
Screen Time Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"I guarantee your screen time on your phone will drop by like an hour."
"Reducing their screen time, particularly in the evening, has quite a transformative effect on their physical health and their mental well-being."
"Alien only gives its titular creature under four minutes of screen time, less than three percent of the movie's length, yet it becomes one of the most iconic movie monsters of the 20th century."
"The power of screens and TV programs in shaping beliefs cannot be underestimated."
"Kids using devices more than three hours a day are 30% more likely to have an indicator of suicidality."
"You can now disable app and website activity without turning off screen time altogether."
"Most probably due to the screen time offered to more prominent Wakandan characters in Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War like T'Challa, Shuri, Nakia, and the leader of the Dora Milaje, Okoye."
"The monsters look really [ __ ] cool. I just need the monsters on screen for 100% of this movie."
"Children who were watching screens for more than two hours a day were 7.7 times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD."
"Getting sucked into a screen is a really easy way to lose time and lose your life."
"Stay away from things like TV screens, computer screens, and phone screens that cast off blue light."
"Best Genus is actually one of the top heroes that we've gotten the most time with."
"I think there's definitely a healthy and unhealthy amount of screen time."
"Enable a night display to reduce blue light exposure."
"Finally, not only are we creating an interesting villain, but we're giving him the screen time to be the interesting villain that he is."
"The screen is the distraction you're trying to prevent people from being distracted by."
"This creepy little doll running around killing people, but then it's actually kind of doing a little bit of work with screen time in kids and over Reliance on devices in Tech childhood trauma grief and attachment."
"I personally what I recommend do you on a break if you're in a flow and you don't want to take a break then please look away from your laptop it is so important to like visually not stare into a computer for long periods of times."
"Avoid screens before bedtime, it's enough to suppress melatonin secretion."
"He may have only appeared for about seven minutes of screen time in total but Seth's passion for Star Trek is legendary."
"Constantly staring at screens can make you forget to blink, leading to red, sore, and irritated eyes."
"Given the fact that everyone's glued to their screens these days, these bad boys are pretty important."
"It's a really good way to start my day off not being on a screen, just by reading and eating breakfast."
"Toxic work culture expects us to be in front of a screen for hours."
"Black Widow... gets so much stuff to do in this film... just as much as it does Captain America."
"Children aged between 5 and 16 are having on average 6 and a half hours per day of screen time."
"Staring at your screen for too many hours can cause wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, hyperpigmentation, thinner or weaker skin."
"I remember just the other day, I put the phrase on my screen."
"They get about as many fights as Usopp, Frankie, Brooke, and Chopper do."
"Try and read something... try and pick up a book rather than only watching TV..."
"Tell somebody to turn it off, turn on the screen, let's get ready!"
"Those responsible for ensuring the healthy development of children should pay close attention to how much time young people spend on digital screens."
"Oh my gosh, my screen time report just came in, 9 hours a day, that is so concerning."
"It's great to reduce screen time because I got two hours a day of my life back."
"I think she's pretty well-developed considering the little time that she gets on screen."
"Missy got so much screen time and so much development this season."
"For us, I mean, our kids, they do watch stuff on TV, but it's just for a little bit of time."
"My brain started to get to a point where 24/7 I was connected to like I have to look at a screen, I got to play a video game, and I needed some ways to disconnect."
"Just put your phone down and actually get some human interaction."
"Screen time is another thing. You can see exactly how long you spent on every device across your whole ecosystem."
"Screens are wildly addictive by Design so difficult for us to resist at any age but again they aren't actually restful to engage with."
"The inner child wants to and would stare at a screen all day screens are massively unnaturally addictive."
"...the Apple watch actually results in less screen time overall and because of course the Apple watch sits right on the wrist all you have to do is glance down and then turn your wrist to see your notification message or even answer a call right on the Apple watch."
"Now it feels so normal to just not go on my phone. I feel like I've barely been on my phone the last few days to be honest."
"My average screen time is 52 minutes, it's down by 86%."
"Analog horror is one that will really get me spooked, it is genuinely the only time I look away from the screen in anticipation."
"Get the hell away from these devices. Don't give a one-year-old an iPad or a cell phone."
