
Criminal Justice Quotes

There are 866 quotes

"We have a long way to go when it comes to criminal justice and racial equity in this country."
"People are starting to wake up to the problems in our criminal justice system, and that's great for the long-term health of our public."
"Our criminal system is also supposed to be going after true culprits who make our democracy less safe, who steal literally billions of dollars from the public and private."
"Everything mathematically is better if you prioritize rehabilitation. Everything. You get less recidivism, you're more humane, life gets better for everyone. We live in a utopia."
"Mary Bell committed two dreadful murders, but her case does give us hope that children can change."
"So, what turns a child into a cold-blooded killer, and at what age should they be accountable for their actions?"
"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing."
"It's an assumption that someone's innate nature is destined by one single action, and it's not reasonable to conclude they're always going to commit crimes in the future."
"The problem isn't whether or not we should allow people to opt in for the death penalty, the issue is is that people are being sentenced with life in prison without the possibility of parole."
"Alice Marie Johnson is a grandmother who has served more than 20 years in prison for a first-time nonviolent offense."
"Once you have served your time in prison, we should turn our system from one of punishment to rehabilitation."
"I think that criminal justice should be about rehabilitation, and killing somebody is kind of not rehabilitating someone unless you could truly stand to a person's mind and know that they could never be rehabilitated."
"Politicians really need to start thinking what is the exit strategy out of this mass incarceration."
"70% of those people are minorities, and guess what, those seventy percent, forty percent of them are locked up on victimless crimes."
"Steven Avery became sort of a folk hero in the state of Wisconsin, the poster child for the Wisconsin Innocence Project."
"Make no mistake, the criminal justice system is not broken. It is operating exactly the way it was designed."
"In our system, criminal justice isn't the quest for revenge. It's the quest for truth, evidence, and facts, and the use of that truth as we fairly apply our laws."
"On December 10th, 1993, Dorothea was sentenced to prison for life without the possibility of parole."
"The jury system that we have frankly is the greatest criminal justice system in the world."
"The system was set up to induce the guilty to confess, thus securing criminal justice in cases where a lack of reliable evidence or witnesses meant that the guilty may have otherwise profited from their crime."
"Cash bail is arbitrary, destructive, and basically criminalizes poverty."
"There are countless dedicated men and women in the criminal justice system from the uniform officers to prosecutors to advocates to courts, and it's a system that is there to protect you and to protect victims' rights."
"We will bring jail and not bail for repeat violent offenders."
"You have a criminal justice system that clearly treats you better if you're rich and guilty than poor and innocent."
"I believe we need police reform; I believe we need criminal justice reform."
"The public's faith in the integrity of the judicial system, especially the criminal justice system, is critical to its functioning."
"It's ridiculous you have to be just delusionally blind with your loyalty to the American criminal justice system."
"By the time I left the ACLU, I had come to realize that I was just dead wrong about our criminal justice system. It's not just another institution in our society infected with some degree of bias but a different beast entirely."
"The greatest myth about mass incarceration, namely that it's been driven simply by crime and crime rates. It's not true."
"If a person gets out of prison after 55 years old... he's got a three percent chance only... to reoffend."
"These stories can shed light on crimes that might otherwise go unnoticed and can raise awareness of systematic problems in the criminal justice system."
"Mercy toward the guilty can be a form of decency, and a maturing society may abandon harsh punishments that it comes to view as unnecessary or unjust."
"I believe the Bedrock of our Criminal Justice System remains the same, and it's deterrence and Rehabilitation."
"This judge is a radical, is extreme. If he's confirmed, we can count on him to let violent criminals out of jail."
"I want to do smart things on crime, I don't want to just be cruel for no reason."
"Law enforcement can be very dismissive of these things, even when it is in their jurisdiction and it is something that meets the criminal threshold."
"We shouldn't be waiting to give mental assistance to people when they're in prison; they should get that ahead of time."
"Catherine Mary Knight is the first female in Australia to be sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole."
"When people talk about injustices in the criminal justice system, I think it has very little to do with race and a lot to do with the amount of power that you wield."
"Let's not forget that the purpose of the criminal justice system is both to rehabilitate and to punish, but if we can rehabilitate somebody, that is a huge win for our system."
"If you care about mass incarceration, you have to care about skewed funding priorities."
"Decarceration and depolicing is leading America down the wrong path."
