
Mutual Respect Quotes

There are 905 quotes

"Mutual respect, trust, and emotional support are fundamental values in a healthy relationship."
"Every healthy relationship has the same core ingredients: kindness, compassion, patience, mutuality of regard, reciprocity, and respect."
"You can't just shut up and learn how to be a woman. It's about mutual respect and understanding."
"Respect is something which is very essential at workplace. You need to give respect to get respect."
"Tupac had treated Snoop well, giving him a platform on his iconic album 'All Eyes on Me,' and speaking highly of him."
"The security of one country cannot be achieved at the expense of the security of other countries."
"You both bring energy equally and you have respect and honor for each other."
"Mutual respect is a way to grow as a healthy individual who in turn can bring out the best in others."
"Respecting ourselves and respecting others leads to getting that respect back."
"Boundaries aren't there just for one person; they're for both of you."
"Mutual respect as a principle for equilibrium is what I'm trying to achieve."
"We embody mutual respect in the very fabric of our faith."
"I've come here to Cairo to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based on mutual interest and mutual respect."
"A true friendship or relationship is about mutual respect and helping each other grow."
"You just gotta... it's the same as being in a relationship in any other capacity; you just have to have mutual respect."
"You're an amazing human being all you have to do is to love yourself and to value yourself and to see value in other people."
"Women are capable of respecting a man, but you have to respect yourself first and then her."
"Honor does have the advantage of being civic in its nature. It's something that we adopt together and win respect from each other."
"Achieving some level of status is only good if the people you admire admire you back."
"We are not saying talk only about... that includes offensive cartoons... this is all about respecting each other, respecting each other's beliefs, respecting each other's sentiments, and then talk responsibly."
"It's about having self-respect, about having confidence in who you are, in your opinions, and in what you like and dislike, and be able to make that clear but you expect the same from her."
"We may be two sides of the same coin, that our work together is something bigger than by itself."
"One thing is true: we respect each other and we learn from each other."
"A great interview filled with tough questions combined with respect and a certain level of humility and a level of curiosity makes for the interviewer and the interview dancing."
"I protect your rights because I want my rights to be protected."
"Whatever the solution to this complex problem is, it has to be achieved mutually and with respect and with a willingness to listen to other people."
"Adult relationships are not about fixing, they're not about rescuing. Healthy relationships are about balance and respect, and mutual regard and compassion."
"The most important tenet of a pickup is that it's mutual. Women are entitled to say no, plain and simple."
"People want mutual respects and harmonious coexistence. China stands for equality among all countries, irrespective of their size."
"With good office etiquette, everyone can be comfortable and effective in the workplace."
"Time has really been on me and April's side because this is something new, us getting to a place where we're both respectful and listen to one another."
"Every healthy relationship requires a high degree of mutual tolerance."
"Let's build each other up; we can run [things] but we don't because we're killing each other. We are great people, and there's nothing to matter. White people are great people too; they give a [damn], and we give them [a damn]. Every culture gives everybody [a damn]."
"A good manager doesn't just go around bossing people around. A good manager builds mutual respect."
"Understand what the men that you desire want...if you want the best partner, you also have to be the best partner."
"It's a non-aggression principle. You don't have the right to hurt me; I don't have the right to hurt you."
"A healthy relationship is based on mutual respect and partnership, not to mention communication and honesty."
"Outdo each other in honor, serving one another."
"Respect for each other is what's going to make LeFray succeed."
"In an allegedly free country, where officials carry the title of public servant, it is at least just as much of their responsibility to show respect to us as it is ours to show respect to them."
"Show some mutual love and respect for each other so that it doesn't get nasty."
"Treat people the way that you want to be treated."
"If I respect someone, I get respect from the people I respect."
"We have seen what is possible when we build upon our mutual interests, and engage on the basis of mutual respect."
"Anarchists are like, 'Hey, if you leave me alone, I'll leave you alone.' Perfect deal."
"I feel like we should all just kind of try to be there for each other and try to be kind."
"Your two are just very appreciative of each other."
"Sex acts should be judged by the way partners treat one another, the level of mutual consideration, the presence or absence of coercion, and quantity and quality of the pleasures they provide."
"Most of the people who watch our shows, uh, we teach them how to treat us."
"This season of America is not a referendum on him. This is a referendum on us, on who we are and who we're going to be to each other."
"We know no masters, we acknowledge no dictators. This is a hall for mutual consultation and discussion, not an arena for the exhibition of champions."
"It's about reaching out to your people that show real love and respect among each other."
"She will treat you like a king if you honor her like a queen."
"Relationships are a beautiful thing, full of mutual respect and loving cooperation."
"Loyalty is symmetrical, has to go back and forth between two people."
"As long as you're respectful to me, I'll be respectful to you. This will be great."
"The only way that two warring sides or two sides that are opposed to one another can ever really come together is when there's mutual respect."
"Know your worth, know what you bring to the table, and expect the same in return."
"Treat your spouse, treat your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your fiance, whoever you are dating or you are engaged to, treat them the way you want to be treated."
"It's very easy not to abuse them, you know how? Just treat them exactly the way you would want to be treated."
