
Internet Safety Quotes

There are 339 quotes

"It's up to all of us to evolve how advertising works on the internet because only together can we protect people's safety, give advertisers new ways to grow their businesses, and reward publishers and creators, leading to a healthy and thriving internet."
"I think that kids shouldn't be able to publish something that's eternally on the internet before they understand the concept of a digital footprint."
"The internet is full of bad people who can do bad things to you."
"We have to prepare our children to realize this is not the World Wide Web; it's the wild wild web."
"You need to monitor, you need to know where they're going, and you need to protect them."
"Kids have the knowledge but not the wisdom to handle this Internet in the world wide web. Adults have the wisdom but not the knowledge."
"The golden rule should be that if you don't know the person in real life, you shouldn't be chatting with them or giving personal information to them on the internet."
"As soon as someone approaches you at the airport and knows your children, get your kids off the internet."
"I cannot recommend it enough, stay safe out there."
"If you're vulnerable on the internet, you're vulnerable to attack."
"I am almost a helicopter parent about what my daughter sees, what she does on the internet. I don't allow her to be on the internet if I'm not in the room."
"A virtual private network is a basic layer of security for you as you're browsing the web."
"I try to keep my guests private so they don't have to deal with weirdos on the internet."
"I think it's worth taking steps towards a future where it's harder for kids to access those crazy stuff."
"The principle is to never doxx. No [expletive] sherlock."
"If you're not seeing positive ratings or any ratings at all for these types of discounted opportunities, then you might have just stumbled across one of the many internet scams out there."
"With it comes great responsibility, and because the internet is barely regulated, it's up to us to make sure people know how they should be treating others and their audience."
"Stop downloading packages willy-nilly because you know what, you may end up being infected."
"Guardio is a browser extension that keeps you safe on the Internet by stopping you from visiting malicious websites."
"Minecraft-related scams target everyone but the people who are targets the most are unsuspecting young Minecraft fans who don't know any better yet."
"Educate your children on the dangers of the web and monitor their online contacts."
"On the internet they have the most child appealing innocent facade but just beneath that thin veil they're pure evil."
"Hunter Moore ended up serving two years in jail because he was investigated by the FBI for obviously the crime Revenge porn."
"The lesson from all of this is to be very, very careful just what information you release online."
"The best way to protect yourself from people like me, people like you may be the VPN."
"Dashlane's dark web monitoring sends you alerts if any of your personal info is found leaked on the dark web."
"My goal here is to get to the point where kids don't have their entire lives on the internet."
"The internet and the dangers of giving impressionable kids access to everything on it."
"A VPN is an important tool for keeping your data secure and encrypted on the internet, and I don't dare connect to public Wi-Fi without first enabling my VPN."
"The dark web doesn't have to be a super scary place as long as you take the proper precautions."
"Securing your internet traffic and browsing data is essential to ensuring your privacy is respected."
"We need to be more vigilant with what we trust from the internet."
"It's genuinely concerning the amount of our private information that is out there on the internet."
"The potential threat of quantum computers to the internet."
"Our joint objective is to mitigate the impact of harmful misinformation."
"We should be using secure by default communication for all communication, everywhere."
"The internet can be a dangerous place if you're not careful."
"If you've ever accidentally come across any of the content that I was mentioning in this video, then there's something that you have to actually do."
"Please for the love of God if you are a parent be wary and Vigilant on the internet."
"Your [expletive] is mine now: Hacker locks internet-connected chastity cage, demands ransom."
"YouTube's algorithm rabbit hole... exploited by online predators and led to radicalization."
"Any device linked to the internet is potentially vulnerable."
"Your personal information could be at risk as well as your browsing history—all of that could be visible to your ISP."
"Join the family and add a little bit of safety to your internet career, internet life, internet presence."
"I was hacked like crazy a couple of years ago, and that's why I know we've all got to be savvy when it comes to cybercrime and fraud."
"Make sure you have your own backups. Make sure that you're not downloading any shady things."
"Internet safety is right up there with everything else that I talked about."
"Value your privacy and browse safely and securely."
"Sending data over an unencrypted internet connection is kind of like sending a postcard."
"That's a great idea because letting your little kid just run free on TikTok is a very dangerous place for a kid to be."
