or more public utilities."
"This is an absolute game changer when it comes to off-grid living."
"This thing is an absolute game changer when it comes to off-grid living."
"Off-grid living is definitely not a lie, but the title was a little clickbaity."
"This will, you know, you can go off grid, depending on what batteries you got for who knows how long."
"I can go off-grid for pretty much two weeks with all the food storage I have."
"It sounds like she wanted to be off the grid."
"I could be completely off the grid for days or weeks at a time if I find somewhere else to charge the car."
"The HC1 camper also has the option with a carb 100 watt solar panel and AGM deep cycle battery where you can have the opportunity of living off-grid."
"Building an off-grid home for ourselves, hundreds of projects and thousands of small steps later, our journey to build a simple life has led us to where we are today."
"I just wanted to take a few minutes and tell you my thoughts on whether or not it was worth having off-grid power after 14 years and the answer is unequivocally absolutely you better believe it."
"I'm inspired by these off-grid people. They grow their own food, power their house by solar power. I would love to live off-grid."
"How often are you filling up the water tanks? You could last off grid for a week or two, two weeks."
"I've slowly modified this boat to become my long-term off-grid living Oasis, a goal I finally achieve now after more than eight months of non-stop off-grid living throughout the Bahamas."
"We're in the middle of nowhere, completely off the grid."
"Probably the three most important aspects of Nicole and I living off the grid are shelter, water, and food."
"My wood stove was a mandatory thing, mainly because this house is an off-grid house."
"I live off the grid... I live off the sun."
"It could definitely be a game-changer when you're talking about off-grid RVing or even RVing in general."
"Being an all access fifth wheel... that's a benefit when you have something that you can take off grid."
"We're starting a new adventure, converting the RV into the ultimate off-grid tiny house on a beautiful piece of land in Nova Scotia, Canada. Come along."
"...our composting toilet we don't need a black water tank so that's been um really good for us."
"This was the second big lesson we learned in the Alaska off-grid challenge: If you're going to build an off-grid life, become a part of the off-grid community, get help from real people who have real experience."
"We're tyler and todd and a year and a half ago we parked our rv in the middle of the canadian forest and started developing a 10 acre piece of land into our dream off-grid home."
"In this video, I'm going to show you what that looks like start to finish: building an off-grid homestead from the ground up. And not some fantasy Hollywood version, but what it's really like."
"I'm over the moon to be able to share what my blueprint of living off-grid looks like."
"All of our trailers come with an inverter generator so you could go completely off-grid."
"Trust me, you guys, being off grid in the Bahamas for months at a time and then having ice cream on your own boat, it's pretty hard to beat."
"This is a unique design that we came up with because we really wanted to force a design that would allow an off grid solution to grow food."
"...we wanted to have everything set up where you just go out and camp and have fun you don't have to worry about how do I plug this in where do I plug it in."
"Don't forget to smile as someone who lives off grid and doesn't pay an electricity bill - that's always something to smile about."
"We're gonna build an off-grid cabin."
"You can be 100 percent confident in its ability to handle your regular day-to-day life off-grid style."
"If you're looking for off-grid out of household power, this thing works great. I have no issues with it."
"If you enjoy this video and you want to learn more about our journey of starting an off-grid homestead from scratch we have a lot of fun projects coming up."
"We want to start small. We want to see how comfortably we can live with just two lithium batteries and a 2000 watt inverter."
"Inside the tent on the water you can set up all sorts of gear and equipment to live off the grid."
"What makes Trade Wind unique is that we help extend your off grid adventure."
"With the Trade Wind, you can go further, stay longer all while bringing the comforts of home with you at all times."
"I had an uncle who lived off-grid here for almost 40 years of his life."
"Living off-grid teaches us to adapt to discomforts over time."
"I'm going to go around the homestead and show you guys us being off-grid, being self-reliant, and possibly the things I show you guys today's video, maybe you can apply some of this to your life and maybe you'll be more prepared for a situation."
"For me personally, I always use these off grid only, so I would stick to that if I were you guys."
