
Urban Planning Quotes

There are 1908 quotes

"The self-driving technology has the potential to deeply change the way we think about traffic, parking spots, urban environments, city design."
"The streets have a narrow envelope, tight turning radii, speed humps... really all the features you want for an extremely comfortable pedestrian environment."
"If we don't have functional cities, we can't have a functional country."
"Our goal here is to have a thriving self-sufficient city."
"A 15-minute city is one where everything we need is close to home, where communities are safe and inclusive, where the air is clean."
"Sustainable cities and buildings can actually increase life quality."
"What we do now matters. How we source our energy and our food, how we transport ourselves, how we build our cities, how we relate to our environment matters."
"You aren't going to have a quiet residential neighborhood in a downtown tourism district."
"The Bank of Japan could for instance have bought real estate and converted it into public parks, and there is an opportunity here to solve three problems in one stroke."
"Shade is increasingly seen as a precious commodity, as the crises of climate change and inequality converge."
"The funny thing about these, you'll see these a lot on college campuses where there will be really stark walkways."
"This could also have a campus building, I don't know, is there anything we could put there now?"
"At the moment, this cargo station is still not up and running like we've got this beautiful cargo station tucked away just here, but we can't use it because it doesn't go anywhere. It doesn't connect to anything, so it's pretty pointless."
"It means we have a high volume intersection that isn't like a big interchange, which I gotta say, I am loving."
"It's really cool; it works really well. Get a high volume of cars flowing through."
"In its most idealistic form, urban renewal would increase the attractiveness of the city, lower unemployment, raise tax revenues, create opportunities for disadvantaged communities, create parks and other needed infrastructure in dense urban areas, and replace outdated, potentially unsafe housing with modern housing that's up to current building codes."
"A group of benevolent politicians, philosophers, farmers, and urban planners have come together to solve all the ills associated with cities by making them 100% self-sufficient and sustainable."
"We can have cities that draw us together rather than pushing us apart, cities that bring out the best in us."
"I think it's about building smartly; if we start doing those things, then maybe it'll help."
"If we design our cities to meet human needs, you don't have most of the problems that are prevalent today."
"We should really have a pedestrian facility to get there."
"This new development will reconnect the city center and the banking district and create a sort of mixed-use neighborhood in the process."
"The Line, a 100-mile long, 660-foot wide, 1640-foot tall mirrored city being built in the middle of the Saudi Arabian Desert."
"City functions will be divided into three main layers: a lower spine layer with all the main transport systems, a service layer run mostly autonomously, and a pedestrian layer where people live their lives."
"The HOLC created residential security maps, and these maps - they're where the term 'Redlining' comes from. One of the most consistent criteria for redlined neighborhoods is the presence of Black and brown people."
"To quote the book Walkable City, 'The General Theory of Walkability explains how, to be favored, a walk has to satisfy four main conditions: it must be useful, safe, comfortable, and interesting.'"
"We need to rebuild social spaces to encourage people to interact more with their immediate community."
"Make your city feel alive. Use cars, trucks, buses, trains, other city vehicles, cranes, planters, benches, smaller pedestrian lights, garbage cans, signs, small advertisements, places for bikes, markets, tables and chairs with umbrellas, small patches of greenery, food trucks, helicopter pads, and bus stops."
"Beautiful cities have six qualities: they're orderly but not homogeneous, have visible life, are compact not sprawling, have orientation and mystery, have an appealing scale with an ideal building height of five stories, and they're uniquely local."
"America is [__] ugly, but it didn't have to be this way, and it doesn't have to be in the future."
"A saying goes, 'Drainage systems are the conscience of a city.'"
"Desire lines" is the most beautiful expression in urban planning."
"It's not that cars are bad, it's that we have planned around cars not around people."
"We just need better planning in general... Unless we're talking farmlands, it should be possible to design living areas in ways that encourage human connections."
"I love pedestrian-friendly cities. There's a special place in my heart for European cities."
"Government has opened talks with a world-renowned architect to redesign and rebuild Ghana's capital and other towns as well as cities into sprawling futuristic metropolitan landscapes."
