
Convictions Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"True North are those things that you're going to fight for because they're so important to your core values."
"Your reality is a reflection of your convictions."
"Be honest on where you stand, not wavering, that's the point."
"Deepen your convictions and that will give you bravery."
"It's just wild... It just sucks that when you're in the moment you have the conviction to stand for your beliefs... and then years later after all the devastation... it's like, 'Whoops.'"
"Your choices and actions determine your conviction."
"If you have a strong belief about something... you better stand for something because if you don't you're only going to be sent to the slaughterhouse."
"I just want to stand for something obviously because it's like what if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything."
"Your beliefs and convictions are a motivator."
"If I don't stand up for something, then I'll fall for anything."
"If you don't stand for something, I don't fall for anything."
"None of us gets out alive; there probably is a hill you should therefore be willing to die on."
"Have a conviction and connect spiritually with why waiting is the right thing to do."
"Stand up for your beliefs, do what you know is right."
"Stay strong in your convictions, don't let the day-to-day price sway what you think about the future."
"I don't want to compromise any of my convictions."
"Everybody laughed and criticized, but he got convictions."
"Your courage matters and your leadership matters, but you need to have the right convictions."
"Stand strong in your beliefs and share that knowledge."
"The worst people to talk with, the most interesting people talk, people that have strong convictions that match the amount of research and work they've done to arrive at a position. Those are the most interesting people to talk to."
"Stick to your convictions and realize, in the end, what do you care about: your team winning or the country winning?"
"If you stand for something, you have convictions and you commit to those convictions. That is how integrity operates."
"Don't back down...stand up for what you believe is right...be loyal to your vision."
"I'd rather stand for something than nothing at all."
"Convictions are worth more than a whole load of religious opinion."
"We're not gonna backtrack on our convictions."
"I wanted to do all I could so that people would not die or go bankrupt or whatever it might be, that their convictions would be looked at."
"Convictions around righteousness, holiness, character, integrity, fidelity to the scriptures - this should be the common testimony of the people of God."
"We all stand for something. What do you fall for?"
"Wilberforce was known by both friends and critics for his deep convictions and tireless enthusiasm for the plight of those less fortunate."
"You have the courage of your convictions."
"How can you compare zero criminal indictments, zero criminal convictions, compared to 89 criminal indictments and 11 convictions?"
"I hate a good many things, but I stood for them all the same."
"Lex has a strong opinion on what he thinks is right and wrong."
"If you ever willfully walk away from any one of these convictions that God has given to us, you will never get them back again. It is impossible."
"That's pretty cool man I know that if I ever go down I want to go down getting uh you know convicted in my own Courthouse you know."
"You can have convictions and still win."
"Tell me what your convictions are and I'll tell you what your morals are. If you don't believe the truth, you're not going to live a morally good life. You believe lies, heresies, you're going to lead an unfaithful life to man unto God."
"I think convictions make people the opposite of the last question... convictions are extraordinarily dangerous."
"A conviction, a conviction that Maxwell's way of working is too arbitrary, and that this one is slipping through his fingers."
"When you surrender your convictions for the sake of compliance and conformity and some kind of societal comfort, you are setting yourself up for what you don't want and what I'm going to talk about today: the mark of the beast."
"What's the root of all evil in the world? Convictions."
"Convictions are greater enemies of the truth than lies."
"Your life will take the shape of your deepest held convictions."
"You need to know who you are, what you believe, and what you stand for. You need some convictions."
"People stood by their convictions."
"May we honor you with our life and may we honor you with our convictions by living them and speaking them with love and compassion."
"It's important to stay true to yourself and your convictions."
"Unpacking why I do what I do and where my convictions are rooted has been huge."
"Being vulnerable is to be true to your convictions."
"At 18 our convictions are hills from which we look; at 45 they are caves in which we hide."
"Leadership is about the courage of your convictions."
"Sticking to your convictions and backing yourself."
"Many of those convictions have been found to be false; they've been found to be miscarriages of justice."
"Some wishes are inoffensive, innocent; some are indecent. In a world of misconstrued intentions, we must be firm in our convictions and wary of others."
"It is not having the power of your convictions that matters, it's having the power to overcome your convictions."
"You need to be very strong in your convictions."
"People let things slide by because they think it's too much trouble, or they're afraid of what people are going to say, or they just don't have the courage of their convictions."
"I live my life out with certain convictions."
"The delicacy of civilization requires us to be in constant maintenance of both our reason and our religious convictions about the nature of the world and human life."
"If everyone fought for their own convictions, there would be no war."
"I am a wife, I'm a mama to three little boys."
"Sooner or later, most of us have to choose between our convictions and what is politely referred to as being practical."
"I stand by my convictions... I fought hard against a lot of stupid [stuff] and found the little gold nuggets of truth."
"Values are our basic convictions about what's right, wrong, good, bad."
"There is a difference between being open-minded and going against your convictions."
"To me, a man is someone who has the courage of his convictions and tries to impart his will on the world in an honorable way."
"Stay true to your convictions, know that you're a good guy."
"You only live once, and if you don't follow your convictions and your dreams, then you're really not fulfilling your life."
"We need to own our attitudes and convictions because they fall within our property line."
"What do you do when your convictions and your feelings are at odds with one another?"
"I congratulate you on your strength, your courage to stand by your convictions."
"Nobody may be forced to act against his convictions, nor is anyone to be restrained from acting in accordance with his conscience in religious matters."
"Weave your convictions into your vocation."
"We're going to have to hold fast to our convictions and be willing to do life for it."
"He may have called it naive, but Shotaro's convictions and those of a true common rider saved him from himself that day."
"Convictions are very different to opinions; opinions are something that you hold to, convictions are those which hold you."
"The majority of our convictions are due to a lack of emotional stability."
"He was an ordained minister, he had very strong convictions and he made a show that was accessible to all families."
"We've got to get back in Covenant with old time convictions."
"We can't have an end time Revival with compromised convictions."
"Convictions are settled truths that possess us."