
Implementation Quotes

There are 1319 quotes

"Speed of implementation is one of the key traits of successful individuals."
"Most courses, most books, most paid membership communities... you aren't really buying information, what you're buying is implementation."
"There is no point having ideas in your head; you've got to make them happen by putting them on paper."
"The best way to learn how to implement is by directly practicing real-life implementation."
"The problem with climate change is that the solutions are all there; it's just that they're not being implemented."
"It's not necessarily about having technology, it's about how you implement it."
"If you invest in something, you'll actually... take advantage of it more, you'll implement it more than if everything is just given free."
"Good ideas do help, but the devil is in the details of implementation."
"In machine learning, having a good degree of experience when it comes to implementing machine learning algorithms is vital."
"Good ideas are so commonly available but they are not worth one broken nickel until they are implemented."
"I've been blown away at their implementation."
"Plan how you're going to plan your life and then implement those plans, follow them through."
"It will be important to implement extensive environmental protection as part of achieving socialism."
"We have solutions, we just haven't had the political will to implement."
"Algorithms rule supreme. This is a general conclusion, which I like to bring up because people delve into details of implementation way too soon."
"Action is like the nitro. I see so many people, they think it, they write it, they talk about it, and they do no action."
"How much of this word are you implementing? Did you do the last thing that God may have revealed for you to do?"
"We very clearly need to imagine implementing something different."
"It's not enough to know what to do you have to do it."
"Democracy should be implemented in workplaces."
"It's gonna take a few turns to actually implement that."
"The biggest challenge is how do we implement it? How do I give people additional tools to figure out how to implement it the best?"
"Technical analysis by itself is nearly useless until you do this one thing."
"You make progress by implementing ideas, getting things done, action, results."
"The hard part isn't thinking of it. The hard part is acting on the impulse."
"You got to move the ball forward you got you got to actually achieve gains meeting is one thing saying hey I'll include something in our plan is another but it has to get done."
"It's not about having the right strategy on paper, it's about the real dynamics of how things play out."
"Keep all those tips to heart, take them, use them."
"Implement, implement, implement relentlessly what you learn in this video."
"Secularism is not the problem. The way secularism has been implemented in India, where it has become antipathy toward the majority religion, that is the problem."
"You just have more tools by which to harness those lower-level implementation details."
"Let's talk about how these new things affect you and how you should look at implementing them in the real world."
"Just knowing the methods doesn't work. You need to implement them into your real life."
"Implementation matters more than your intentions."
"Are we going to use this opportunity to actually implement fundamental change?"
"It wouldn't shock me if this was something they were going to implement."
"A beautiful opportunity to practice... spiritual growth... to implement it."
"It's not rocket science... you just need to learn that system exists and implement it."
"So we have very simple remedies, we may start to see some of them implemented."
"We are in the process of implementing it now."
"We can only eliminate extreme poverty if the sustainable development goals that we have set are more than words on paper."
"To solve this problem, we need qualified people having an honest discussion with each other, trying to figure out why this is happening and then coming up with some solutions and implementing them."
"My goal was to take an idea and make it happen."
"After decades of people harping on climate change, we're starting to pivot. We know the answers, but we still need to implement them."
"I'd much rather implement one great idea really well, masterfully and go deep with it."
"Money loves speed. It's not how much you know, it's how fast you can implement."
"Average idea implement today is better than a great idea that implement tomorrow."
"This will be initiated and implemented successfully."
"What is already proven to work for mass audiences is the most attractive thing a business can implement into its presentation."
"It's really your implementation, your application of what you're learning that is going to make or break your self-study process."
"We really do implement things that they suggest... based on feedback we got from our seniors that are now in University."
"Because we haven't seen that happen ever since push was first introduced in 2019."
"Take action. Knowledge has to be implemented on."
"So, to me, that says that's the plan and that is what they're operating on, okay."
"If people implemented half of what you said, their businesses would double this year."
"We've got the solutions, we've got the programs, we need the money and the follow-through."
"Now you're prepared to know when and how to use records."
"Give away the secrets, sell the implementation."
"I think it's important to call out that Woody's suggestions are probably wouldn't take too much time to implement which is one of the reasons why they're very strong."
"You're finally taking it from idea to execution."
"This is promising and I'm hoping as we've said is going to be implemented within the next few weeks."
"We had several very, very concrete proposals for doing that."
"He's crashing into this thing where he's bringing those ideas."
"They keep transforming their ideas into realities."
"Some of the biggest and best ideas we have can only be brought to fruition using that traditional business model."
"This is a great example of how to do cross-gen support right."
"Creating a design template that gets applied to all of your data."
"Good Vibes only, just know we're going through this thing called life together."
"One of those earlier concepts that was attempted but not really fleshed out."
"Success is always goes from your head to your heart to your hands."
