
Christ-centered Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"The problem with the church, the moment the leader is seen, not Christ, there is no power in that leader, there is no power in that church."
"No matter what political party's in control, remember that in the end, Christ the King wins."
"This is not about religion. This is about relationship with Jesus the Christ, the transformational work."
"It's not about lifting up conservatism or the republican party. This has everything to do with lifting up the cross of Christ."
"The Church of the 21st century will be a Christ-centered Church born of the gospel in full or it will not be."
"In all of our relationships, we would be Christ-centered."
"It's not the gospel of Christ that saves you, it's the Christ of the gospel."
"Perfect theology is Jesus... perfect theology is the life that Jesus lived."
"Keep your eyes on the prize. The prize is Jesus Christ."
"It's Christ, Christ that you need! And if you have Him, you have everything, absolutely everything."
"We believe the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus."
"Unity is not about being united with each other, it's about being united to Christ alone."
"The secret of true unity in the church... is union with Christ."
"Christ is risen, bow down before him for he is Lord."
"Faith has a divine power to discover Christ."
"May they make Christ the center of their home and discover your presence every day."
"Christianity is all about Christ; in fact, the entire Bible is all about Christ."
"I'm trying to remember that in preaching I'm preaching for an audience of one to glorify Christ, but also trying to serve His people."
"Luther's bravery will set off a movement that places Christ's death, not church hierarchy, at the center of humanity's relationship with God."
"All faithful, all honorable ministers make much of Christ and nothing of themselves."
"It's not about me; it's not about me; it's about Him."
"Your marriage, you know, is viewed by many of us, and I think your greatest testament, your greatest sermon that you're going to preach is not going to be how you weathered through those couple of seasons of the show, but how we're watching you live a Christ-centered marriage."
"The purpose of expository preaching is that they may hear great things about Christ and they might delight in Christ."
"A sermon without Christ is like an ocean without water. It’s like bread without flour. It’s like a well without water. It’s like the sky without the sun."
"Their culture was so christ-centered even if a lot of people nowadays don't believe in Christ a lot of people do but their culture was so christ-centered and I loved saying that to people it was one of the greatest things on every Easter to get to talk to people like that."
"The pinnacle of human existence is not being married; the pinnacle of human existence is knowing and loving Christ."
"When it comes to salvation he's saying that it's again very Christ centered but there seems to be humanity and all creation swallowed up in Christ and all redeemed in Christ."
"Saving faith boasts of nothing in itself but everything in Christ."
"Godly ambition is not only fueled by love but it's filled with grace, it's faith-filled, it's hope saturated, it's Bible-based, it's Christ-centered, it's Spirit-empowered."
"I choose to live in the life of Christ."
"Christ in you, our only hope of glory."
"The purpose of religion is to recognize Christ in everything."
"A sermon without Christ is like an ocean without water."
"It points to Christ and to the holy word."
"To the God who's made Himself perfectly known to us in Jesus, who alone is our Christ, our loving Lord, our sacrificial Savior, our resurrected, risen, reigning, returning Redeemer."
"Come unto Christ, and find new life in him."
"It's all about Christ, it's not about us."
"Paul says fight vigorously to hold this truth that Christ alone is your resource, your only way out."
"Read the Bible with Christ continually in view."
"To be Christ-centered is to be spirit-empowered."
"We don't look to our goodness, but we look to Christ and his goodness."
"Life is only balanced when everything is centered on Christ."
"The sanctuary is Christ-centered; it's all about Jesus."
"It's that we do it for Christ and we do it in Christ; that's when it becomes truly salvific."
"To bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ."
"Christ is my wisdom; He's my intelligence."
"Like everything else in our theology, it is grounded in the person and the work of Jesus Christ and him alone."
"The Bible is Christ-centered; it's centered on Christ."
"The conference center is all centered on Christ and everything that we do here."
"We live by eternal life, we live by the Life of Christ."
"...the gospel is christ-centered and it is about his death, burial, and resurrection that he did for us and atone for our sins."
"Your very life should be based upon Christ Jesus if you're a Catholic."
"I had to really become centered on Christ; the center went from being on myself to being on Jesus."
"The only proper Christ-centered ritual is one that reminds you that refreshes you, that awakens you."
"Everything in the Bible has its meaning and value as it relates to Christ."
"If you're studying anything here in seminary and Christ isn't the end, you're off kilter."
"Everything you need is in Christ."
"The church should be designed to please one person, and that's Jesus Christ."
"God's secret plan has now been revealed to us; it is a plan centered on Christ, designed long ago according to his good pleasure."
"The essence of godliness is a choice to entwine one's ambitions and desires around the essence of Christ."
"Our hope for Holiness is centered in Christ, in his mercy and his grace."
"To be mature is to be basic. Christ! No more, no less."
"Christ is all, He's everything to me."
"Our study of the Bible must always be Christ-centered, not information-centered."
"The Holy Spirit will always place Christ before you."
"Is Christ everything in all that we do? Are we living for Christ, in Christ, and by the way of Christ?"
"We belong to Christ and everything revolves around him."
"Contentment in Christ is being fully satisfied in our soul."
"The church must return to a Christ-centered community."
"Our focus will be on Jesus Christ."