"I grew up believing America's imperfect criminal justice system was the fairest in the world."
"Lengthy prison sentences are ineffective as a Crime Control measure in virtually all circumstances."
"Mass incarceration only ensures that communities that were already plagued by crime and violence never escape it."
"The study found no evidence to support the effectiveness of Scared Straight and similar programs."
"It's imperative that we partner with, learn, and befriend people who are not culturally or look like us."
"The capability of doing a crime is different than actually doing the crime."
"The more you can take the criminal justice system out of drug policy, the more you're bringing the public health system in."
"It’s going to take a lot of work to reframe our understanding of crime and the role of the police, but it is possible, because now, you know better."
"Legalizing cannabis would remove criminal intent."
"February 27th, 2014, the court declared Brian and his uncle guilty for the murder of Ruth Talia."
"The United States has more people in prison and spends more money on criminal justice than any other country in the world."
"Why didn't we get this guy? I ended up with a bleeding ulcer over this case. It still haunts me. It always will."
"A lot of times you are a victim before you ever got a chance to be a criminal yourself."
"We have to stop using the criminal justice process as a political weapon."
"And at the same time, I have this feeling of well I really hope what I'm doing right now saves somebody else and maybe just maybe wakes the system up to doing something about these serial offenders."
"Hopefully no one is hurt, but if you're a criminal who broke the law, then we are going to remove you."
"We barely have anybody that looks like us really representing us in the criminal justice system."
"His DNA is on the sheath... it's a huge piece of evidence."
"Advancements in forensic science have been stunning."
"The evidence was conclusive to me that we had the right guy." - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office Detective Mike Grant
"Emma Tustin was charged with Arthur's murder and given a life sentence... a minimum of 29 years."
"The punishment also furthers basic purposes of criminal punishment: deterrence, incapacity, a just punishment, and rehabilitation."
"How about whoever engages in criminal activity should go to jail? That's my standard." - Ben Shapiro
"Fingerprinting works for two reasons: first, no two people share print patterns, and second, a person's fingerprints remain unchanged throughout life."
"If your thing is cats, cat it up, right? Want cats everywhere, if that's what makes you happy because progress is happiness."
"After more than 50 years, they had identified Nancy's killer as Richard John Davis."
"In every tragedy, there's not always a criminal charge."
"It's a stunning moment to see these criminal mug shots."
"And what she might be alluding to is the fact that more people were arrested for cannabis last year than all different kinds of violent crimes put together according to the FBI."
"No one agrees to get killed when they go to Ed Buck's house no matter what they agree to."
"She was 28 evidence put forward by the prosecution, yet the most damning were the 116 text messages between her and her boyfriend."
"Until it's expunged so even if you don't go to prison if you get that felony it's going to be a rap for a lot of people."
"I think we have a great case and I think he's either going to spend the rest of his life in prison or he's going to get the needle."
"Do not sit here and tell me you're dope and your hype and you can do everything on criminal justice reform."
"In 1993, the charges against Tool and Sylvia's death were dropped. DNA testing on evidence in the case had proven that Tool was not the source of the DNA found at the crime scene."
"Serious crimes of this nature go beyond mere property damage to the courthouse and endanger people's lives."
"Our prisons should focus on rehabilitation, not punishment."
"The majority of the criminal justice system is solved by plea deals."
"This man is not a threat to anyone anymore. He's paid his dues to society."
"Prison is a business. The gun law is a business, the biggest business."
"No murder weapon was found... everything Mr. Murdoch has said has been lies."
"I believe we should move forward with criminal justice reform."
"This is sick, folks, and it's hurting our state and endangering our people, and it's got to end."
"Ithaca has no business putting criminals on the reimagine board."
"That cartel leaders fear is the United States prison."
"The presumption of innocence, burden of proof, and reasonable doubt are three key elements of the criminal justice system that keep us all free from oppression."
"The layers of injustice in the criminal justice system must be fixed. They must be repaired."
"For him, it's a cause, but to the cops, he's a crook."
"No amount of charges will bring their niece back. That is true."
"We're still arresting people for marijuana in this country at a mass insane level."
"Criminal defendants don't like to just chill as criminal defendants... if your goal is anything other than delay."
"The reason that these cities are are doing this is that these criminal justice systems kind of are reaching into all areas of life."
"Prison is appropriate when confinement is needed to protect the public."