"They want to take this to the next level, they want to take their inspired thought and put it into good use."
"The government leaflet said the result of your decision is final and it will be implemented. Should people not believe what they're told?" - Nigel Farage
"There's a massive chasm between an idea and an implementation."
"Take what works implement that takes take what you don't think will work and don't implement that implement something else."
"Anyway, let me know what you think of this if you have any other challenge ideas I'm gonna be implementing a lot of them over the next couple of months."
"The simplest answers are usually the best; they are hardest to implement."
"The proven solution is right there, they beat the virus. Just do what those countries did."
"We voted him out of office...and he had at most a year to implement his vision."
"So now that we have done this, then I probably like to test if that is something that's going to work."
"Remember, ideas alone are not enough. A fair idea, developed and acted upon, is a hundred percent better than a great idea that dies because it isn't followed up."
"It's not just the information that is what makes you successful; it's the implementation of that information that makes you successful."
"Doing what Jesus said is more difficult than listening."
"Let only be a hearer of the word but be a doer of the word."
"By gathering inspiration and then going through those and in common themes I'm able to find really tangible things I can implement."
"A compelling idea: implementing crazy policies and trying to get people to accept them."
"It cannot come in being the absolute dog's dinner it is on the 6th of April."
"Get rid of VAR, it's not being used properly."
"It's time to take action and start implementing those particular things."
"What we should have done is we should have gone until we've got the right technology to keep the game flowing we're not going to switch it on but they have switched it on."
"The leader's job is to provide a vision for the community... It's the establishment and communication of the vision, and then the implementation of it through carefully chosen people who can make it a reality."
"Leadership is about vision... and then the courage and decisiveness to carry out the vision."
"You got to think about this stuff beforehand and then just layer it up and structure it as you go."
"Your approach is still unconventional, but you go from theory to action."
"Having a standard is only a real standard if it's backed up by a certain level of confidence and a certain level of courage."
"All strategies work, it depends on who's implementing it."
"And the reality is ISO 20022 and Swift had said that they were going live in November and I believe they've done exactly that."
"When you become a doer, not just a hearer, that's what we're implementing."
"A new shiny object doesn't fix it, it's the implementation that really matters."
"If we're gonna do it at all, we have to do it step by step."
"We need to have a message that is formulated and decided upon far before we start implementing our actions."
"Practicalities involve hard decisions... the most impactful changes requires implementation."
"There are many things that are planned but just not implemented yet."
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"Augmented reality can be implemented in gamification."
"It's much easier to implement a public good that does one thing."
"We need to move beyond just considering these ideas and start working them into our everyday lives."
"We're becoming... a lot more eager to try to put new heroes into comp quicker."
"I would love to help the United States Army, but that's only if I can see things be implemented and put into action that show we're on the right track and you care about the United States of America."
"So if you aren't someone who follows at least to some degree on what I'm going to show you today and implements it straight away bookmark the video come back in 2 years and I want you to tell me if I was right or wrong."
"It's a big rethink for people, isn't it, to get them to wrap their head around it when they see it on the ground?"
"You can only go so far on your roadmap and at some point you gotta start opening the door and doing some project rollouts."
"There is no U overnight solution, there's just awareness, identifying the problems that we're facing correctly, creating solutions and visions that are correct as well, and then implementing them."
"The history of the 76 millimeter gun on the M4 medium is an excellent example of the process lag between somebody coming up with a good idea and actually getting it implemented into the field."
"Implement the strategy, start by knowing your exit before you enter."
"Lang chains already conveniently implemented a research paper called the React Framework that we can just use."
"This stuff you can implement today and you can get results from it if you do it correctly."
"Most Innovation happens in business is in the way that people do business not the product itself."
"Quite simple in theory but difficult in practice."
"That's pretty big brain but we'll see how they put that in."
"Study the work of artists you admire, figure out what it is you like so much about their work, implement those things in your own work, and don't let anyone tell you that that's theft because it's not."
"Make no mistake, there will be no delay in implementing and moving forward on these recommendations."
"Finally, guys, it's happened! Weapon inspection is in Modern Warfare."
"These would be decisions that we have to make as we're going forward and actually applying this building to brand guidelines."
"Activation of spirituality has to move past talking into activation."
"Smart contracts are coming, now they're here."
"Instead of describing my design process and what I do, I'm going to highlight a few things that you could potentially implement if you aren't already doing so."
"It's just going to make the whole thing work."
"Would it be difficult to implement dollarization today? No, no, very easy to implement it, all done in 30 days."
"It's not about your ideas, it's about your execution."
"Having a good idea is only 20% of the game, the remaining 80% is the actual application of that idea."
"We need to implement them broadly and really come together."
"This is the solution...this is how we fix this problem."
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." - Shirley Jalon
"So let's dive right into nine things that you should implement right now."
"Could be kind of granular, could also not be even implemented."