"Ad block is a necessary good for the general internet, especially when you're browsing any random website or dealing with shady advertisements."
"Using your wi-fi uh having this secure connection to the rest of the internet can help eliminate the ability for someone to hack into your internet connection."
"Don't click on random links in emails, and always check URLs before visiting any website."
"The main point is to encrypt your web traffic so that nobody but you knows about the data you're sending or accessing online."
"I will never ask you for credit card details and I'll never ask you for personal details either, so if anyone masquerading as me asks you for anything at all please report them or ignore them. It is a scam."
"This issue with Coppa is too big for you to ignore."
"If the internet knows more about your kid's medical history than your damn doctor, you are not doing this right as a parent."
"Aura is an all-in-one Internet safety tool that includes VPN, password management, real-time credit and identity theft monitoring."
"Did you log into the dodgy fake café Wi-Fi because you thought you could Farm some herbs while waiting for your latte?" - Sponsor message
"I want to protect her with all of my being, there are some creepy people on the internet."
"This is my place on the internet, my little safe space."
"The dark web has become a cesspool of absolute scams."
"Stay off the dark web, don't go on any of these sites."
"An Internet hoax and its terrible consequences, the parents of a teenage girl who took her own life in a St. Louis suburb are now going public with her story as a cautionary tale for other parents."
"Be safe, friends. The internet is a scary place."
"Darknet sites... profit from the sexual exploitation of children... among the most vile and reprehensible forms of criminal behavior."
"Don't go on the dark web. It isn't worth it."
"We are going to have 12 probably have it now 10 year olds who are unsupervised on the internet watching the craziest stuff you've never seen."
"People probably want to know how to clean up Windows without downloading a bunch of crap from the internet."
"SurfsharkVPN: Browse the internet safely and keep your peace of mind intact."
"Taking safety and security on the internet seriously is nothing to shake a stick at."
"Your online activity shouldn't be public. It belongs to you."
"You do not want to hit some of these sites, malware data collection."
"You have the right to remain private, to browse the web safely and anonymously."
"There's just got to be roadblocks and hurdles to make it harder to stumble upon all the messed up [stuff] that's going on in the world."
"Elsa gate: adult and sexually themed masquerading as kids content."
"You will be downloading code from the internet. You want to make sure that you understand what is going on, how to modify it, and what you might need to do to successfully run that code."
"Stay safe online: The cautionary tale of Lost Boy.exe and the dangers of downloading unknown files."
"Be careful with the online predator agent predators because they are geo-engineered."
"The internet is not a safe place for the heart."
"Going on the internet without a VPN is like walking into a gunfight with a knife. You will get shot."
"In a matter of minutes, they can download hundreds if not thousands of images and videos of the most disgusting abuse of children."
"It's a fun little web series teaching people about internet safety but like in a really funny way."
"Staying safe online is more important than ever these days."
"YouTube allowed and was complicit in Onision grooming children over the internet."
"Remember, you don't need to share everything about your personal life online."
"You don't just wanna download code from the internet because you don't know what that code is going to do."
"Our intention is not to block content, but to educate on the hazards of savage content."
"There are more scams out there on the internet than there are legitimate opportunities by far."
"The real-life dark web is a thousand times more troubling than what we saw before."
"Cyber Stalker: a chilling cautionary tale about sharing personal information online."
"Staying vigilant and internetting consciously and safely is more important these days than ever before."
"Don't click on garbage. It's the same kind of concept here guys, don't touch the garbage."
"Don't keep your personal library of thoughts on the internet if you don't want people to discover it."
"Honestly, reporting the [__] to authorities on the internet should just become easier in general."
"Take control of your internet searching, keep yourself safe, and enjoy what you want no matter where you are!"
"I don't think anybody deserves to get doxxed in general. It's absolute garbage."
"Be careful what sites you visit and just don't meld into this. Fair warning."
"Be yourself. Just remember that anything you put on the internet anyone can see."
"There's a right or wrong way. The wrong way is to exploit your children on the internet at all, zero."
"One of the most important parts is just don't connect to open WiFi."
"Build healthy digital habits, create a responsible blog with Google sites, avoid online scams, evaluate credibility of online sources. Oh, that's a good one."