"Either that or you're Joe Biden. Lay off the phone maybe for a couple weeks, stop scrolling, give your brain a break."
"Downtime is not equal to screen time, it's really downtime."
"We block 65% of the blue light emitted from all those screens."
"Yellow light is more calming and better for the eyes."
"In a world where screens are never more than a few feet away, the need to protect your eyes has never been so clear."
"Give yourself the permission to just throw away for a day or two any like rules or expectations or pressure that you put on yourself to avoid screen time for your children."
"I truly believe that cutting out screens as much as we can in this day and age, our children are going to get a lot of exposure to them at some point, so keeping them as minimal as you can in childhood is going to be beneficial to them."
"I mean the dreaded question is how often are you using a computer screen for would you say? Very often, yeah more than eight hours a day."
"There's a scientific theory that states you laugh 30 times more when you're in a room with other people than when you're watching something on a screen."
"Every time we put a screen in front of them, we are taking away their opportunity to grow into the kind of adults we want them to be."
"My literal screen time on my phone is like 18 hours a day."
"We don't allow our kids to spend time on our phones...it makes me really sad when kids are literally glued to a phone because you know what it does to their brains right."
"Mitigate screen time before bed, engage in calming activities like yin yoga and meditation, and nourish your body with healthy foods to fuel your creativity."
"Three simple rules... Rule number one: no screens in the bedroom past a certain time that you agree on with your whole family maybe it's nine o'clock every night all the all the screens the laptops the everything comes out of the bedrooms."
"So, what do we do? Part of what I think is there have to be parameters around how much kids have their phones, right? And so this is why I love not having them in bedrooms if you can set that up."
"If you're not using SPF, then I'm going to just very lightly slap you from the screen right now."
"Nothing will make more of a difference. My screen time's gone down to like 21 minutes and 20 of those minutes is meditation. No kidding."
"In fact, Scotty, Chekov, and even Kirk originally had more screen time."
"We are big proponents of screen time when used in a good way and an educational way."
"...there must be something we can do that people don't have to watch these things all the time."
"I really felt like I had to do it I thought I was much better on my phone in terms of not being on social than I actually was and Erica when I saw the hours and like I want to throw up I really really did."
"It reduces eye strain by providing balanced light in the front of the screen."
"Having unfettered access to screens is not good."
"If I can just get him to have that desire doing something that isn't going to use loads of physical energy but he's going to get his brain working outside of an Xbox and a tablet, brilliant."
"I feel super fortunate that I was maybe part of the last generation that didn't grow up in front of a screen... and that helped me build social skills that are so critical for everything, making friends, finding mates."
"So here's the data. The average American kid today spends seven to 10 hours every day looking at screens, seven to 10 hours."
"Some of the best characters are the ones with the least screen time."
"Nearly six hours a day spent on TV and streaming. You gotta bump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers."
"I set my phone to automatically turn black and white when it gets dark out. It's less addicting, it's like a game changer."
"Most people: I had a great summer holiday. Me too, I did loads of fun things. Me: 13 hours screen time."
"...I was just so tired and bored looking at a computer screen."
"...sometimes it's nice to not stare at screens you know."
"They're an 8 but they spend their day on TikTok. That's too much."
"I definitely still feel like I'm on my phone too much."
"I felt like my eyes had like less fatigue by the end of the day um working on like a big screen."
"My kids will not be stuck to an iPad. They'll be playing outside."
"...they all are just things that happen with an equal amount of screen time and relevance."
"They add nothing to the movie, they're just kind of there and they eat up a lot of screen time."
"We just wish he got a bit more screentime."
"Nature can help counterbalance the negative effects of too much screen time."
"You know, of a huge step that I made with my phone screen time is two years ago I think now I stopped keeping my phone in my room at night. That's made a huge difference in my screen time and my life and my sleep."
"The child asks for screens for the same time of day or the same activity or the same habit that they always do. It's a sign of virtual autism."
"Your child will forget about screens when they are socially and physically active. This is a child who is hooked on screens but able to give them up."
"Less screen time/mindless scrolling."
"Enough on screens, otherwise things are just as they would be in any version of this model's conventional XC40 cousin."
