
Dungeon Master Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Finding joy in your players' creativity, success, and victory is a big part of the learning curve of a Dungeon Master."
"It's almost like you're playing like a dungeon master where it's like everyone take your turn now, and based on what I've seen, I'm gonna do this."
"Trust your Dungeon Master to run the rules fairly."
"Every session can be entirely unique and when you throw these random items in with the players they start thinking outside the box and doing things that surprise you as a dungeon master and are delightful."
"I've never experienced this level of engagement from a dm before."
"Being a dungeon master is like one of my favorite things to do."
"Having a DM who shuts down divination completely and doesn't give you what you're hoping for out of divination is not a good DM-player relationship."
"I love that part of it because it's almost a guide for the DM and the player."
"This game allows us, like I said, to be without a dungeon master, and I'm really excited to see all these packs."
"Dungeon Master helped to popularize an entire frickin genre."
"I tried to give them a D&D experience worth remembering."
"But if your campaign isn't regularly teetering on the edge of disaster, are you even really a DM?"
"Doing this as a dungeon master or not as a player is is something that you can engage in that will help enhance your world and bring things to life."
"Being a dungeon master is incredibly rewarding. I love expanding and building my world."
"Being a dungeon master is intimidating for those who've never done it before."
"Skill challenges help the dungeon master encourage players to work together on something."
"Only should be an immediate red flag trigger for you if your dungeon master says and the hill giant rakes this huge club across and a wide sweep of your chest he hits with a 19 and does only 12 points of damage."
"We want to make it feel like you're going up against a DM that's trying to push you to your limits."
"I like to make every single campaign I run as a dungeon master a little bit unique."
"What is the point of DMing? Is it even possible to have a game where the players are as invested as the DM is?"
"Campaign arcs help a dungeon master set form and tone for their campaign."
"Creating amazing worlds to share with my players is one of my favorite feelings as a DM. Getting to share my world with...the world. Even better."
"I wish every DM knew that they could change this. I wish every DM felt empowered to do whatever they wanted."
"I could hear the despair in the DM's voice when I pulled that off."
"Great storytelling on the DM's part pretty twisted in fact."
"I've gone on record before saying that the DM is the person most responsible for how much fun people are having and that is still true."
"One of the best skills a DM can have is the ability to create immersive locations that feel magical in their own different ways."
"...pretty brilliant stuff by the DM here, I love a well-executed twist that makes you question what's real."
"Become a passive dungeon master and let the players come to you."
"The sigh of relief from a dungeon master when you are like, oh god, I don't have to write as much plot anymore."
"Many DMs feel insecure that they'll ruin the game by giving players an inch, but it's important to remember that it's still a game and to prioritize player happiness."
"The dungeon master went all out on this description."
"No matter your skill level as a DM, it can sometimes be impossible to stay organized without help."
"Our poor DM can't keep up with us."
"Creating your own world is the best part about being a DM, and great ideas can come from anywhere."
"Literally one of the rules in the game is if the DM okay's it, it is fine."
"The DM's job is to make the game challenging so that your victories feel earned."
"A good DM can make these events impactful and full of emotion."
"It's like one of those games where it serves as like the DM."
"It really expanded how I felt about being a dungeon master."
"Nobody expects you to be perfect as a DM, but you should be trying to listen to players to make it a fun experience for them and yourself instead of trying to 'win'."
"Being a good DM is understanding when to compromise and understand your players."
"Hopefully this can help someone understand the importance of bringing things up to a DM or the table."
"So I do something that's really mean as a DM, and I tend to flavor the attacks sometimes intentionally to hide exactly what they do."
"You've seen her dungeon mastering on 'Girls Guts Glory,' which is streamed from Wizards of the Coast."
"I'm a dungeon master. And I think you'd really enjoy playing D&D with me."
"I've been DMing for more than two decades now."
"I'm your dungeon master for this adventure."
"These are excellent tips whether you're a veteran dungeon master or new to being a dungeon master."