"It's a gentle reminder of the permanency of the internet and why we need to be prudent about what we Post online especially if we hold a lot of power and Cloud."
"Be careful what you do. Once it's on the internet, it's there forever and can't be erased."
"Did you know that if you type your password in chat it doesn't actually show up? It's just a bunch of stars."
"You have to teach your children how to essentially respect the internet just like you would teach them how to respect a firearm or a sharp blade."
"Honestly it is worse to just be a human that exists on the internet from a safety perspective than it ever has been before."
"We have to start thinking about what we can talk about in public, is my internet safe? If you are thinking like that then you're like me."
"We live in a world that is full of junk mail and spam calls and all kinds of predatory stuff on the internet."
"Back when we were you know it was like you met someone on the internet hey send me a friend gave you someone's number send me a photo send me a nude send me a photo and then you know now I know who I'm talking to."
"Once you've determined it's suspicious, the question of should I click this is already fully answered in the negative."
"Sure fast internet might be awesome but at the end of the day what's it worth if you're not being smart online."
"Be safe online and don't trust strangers on the internet; they can always lie about their identity."
"Don't click on random links, that's the lesson."
"This is the name of a website thankfully no longer active that used to teach people how to become a serial killer."
"The web is practically a digital Wild West these days with hacking scams and cyber attacks on the rise."
"Turn off the wireless in your router and use a wired connection for internet."
"Browsing the web without a virtual private network is like trying to play a cassette without a player."
"YouTube is the worst place for a teenager to go get their theology."
"It definitely delivers on their promises to keep your internet connection safe and secure."
"Don't click on that, it's just a whole bunch of scammers."
"Don't click on shit unless you know what it is."
"The dislike bar has saved people. It saved people from being clickbaited. It saved people from being scammed. It saved people hundreds of hours of their time."
"Hackers are getting more and more sophisticated each and every year and if you're not careful they're going to give you a miserable time on the internet."
"The internet is not a safe place, it's [ __ ] brutal bro."
"It definitely opened my eyes to the dangers of the Internet."
"Surfshark's clean web feature blocks ads, trackers, malware, and phishing attempts, allowing you to surf the web safely."
"With private browsing mode, none of your history gets saved or other website data that people could use to then track you and see what you've been doing online."
"When it comes to the internet, nothing is more important than maintaining cybersecurity."
"You are more likely to get a computer virus from visiting religious sites than porn sites."
"Please, if you see an ad for deep web jobs, don't click it."
"Pop-up ads are one of the most common sources of malware."
"Do not show your privates to the Internet. See, parenting starts young."
"Internet safety, ladies and gentlemen. Practice internet safety."
"I don't think people realize enough that, you know, literally anyone could be behind any account, could be behind any phone."
"The internet's great but don't go out there like it's the Wild Wild West with no protection browse safely and conveniently use a VPN use nordvpn thanks for being here with us today and thank you nordvpn for sponsoring this video."
"The main takeaway here is this: why are you clicking on attachments there lies the secret folks. The reason I don't have malware is that I don't click on things."
"You can shut down scam and phishing websites potentially within minutes."
"When it's your job to keep billions of people safe online, you have to live and breathe and see the internet just like the attackers do, because the only way to stop a hacker is to think like one."
"Thank you guys so much and remember to stay off the dark web."
"Our lives have never been more digital, which is a trend that will only continue to grow, and that being the case, we need to be protecting our online privacy and taking internet safety seriously."
"One of the most dangerous places right now, in my opinion, is online."
"If there's a video where Momo shows up on a YouTube kids video telling your kid to put a knife up their [__], they're gonna do something about it. They're not just gonna be like, 'Well, I guess this one gets to go wait till this kid does it.'"
"You can't be raw dog in the internet. You have to stay protected."
"Encrypting all your data and hiding all your activities, keeping you safe from the dangers of the internet."
"People are unaware or fearful of cyber predators. We offer free cyber security training and will come to your house to help you implement cyber security so that you can protect your family and use the internet with confidence and vigilance."
"I am not leaving you alone with internet connection and a laptop."
"Covenant eyes software can help protect you and your family against pornography"
"Online security and privacy is a must."
"When you're looking at pornography on your internet, use protection, because that monkey pox is everywhere."