"It was a landmark case as it included the first DNA extraction of its kind to identify a murderer during a criminal investigation in the United States."
"It's important for every suspect out there who hasn't been arrested to understand you haven't gotten away with it. We're still coming."
"Criminality can wear a badge, and criminality can be someone without a badge."
"People like me who have got convictions and went to prison are technically devoid of any character in law."
"Punishment should be more important than rehabilitation in criminal justice."
"It's horrible, of course, I feel like so much of the discourse these days concerning criminal justice and race relations is really just waiting for the next highly publicized murder."
"I think Cisneros eventually confessed to us because he truly had remorse."
"Many people lost their property security and even their lives because of big lies about criminal justice from the left."
"Different in a murder case when you don't hear from the victims. That's heavy."
"Matthew Sullivan was sentenced to 16 years to life in prison."
"We're trying to lean into smart justice, it's a humane, absolutely apt process."
"After nearly 5 hours of deliberations, the jury announced it had reached a verdict... James Rackover from New York was convicted on all counts for the murder of Joey Kali."
"More cold cases than ever are finally being solved, bringing relief and closure to the bereaved families."
"We're here today to announce a vital new action that we're taking to help former inmates find a job, live a crime-free life, and succeed beyond their wildest dreams."
"I signed into law groundbreaking and historic reform to our criminal justice system, the First Step Act."
"America wins when citizens with a criminal record can contribute to their communities as law-abiding members of our society."
"Know this is America this is what they do to black people they shove them through the criminal justice system even when they dub nothing."
"I wish we were letting way more people out of prison than we are."
"We've been using the risk assessment tool and have shrunk our jail population by about 40% from 2015 to last year."
"It's a perfect alignment between criminal justice and profit that raises deep questions about the credibility of the system itself."
"A system that focuses on restoration and preventing future harm is not a system that would ever have the death penalty."
"Once you've paid your debt to society, you're basically done."
"We exist to fight to end what is the fastest growing criminal enterprise according to most experts in the world."
"But let's not fool ourselves that our prisons are full of people who shouldn't be there. That's simply not the case."
"In short, violent criminals make up the clear majority of the state prison population."
"45% of people have been convicted for nonviolent crimes."
"Locking everybody up violates our fundamental Liberties."
"It's easy to make an arrest, it's much harder to get a conviction."
"It is recommended that Lori Vallow... be charged with conspiracy to commit murder."
"We have the mechanisms there, but only when we recognize that the entire structure is a criminal enterprise."
"Let's take a step back and say that shows something wrong with our criminal justice system."
"We know for instance the lengthy incarceration periods do not make a community any safer."
"You cannot incarcerate your way out of a health problem."
"The judge praised the speed of the investigation and arrest."
"Standards are oppressive... they are genuinely oppressive. That's actually correct. They are there to oppress criminals."
"Here he is in his own words: 'We should not burden with criminal investigations or criminal prosecutions.'"
"The criminals can be as vicious as anywhere in the world."
"You hear a story, you read the details about it and you're like, this person can't be rehabilitated."
"Evidence that can be seen by the naked eye is vital to solving a murder, but forensic science coupled with rigorous investigative techniques brings the smallest clues to light and brings more killers to justice."
"Criminal justice reform, something that people have been trying to get for many years."
"For the families of Franklin's victims, peace had finally come. Franklin would never be free to kill again."
"The reason it’s important to get it right is that if we’re trying to reduce the prison population, we want to make sure we do it correctly."
"The actual number of convicted people in jail in the United States hasn’t really risen much since 1983."
"Daryl was granted a full pardon twenty years later."
"The unrelenting investigation put three killers behind bars and helped open the door for a forensic technology that has changed criminal investigations forever."
"Just jumped on Chris immediately like yeah yeah and well whether it was racially motivated or not I mean it's just it's so obvious that there is definitely some bias place on Chris because of who he was."
"I think criminal prosecution is what will open the door to the IRS reviewing the tax exemption."
"Don't believe the hype about it's just they're just letting people out... 15 years or 25 years or 40 years you're paying the penalty for a carjacking."
"A mug shot is a visceral representation of the Criminal Justice System, a symbol of lost Freedom. It permanently memorializes one of the worst days of a person's life, a moment not meant for a scrapbook." - Associated Press
"Until you confront the law enforcement problems with law enforcement and the criminal justice system, you're going to continue to get protests." - Jason Stanley
"Now, for 3 decades, we fought crime by building huge prisons."