"Dr. Tiger, the master planner of Singapore, is the man to redesign and rebuild Ghana's capital."
"The houses had a water supply and plumbing system, with bathrooms and toilets well separated from the rest of the rooms."
"It was a revelation. Who knew? We didn't actually have to live in cities that were totally overrun by cars."
"Public space must be available to people and to families to enjoy, and the tent encampments must go."
"It's hard to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Weaving cities back together, rebuilding them is going to be really challenging." - Professor Deborah Archer
"This dual functionality makes the TEB an attractive solution for cities grappling with growing populations and limited space."
"All these years later, many who know the story lament at just how well these lines would have served the city well beyond what we have today."
"But to say that cars have just won forever would be a disservice to the many public transit projects happening in Canada and North America."
"In the course of its continuous development, Evergrande projects spanned more than two hundred cities nationwide."
"What people experience are trees, they experience the natural and built environment, so it's important to keep track of both of those."
"The parks are going to pay for themselves. They increase property values and tax base."
"Sustainable cities invest in infrastructure and green policies to enhance quality of life for all residents."
"Odessa, Nikolaev, all those cities built by Catherine the Great, including of course Crimea, Sevastopol."
"Mount Royal Park...was actually designed by the same man who designed Central Park, Frederick Law Olmsted."
"Angkor was indeed a large well-structured city with a huge population."
"I think we should build a city on the moon and on Mars."
"We densely clustered housing to create community, reminiscent of traditional villages worldwide."
"My goal for this hundred days is to enormously upgrade our power generation and to use our newfound power to get all the materials necessary to begin constructing a city."
"It's nice because Sip City won't have any polluting stuff in it once this place gets cleaned up."
"I'm looking forward a lot to see... how they're gonna create their cities."
"Cities Skylines: Where we build dreams and brace for disaster."
"We got our big town now, we're big hotshots now, fancy."
"It's carbon-neutral, pedestrian-friendly, and powered by renewable energies."
"Utopia may be unattainable, but we must reach for it, and Masdar does give us a clue to what cities will be like in the future."
"Excellent... this new approach to Unique buildings especially with that local area of effect and the city-wide benefits... positively moving your city forward."
"Unlocking milestones: shaping our city as we want it."
"People must feel safe, and we must make sure that businesses are safe in the city."
"Masdar does give us a clue to what cities will be like in the future."
"It, unlike Vegas, does not seek to exist outside its environment; it is in conversation with its surroundings."
"City begs for these kinds of debates; it is undeniably literal, a flawlessly honed crater carved out of the desert."
"San Diego community activists are proposing that city planners and designers breathe new life into the city by connecting neighborhoods."
"The infrastructure here is great, and what might even be better is the city's commitment to continue building more great infrastructure so they can provide safe and comfortable rides for everyone."
"Ambitious policies investing in mass transit, walkable towns and cities, and robust battery recycling in the U.S would slash the amount of extra lithium required in 2050 by more than 90 percent."
"In the London boroughs of Brent, Newham, and Redbridge, local councils are cooperating with Uber to install 700 charges for electric cars on the streets."
"Fenway Park is incredibly compact, very little formal parking, and has a great interface with the surrounding neighborhood."
"The city's population numbered around 28,000 with walls that contained some 79 hectares of land."
"The inspiration behind the city was a vision of transforming lives of people in Africa."
"We want to build a sustainable city in Africa."
"The suburbs are a re-enactment of settler-colonialism."
"I hope that you learned a lot today we've certainly increased the city we've created a significant industrial area at this point that really adds to the character of the city and we have made a lot of money in the process."
"Build a water supply, clean water is essential."
"Fire risk is high, set up a fire department ASAP."
"Tunnels have a lot of opportunity for alleviating traffic in cities and just improving quality of life overall." - Elon Musk
"That's our port down here, so we're gonna have the main town in this area."
"Healthy lifestyles and vibrant street life can be embedded in urban design."
"But whether or not the city comes to fruition as it was originally proposed really doesn’t matter. If they’re able to prove out some of these technologies at a large scale, it could benefit the global community."