"Living off grid is life in hard mode. It is much more difficult."
"Once this left the garage I haven't touched commercial power sense so that's pretty much July wow and uh I don't ever see the need to plug back into commercial until it goes back into the garage permanently mounted."
"SunJack Backpacker solar panels provide the ultimate charging solution for off-grid use."
"Especially if you are off grid you are now free from that electrical grid and it feels great."
"If you're living off the grid, you want to get the C2."
"Charcoal is going to be a major way that we will be cooking off grid."
"It feels very free, It feels very liberating because I know that the boat is like good to go for one, two, three, four months off grid."
"Our housing expense is zero because we are living off-grid."
"That's one of the beauties of what we're doing here with off-grid, finding places like this that we didn't know existed."
"Feels so good to have our van at an off-grid spot."
"Another thing I learned this year about living off grid is it is super important to have hobbies and interests outside of your homestead."
"Thank you guys for watching thank you guys for four years here is to another year living self-sufficiently off grid y'all enjoy the new year and go build something cool."
"Having power off-grid very important."
"Don't be afraid to go off grid. Off-grid allows you to buy properties that are more affordable."
"The best system in my opinion if you want to be completely independent off-grid is Victron."
"We have a dream, that dream is to live a life off grid, to rely on nothing more than energy from the sun, water from our own spring, food from our own gardens, and the love of family."
"Our usage is pretty minimal so I calculated everything out and we've had zero issues with our solar system and we've been on the road for about four months now."
"And living off grid I'm to completely solar powered living off grid is such a beautiful thing that I can work with the land that I'm on."
"Here, there were no services such as electricity, running water, sewage systems, or trash collection."
"So, this really is luxury living off-grid, pretty much, at a decent cost."
"When it comes to going off the grid, there is nothing better than a Winnebago Class B motorhome."
"You're off grid which is obviously very nice to relax."
"It's powered by solar, I could potentially be off grid or in the van forever."
"It's perfect for those spontaneous road trips or off-grid Adventures."
"This is by far the easiest process I've seen to where if you wanted to go off-grid and you didn't know anything about solar that they can help make that happen."
"I live off grid I have no expenses and uh so it's it's it's wonderful."
"I'm utterly gobsmacked at how well it's worked. I mean, four weeks off-grid, you can't get a better test than that."
"The off-grid space at the moment as you probably noticed is absolutely booming."
"I'm just absolutely pumped to be able to know we can live fully off-grid and have all the power in the world."
"Off-gridding is so much better than we thought it would be, especially in a beautiful place like this."
"Being off-grid in your van is like being packed somewhere really picturesque, just a stone's throw away from a really nice walk."
"I wouldn't worry about having nice fancy things when you're living off-grid."
"Rainwater harvesting doesn't necessarily need electricity to function. It's great for remote properties."
"Being completely off-grid, knowing that we have an endless water supply for future vegetable gardens or fruit orchards, whatever comes our way out here, being able to have showers would be real nice."
"Being off grid is really exciting."
"We've always had a big goal to own a piece of wild property where we could maybe build ourselves a little tiny home off-grid."
"This classic Hawaiian Plantation home will be outfitted with a 10,000-gallon water catchment tank and solar panels to take this house Off the Grid."
"Just because we do live off grid in the middle of the woods does not mean that we can't shower in style."
"Having a full solar-powered off-grid house is one of the best things you can do on this island."
"We've got this dream, you see, of living a remote life, off the grid, somewhere in a quiet little cottage in the middle of nowhere."
"It's designed to be completely used off grid."
"This package is not to make you have the ability to boondock but it makes you have a product that can actually operate better through a healthy battery that's constantly charged by that 200 watt panel that's in the sunlight."
"So everything in this motorhome can be run off of the solar and the battery alone."
"If you do want to spend a lot of time off grid... learning how to deal with your waste... is going to be really useful."
"It's very rewarding to be able to put a system like this together and go off-grid and be self-sufficient."
"I've got over 6,000 Watt hours of power to live off-grid for a very, very long time."