"There's no need to control when you already value and you're listening to and you're heard."
"Relationships are not about give and take, they're about give and give."
"We need to come together as a human race and work together for common respect and understanding."
"Let's come together for the common good with empathy and respect for each other."
"Respect the people who have respected you through their actions."
"We all wanna have a good time, which means we all have to have mutual respect for everyone's experience."
"Mutual humanization starts with talking to one another."
"We need to start putting a lot more energy into promoting a new culture of mutual respect, mutual empathy, kindness, and openness both online and in the real world."
"Understanding that when you're doing it for the right person, it will be appreciated and cherished."
"Each partner needs to feel like what they see and feel matters."
"Boundaries teach people how to honor the divine in themselves boundaries teach people how to honor the divine in you."
"The best way to love a man is to respect him and the best way to respect a woman is to love her."
"Why would I respect someone else's life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness? It's because I want them to respect mine."
"It's all about energy, folks. Treat others the way you want to be treated."
"We need as citizens to expect a little more of each other."
"Nobody in this country got the respect they wanted without showing it."
"I think if Americans would love their neighbor like they like to be loved themselves, a lot of the division in our society would end."
"Everybody operates their relationship differently, and not saying what you do is right or what I'm doing is wrong."
"Can we respect each other mutually can we agree to disagree?"
"If those male friends said no I wouldn't smash you genuine friendship on both ends nobody wants the other one."
"Treat others the same you want them to treat you."
"Stability is key in every team... We have two drivers that respect each other while racing each other hard."
"That all sex should be consensual and a mutually gratifying experience for everyone."
"We grow, we love, we respect one another, and we stretch one another."
"We should be the Americans that cherish each other, each and every one of us."
"If you don't have self-respect, he's not going to respect you."
"I don't give a damn your race, your gender none of that, I'm about the truth and I'm about integrity."
"A fundamental human decency and respect for each other."
"We do have to honor our needs and someone else's and create the space in us and in the relationship for both."
"Dogs are the best dog's the best you treat them well they'll treat you better"
"Let's get back to the golden rule: love thy neighbor and do unto others as you want them to do unto you."
"You can't expect people to respect you if you don't respect yourself."
"I just want somebody who I can have a discussion with. I want somebody who understands me and knows. To me, that's a huge part of it—having mutual respect."
"And love each other. That's why we have to pass as you want."
"If we expect to be treated with respect for our decision then we have to show and model it ourselves."
"Everybody try to make it seem like is this big thing, it's just simple, that's just respect each other."
"They just want to be mutual, and it's really amazing that you get them and they get you."
"Nobody's feelings are more important than yours, and your feelings are not more important than theirs."
"We don't see the value in tearing down one another or one other's work."
"Your soulmate message is love and respect your loved ones' opinions but remain grounded in your own truth."
"You want to feel valued mutually, you want to feel appreciated."
"I feel like there is genuine love and feeling and respect for one another in this connection."
"You can have a mutual respect and not just be dismissive of someone."
"There's no reason to be mean. Like there's bad enough that people are mean to us, so let's not be mean to each other."
"The moral of the story is be excellent to each other."
"Communication and mutual respect can solve a lot of problems."
"You stay when there's still mutual respect and adoration even through the troubles."
"Push and pull with love and respect for one another as human beings."
"Exercising our freedom depends on taking responsibility for one another."
"But I still have a little bit of integrity left, and I respected that about her."
"We do it for the Arts, we do it to have fun, and yeah, we value each other's opinion, we respect each other."
"Mutual respect...you actually are going for the same thing and love the kids the same."
"Respect from wives, love from husbands: the key to flourishing families."
"You cannot gain respect from someone who disrespects you."
"I have no problem with anybody feeling like they are the prize just as long as they also view their partner as the prize."
"Our security comes not from stockpiling weapons, but from having a community that respects each other."
"I respect her decision. I'm sure she respects mine. I wish her the best."
"Mutual respect goes both ways. We must look beyond just external material success. If someone is a man of God, the person is a man of God, whether he has 20 members, whether he has 50 members, whether he has 100 members."
"It's this person is going to treat you as their equal."
"Europe must demonstrate a genuine commitment to Equitable Partnerships, Mutual benefit, and respect for African sovereignty."
"Respect implies mutuality. Respect is about me understanding your feelings, desires, needs, and wants."
"I got a lot of respect for each other. Respectful jokes. As a businessman, I look up to Jay and you, Mike. I'd always told you, you're like me, we, you know, we hustle."
"You want respect, you give respect. That's how it works."
"That's what I love about this team, everyone in the team has earned the respect from the rest of the team for them to trust them."
"Mutual tolerance and respect leading to internal cohesion was the only option."
"All we really have to do is be aware of first principles, trust each other, and love each other but hold each other accountable."
"You don't need to know my body count if I'm feeling you and you're feeling me."
"Respect the nature then the nature will respect us."
"The best relationships are people who want different things but know how to want different things together."
"The best relationships I've seen are people who want different things but know how to want different things together."
"Let's remain ultra positive guys and try to talk about stuff that we all really like and things that we agree on and sort of respect other people's personal taste decisions."
