
World Of Warcraft Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"To call World of Warcraft popular is insulting; World of Warcraft was a shift of tectonic proportions."
"World of Warcraft contains a lot of good in my mind, a lot of precious nostalgia for something I can't ever have back."
"World of Warcraft gave me a safe and exploratory venue for social interaction."
"World of Warcraft was the ultimate escapist fantasy, a game that sold heroism, status, personhood, and existence in a totally virtual setting."
"Mythic Garrosh was probably the most fairly balanced and well-designed final bosses I've ever had the pleasure of trying."
"Siege of Orgrimmar is well liked and brought up in best raids of all time discussions."
"The Night Hold is a very cool looking raid and beautiful."
"Designing World of Warcraft with an eye towards 15 years of history and many more years to follow, we can't afford to just think about today."
"World of Warcraft launches and it takes the world by storm."
"It's really good. Disc Priests are in an amazing state."
"This era of World of Warcraft is just amazing."
"We hit it off pretty well and eventually converted the whole kitchen to WoW players."
"World of Warcraft is 15 years old and to celebrate, players are brought a selection of unique events and activities."
"World of Warcraft certainly wasn't the first implementation of this... but I do think this was definitely like a keystone moment."
"Edwin Van Cleef, for a minor villain, made quite a mark on the World of Warcraft."
"World of Warcraft was designed to have such a high number of levels at the time where classes had between 51 and 71 talent points, meaning the players would get a new talent point for every level they achieved and that created a constant sense of character progression."
"World of Warcraft traditionally was fantastic at doing this, not only for gear but also things like your mount skill. That was a massive milestone."
"It's just another easy server first for these Grobbulus legends."
"World of Warcraft, the rotting corpse of a once great Monarch. But no king rules forever; only death is eternal."
"It's easier for people to forget about the game and wander away, so I think this will be quite healthy for World of Warcraft."
"I want WoW to be good. Like, I have a vested interest in WoW being good. I love the game, and so I would hate to see the game come out and it'd be a bad product."
"Mythic plus and BFA that was the most fun I've ever had."
"The Pendulum of Doom in World of Warcraft is extremely rare, with a ludicrously low drop rate."
"It's not gonna bring back the same feelings of your first time playing WoW right or it might in a nostalgic sense but you could never really bring that back because that was such a unique moment."
"Small World of Warcraft rewrites the rules of gaming reality."
"That's what I want to see because I actually think that like if they develop classic plus it actually has maybe a bigger future than retail WoW."
"I couldn't believe that I was looking at World of Warcraft."
"At its peak around the end of Wrath of the Lich King, World of Warcraft boasted a whopping 12.1 million subscribers."
"Honestly, a terrific design direction in the WoW front for their gear design."
"World of Warcraft is known for its complex boss mechanics and stunning set-piece fights."
"Wrath of the Lich King was the best expansion made for both casual and hardcore players."
"The reason why classic wow hardcore is popular is because it's holistic."
"This is so good for the quality of World of Warcraft. It really is."
"I think Shadowlands is fundamentally better than BfA."
"Mists of Pandaria actually turned out to be one of the best expansions ever."
"World quests in Legion: the real turning point where daily quests went from irrelevant to everything."
"Shadowlands: I would love to see optional things back."
"This is all good news for World of Warcraft, and it is so nice to be able to share that."
"Every human being should be required to fully level at least one character on World of Warcraft classic."
"I think the burning of Teldrassil is one of the most pivotal moments in WoW's history."
"World of Warcraft was and to many still is the gold standard for MMO content."
"The current game has been up, we've done this, we've been here. What else is going to make WoW pop off?"
"World of Warcraft doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon."
"If there was ever a time to play World of Warcraft, now seems like the best time in years."
"World of Warcraft was and in some cases still is a cultural phenomenon."
"World of Warcraft got its moment in the sun as well."
"The world of Azeroth and its diverse races and factions are absolutely captivating to me."
"Warcraft's world has been so captivating to me and many others over the years."
"Suramar was a primarily story-driven zone that almost all players went through."
"If you're a new player looking to try World of Warcraft, try retail."
"Legion was the last time that World of Warcraft was truly innovated."
"Anduin is fundamentally good. Arthas was eventually controlled by Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination."
"In Shadowlands leveling 1-50 feels really good, is well-paced, and is already much faster than it is on live."
"World of Warcraft is doing strong... engagement is at its highest point in a decade."
"The solo content in WoW is absolutely amazing."
"This video, this add-on that we're going to discuss... will change the way you look at World of Warcraft forever. It will alter your playstyle, I believe, forever."
"Events like this and moments like this are because of the support that we've gotten from the World of Warcraft community around the world."
"Classic Deadmines was used as a benchmark for how big a dungeon should be in Vanilla WoW."
"Blackrock Depths easily making it the biggest dungeon in the game."
"Player housing could be a real lightning rod to actually get people excited about the idea of World of Warcraft."
"World of Warcraft Cataclysm has now topped 4.7 million sales for the month, setting a new record for monthly PC gaming sales."
"World of Warcraft subscriptions have doubled since q2 2019."
