
Infinity Quotes

There are 1945 quotes

"You look deep enough into infinity, and you find your destiny. And that destiny is everything you could be."
"The exploration of mathematical structure is in principle endless."
"God is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere."
"Maybe there is no ultimate limit and that maybe this infinite regress is not really a problem but is actually a feature of reality."
"Infinity by its very nature must contain all finitities."
"It's a very paradoxical thing about infinity. It's not a bug, it's a feature."
"You become infinite by this knowledge. You realize your infinity."
"That is infinite, this is infinite; from that infinite, this infinite has come. Here itself, if you recognize that infinity, infinity alone remains. Om peace, peace, peace."
"We have total knowing of absolutely everything in the moment of knowing it; we are infinite and we are eternal."
"The Great Desert Breath...an extraordinary land art installation...designed to explore infinity and the desert as a landscape of the mind."
"The sorrow of Samsara is transcended, and I attain fulfillment because I'm infinite. There's nothing beyond me; everything is included and is encompassed by my infinite being."
"It's odd to think that you can have two infinite sets of objects, like the set of odd numbers and the set of even numbers, which, when added together, yield a set which is exactly the same size as each of them."
"Egypt has this idea of materializing infinity, materializing resurrection, materializing the afterlife."
"The first thing G.K. Cantor, who developed set theory, noticed was that there are different sizes of infinity."
"Cantor had made a very important observation: there are different ways to generate larger infinities."
"Do you think you're really grasping the seriousness of infinity?"
"Oh my goodness, the block regenerates. So, that means we can keep breaking it, and it's infinite."
"There's an infinite amount of space between zero and one. Only human beings could tap into that."
"The world really is absolute infinity. It is everything and nothing."
"Reality is absolutely infinite. It's absolutely infinite. You don't understand; it's absolutely infinite."
"Absolute infinity includes realities that are like little bubbles inside of it which are very limited and very diluted."
"You are so complete because you are absolutely infinite. You have everything. You need nothing more."
"Dimensionality is almost limitless, almost infinite."
"We don't understand the concept of infinity. That's not something that we can understand."
"The universe is immortal because it's limitless and infinite."
"The dream machine... can dream up whatever it wants. It's an infinite dream."
"You're saying and we're infinite beings. We infinitely go on and on and on because there's infinite numbers of us, infinite scenarios playing out."
"Einstein once famously said there are only two things that might be infinite: space and human stupidity. And he wasn't sure about space."
"You take infinity and you divide it by two, what do you get? Infinity."
"Science itself, I would say, is infinite because I think the universe is infinite."
"To see the infinite in the tiniest of things."
"Isn't it insane that one of the byproducts of [consciousness] is that it's given us this capacity to be able to start to grasp at infinities, to be able to push the limits of something, if we were not designed to think about this?"
"Every single object is a universe onto itself which goes on to infinity, infinite in all directions, all of it working seamlessly, perfectly together without a single bug or a single glitch."
"Logically speaking, with infinite stars, infinite planets, infinite universes, you will also have infinite possibilities."
"There are two things that are infinite: the universe and human stupidity."
"The more you explore the potential of this stillness, the more you realize it's infinite."
"There will be an infinite amount of life in the universe."
"Think about the vast infiniteness of the Universe!"
"When focus is key, even infinity might not be enough to capture the clarity of the cosmos."
"Every decision just has an infinity in the expected value column, assuming infinity has this absorption property."
"The mathematics of infinity are incredibly complicated if not potentially defunct."
"I just like to ask questions and also I didn't want to come in and say a whole bunch of other record [__] either because it's like what does that do."
"You cannot divide eternity in two parts. If I cut something that's infinite in half, both halves are infinite."
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."
"You're both recognizing the power and the feeling of infinity and eternity in this connection."
"An actual numberless infinite is not a countable number. An actual infinite remains the same even if you add or subtract as many zeros as you want from it. It doesn't change."
"An infinite universe doesn’t have the same problem, and I guess it’s often accepted because it’s actually not much more philosophically satisfying to propose a finite universe."
"So too, as we discussed with multi-dimensions where some expanded and others did not, things could be infinite in our usual three dimensions, but not in other physical dimensions or in time."
"There are infinite sizes of infinity, and Cantor demonstrated this."
"To see the infinite universe in a single glance."
"The universe is infinite not only in terms of time and space but also what can be found within it has a multitude of unknown laws and inexplicable facts the endless stories of oddities only go to prove this."
"There is always more, it is truly infinite, you will never cease to discover."
"To be absolutely sovereign means to have infinite absolute copies of oneself."
"Space, the final frontier, a realm of infinite possibilities and mysteries that have puzzled humanity for eons."
"The universe may be infinite and infinitely old."
"The universe, a vast expanse stretching beyond the farthest reaches of human imagination, encompasses all of space, time, matter, and energy."
"Even if everybody on the planet were to suffer torture for a hundred years, it would still be less than if God forbid would have suffered infinite torture forever. That would still be more. Infinity just changes the whole ball."
"This universe is only one of an infinite number..."
"An infinite world produces uncountable variance... oddly occur an endless number of times."
