
Critical Moments Quotes

There are 546 quotes

"The decision you make in the next few seconds is literally the difference between life and death."
"He's so confident in those moments, those millisecond timings where it's make it or break it, and that's why he is a champion."
"Every contribution of that nature could be critical."
"The final is the one, isn't it, where actually that one game, you can struggle, things can change, all the planning can go out the window with a mistake or a key moment of brilliance from somebody."
"It's a kill that pretty much decided the outcome of this match."
"Never before has a United States Senator used their power in this way to hold up this many nominees at such a critical moment."
"He's been absolutely brilliant in big moments."
"He's just a player that when the moment matters most, has the ability to flip a switch and turn it on."
"If I had waited another month or two, I wouldn't be here today."
"The throne is super low though. Toronto Tokyo has no buyback. Unspoken things that can happen here."
"This is a very, very important question. How you answer this question is going to determine what happens next."
"This is one of those moments when it's nice to have a truth teller around."
"45 minutes till greatness, 45 minutes for Liverpool."
"Had a very important double save at nil-nil before Rooney put them in front."
"The toughest moment for any investigator is not what they do to solve the crime."
"It ain't over till it's over, baby. We get one hit for a big win, save the ding."
"Things they are changing and we are sitting on a global Powder Keg at the moment."
"Fabio Grosso sent Italy to the 2006 final with this curler deep in extra time."
"Our lives are overlapping a moment on which everything hangs."
"It's really the hour of truth for the awakening of political Europe."
"Devon Booker was just made for this... built for these moments."
"Wow was that a clutch... well played by Sneaky in the mid lane."
"It's funny how everyone turns to God and asks for forgiveness when they know they're about to die. How convenient, right?"
"Momentum is now ice-cold and we're here, we are, we're talking around unique narrative content."
"You look at the tape when he's locked and loaded he makes plays."
"The idea that the religious community has a purpose couldn't possibly be more important than in a moment like this."
"It's hard to put into words just how much your whole future rides upon the moments inside of that cage."
"Someone has to stand up and be counted, it's a big evening for both teams." - Commentator
"Magnus comes through when it matters, really, really clutch."
"Cubic, you live for that moment, the game depends on you."
"A critical night for Scott Morrison's government... This is a time to stick to our plan."
"this game is won at this moment right here and it's a build up that you don't see every game but when you see it it's a beautiful thing to see"
"That one brief half a second is all that matters."
"Those plays right there are the ones that you have to have."
"Against like a good player all it takes is one mistake... they just end your life for it."
"Miraculously, man. Then shock was one fight away from winning this map."
"We both did an excellent job, it came down to the wire with our superstars voting."
"Recognizing that this might be a moment in time to stop and reflect."
"It could have all ended that night with Frank's hands wrapped around my throat."
"Decision, it's time to decide about this relationship."
"Would you believe it? Allison, the goalkeeper, has saved Liverpool's season."
"That's all we really need, we can win games off one good hit."
"Just one good ball into the box for him to get his head on, you know that's all it takes."
"All it takes is one split second, one fifth shot, and the balance of power has shifted."
"Rizzo with pinpoint accuracy he has not been much of a scorer this season for g2 but that was a big goal in a huge moment."
"A bold declarative fresh start with a lot of intensity and critical juncture turning points of zero degrees."
"That single roll guys, I'm not joking might have just won me the game."
"It's interesting to look at the end of games or the moments near when you die and say like those are the mistakes I made."
"The Lancasters get one last chance to strike at Hitler just five days before the Nazi Fuhrer takes his own life."
"Let it be known that this has happened multiple times unlike world record pace is in the sky attack critical here yeah it has to be sky attack turn one it has to crit it it has a chin."
"I think this is a moment where something more has to be done."
"Amazing defense by our opponent up until the very last moment."
"You have to act now. It's a critical moment."
"He had to do it again after the timeout and was able to step up and get it, unreal."
"We held the line when Freedom hung into balance."
"Matches can be won and lost in a single moment."
"What was going through your mind at this particular moment that I was going to die?"
"They stepped up huge in those last few moments."
"Those that are drug-addicted, those that are alcoholics, those that are economically distressed, those that have disability, those that have mental challenges."
"That was a big win time and we needed that, yeah, right, you know I mean, they pulled that goal back before half-time while getting that second goal was so important, yeah."
"Your legacy will be defined by the decisions you make at your crossroads."
"This is why you don't ever take Ronaldo off. He can be so quiet and then bang."
"Simon the cheat, Simon the fraud, Simon the guy who delivered when it mattered most."
"Just go for it right when you're at the moment of giving up is the perfect time to go all-in."
"This mask off [__] is something that only happens as the dialectic is brought closer towards moments of action."
"Success needs no explanation; failure needs no alibi."