"They succeeded. They noticed it. They put it in and it was installed including the drivers."
"Looks interesting. I'm wondering how they're gonna actually play it out."
"This will be technically difficult, this will require an implementation challenge, but it is necessary."
"I want to implement the learnings in this article; can you give me a broken down, step-by-step, week to week, day to day action plan that tells me exactly what I would need to do?"
"Let me show how you can implement this from scratch for any kind of geometry."
"Let's start implementing what I have just explained."
"Our political will and commitment is critical to the implementation of this declaration."
"Remembering quotes is like the most important thing; implementing quotes is what gets you those higher marks and pushes you into grade nine."
"Instead of just thinking of ideas and letting them die on the back burner, I want to act on them as quickly as I can."
"Implementation is probably far more important than the complexity of the task itself."
"It's not about the idea of it, it's about execution."
"Theory does not heal action does."
"Read one book and actually do something about it."
"Let's talk a little bit about lighting and some of the basic ways you can implement lighting in your shaders."
"Change cannot happen in a vacuum; it's about implementation, it's about creating a ritual and new habit."
"It's very simple and how we can go ahead and use this."
"Sometimes you need to do rather than just talk."
"You can't just talk about it, you got to be about it."
"We want to consistently and effectively implement change in a way that reduces risk to the organization."
"The more aligned you are on these and other key decisions, the faster your implementation is going to go."
"To the extent that you are able to implement that sort of system I think it does provide a level of assurance that there's more consistency in the delivery."
"So with that, we have some colors; let's actually implement them."
"It's going to make more sense as we do it, so let's just start implementing it."
"Bringing the ideals into concrete actualization, that's so important."
"It's time for you to take action on something that you've been learning about."
"Knowing isn't enough. We have to take action and make small steps toward our goals."
"We've got solutions that are going to be palatable, that you can start to make in small ways."
"I don't just talk about things, I'm more of a doer."
"Something tangible, not just talking or planning"
"Translate your thoughts into action and identify clear actions you can take in response to your goals."
"We didn't expect this but we learned a lot and we implemented from it."
"Test implementation includes setup, teardown, and assertion, ensuring each piece of code behaves as expected."
"This might result in a time-consuming part."
"Projects often bring unique challenges. You might be asked to deal with the implementation of a new internet system or a new accounting system."
"I always try to make things actionable for people to take action, pretty much right away."
"The sooner you implement a productivity system like this, the sooner you'll start seeing results."
"The difference between where you are right now and where you'd like to be is exactly the same as the difference between what you know and what you have not learned and implemented yet."
"Even when you get a yes, you're not actually done with sales. You have to finish the last mile to get the thing implemented."
"The next big challenge you might encounter relates to an incomplete implementation of scrum."
"Now, we are going to implement the SD-WAN."
"Real change happens when you start implementing things that you learn."
"Confidence is the byproduct of consistent implementation."
"You just have to take action on the stuff that we teach you."
"I would say it's going to be a think and do tank. It's going to be an activist. We're going to study these issues and we're going to come up with solutions to problems and we're going to implement."
"It's necessary to take that understanding out into our everyday life and live it to the best of our ability."
"United States virtually never signs any of the implementing treaties that conventions that would implement the decisions of the charter the United U.N the ud the universal Declaration of Human Rights."
"We've been able to see how housing first implemented at scale can solve homelessness."
"The successful implementations have been mostly connectionist."
"It's not what you know or who you know, it's what you implement that counts."
"This card fully implements this color MDA mode and I don't know if it's by accident or on purpose or what the deal is but it just it does implement it properly and seems to work perfectly."
"So now that we have actually done this right here, let's add in some widgets."
"Ry was incredibly pleased with himself and the plan he had implemented."
"Learn, apply, learn, apply. The faster you implement, the faster you start to develop the skill."
"The actual implementation of each part is actually really easy to do."
"Ask yourself what are the steps that I need to take in the next 24, 48 hours so that I can implement some version of this because like I said I like people who take action it's the biggest predictor of future success in my opinion."
"Don't wait until your numbers don't add up to start implementing some of these concepts. Do it right now."
"It's probably not going to stay in the system permanently but we will use it for now."
"I'm kind of happy with them, I'd like to see it in some more homes."
"The best thing to do is learn like learn something and Implement see what happens learn something and implement."
"I want you guys to implement everything that we've learned."
"You make a goal, you break it down into micro goals, and you implement the micro goals."
"Realize our rights. Implement our resolutions. 1,000 resolutions have been adopted we are asking to implement just one just one resolution."
"Often I get asked, 'Is it really this simple?' But then you implement it and it actually works."
"I'm doing it! And I just love that he took something that I said, immediately put it into practice, and is now seeing the results of that."
"It happens in life that a ridiculous idea, contradicting common sense, is suddenly implemented and becomes useful."