"No judgment on kids with screens. Sage watches her fair amount of TV. It's like how we survive."
"I get to watch this movie and know that I'm doing 90% of what you see on the screen."
"Every single time I'm bored, I pick up my phone, I don't let my mind run or think, and I do think that this has a huge impact on our mental health in how on edge a lot of us feel all the time."
"I challenged my family to not use their screens for the entire weekend so we can actually interact like human beings instead of like bots."
"Being able to cut out and do an hour or two of plowing or firewood was such a great break from the screen."
"Everyone else in the cast gets ample screen time to develop and explore their relationships, but our protagonists don't. Any screen time offered to Team Ruby is dedicated to dumping lore onto the audience, fleshing out a different character, or pushing the plot forward."
"Every single second that these three are on screen is gold."
"We may spend a lot more time on looking at our screen than we realize or than we should."
"You cannot let this kid vegetate in front of the screens. You just cannot."
"Ask a Trader to take a break and they're going to look at you like, 'You mean I'm gonna have to miss out on something that might happen while I'm away from the screen?'"
"I know there have been a lot of complaints from fans wishing there had been more screen time for Kate and Anthony together. I don't necessarily disagree, however, it would be inaccurate to say that they didn't have a lot of material because they definitely did."
"It's a good thing to go out and leave the computer a little bit. Too much screen time is no good to anyone."
"I really love this suit, and I hope it got more screen time."
"What I like about this... is that the turtles are not secondary characters in their own film. They still get as much screen time as the human characters."
"You would need more screen time to explore this relationship properly in order to do it justice."
"Getting yourself off screens for 30 or more minutes before you go to sleep it's going to make a huge difference in your ability to fall asleep."
"If you're lying in bed watching this on your phone it's time to shut it off."
"I'm personally really trying to reduce my screen time, so reading has been a great little substitute for that."
"The Habit that I'm breaking is my screen time."
"it's sort of a case of less is more because yes this King Ghidorah doesn't have that much screen time but you're wanting much more from him you want to see what this Ghidorah can do"
"I'm making sure that I'm careful of what content they're consuming and so if I am so hyper aware of their screen time and how it's impacting them why am I not doing that for myself?"
"One of those things that I left 2022 feeling very convicted of is the fact that I am right now modeling to my kids what it looks like to use technology and screens in a healthy way."
"I mean, when it comes to them not utilizing characters, I think the issue comes down to screen time and how many people they have to juggle. Which is the issue."
"Plenty of characters, concepts, and plot lines that many fans felt could have used more screen time."
"Screen time is a very powerful feature."
"Reading paper books before bed can help relax you, good 30 minutes wind down and it takes away some of that screen time that's preventing you from getting good sleep."
"We don't think we compete with screen time. We can integrate Barbie into screen time appropriately. We also see a trend reflecting back to the values of traditional play."
"Kids under the age of two should have no screen time."
"Reducing the screen light and your brain activity."
"There's something about stepping away from the screens and just... think. Just think about anything."
"...if we each encourage each other with great ideas on what we can be doing in our downtime what we can be doing to entertain ourselves other than looking at screens I think we'll just be so much better off."
"As much as we love our screens, the fact that they're draining on your eyes is reality. It happens, just look at Lana."
"Begin to take sleep more seriously, go to bed earlier, don't watch TV or use computers in bed."
"...if adults are struggling with things like phone addiction right then, how are we expecting children to limit their screen time?"
"Relieve most eye strain symptoms from daily screen time."
"I suppose the reason I don't is because I don't watch TV. I don't really watch anything really. I don't really have any interest in sitting down and watching a screen when I can be out doing this kind of stuff."
"He is a three-dimensional character who does not get to do enough on screen."
"The Stooges had logged nearly 300 hours of screen time. That's a lot of laughter."
"I just needed something to take a break and take my mind off of just staring at the computer for endless amount of hours."
"Let's make a pact together you and me you and me baby we're gonna make a pact tonight we are going to try and limit our screen time I want you to look at your screen time right now."
"I was always scared to like check my screen time because I'm like it's going to be really unpretty and I'm going to realize how addicted I actually am and here we are."
