
Self-honesty Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"If you were fully 100% self-honest with yourself right now... you would actually faint and collapse to the floor with a panic attack."
"Being honest with yourself is crucial; if you're not being honest about what you want and what you care about, you're not being your true self."
"Make a commitment towards maximum radical self-honesty. Always be truthful with yourself."
"Remember, the quickest way to change something and get into fulfillment or happiness is being honest with yourself."
"If I'm even lying to the person looking back at me in the mirror, then how the hell am I supposed to find the real me?"
"The anxiety itself may not be realistic, but the feelings are very real, so don't lie to yourself."
"No one lies to us more than we lie to ourselves. It's about understanding your own choices and learning to be honest with yourself."
"You have to be honest with yourself and know what it is that you want. If you want to live a different lifestyle, then you have to make sure your actions align with the lifestyle that you want to live."
"You will never be empowered lying to yourself."
"Be real with yourself. Be honest with yourself. You have to remember the things that didn't make you feel good about the relationship."
"Use the tool of your pranayama or your breath to stay focused and really be honest with yourself about how you feel each day and each time you come to the mat."
"The worst feeling in the world is if I lie to myself. I can't sleep with that."
"Apps are lying to yourself that you're not eating an extra meal; desserts are honest and they're for you at your worst."
"Anyone who follows that fitra and is honest with themselves will be led to Islam."
"Genuine authentic change and growth and a desire to accomplish your goals or your weight-loss journey has to be done with you being honest with yourself but also a motive, an incentive to actually do it."
"And then take action and that can never happen without telling ourselves the truth."
"Once you are honest with yourself, once you decide to do something, once you truly commit and put your heart into it, the change happens."
"I just gut check myself really well. If you lie to yourself there's only one person that loses it's you."
"Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lies comes to a point if he cannot distinguish the truth within him or around him and so loses all respect for himself and for others."
"Let my story inspire you to be honest with yourself."
"In being completely honest with who we used to be, it gave us a clean slate."
"We're not giving up, we're being very honest with ourselves."
"To prevent a loss of enjoyment by avoiding the assessment would be a lie, and since I don't actually intend on sacrificing my integrity, I won't accept a lie."
"The most loving thing to do for everyone is being in truth and being honest with yourself."
"Discipline is rooted in the truth we tell ourselves."
"Discipline is rooted in the truth that we tell ourselves."
"Essentially what you're doing is telling the truth to yourself in an untrembled manner."
"You've gotta be honest with yourself on trades when you're looking back on it."
"Don't let your morals make you lie to yourself."
"Be real with yourself, you cannot lie when you're trying to come up."
"You got to look yourself in the eyes and be able to tell the truth."
"Life's greatest heartbreak is being untrue to yourself."
"Because they won't lie to themselves anymore, they've been in this situation with this guy who's been giving him the same line for five years about, 'I don't really know what I want...' but she stays anyway because she loves him so much."
"Fine, give the relationship the honest try it. Tell someone what you need, tell someone what you want it to be, give your all, see if it can be that, but stop lying to yourself if every time you turn the page it's the same page of writing."
"Sometimes you just gotta keep it 100 with yourself."
"The essence of bravery is being without self-deception."
"Honesty with yourself is key to avoiding indecision and reclaiming your power."
"Healthy people can be honest with themselves and take action."
"Refusing something contrary to our values is not just about setting boundaries with others, it's also about being honest with ourselves."
"I don't believe you fight ideology with ideology... truth, tell the truth, be honest with yourself."
"You're healing, you're aligning... being honest with yourself, being honest with others."
"In order for you to completely move forward and invest yourself completely into something, you need to be honest with yourself."
"As long as you're being honest with yourself, that's all you can be."
"Being truly honest with yourself is the first big step."
"May Allah help us take a really good look at our own selves and be honest with ourselves."
"This is the perfect opportunity to be honest with yourself, painfully honest with yourself."
"Treat yourself with that kindness because you're bloody well deserved."
"You have to be transparent, most importantly with the person in the mirror."
"You really have to be honest about yourself and how you're going to use the bike."
"Nothing is more sexy than authenticity deep divers the best relationship advice is this every single day I want you to realize that you have to be honest."
"Be honest with yourself. It's... it gives you a better life."
"Be honest with yourself about setting standards."