"Yes there's a level of mutual respect between these teams that we honestly haven't seen from any other oems."
"I found my wife when I was living my I was loving myself and she loved herself and we realized that okay we've got now what collaboration yeah yeah you have to have love to give a lot of people don't have love to give nowadays."
"Our relationship with China should be one based on mutual respect."
"If you want to be treated like a queen, you also have to treat your dude like a king."
"They both earn that respect and are both going to show each other that respect until the whistle goes."
"Leave the respect there. Put some respect on the last thing that we say to each other."
"They want to be loyal, trustworthy, and give you what you give. They see your value and want to match it."
"The idea of peaceful coexistence: Respect their interest, and they will respect our interest."
"It shouldn't be like that. It should be this equal exchange of effort, appreciation, time."
"Survived and evolved over the years because we take the long view."
"If you treat people with respect, they will give you respect back."
"No one is better than you and likewise, we're not better than anyone else."
"Spiritual partnerships allow agency and independence, but also have a sense of connection, of mutual understanding, of being on the same page as to what both are wanting."
"When two people respect each other so much, that's what you should really fear."
"This person doesn't want to change you they don't want to mold you they want you as you are and they want you to accept them as they are too."
"We're all born individuals, and if we can start seeing each other that way, we'll all be a lot better off."
"The mutual respect that both superstars have shown one another."
"Support your dreams and supposed to support mine."
"We're gonna treat each other with dignity and respect."
"We can disagree and still love each other and still respect each other."
"In order for me to be free, you have to be free."
"That's hope, not necessarily that he'll get out, but that these two respect each other again."
"Can we accept each other for who we are, or are we both shrinking each other?"
"Treat people with the same respect they give me."
"You have to remember, support each other, respect each other."
"I honestly believe that if people knew... we could become an example of communities that not only live with each other and tolerate each other but actually communities that can cooperate with each other and show mutual respect to each other."
"They were very much pro-gun, pro-liberty, pro-each other's rights, and both the white guy and the black guy recognized each other as respecting the rights of the individual."
"If you want to be treated like a queen, then you better start treating him like a king."
"A woman is a reflection of her man. So if you want a good woman, you have to be a good man."
"Respect someone. I should be able to look at you and say, 'Let us be fuller.'"
"It's not two people at a pedestal looking up or down it is it is it is a discussion it is equals looking at equals."
"You have the right to be treated with respect but the responsibility is that you must also treat others with respect."
"I feel like there are moments where this is where we test each other like how are we going to treat each other."
"They see the value in that because they understand us and they respect our creativity."
"Respect one another and step outside their echo chamber."
"You want somebody to give you attention and you want to give somebody equal amounts of attention."
"You'll only invest your time and energy into people who show they care through their actions by reciprocating interest."
"Unless you're genuinely and legitimately building a society where it's acknowledged and understood by all that we're all participating together in a global organism and we all love one another."
"If we can create a society in which respect and friendliness is the passport that we all have when we meet each other."
"You can love people and not accept their behavior or what they believe necessarily."
"Isn't it true that really what we need here at the workplace is to have everyone respect one another?"
"Everyone deserves love and understanding, including conservatives. So long as we respect each other's views and values, I think there's room for compromise."
"When you respect somebody, you have this wonderful sense of harmony with them."
"Mutual respect is missing from a lot of people's relationships."
"Remember, time is the most precious commodity, so don't waste my time, I'm not going to waste your time. Let's run it."
"Respect each other, most importantly, respect Could-Have-Been Records, respect this house."
"The love is mutual for you and your congregation, so it's a very special thing we have."
"The day you meet a person of another faith whom you consider to be at least as smart, religious, and decent as you think you are, you will never be the same."
"It's always a blessing to know when you look up to other artists and they also know your work. It's a beautiful thing when you connect."
"Value yourself and seek reciprocity in your relationships."
"Calmness leads you to trust and space leads you to respect."
"If somebody cares about you and values your time, they make it easy to get together."
"Consider yourself lucky if she meets you halfway, respects you, and allows you to possess her emotionally."
"I promise to treat you the way you want to be treated and give you the respect you deserve."
"Our relationship will be equal. I see you as my equal."
"Women respect and love men who stand up to them and who respect and love themselves."
"This person has a lot of respect for you. There's a lot of maturity within this connection. It's not about like power struggles."
"You know how amazing it is when people respect the culture of gaming by coming together to play the games and sharing their experiences about the many aspects they enjoy?"
"I accept you, I tolerate you, and I hope you tolerate me."
"Assume that whoever you're talking to has something to offer."
"Beneath all of this, you still have a special place in your heart for them and that you acknowledge that they have a special place in their heart for you."
"We have to love ourselves, we have to love each other."
"The light in me recognizes and honors the light in you."
"Your virginity is something you should share with somebody that you care about, who cares about you."
"You can be my wingman any time. You can be mine."
"All we gotta do is have faith in the Lord above and love one another."
"Treat me with respect and you've seen that you get all the love in the world. It's hella simple."
"Nothing but love and respect for them out there."
"Keep her as long as it's good for both of you, but never at all costs."