"It's so easy to lose track of time mindlessly scrolling on your phone, but what if you could actually make screen time a worthwhile thing?"
"They found a format that fit these characters that would allow them to stress their personalities and give them time on screen that feels more natural."
"Less screen time, more book time."
"Getting away from the screen has always kind of been the answer for me."
"Walkable neighborhoods are really important to us because we spend a lot of time in front of screens."
"All of this is a great way to get off the screens, off the TV, off the computers, and just sit there, relax, and listen."
"We minimize screen time when we're together."
"Not staring at screens right before you're trying to go to sleep is important."
"I'm always trying to find things that don't involve screens."
"It's really important for you to maybe take a step back from being on the screen before bed as well."
"Watching an illuminated screen right before you fall asleep is probably the least sleep-promoting thing you can do."
"Once you turn off that screen, kids will learn to occupy themselves in many creative ways."
"Screen time has to be controlled by you, not controlling you."
"Does educational screen time help your child learn how to read?"
"Don't look at screen time as a number of minutes; look at screen time as what is your child showing you, and is that what you want to see?"
"The fight between Goku and Frieza took up a total of three and a half hours of screen time."
"If it gets your freaking eyes off a screen, I don't care what you write with, just write with something physical."
"Darth Vader only has 12 minutes of screen time in the original Star Wars."
"It's not healthy for us to be staring at a screen when we should be outside being active or working on a project we're passionate about or being with our kids."
"Screen time is the amount of time every day you spend looking at a computer or a smartphone."
"You've got to get off screens; you've got to do something other than be on screens."
"Feto kids make cycling captivating for kids, prompting them to spend more time outdoors instead of being glued to the screen."
"Reading before bed is really helpful in replacing screen time, so you're not endlessly scrolling."
"Avoid using phones, tablets, and laptops entirely for at least an hour before bedtime."
"All in all, it did get me off my phone, my screen time was down for all of those days that I was reading instead of scrolling on my phone."
"Monitor, limit time, definitely don't have your kids go to sleep with their devices."
"Children don't learn from a screen as much as they do from a caregiver."
"Spending more time on social media and television may affect your relationships."
"I'm not wearing sunglasses to look cool. I get migraines, especially when I'm staring at screens."
"In just 16 minutes of screen time, Lecter became an unforgettable aspect of the film."
"My kids love watching their iPads and eating chocolate, but that doesn't mean they should spend all day watching Bluey and eating Easter eggs."
"It's not about access to screen time or not access to screen time, it's what are you teaching your child in relation to the screen."
"You can safely expect over 8 hours of screen on time, and I'm getting even beyond that with my use."
"I'm a fan of Loki, and after Loki 2 getting way more screen time, I think this is a well-deserved key book."
"After sitting in front of screens all day long, this should feel really good."
"...if you're getting a lot of like screen time at night you're not gonna sleep as well and so then if you don't sleep as well you don't recover as much as you gonna see this effect on HRV..."
"It's better to get that one-on-one real time interaction with a real person in front of them, not from a screen."
"They need to cut their screen time in the meantime to avoid the negative effects of technology."
"Replace time on screen with relationships."
"It's a fun hobby to get you off your screens and just have something fun to do."
"I was so happy when I watched the music video and I saw that she had more parts and more screen time."
"Contrary to what most children will think, they will not die if the TV or video games go off."
"It's good for digital wellness; they're taking their eyes off the screen, they're removing eye strain."
"I can't believe they gave Trunks this much screen time."
"He's undeniably iconic and I find it remarkable how he became a fan favorite with such limited screen time."
"It's nice to see the youth out running around and not staring at a screen."
"Instead of sitting and scrolling on my phone, I'd rather be reading."
"If we're just on our screens all the time... it can be, I think, anxiety producing."
"Yuri is super top-tier; if she had more screen time, the best girl rankings would be different, I'll tell you that right now."
"Anything that gets my kids off of screens and off iPads and, you know, whatever, I am all for. I love just them learning and exploring and enjoying science."
"Everybody had just the right amount of screen time, interaction with each other, the balance was fantastic."
"I just feel like I need some fresh air, I've been staring at my screen all day."
"People who love my box love crafting and appreciate getting their children off of screens."