"It's incredibly concerning because these moments provide a window of action."
"It felt like the kind of decision that I would regret if I didn't make it."
"It's a matter of minutes, a mistake, and your life just flips on its head."
"Enter Nathan the prophet, always at a pivotal time when the kingdom is at stake."
"You cannot afford to not know what this moment is about."
"Known for his sudden 11th-hour accelerations."
"The winners always want the ball when the game is on the line."
"It's what you need to be there when it matters the most."
"Adrenaline overrides everything you've got long enough before the impact to deliberately think your last thought."
"That's the difference there. Rob has made a huge play."
"Coco able to clutch up in the final moments."
"Every single one of those little moments, when it comes down to a clutch gun fight, 100 Thieves was there."
"The first 10 seconds are important in any race."
"It was so slow for the longest amount of time but then dm he sets the pace he takes off in this match."
"Looked like it was about to fall apart for Jupiter King."
"When error presents itself to consciousness, the first five seconds are golden."
"I really worry about that it fractures people rather than bringing them together at a moment when I think we need to be together."
"Huge play coming up here fourth and one for Carolina with a three point lead."
"The difference between being alive or dead was a single breath."
"What a catch...that's just a matter of whether or not he was able to secure the catch."
"These interactions can hinge on a single die roll and have monumental impacts."
"Big third down right here, but big third down everything's on the line, bro."
"This is a group that had to navigate a game seven loss in the final few minutes. You had to incorporate Kevin Durant." - Interviewer
"Kicking is always essential in the game, especially when it comes down to the fourth quarter."
"That joke, terrible as it was, actually made us all suddenly realize the significance of the situation."
"I love the Arya moment. I think for a character, what was the point? I mean, she killed the Freys, she had all these skills, but something more has to happen."
"Courage is required in this situation. There will be a turning point and there's a lot of success."
"The American story is really just enough of us did just enough of the right thing at the right moment to push us forward."
"You realize you don't belong on this particular path, that's why it's epic."
"We are kind of reaching a potential critical crossroads in this 2021 bull market."
"What a reversal for Basic Becca coming in clutch when it mattered most."
"Assault wins that gunfight, I think their round's over, I really, really do."
"The two most important parts of any game is the beginning and how it ends."
"It's about reacting during the chaotic moments making the right decisions in crunch time."
"At the moment we needed it the most, it needed to have happened. There is no more important moment than this."
"Both guys have to be so disciplined with their head, hands, where their feet are. One little mistake, as you can see, can cost you dearly."
"The silence itself such is the gravity of the moment we're in that you must not be silent."
"It always feels like when they need a big-time performance in the NCAA tournament, Claire Chausse answers the call."
"Thank god he judged, a big round again from Dapper."
"Humanity is massively at a fork in the road which becomes more obvious by the hour."
"Christian McCaffrey touches the ball correct and rightfully so when the game was on the line he did was the one with rightfully so correct so that that."
"There are so many different determining factors in a football game that will be forgotten, but no moment bigger than the blocked field goal."
"Little things that you would never give a second thought to made all the difference, literally between life and death."
"Louisa missing the number one was the final nail in the coffin."
"Everything in life comes down to a single moment."
"That decision right there, that one little turn, that's everything, man."
"The next goal is gonna be absolutely crucial in this one."
"When it mattered, yeah, do you know what I'm saying, when we had to put it all on the line bro, their man barely soft."
"This is a very, very powerful moment where it's like the hits the fan."
"The opponent messes up one time and the game's virtually over."
"There are moments in history when it really matters who's in power."
"Resilience: you always find it in the moments where it matters."
"You keep him on for 95 minutes because in the 94th minute he might just produce something out of something to win you a game."
"When your moment arrives, when you need to stand back up and keep moving forward, when people look to you for strength in their darkest days, while hope slips through their fingers, what will you do? Who will you choose to be?"
"Cristiano Ronaldo scores out of nowhere in the Box finish space is all he needs and he's good and finally towards the end of the game Ronaldo gets the Checkmate Messi."
"Teams are fighting, that's a very big moment to rotate."
"Last few seconds, I remember looking out both sides."
"This Heat team is gonna play their best basketball when the lights are the brightest."
"Nothing satisfies like a perfect shot when you have to have it."
"Your streams are pivotal, this is a very pivotal moment in your life."
"That might be just a confidence-shattering moment for LA Thieves."
"We're 10 points ahead, it is crunch time guys."
"This is the round that will determine the match unless we move into sudden death overtime."
"Abnormal times in business, though, when an industry is in crisis, are like a fork in the road."
"Game nine, once again we could dunk an invade while the enemy has a nice juicy gray bar, but oh man, it's just so important to get that extra two."
"The first three seconds is the most important part."
"No game should be decided by one single moment."
"John Jones shows up when the chips are on the line."