"Hold the truth. Tell the truth. Tell yourself the truth."
"Honesty: I can't always expect the truth from others but I can expect it from myself."
"Honesty to your inner self is astoundingly important."
"The more honest you are with yourself, the better you're able to love."
"One of the most important things is to be honest with yourself."
"Letting certain things go and finding integrity won't betray you."
"Stop lying to women, ladies. Stop lying to yourself. That's the first thing."
"To thine own heart be true, you know, like, at all costs, no matter what it says, even if it's crazy."
"Remember to be open and honest with yourself because you deserve true unconditional love."
"To thine own self be true. You can't lie to you."
"Put your feelings aside and really look at the situation for what it is. Do not sugarcoat it, do not lie to yourself."
"I want to start being truer to myself and honoring myself more. I just want to make sure that the actions I'm doing every day and the words that I'm speaking to myself and other people all honor who I truly am."
"Choose in the way you would a medical issue—be sincere with yourself."
"If I'm not accepting the truth and what I'm actually going through I'm essentially just lying to myself and everyone around me."
"It's okay to be emotional and cry, take time to heal from situations and people who have hurt you, be honest with yourself, and allow yourself to feel your emotions."
"Be honest with what you want and choose accordingly."
"Whenever you refuse to be honest with yourself, you're not fit for the kingdom of God."
"You never ever ever ever ever lie to yourself."
"This is about you taking a risk on what you know is best for yourself and what you need to be honest with yourself about in order to find this financial independence."
"Be honest with yourself, honor yourself. Exactly, be honest with yourself, be true to yourself."
"I think one of the most important things is being honest with your group and being honest with yourself."
"Discipline is rooted in the truth that we tell ourselves and I think that answers what you just said is it's about the discipline that you're willing to commit and it's the truth that you tell yourself."
"You just gotta let go of that, you gotta be honest with yourself."
"Staying real... it's about being honest to yourself."
"It's time to be honest with yourself and honest with others and be with those who do not with those who don't."
"I recognize that this feeling is faith and that by honoring the feeling I remain true to who I am and reality."
"The second that I stopped lying to myself, started being real with myself, started having conversations with myself on how to become a better person, holy fuck, the real shit started to happen."
"Don't be afraid of the truth and be honest with yourself."
"It's better than lying to myself that I'm happy with this."
"Be honest with yourself about the things that you want; don't focus too much on how others feel about things that you want."
"Being very honest with yourself... is very important for growth."
"It's okay to not be okay, but just be honest with yourself."
"Queens never lie to themselves. A queen will not have a spirit of discernment and discern that this man is of the devil and was sent into my life to wreck my life."
"Lying to yourself can work in this life; it won't work in the next life."
"If you do not have clear, specific goals for your life, don't tell me you wish your life was better because you're lying to me and you're lying to yourself."
"Being honest with ourselves about what we really want, how we really feel, and who we really are is better than forcing ourselves to live a life that is not being sincere with ourselves."
"Your actions tell the truth about you."
"Self-mastery takes self-honesty. And the only way you're ever going to get to a level is to heal yourself."
"Never lie to yourself and find excuses for your boyfriend. That's how you end up giving yourself unnecessary heartbreaks."
"I will never ever lie to myself. I will be truthfully, I will be as brutally honest as I have to be with myself because that's all I have."
"Self-honesty is key for all of us. We all have the same core suffering, this conditioning to live in a shrunken reality of a separate self."
"Self-honesty is truly so important."
"Telling the truth starts with being honest with yourself."
"Be very, very, very honest about yourself."
"When you're honest with yourself and true to yourself, you'll never lose, you always win."
"One of the worst things you can do to yourself is to pretend like everything is alright when it ain't."
"The hardest thing to do is to be honest with yourself."
"I understood that even if I'm sacrificing some dreams, it's better that I'm not lying to myself."
"You're not very good at lying to yourself; you always are honest about who you are and what you feel."
"If you're honest with where you are right now, that's the only way you can move to where you really want to be."
"Being honest with yourself about your weaknesses will bring you much further than believing you're good at things that you're not."
"Stop telling yourself those four lies. You just need to do the things that really matter to you."
"You were honest with you, you were brave for you, you were vulnerable on behalf of you."
"You're gonna be miserable if you're not being honest with yourself, period."