"Who you really are is deathless, infinite being, pure love, beauty."
"Time stretches back for all infinity in this sort of bigger system in the multiverse."
"Infinite time and infinite space — that to me is the 'ultimate.'"
"Consciousness has a beginning but it has no end."
"You are one, infinite, and zero - a perfect mathematical structure."
"I think it's probably more intuitive that there is some kind of terminus to an infinite regress."
"Reality is infinite, so you can always jump outside one holon to a higher one."
"There is no death, it's part of life, it's part of infinity."
"Human imagination is one of the two things in the universe that appear to be infinite."
"Accept everything; it can only be absolute infinity."
"Infinity contains everything that can exist."
"When we are present, the infinite is available."
"The universe is infinite, it has no beginning and no end."
"Your attention is being drawn to the infinite nature of reality, that which exists outside the known is beyond measure."
"Value creation opportunity: create value for others. It's infinite."
"If the universe is infinite, it's only an inevitability... that human humanoid aliens would exist."
"Recognize and use the spiritual power of the infinite."
"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities."
"Consciousness is actually limitless, all pervasive, infinite."
"I quite like the symbol for infinity because it's a cool concept." - Meghan
"I think my favorite symbol is the infinity symbol." - Dr. Bauer
"It's like love on top of love, it's like love stacked on top of love, it's like love times two, love square, it's like love in a circle, it's infinite."
"A human life is devoid of any value to you unless it's infinite."
"The main thing here is that this place successfully re-establishes itself as the infinitely boundless space that it is."
"What Cantor achieved was to treat infinity as a subject of mathematics itself."
"One classic example that Craig has given to show infinity cannot exist is that of Hilbert's infinite hotel."
"The solution to being a finite being is not to take God and make it finite to match you but rather to realize that oh I'm finite there's something beyond me something infinite let me expand myself to infinity."
"Cloud Atlas... is also about infinity and the impossibility of understanding infinity from the vantage point of the finite."
"We live in an infinite Universe. There has to be something out there."
"Some infinities are literally bigger than other infinities."
"You're chasing that excitement, something that feels infinite."
"Phi does not end, and neither does our search for beauty in the universe we live in."
"Tap into the big self, the part of us that's infinite, eternal."
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity."
"The universe can and probably will expand forever."
"We are actually always connected with that infinite internal world."
"We are one, we are infinite, we are the divine, we are connected."
"We have effectively an infinite number of universes all connected with black hole, white holes all the way through."
"You are an extension of the universe itself; stardust runs through your veins, and galaxies swirl in your soul."
"You are infinite, you are infinity, you are part of a divine miracle of life."
"Where the horizon seems endless and the water stretches all the way to the sky."
"The guitar to me is the instrument of infinity; it's the instrument of your soul."
"The infinity groupoid is the mathematics of all possible axiom systems."
"People can reach infinity, but those who reach it turn into nothing."
"There are infinite things you can do, infinite possibilities."
"My love is infinite and it feels great to express it."
"Language is an infinite space of possible expression which is what makes it so remarkable."
"The infinity symbol stands for a connection that cannot be recreated nor can it be broken. It's one of a kind, symbolic of twin flames counterparts unbreakable bond."
"I love this music, like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel."
"You are that existence, that infinite being."
"The shorter-to-the-longer ratio is exactly that 1.62. Well, actually 1.618. Actually 1.6180339…; it’s one of those that goes forever."
"There's something about us that is infinite in space and time."
"It's like an infinity mirror but filled with flowers, so they just look like they go on forever."
"You are a limitless creator expressing the glory of the same creative force that birth galaxies."
"I merged into an infinite presence that utterly and completely adored me."
"...the decisive question of a man's life is, is he connected to something infinite or not."
"It's like the infinity symbol, what goes around comes around."
"You have to make your own universe, your own world... everything is infinite, the universe is infinite, and I believe that each of us we create our own reality."
"Seeing eternity... is like seeing an endless endlessness, a spaceless space."
"The idea of an infinite universe... it's too crazy to think that up. Love literally goes on forever."
"God's love and God's power, even the universe, is bigger than what you can put in a box."
"The set of all possible infinite binary sequences is uncountable."
"Some infinities were larger than other infinities."
"You are an incredible and infinite spark of the universe."
"The space-time globule which we recognize as the totality of all cosmic entity is only an atom in the genuine infinity which is there."
"There is something about which to have infinite passion, namely infinity."
"The system suddenly shows him that he leveled up and all his stats are replaced with the infinity symbol."
"The possibilities are virtually endless."
"Can something as finite as death occur in the infinite hotel?"
"In this moment, I swear... we are infinite."
"The All creates in its infinite mind countless universes."
"I love her to the moon and back a thousand infinity."
"We are always this, we are always infinite."
"Those who hand themselves over to the infinite participate in the infinite."
"The pursuit of exploration may be infinite."
"Infinity is now within their reach."
"His thoughts about us are endless."
"The ‘startling’ claim is that adding up all positive integers, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on, to infinity added up to -1/12."
"How many real numbers are there between 0 and 1? An infinite number, right?"