"You have a split second to make this decision, and whatever decision you make can affect you for the rest of your life."
"Do you want to make a comeback this round or never have his fatal blow again?"
"Increased Prosperity if you do business in a third house way... A critical Turning Point regarding what you want to achieve in your career and reputation space."
"Everyone was essential coming down to the last second."
"It's gonna be a legacy defining game right here, the force of game seven."
"She's three points away from time, Mike Kalinowski here, Ken."
"When it mattered, I pulled out the answers I needed."
"These choices in these moments are more important than you realize."
"That's the lesson, it's the opportunity because if you had one chance would you catch it or would you let it slip?"
"He's such a big game player, always steps up on these occasions."
"Oh boy, it's gonna come down to the 15-second crunch."
"Gaethje was one strike away from putting Khabib in peril."
"I think it's this is a great time. We have the choice right now to either rally together as a country or let this shit tear us apart."
"The start of the great journey, the end goal of his entire worldview and belief system, and now he's turning against it completely, ruining it without having been convinced of anything more since he last affirmed his belief."
"One storage versus eighteen hog riders, a baby dragon, an archer queen, and some wizard firepower. No, I think it's gonna go down."
"Supporting Ukraine is in our national interest, but it's a critical moment."
"LeBron in the last 3-4 minutes of a big game is still gonna make stuff happen."
"What a big early moment as the captain comes to the table and delivers a point for the USA."
"Chess sometimes hangs on the thinnest of knife edges."
"That play see Mike plays best football the most critical times in the game two-minute drives fourth quarter third down red area things like that so I'm just glad he did enough three Super Bowl wins."
"You just gotta take a deep breath and do what you usually do on game point."
"There's certain moments in the game where you gotta sack the [__] up."
"I'm not at the immediate mercy of an unspeakable terror that sleeps beneath the surface."
"Every single possession is major when it comes to this overtime stuff."
"Strength in your final hours, a light bulb moment of realization."
"They are looking to win the Super Bowl in the final seconds."
"There's nothing like having the ball in your hands with a chance to win the game late in the game. That's what we live for, that's what we dream about."
"Close calls in the moments that could have changed MMA history."
"Eli deserves credit for not his pants in the fourth quarter of both Super Bowls against New England."
"We're the same people. Y'all just don't give them a chance. Most of these people are smart, Kodak smartest people person in the world."
"In the final moments, people show you who they really are."
"Sally as he's going for the snipe of his life and that's saying something for Sally."
"Tom Brady earned Belichick another ring by being clutch."
"There will come a point in this world for everybody where you're gonna have to make a choice."
"A finger can literally be the difference between a W and an L."
"It's a very good moment actually, some pretty good acting."
"When it comes to business, you're always one deal away from either being great or closing."
"Follow the light, never follow the darkness. It's important right now at this very moment."
"Caleb is going to have to rise to the occasion and be at his best when his best is needed."
"This could be one of the most important moments in American history."
"Another huge important three points... Just keep winning, keep getting those three points."
"When the moment is the biggest who stands out and shines."
"That's where things get complicated, that's the big one."
"A big mama moment... a very important resolution to your problem."
"One second on the court can define the player's legacy."
"The last 30 seconds could determine who won this round."
"Ben Simmons went from the consensus number one pick to a player who's unplayable in the final minutes of a playoff game."
"The reality is one lucky round or one well-placed round from the opposition would stop the spinner dead in its tracks."
"Timing and lighting is everything. You can be practiced, prepared, ready in every way, but if you don't show up at that exact right moment, it almost seems miraculous when everything just clicks and works properly."
"If we're talking about a Champions League final, a league decider in the last minute of the season and you want an accurate decision, I'd rather have technology."
"Hatter's finishing is on point tonight I don't think he believed you then either finish of the tournament by the way shot of the championship."
"Yeah, static man ain't make it out the hospital dog. That [__] sometimes they could go in and make it out, you know what I'm saying?"
"Details, details, know this Mr. Wright: the moment you run out of explanations is the moment you lose."
"Short time scoring, find a way to win those final 15 seconds."
"That interrupt was really important because you can see how low barrel and ghost were in this situation."
"It's a matter of seconds before things can change."
"Captain Garvey raised the plane's nose up to nine degrees at the last possible moment."
"One second later and the outcome could have been very different."
"You're at your tenth challenge, it's not when you want to give up."
"That's probably one of the clutchest players in the game."
"Confidence in the direction and determination... right before you're about to be like, 'Why did I put in all this time?' That's when the magic kind of clicks in."
"Clock's still ticking, 10 seconds, he may have just won the round then and there, it is a wonderful run at a big bruise."
"I am writing about the microsecond that separates life from death, the very moment when we cross over."
"He is a daring fighter who steps up in big moments and rises to the occasion."