
Dimensionality Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"Human consciousness is able to separate from physical reality and interact with other intelligences in other dimensions within the universe, and that it is both eternal and destined for ultimate return to the absolute."
"We wanted every sound in the game to have dimensionality."
"Dimensionality is almost limitless, almost infinite."
"You think those chains are tight? Imagine living in the second dimension. Flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams."
"You humans need to get out of the third dimension, bypass the fourth, you need to get to the fifth."
"Your movement is always vibrational. You're multi-dimensional."
"You unlock this door with the key of remembrance, beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of nostalgia, a dimension of entertainment, a dimension of grief."
"When you come across the word Eternal or eternity especially in the Hebrew scriptures what you're really looking at is language of dimensionality."
"What if the world was actually 3D and you were just a 2D flat character that could only move inside a 2D plane?"
"We are no longer in the third dimension, the fourth dimension is about truth, revelation, transparency."
"The dimensionality of a vector space is the minimum number of vectors needed to represent any vector."
"Fez drops the player into a two-dimensional world that rapidly takes on a new dimension."
"Evolution has evolved our brain only to conceptualize in three dimensions." - Michio Kaku
"The best example I have ever heard to explain what an extra Dimension is is the analogy of flatland."
"Ezekiel Saw a perfect living example of extra dimensional unfolding."
"Respect the spiritual process of incarnating into third-dimensional reality."
"The universe started infinite dimensional and only gradually cooled down to be three-dimensional."
"Matrix multiplication and a few transposes—that's the only way to make the dimensions work out."
"You cannot oppose what you cannot see, feel. You cannot oppose the thousand-dimensional."
"This is literally in three dimensions an illustration from the mythological past"
"Now immediately we now have two columns that are in our dimension customers."
"We are living these one-dimensional lives rather than the rich tapestry of three-dimensional experiences that is available to us."
"It's crazy... it becomes a three-dimensional object instead of a two-dimensional frontier."
"The Tesseract itself is a four-dimensional crystal."
"The Chaos Force, an extra-dimensional field of infinite and omnipotent energy."
"Something could be very close in 2d but very far away in 3d and they will now no longer be related if you choose that sort of 3d relationship so we're pretty excited about that."
"Time isn't as linear as you think. It has ripples and folds like smooth silk."
"In The Fifth Dimension, the sense of separation, a characteristic feature of the third dimension, begins to dissolve."
"The holographic truth suggests there is an equivalent description of exactly the same physics in which you do not have gravity and you only have two dimensions."
"That will tell the viewer that it's three-dimensional, that it's poking out from the black a little bit."
"Energy just is energy whether it be in that dimension, this dimension."
"The ultimate mission and goal in the third dimension is to bring heaven to the third dimension."
"The high-energy region of the linear array is a 3D land; its width decreases as the number of elements grows."
"We actually do not have a working definition of the fourth dimension."
"Now, let's talk about that pesky Z Dimension, back and forth, right here."
"Music is an escape creating another dimension."
"We live in a three-dimensional world."
"...the universe is finite. You're with me so far? On the macrocosm side, we discovered that it's made up of indivisible units and there's 10 Dimensions..."
"All multiplicities are flat in the sense that they fill or occupy all their dimensions."
"I prefer the three-dimensional than the two-dimensional."
"You are made for four dimensions. You're a 4D person."
"God's in another dimension, yes. God is not limited to space and time."
"...truly is how walking happens and it's not one dimension it's not two-dimensional but it's really multi-dimensional."
"In some sense, the \(3n\)-dimensional configuration space is more fundamental than the three-dimensional space that we call space."
"The motion of the dot produces the line. Therefore, things can move, and yet, the motion of the dot in producing the line does not take the dot away from where it is; it merely extends the dot into a dimension, and this dimension in turn is the principle of motion."
"We bout to eat together, in other dimensions, humans form bonds tougher than leather."
"In other dimensions, humans form bonds tougher than leather."
"It's a little hard to really understand it all, it's so multi-dimensional."
"SCP 4258 isn't your average diner. It's an interdimensional diner."
"Just like the three-dimensionality of space, that's completely dependent on what hamiltonian you use."
"You can relate an n-dimensional QFT to an n plus one dimensional gravity theory."