"Anyone can be an urban planner and architect, working in this block-by-block workshop."
"Marina City sits on the north side of the Chicago River and was conceived as a city within a city."
"It is a very good example of what you can do when you take space away from single-occupancy motor vehicles and give it to people on foot or on bikes."
"Wouldn't it be lovely if we had walkable neighborhoods where everything you needed was within easy reach?"
"Let's build a community that's set to grow rapidly with an easily expandable grid and comprehensive city services."
"The best way to build a city is to build it total green, green field right."
"Salt Lake City, while the shining example, is not the only city that adopted such a layout."
"It's fantastic. How lucky were we to sit here and be a part of that?"
"The city is really prioritized street life and walkability."
"A city that's on a peninsula... surrounded by water."
"A great backbone for a higher capacity transit system."
"The car-free cities campaign endorsed taking space away from cars to encourage walking and cycling."
"Cities are where we will lose or win the climate change battle."
"There's a bit of a threshold effect, and your first few obstacles are relatively minor, but as you add more buildings, there's a certain point where it begins to take a much bigger toll."
"I want to create a city that's sunken into a hole. 6,000 by 3,000 meters."
"Thoughtful urban planning balances density, views, and pedestrian accessibility."
"I mean, who doesn't want a floating city with a shipping lane passing through the middle?"
"Weather impacts your citizens' behavior in terms of the types of activities that they'll do, the energy utilization of your city, the work that the road maintenance building will do, and the accident prevalence in your community."
"Boring Company road tunnels under Miami would solve traffic and be an example to the world."
"I tell you what, segregated bike lanes is a pretty simple place to start."
"If it gets congested, your quality of life drops immediately."
"Encourage plan for growth: pop growth speed increases drastically."
"Let's reimagine the concept of cities and smart cities."
"I've noticed that if you start to make a town too big, you'll run into issues."
"If we don't stand up to these people... you won't be able to own a car... 15 minute cities... check your car... check your current carbon levels..."
"City skylines is the latest in the city's franchise but one that elevated it past all competition."
"The idea that neighborhoods should be walkable is lovely. The idea that idiot tyrannical bureaucrats can decide by Fiat where you're allowed to drive is perhaps the worst imaginable perversion of that idea."
"The wake-up call should just be knowing that you live in an area where earthquakes are common or can happen. How we build and where we live can be the difference between life and death."
"Neom, the Woven City, and other smart cities are shaping the future."
"Petra had water fields and trees... There were private and public gardens as well as running water brought into the city through aqueducts and clay pipes."
"Growing out instead of up is the cheaper, faster, more realistic path to housing affordability."
"Placing down the buildings manually was going to be a much faster option... I'll show you how I'm going to be building my suburbs and why that's going to be a much faster option."
"The way that city planners or architects use old infrastructure... always love it when they do something really unique with train lines."
"Highways break up the grids quite a lot... you can always see where they've tried to compromise where these highways sit."
"Not everyone is going to want to live in a mixed-use walkable neighborhood but it's clear that a lot of people do."
"In Chicago, they privatized the paid meters - epic debacle."
"This interchange could serve as the template for what we're going to do everywhere else too."
"At the end of the day, if people talk about an obesity epidemic, it's really simple: walkable neighborhoods, heavy regulations on corn syrup and other processed foods."
"One of the cool things about this going back to our bird's-eye view again here is just how obvious it becomes that where there are larger roads, I want to build kind of city buildings and that kind of stuff."
"Reducing the sprawl reduces the length of pipes needed and thus reduces the chances of leakages and the problem can be attenuated further by creating buildings with self sustaining water supplies."
"This is a good city map, I really like the big sweeping bridges here, the main causeways dividing into smaller streets, districts clearly defined."
"It won't be long before the human lifespan is increased significantly."
"I actually made an entire video last year about the great wealth transfer... a lot of the wealth that is being passed... was an issue because it created pockets of crime because of the way that housing was built."
"Highlighting how it doesn't really make sense for a people to construct a massive city and then 100 years later realize that their entire sewage system needed to be reconstructed."