"Expressvpn protects you by encrypting your network data so trust me in the name of Internet safety in the name of Peace of Mind in the name of k-dramas you need expressvpn."
"Internet safety is incredibly important and a VPN service blocks pretty much everything hackers could throw at you."
"Don't open a link that says 'come look at my game' or something... never download a file from somebody else on the internet and execute it."
"But please, not to sound like an overprotective mother, but be careful what you share when you tag locations, who you follow. You gotta stay safe out there."
"While the internet can be a great way to connect with people from all over the world with similar interests, there are definitely some risks involved when choosing to meet an online friend in person."
"Encrypting all your data and hiding all your activity, keeping you safe from the dangers of the internet."
"If you're worried that your kid's fapping it to pornhub or xHamster or whatever you [__] keep a closer eye on them."
"We're putting a legal duty of care on Internet companies to keep people safe."
"Users with malicious intent are becoming more creative to achieve their objectives."
"Do not entertain any suspicious email or sender whom you don't know and do not click on any embedded URL blindly."
"Be careful with your kids on the [ __ ] internet, bro, cause weird [ __ ] like this happens on a daily basis and they're hiding it in plain sight, breaking the system somehow, bro."
"Recognize suspicious links by hovering over them."
"Always check the URL before clicking."
"Internet safety is so important... they make sure that you stay protected whether you were at home if you are traveling."
"Just a friendly reminder guys, there are a lot of fake bots that comment on the channels and on Instagram. David and I will never ask you for crypto or to invest in forex or to message us on WhatsApp."
"If porn exists, children will find a way to access it."
"People are commenting on a lot of creators' channels lately, saying like they're posing as creators, ripping their profile pictures and stuff and saying you won like some secret giveaway and text this number or whatever. Don't do it."
"How would you feel if one of your children was 13 or 14 years old, that child was home alone chatting with somebody on the internet who ultimately came over with no parent at home? How would you feel about that as a parent? I'd be pretty pissed off."
"George Appleton was a sadistic human being using the internet to coerce CLA into an abusive relationship before brutally murdering her."
"Absolutely, it's disgusting. It ruins people's lives. You don't want your kids seeing that stuff on the internet. It's just horrible."
"Please do me a favor, never fall for these spam comments."
"Be careful on the internet folks."
"We do not want to see extremist material on the internet, and we want to see companies taking action to remove material that encourages hate and division."
"The internet would be a significantly better place if every account on every platform you have to put a name and a face."
"Our Online Safety Act tackles both criminal activity online and protects children from harmful or inappropriate content."
"Whether we like it or not, this is about to be the safest place on the internet."
"You really got to be careful about what you share on the internet."
"This is a dangerous time. Moving forward, we need to be more vigilant with what we trust from the internet."
"We do need to be able to have a framework of laws and norms which are societal norms around even internet safety."
"The best bet with Kiwi Farms is just to not look yourself up."
"We need to close this down and really make a private and safe internet for everyone."
"I hate all this stuff that's going on with kids on the internet."
"Safe Access is an award-winning internet control system because of how intuitive it is."
"Protecting yourself on the internet is obviously something that's extremely important to me."
"The best way to protect yourself on the internet is to only use services that have no public identity."
"Be careful what you find on the internet and what you use on the internet."
"Make sure that all websites you visit and all connections you make are encrypted with HTTPS protocol."
"Enable two-factor authentication, follow smart browsing best practices."
"Karma is not directly and maliciously doxing people."
"Stay safe out there on the internet everyone."
"Be safe, be discerning about content on the internet."
"The internet is... very unsafe for kids."
"It is a dangerous place being on the internet, talking with people you do not know, giving up any information. Please do not do it, learn from my mistakes."
"Please be careful on the internet, do not talk to strangers."
"It is just as important to check your internet safety as it is to make sure that your door is locked before you go to bed at night."
"Using a VPN is one of the best ways to connect to the internet safely and anonymously."
"When people say to be careful on the internet, please be sure to keep that in mind."
"That's what scam baiting is all about; it's not about cussing people out, it's not about hatred, it's truly about helping people."
"Good. Absolutely good. I hope you go to jail for 50 years if you're on the internet trolling for images of children and sexual exploitation."
"Protect your kids, make sure they're being safe on the internet."