"The sun will hit the solar, it'll charge the batteries, and we'll be okay because it's an off-grid Caravan."
"Living off-grid gives a great feeling, a feeling of empowerment."
"One of the things I most enjoy about living off-grid is the sense of achievement when you provide things for yourself."
"So we just closed the deal on something that's been in the works for several months. We bought 80 acres with an off-grid cabin, sort of a cabin, it's really off-grid but it's sort of a cabin."
"We are off grid here. We currently have no electricity."
"Off-grid water basically comes in three forms: water from below the ground, surface water, and collected precipitation."
"Living off-grid has taught us to really appreciate the little things in life."
"It gives you so many options and allows you to have a lot of fun, and really it takes you off the grid so you don't have to stay on the road, you don't have to stay in a park."
"When I first envisioned living off-grid out here, I definitely imagined a beautiful outdoor shower and bath area."
"It is a little cabin, 620 square feet, completely off the grid."
"Experience the incredible marine life, unspoiled beauty, and off-grid lifestyle."
"We're working towards being self-sustaining off-grid."
"This is a lush sanctuary of Maori ancestral land that is completely off the grid."
"We live off-grid in this log cabin over there, and we grow 90% of our own food."
"I am so glad Larry installed this Easy Start so we can run the bedroom air even when not on shore power."
"We can have an off-grid experience, off-grid adventure here."
"If you want to see more from our life here off-grid, please be sure to subscribe."
"Every home can leave here completely off-grid."
"We're going off-grid, our all communities are off-grid: water, solar, sewer, power, and everything."
"Being able to run the fridge at a lower temperature, not needing so much heating, all make a big difference to the power that we consume whilst we're off-grid."
"It's an absolutely gorgeous evening here tonight at the off-grid cabin."
"Definitely with today's climate in the world, we feel that people moving off-grid is more common and people really want to do it."
"We're going to make it far more off-grid so we can take this little thing properly on the road."
"Getting off grid and getting away from it all literally anywhere you want has never been easier."
"Have you noticed a positive impact on your mental well-being since living off-grid? Yes, 100%."
"It's built completely off the grid with an on-site well, solar panels, batteries, and is made almost entirely out of recycled materials."
"It's really been quite an experience living off-grid; it makes you appreciate pollutants nature and a bigger way."
"It's completely off-grid with solar panels, a rammed earth fireplace, radiant in-floor heating, and a constructed wetland for natural wastewater treatment."
"This is what I've wanted to do with the campervan trip, we have no electric, no power of any kind, we've got gas, we've got the fridge working, we've got running water, and we're just living off the grid."
"Spending a couple of months in Europe just exploring and living off the grid."
"The sun is shining, welcome to off-grid life in Baja."
"What this community and what this farm is supposed to be and why we did this and how we set it up... a collection of people that all came here onto this land that had a dream of living off-grid, living off the land, and building their own dream tiny house."
"I can be parked out boondocking for a week, not even start my car, and my battery is fully charged."
"You stay off-grid for much longer, and that's what I like about the cassette toilets."
"We're set up for being off-grid for any to just to live a comfortable life."
"Living without electricity, living without running water, eating more of your daily intake from natural food sources like wild game, it's not easy. But I wouldn't want it any other way."
"Hi, I'm Nisha, I'm Mike, and we're renovating a 45-foot narrowboat and turning it into a tiny floating off-grid home."
"Living this far off-grid and this far in the bush, this is something that we need to do on our own."
"The massive power capacity and solar charging capability of the Maxoak Bluetti EB150 make it possible to live completely off the grid."
"We fell in love with North Idaho and purchased 20 acres of raw off-grid land."
"I like the 12-volt refrigerator because then if you're boondocking, the solar panels will run this refrigerator."
"We've been living off-grid in this cabin for almost a year now, and today is the day that we start building our geodesic dome off-grid greenhouse."
"It really wasn't that long ago we were dreading the monthly electricity bill, now we hope to never receive one again."