"One of the biggest things people overlook with their wall decor is how to add dimensionality."
"...you are multi-dimensional. It is you activating more of you."
"If we want something to be three-dimensional, we want to show at least three values: a light, a middle, and a dark."
"These are three-dimensional objects; you want to draw them so that you can show volume, shape, and depth."
"If we peel the orange carefully, we can keep the peel in one piece and lay it out flat. Now that the peel is flat, it's in 2D space, but if we wrap the peel around the orange again, we've translated that 2D space into 3D."
"This kernel should be executed in a grid of a given dimension and each block also a grid of so in so many thread blocks."
"Doing sublimation is one of my favorite things because you can really layer things, create lots of dimension and use every color of the rainbow."
"It just adds another dimension to your projects."
"These seven millimeter cuffed iridescent sequins were so perfect for this project; they added sparkle but without too much pigment and really brought the appliques to life by adding more dimension."
"When three-dimensional expressivity became one-dimensional, it lost two dimensions and became DNA."
"It's putting in these final darks that really makes the whole outcrop pop a bit; all the rocks become fairly three-dimensional."
"From a four-dimensional perspective, a fundamental particle is an immense world."
"The Shroud appears to have some 3D qualities to it."
"This is a true trio chrome, it has three different dimensions in it."
"My next stage is going to be making it three dimensional."
"A great shadow, a value gradient across your water drop, and a highlight on your water drop - if you can do those three things, this is going to read three-dimensional."
"It gives it such a really nice dimensionality, embroidery you just can't get with vinyl."
"You can easily convert a 2D U-Net into a 3D U-Net just by extending the dimensions."
"I do genuinely really want you guys to think about all of this in three dimensions."
"We are all three-dimensional objects living in a fourth dimension, time."
"With the highlights and the shadows, you're starting to see the three dimensions of the body."
"We live on a two-dimensional surface and we will get a good sense of modesty if we would open our mind to the third dimension."
"C is a vector space of dimension two over R."
"Oh, that's so three-dimensional, isn't it? I love that."
"The new FMEA is put together, and you have to think now a little bit to understand it's actually three-dimensional."
"Can you conceive of the fourth dimension?"
"Once we've added the silver rub and buff, this just gives it a whole different dimension."
"It already looks pretty 3D; it definitely has shading; it's effective to where it looks like a three-dimensional shape and not just a flat letter."
"Shamanic medicines are reaching people at a dimensional level which is so far beyond the temporal."
"You'll be quite surprised how three-dimensional this will get very quickly just by the careful application of these shadows."
"So, step one, always very carefully define your variables, their dimensionality and everything."
"Light is extreme; light in a painting always makes it look more dimensional."
"We're still working on a two-dimensional surface, but now it kind of feels like we're working in three dimensions."
"You're still applying a two-dimensional image to a three-dimensional shape, which means you're going to have distortions forever."
"The ability of perception is why many advanced mathematicians and string theorists assert that the existence of the fourth dimension remains only a theoretical possibility."
"Dimensionality reduction is reducing the size of n."
"It appears the three-dimensionality of the universe is what is necessary for life."
"In infinite dimensional spaces, you can always find such a hyperplane."
"Having something overhanging over the fold gives it this fun three-dimensional shadow box feel."
"That creates that lovely three-dimensional look that we're trying to achieve."
"The curious inversion of Plattner's right and left sides is proof that he has moved out of our space into what is called the fourth dimension."
"Shadows are the only truly two-dimensional objects that exist within our three-dimensional world."
"Our world actually has a third dimension, so we should build computer vision systems that know how to make predictions in three dimensions."
"My spiritual self is already with Christ in a dimensional reality with Him in the Heavenly Realms."
"We want to be able to turn this bird around three-dimensionally on our piece of paper."
"Reality might just be S3, and the sequence of tangent spaces may create the illusion of one more dimension."
"Physics is about explaining reality; there is no reason why nature should have such a peculiar 3 plus 1 dimensional form."
"Remember that the trees are growing around; they're three-dimensional."
"How do you create layers? It's just by doing offsets, and that's going to give it that 3D effect."
"The curse of dimensionality: more dimensions means more features and variations of each feature, and therefore more training data is needed to cover all possible combinations."