"World of Warcraft created a cultural impact felt far and wide." - 2004
"World of Warcraft has always been an incredible MMO."
"They lost over a quarter of World of Warcraft player base in three months. That is holy shit."
"This will change leveling in World of Warcraft forever."
"Every level will feel more meaningful than it does right now."
"It's now officially Blizzard's name PvE eSport in World of Warcraft."
"People act like retail WoW is really easy... but it's very difficult."
"Getting your epic mount first thing, it'll pay off so much because you will do everything subsequently faster. Epic mount is really, really valuable."
"You hit level 60, go just have fun, celebrate, do some world PvP, afk on Ironforge bridge... do the thing that's gonna make you happiest."
"I think if you're trying to make gold while leveling, fishing, skinning, and herbalism are all good options."
"All the way through the Wrath of the Lich King expansion."
"A funny bit of irony that the biggest guild breaker in World of Warcraft is World of Warcraft itself."
"Welcome to the world of Warcraft Survival Guide. Hello internet and welcome back to another weekly reset."
"Not only are they raid mechanic gods and solo content heroes, they're going to bring a lot to the table no matter which spec you decide to run."
"Druids are the single most flexible class in World of Warcraft."
"If Xbox puts World of Warcraft on The Game Pass... World of Warcraft will have a very bright future. Quote me on that."
"I've had a smile on my face because this is not how World of Warcraft works."
"Modern World of Warcraft systems are these massive self-balancing things that pretty much encompass the entire game."
"Dragonflight has brought substantial change to the gameplay of World of Warcraft."
"Dragonflight is actually a silent win for a huge number of specs."
"Warriors in general are eating obscenely good this time around."
"Fury Warrior right a strong class tree and a few new builds make it excellent."
"Somebody's finally taken a good hard look at this spec and decided to remove a few of the small blockers."
"Enhancement Shaman may just be the best that it's been in years."
"Affliction is a bit of a milder winner as a spec."
"Warlock as a whole gets an S for Effectiveness because I mean come on they're like nion killable."
"Shadow Priest essentially its identity crisis the spec."
"Frost Mage they rebuilt the shadowlands frost Mage."
"These magazines remain as a time capsule of an important turning point in World of Warcraft's history."
"I'm actually having fun with WoW every time I play it."
"Wrath of the Lich King gave us Ulduar and ICC, the start of real hardcore raiding in World of Warcraft."
"Making the old world relevant would greatly increase the playable area of World of Warcraft and offer a more varied gameplay experience for players."
"There's a secret quest chain in Stranglethorn involving a princess and King Mukla."
"I shoot magic into the darkness" - a quest reference in WoW.
"The Flask of Supreme Power from Vanilla WoW gave a +150 spell power bonus for two hours."
"This expansion might be just as big as Legion was."
"One of the biggest enemies of World of Warcraft is community perception."
"World of Warcraft is the ultimate single-player game with other people."
"Retail leveling feels very linear, but in classic WoW, you really have adventure."
"I think one of the biggest points of skill in vanilla WoW is it's more about knowledge and preparation."
"The big attraction to World of Warcraft is the raiding scene that's consistently been the main reason that I play the game."
"Zul'gurub was the genesis of much of where World of Warcraft's future raid design would go."
"Vanilla WoW dungeons are the best dungeons Blizzard has ever made."
"Large skill raiding in World of Warcraft, this is our first step."
"This model is pretty much twice the performance of the baseline in terms of World of Warcraft."
"Try to understand why Mists of Pandaria was so well loved."
"World of Warcraft became a global runaway success."
"It's among one of the most effective instances in WoW history."
"Should I play classic World of Warcraft? Yes, yes you should."
"Nostalgia might be one of the biggest draws for classic WoW."
"If you love a good grind, you have to check out classic WoW."
"It's just one of those moments in WoW where you're like, 'I can't believe that actually worked.'"
"Delves are a new endgame pillar, a permanent addition to World of Warcraft going forward, representing kind of a Capstone to The Outdoor World Experience."
"Cataclysm had some of the absolute best raiding World of Warcraft has ever seen."
"If World of Warcraft were a country, it would be the 14th most populous in the world."
"Leveling a warrior in World of Warcraft to level 60...that's firmly A tier."
"I cancelled my WoW sub because of the lawsuit. I'm upset about the treatment of Blizzard employees."
"I've been really enjoying WoW, it's just such a fun game, such a wholesome community."
"I love Lightforged Draenei, I think they're a beautiful race in the game."
"Heavenly Azure Cloud Serpent is one of my favorites, just because it's a gorgeous, elegant, delicate blue."
"This is why I say that WoW has the potential to be for anyone because who doesn't love this bee, and it's adorable and it's really really cute."
"I'm gonna lie, I am gonna play some World of Warcraft because I uploaded a video yesterday."
"I really want to learn how to play World of Warcraft."
"It's been a pleasure playing World of Warcraft with you, sir. It's been a pleasure, good times."
"The WoW runs brought so much nostalgia, warmed my cold dead heart."
"The story of the World of Warcraft is just beginning."
"Through this project, I'm going to be introducing AzerothCore in order to emulate World of Warcraft."
"Wow is more than a game, WoW is a community."