"It's one thing for other people to lie to you, it's another thing for you to lie to yourself."
"I had to be honest with who I am, I had to be honest about my age, I had to be honest about the unlearning and the undoing that I had to do."
"What's important is just to explore, stay honest with yourself, dive in, allow your inner self to sort through this concept."
"The first step to getting anywhere in your life is being honest with yourself."
"I've just been more honest with myself."
"Keep your eyes open, listen to your gut, be honest with yourself."
"The worst person you could lie to is yourself."
"You can't help anybody else unless you're honest with yourself."
"You cannot love yourself if you're not truthful to yourself."
"I had to be honest with myself about what it is that I was feeling and what I was receiving."
"You can't be in a relationship and be successful in that relationship unless you're willing to be honest with yourself."
"Being real with yourself is what's going to bring forth that authenticity."
"If you want to be successful, you need to be 100% just honest with yourself."
"What are you committed to doing? Don't fool yourself because you have to have integrity with yourself."
"Once we stop believing all the lies that we tell ourselves."
"I'm glad you're being true and honest to yourself; hopefully, that's a first step towards a much more vibrant and fulfilled and happy life going forward."
"Be honest and authentic with yourself."
"You will never get to where you want to be until you are honest about where you currently are."
"If you can't be honest with yourself, you'll never be able to forgive."
"You gotta just be honest with yourself."
"If you want to get results in life, start being honest with yourself."
"You're about to get so honest with yourself that you can't even lie."
"I left the religion because under a critical eye, if you're capable of being honest with yourself, then eventually you realize that it just doesn't stand up to a rational worldview."
"Part of wisdom, in my opinion, is learning to be honest with yourself."
"I always talk about how integrity is the key to transformation, and I mean integrity with yourself."
"If you can't be honest with yourself, you certainly can't be honest with anybody else in relationship."
"Just don't lie to yourself about how hard you've worked."
"The most important thing in life is not to cheat on yourself, 'turn off' your head at least sometimes and listen to your heart."
"The key is to be honest with yourself."
"Asking yourself what someone that you trust who's smarter than you might say is a good way of speaking honestly with yourself."
"May you look in that mirror, never lie to your face."
"What would it be like to not lie to myself at all?"
"I'm always going to be honest with myself."
"The only person that cannot lie to you is yourself."
"You have to be honest especially with yourself."
"Honesty with yourself is extremely important. You lie to yourself, you're totally screwed."
"The only person you have to be honest with is yourself."
"We got to be honest with ourselves first and foremost."
"Once I started being honest with myself, I was able to understand everything about my life that were contributors and not excuses."
"The hardest part of the challenge is to be honest with yourself."
"Make sure you know what you want, make sure you're getting what you want, and don't lie to yourself when you get it."
"I'm learning to be honest with myself about projects and make things that I truly want to make and will really love."
"Be honest with yourself; start doing things that honor what your heart's true desires are."
"It's important that you are becoming more and more honest with yourself."
"When you bet on yourself, you have to be honest with yourself. Am I that good? How good am I? Am I capable of that?"
"You will be more honest about your feelings, you'll be more honest about who you really are."
"You can't always expect the truth from others, but you damn sure could expect it from yourself."
"Honesty and being honest with yourself is going to set something free and give you guys the clarity."
"Be honest with yourself, Goddess Divine Feminine, express your divine feminine energy, embracing its magical intuition and nourishing qualities."
"You have to be honest with yourself now more than ever."
"Being honest and truthful with yourself when it comes to the opportunities that you take."
"Both need to heal, and you know this is about being brave and honest with ourselves."
"Honestly, I can't expect the truth from others, but I can expect it from myself."
"You've got to step up and tell the truth to yourself."
"This is the identity part, that you're being authentic, you're being honest with yourself about what you really want in life right now."
"You're being true to yourself, you're being honest about what that road looks like for you."
"It's better to be honest with yourself."
"It's going to help you so much after this moment in time to be pure and honest with yourself."
"You're going to see the truth about some lie; you're not going to lie to yourself, persevere."
"You need to be honest with yourself about what this new beginning that you want is entailing."
"The more focused you are on being honest and true to yourself about what it is that you want, the more likely you're going to attract that of what you want into your life."
"Eventually, she started living the way she felt, being honest with herself, and she never felt happier."