"We live in a three-dimensional world on the physical plane."
"The dimension of the space F to the n turns out to be n, so there's a vector space of any positive dimension."
"It's not happening yet, but the really exciting part is when it's three-dimensional and it starts to emerge."
"As dimensionality grows, space expands exponentially, points grow further apart, and the volume near each point vanishes."
"Volume... we're going in three different directions... we end up creating a three-dimensional object."
"But in my opinion, you cannot truly understand three-dimensional behavior, design, analysis without first completely understanding two-dimensional behavior, design, and analysis."
"As we all know the eye is a 3-dimensional object, which means that our perception of it changes with perspective."
"Even though W star lives in this huge feature space, it actually lives in a relatively small dimensionally subspace of that feature space."
"Your shadows are important, showing your textures is really important, and showing dimension is really important."
"One of the things that I really love about slip trailing is that it's a raised surface; it's a very three-dimensional surface."
"It's actually quite common for dimensions to have both Type 1 and Type 2 attributes in them."
"It's very dimensional like the plating really feels 3D."
"The critical temperature gets higher with increasing dimensionality."
"We are six sensory beings, part of us is in 4D as opposed to just totally in 3-dimensional."
"Principal components analysis... tries to find the dominant correlations in high dimensional data."
"The images are 2D, the world is 3D."
"It examines the interrelationships among a large number of variables and then attempts to explain them in terms of their common underlying dimensions."
"It's nice that it's not just one dimensional and flat."
"It's going to make it look really three-dimensional and fun."
"You can really see the details in the nebula, and they really sort of take on a 3D appearance to them."
"The more space filled by your fractal, the closer its value of D will be to the number two."
"This is a one-dimensional signal although you may have multiple channels; nevertheless, it is still one-dimensional because there is only one running variable."
"Shading is really the key to make a drawing look three-dimensional."
"The strength of gravity drops as one over r squared, which means that we know we live in a three dimensional space."
"The rank of a matrix gives us the dimension of that matrix, the maximum dimension we need is this much to represent all the vectors in that space."
"By having a shaded part and a lit part, we can feel the three dimensions of the subject through a 2D screen."
"All physical devices are three-dimensional; in certain circumstances, we can make some approximations."
"This is a great way to give a little bit of dimension and because these triangles have that faux stitching it has that interest too."
"What's the minimum number of dimensionless groups that I need to describe that problem? That's what Buckingham PI gives you."
"This is really the most fun part, I think, when you get your base forms working and everything looks three-dimensional."
"Photography is a 2D medium, and if you can create three dimensions out of a 2D medium, you're doing something right."
"Now you know how we can paint in three dimensions."
"The rank of a matrix is nothing but the dimension of the range."
"Look how the subject becomes multi-dimensional, it's no longer a 2D image, it becomes a 3D image."
"It's not until we really get to the bevel properties that things really start to become three-dimensional."
"Now we just think of this same process, but with one more dimension."
"The first ever physical representation of a freaking 4-dimensional 2x2 was in her hands."
"The more you do this, the more 3D your character is going to look."
"For scientific problems, sometimes it's just easier to think of the problem as a two-dimension problem versus a one long one-dimension problem."
"What I want to capture from anything is life and the three dimensions of something."
"I think using different thickness for the lines made this picture look more dimensional."
"I love the frame because it's not just a flat frame, it's actually 3D."
"It's just filled with so many multichromes and duochromes, and just really dimensional shades that you don't find on the normal makeup market."
"A good floral design has height, width, and depth which creates that three-dimensional effect."
"It's just very inexpensive to take your paint to kind of create the shape and give it dimension."
"The difference between what's bright and dark gives an overall dimensionality to the image here."
"For me to get mad at the two-dimensional character for not understanding what a three-dimensional object is would be silly because he simply hasn't experienced third dimension living."
"We're multi-dimensional beings, always doing multi-dimensional communication."
"We're all multi-dimensional, so a part of us, our higher self, is always in this other higher dimension."
"It's very three-dimensional, and just taking a glance of it, it feels like it will appear great in photos."
"I like how these light washes of color made the clouds look almost 3D, and gave it a minimal pop of color."