"If you were Infinity, what game wouldn't you play?"
"We thought it was infinite, but we may have proof that it has a boundary."
"My girlfriend is awesome. I love her to infinity and beyond."
"Gazing at the night sky, we contemplate the myriad scenarios and alternate versions of our own lives in an infinite multi-dimensional reality."
"Infinite time and space mean that any unlikely event will happen an infinite number of times."
"The list of prime numbers never ends."
"If you're infinite, what is the outcome? Just experience. There is only the joy of the dance."
"Both of them make perfect sense to me that the universe could be finite or infinite. The statement neither makes sense just kind of stops me in my tracks."
"If the universe is infinite, it indeed can keep expanding without getting bigger, since you can't get bigger than infinity."
"Endless worlds, endless landscapes, endless intelligences."
"...how does infinity see this problem I think I have? And then I automatically smile..."
"Life pulling, fulfilling, a great cyclic motion leading from the infinite back again to the infinite."
"In me the Limitless ocean of awareness."
"The world is only response, infinite response."
"There's a need for the infinite, yet everything we assess is finite."
"Oh you disappoint me no not nothing but Infinity eternity immortality Numbers Never Die."
"Count the stars in the sky; you mean it's infinite."
"The possibilities are quite literally endless."
"God's knowledge has no beginning, God's knowledge has no ending."
"I, the Consciousness, am infinite, and there's no one object, one person, one entity in this universe different from me."
"'Look at the sky and see if you can count the Stars...'"
"As counterintuitive as this seems, these sets really are equal to each other in size. They are equally infinite."
"Look at the whole of infinity down there. What a Trippy Place!"
"An infinite number of integers and they never repeat."
"It's like an infinite bag of holding."
"An achingly beautiful and gloriously terrifying dreamscape, enduring on the majestic shores of infinity."
"Infinity is the personification of space and is an incredibly powerful Cosmic being, surpassed by very few others."
"Awareness, which is having the experience, is infinite."
"You are worth what you are worth and you are worth Infinity."
"So, when you look at the night sky, that sense of awe grips you and calls something out of you right to respond to your encounter with the infinite, and even your encounter with mortality, your encounter with finitude and limitation, all of that in relationship to the infinite."
"I think theoretically, is there ever an edge? We've got a really good idea there are good reasons to believe that the fraction that we can see is only a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of the whole."
"It is the infinite, the dark, and the light."
"So if I calculate how much energy there is in the vacuum in this little bottle of water, it's Infinity. And I'm pretty sure there's not an infinite amount of energy inside this bottle."
"If I could fit the infinite God in my three-pound brain, He would not be worth worshipping, that’s for certain."
"They love you to the moon and back."
"Knowledge is infinite, man. Absolutely."
"We are living in an infinite world and universe full of abundance."
"Infinity is useful in conceptualizing things. It's not actual by definition."
"Just this ongoing fission reaction of infinite bullets exploding."
"Omniscience includes knowledge of infinite things, if there are infinite things to know."
"God's grace is infinite, his love is infinite."
"Look at all those infinities, eights, and new beginnings."
"Infinity is pretty big. If we counted each prime number, 2, 3, 5, 7, it would go on forever."
"It's essentially an infinite amount of monkeys... creating an infinite amount of stuff."
"And so you can't even really wrap your arms around it conceptually because it's just simply without limit."
"It's absolutely true that there's no reason to think that just because there are an infinite number of universes in whatever sense of universe you mean... doesn't mean everyone exists."
"Gödel's candy store: an infinite variety of possible conscious experiences that could never be exhausted."
"In conclusion, the DC Multiverse is a tapestry of infinite Realms, dimensions, and Cosmic forces."
"In an infinite Universe, I suppose there must be one somewhere. If we take a universal perspective, all of these things are true. If there's an infinite Universe, then everything's happening somewhere."
"The Multiverse posits an infinite set of points in space-time extending in all directions."
"The universe is too big to contain itself."
"You get the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34... Successive numbers add together to get to the next number to Infinity and Beyond."
"No, it's 5,000 out of infinity. Oh, well, that's terrible. Is it? Anything out of infinity is just [ __ ]."
"Clouds don't hide anything except for the infinity and ongoing nature of space."
"Superman has often dealt with the concept of infinity and overcome it."
"If you have an infinitely huge universe you're going to come up with an infinite number of questions."
"Even if you have a single universe, if it's infinite you already have as much vastness as you could possibly hope for and more."
"The soul is not finite. What is finite means it has a beginning and it has an end. The opposite of finite is infinite. Infinite means that it is always expanding, right? It doesn't stop any place. It is always growing. It's like the universe. It's just infinite."
"The ideal of the soul is to be free to expand, to embrace the infinite."
"If you can come out of infinity, absolute infinite love and acceptance, and if you can see your life in it as infinite even though at times it may not be, then what happens is that gradually you become congruent with that infinity within you."
"In poetry, the finite thing opens out to the infinite every time, just as Christ's particularity doesn't stop him from being the cosmic Christ."
"I love you guys to the moon and back to the stars and back to the infinite and back."