"For us, living remote means we've been living without the luxury of running water and grid electricity. Our goal is to be as self-sufficient as possible."
"Welcome to the off-grid garage here, guys, in sunny hot Australia."
"With this system, we're able to have hot water pretty much whenever and wherever we want, and especially while we're camping off-grid."
"Life off the grid is far more challenging than living on the grid, but life becomes more rich and fulfilling."
"What's up everybody, welcome back to the channel, I'm out here at the off-grid property."
"These just right summers would allow us to go live remote off the grid without worry about the weather."
"Deciding to live off-grid has taught us many valuable lessons already."
"We have been living off-grid for the past 13 years."
"I bought this van because I wanted something that was completely independent for going off-grid."
"You can live off-grid, you quite literally could go and park absolutely anywhere you like."
"We have everything you need to live without electricity: for heat, food, light, water."
"You could completely live off the grid in something like this if you love to travel."
"It's just so great because it is easy to cool, easy to heat, and if it's off-grid you got electricity, you got water."
"One of the things that living off-grid taught us is that you have to pay attention to your resources."
"You could be completely off-grid with one of these systems."
"Here on Steep in the Woods, we live completely off-grid on a 26-acre homestead nestled deep in the Appalachian Mountains."
"This RV has standard a 2000 watt inverter so that if you want to be able to run some household outlets in it, all of the outlets are capable of being run off battery power."
"Hello, look where we are. We are in the wilderness. We have finally made it off-grid."
"When you're off the grid, your diesel lasts longer for running your primary engines."
"This Schneider system is powering my house and garage off-grid, and it's been working fantastic."
"Living off-grid, completely minimal like this within nature, has been a dream of mine for ages."
"The fact that we have 380 watts of solar on here is going to go a long way toward expanding how much time you can spend off-grid without charging your batteries."
"We're an off-grid, regenerative no-till vegetable farm."
"We're talking about living 14 years off-grid."
"This building is pretty much entirely off the land."
"It's an absolute beauty of a day here today up at the off-grid cabin."
"Being fully off-grid, I'm actually able to keep in touch with other people."
"We highly recommend living off grid if you're willing to put in the work to get it all set up and running."
"Moving off-grid and starting my homestead has been the very best decision I ever made in my life."
"This is our Jackery Explorer 1000... it's a portable power station... having a backup power solution when we're off-grid like we are 99.9% of the time is a massive plus."
"Living in places like this off-grid and cooking up a storm, it's awesome."
"You can live off-grid, it's great if you're prepared."
"People underestimate how much money it costs to actually live off the grid."
"People living off the grid or the subsistence lifestyle in Alaska have always been a constant source of fascination for the American viewing public."
"The solar panel kept our battery topped up to over 13 volts for an entire week while we were off grid."
"I was born and raised off the grid in Costa Rica. We lived completely off the grid in the jungle."
"If you're new here, we are renovating this abandoned farm into our dream off-grid homestead."
"Boiling water using the harness power from the Sun and wind is a huge step for us in removing our dependency on propane."
"My dream is to one day live off the grid, and I've learned so much from my experience with this whanau."
"Good morning, guys. Welcome back another fine day at the off-grid."
"I went off grid when I was 17 years old to live in the bush by myself."
"Being off-grid doesn't mean you have to equal struggle. You're allowed to have some comforts and be off-grid still."
"Building our off-grid home completely on our own, we tried to recycle and repurpose as many building materials as we can."
"Since we've been living an off-grid life almost with solar panels and stored energy, moving towards a more sustainable future."
"This is an absolute game changer for the off-grid lifestyle."
"Welcome to Red and April off-grid. Join us as we build our off-the-grid passive energy dream home."
"The biggest thing about this adventure that we're doing with the off-grid lifestyle is if not now, then when?"
"You can live off-grid anywhere, even in the city."
"We're shaping a unique enclave for off-grid enthusiasts."
"I live off-grid with no physical connection to any public utilities in a tiny house in the woods."
"We live off-grid in the Arizona desert and we are trying to make it solely on rainwater."