"When they do the crime lock them up also defunding the police the stupidest thing that I ever heard in my entire life."
"The violent home invaders gang is dismantled forever."
"The way that the criminal viewer is dealt with in this futuristic world may raise questions about how far the power of the law should extend."
"Basically the reason that people who defraud investors tend to get more serious jail time and tend to go to jail for those crimes because the american system really relies on people investing in companies."
"Illegal evidence cannot be used to convict a suspect."
"Differential sentences for male and female perpetrators imply that the offenses committed by the females are less serious."
"The prosecution bears the burden of proving guilt Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"Scott confessed to the murder of Terry Brooks."
"Life in prison for child predators: a necessary punishment."
"This seems to be a case of investigators always knew who is responsible, but the final death bed confession just solidified it for them."
"It is time to make arrests. It is time to prosecute. It is time to lock criminals up."
"Should the use of inmate labor be allowed in the criminal justice system?"
"The average time spent in prison for murder in the US is 17.5 years."
"We should absolutely try to rehabilitate everyone we can. We have to try, we have to."
"You are the gatekeepers, you're the last line of defense before this person is let out in the wild. That is a huge responsibility."
"Repeat violent offenders particularly deserve a strong response and that's what they'll get from this district attorney's office."
"From 'crossbow cannibal' to convicted murderer: The downfall of Stephen Griffiths."
"We've redefined the way people think about the role of the district attorney's office."
"Life imprisonment should mean life and no less." - Brian DT Porter McGee
"When we finally heard that it was Pitchfork who had committed both murders, you have a sense of real relief that justice had been finally done for the families was the overwhelming feeling."
"Let's just return to a world where we only punish the abusers and the criminals."
"Can we just say listen here's a guy who killed people we punish him because he killed people that's about it."
"The ultimate goal of our office is to hold any criminal wrongdoing accountable."
"We don't conduct criminal investigations just to collect information and put it out to the public."
"We incarcerate more people both in flat numbers and per capita than any other country on earth."
"Carrie's killer had finally been brought to justice."
"The numbers didn't lie. Williams was arrested. To forensic scientists, the fiber evidence was overwhelming."
"The Raleigh Police Department got truth as much truth as was possible and justice for Stephanie Bennett."
"They found the offender they charged him if he hadn't killed himself we would convict in it and all likelihood he'd be sitting for however long on death row."
"Not only was it a great thing that he was arrested, but you know what comes with an arrest? There's a lot of evidence typically, and that was very true of this case."
"Politicians can feel like good and virtuous people by giving a second chance to felons."
"He's sick, he's perverted, and I'm glad his ass won't get out of jail until he's 85 plus years old."
"Do you want people to look at you as a cold-blooded killer or somebody that just made a mistake?"
"Criminalizing addicts is not the way to solve the overdose and drug crisis."
"A hundred years in prison... is the kind of sentence that should be handed out... for habitual criminals who at bottom are murderers."
"I think it's a devastating day for the mob... it'll be difficult for them to continue their sophisticated activities... they don't have... dispute resolution mechanisms."
"R. Kelly has been sentenced to 30 years in prison."
"Arrested Pazuzu and two of his female fiances."
"A day in the life of New York's criminal court."
"How can you correct an individual by placing that individual in a cell for 22 23 hours a day?"
"Regardless of her odd behavior, they still had absolutely nothing in terms of physical evidence yet again to charge her with any crime."
"Ultimately her case is still open, it is still an open unsolved case all these years later."
"While those on the right are considered hardened criminals without any record before a trial can even begin."
"He now becomes one of the few convicted British criminals who will never ever see the light of day again."
"Changing the way that we classify drugs and how we criminalize all of that would probably be the second thing."
"Reflex models are models which just require a fixed set of computations."
"I think she's a fascinating case within forensic psychology."
"Your party blocked criminal justice reform when barack and i were in the white house where were you."
"Acts of Cruelty are now counted alongside felony crimes like arson, burglary, assault, and homicide."
"Most likely he is going to be dead before he makes it to his parole hearing."
"Eun Kang then purposely lures Hansol into confessing all the crimes he has committed and directly bugs him using a bug hidden under the collar of her jacket."
"I was interested in telling the story that I wanted to tell which was one about the ways in which I feel criminalization and that study the criminalization had come to be so rampant in this country."