"Whenever a city service unlocks you're going to need to place it right away or deal with the consequences."
"City services increase land value, which increases tax revenues."
"Think of it in terms of organs for me at least is very helpful because the concepts aren't as literal as some other kinds of questions that you might have."
"Cities have taken up the call to explore their own building inspections."
"Building is very local... dealing with a lot of codes and regulations... meant to keep people safe and to keep cities of high quality."
"When you design a city for cars, it fails for everyone, including drivers."
"The narrative now for Canadian cities is how do we redesign them so that they work better for people?"
"Feel your lust for life, face up to things you've been avoiding."
"Consistency is the single most important factor in creating a real sense of place."
"There's no reason why a bunch of cool people can't move to a small town and create what functionally was everything pretty decent about a city."
"An extensive bike network throughout the entire community."
"Things are just kind of jammed together in ways that are harming the traffic network."
"Excellent transit network, amazing utilization for both residents and tourists."
"So what we don't know is if the garage in the video or any garage for that matter is double parking or even triple parking their vehicles."
"Isn't Cleveland also the first 15-minute city?"
"Districts are one of the coolest things of the game that actually gives our city kind of an identity."
"There's actually a very good reason to district your city."
"Our architectural accomplishments are not limited to houses; throughout the Americas, large cities featured temples, central plazas, markets, and ball courts."
"The individual is like one strand of a much larger web of relationship, and that community sense, that community spirit, certainly was responsible for what would be today called magnificent feats of architecture and planning."
"Rationality, liveable cities, the humble bicycle as transport, if these aren't ideas worth spreading then I really don't know what is."
"We're putting together something that we would like to put centrally at what what a mayoralty would look like and so people can get behind it."
"Ancient India was much better at environmental planning than modern India."
"But whether I advocate for bike lanes...that can make a difference."
"Biden's infrastructure plan calls for cities to limit single-family zoning and instead build affordable housing."
"The next significant development came in July when the official site plan was released to the public for feedback."
"It feels like they had an idea, the city I think it's a cool City, the problem is there's nothing to do in the city."
"I'm certain now that this is my purpose. I have to open the city."
"Low traffic neighborhoods make driving in residential areas slower and more difficult on purpose."
"Wider roads in the center of town would be intended for faster travel, but not in the car-dominated way we're familiar with."
"Instead of the general traffic lanes, we would reallocate that space to bus lanes and separate cycle lanes."
"There'd be guaranteed pavement wide enough for a double buggy or wheelchair throughout the town."
"It's better for everyone overall, aside from the reduced emissions."
"Most of the town center can be designated low traffic."
"More than 200 version 3 supercharger stalls are coming to the LA metro area in 2021." - Nathan Bailey
"Interest in walkable cities is absolutely trending up."
"Desire paths denote where they want to go, and planners don't always provide that best path."
"In this city here, we have every Transportation option known to humankind."
"Dumping thousands of migrants onto the street - this is coming soon, and it's not going to work out."
"Being in the center isn't such a bad thing either, as being down the middle does increase stability for all of your cities."
"Without the National Flood Insurance Program, there would have been far more development in the high-risk area."
"Elon Musk struggles with traffic in Los Angeles and wants to change the way people travel by removing the stress of waiting in traffic."
"It's all a lot of work and it's going to take three decades and several billion dollars in total but it simply has to happen."
"There should be a place for everybody. You can do that through zoning, but all restrictive zoning that tries to keep the idea of virtue on the city destroys cities every time."
"Netherlands to make space for an extra 100,000 bike parking spots."
"Good news for cyclists in New York: a new bike lane on Brooklyn Bridge!"
"This is truly an interesting concept for a city builder, forcing you to work with some constraints that modern city planners need to."
"Rent controls have a useful place...Vienna is the best place to live in the world."
"First of all, the stadium ain't in Atlanta, it was moved."
"We're going to hear a lot about smart cities, smart cars, and about the smart home."
"Transformative change is possible - envisioning cities with ecology as a priority, where citizens thrive."
"Cities should be pedestrian-centric though. It should be, yeah, especially one as dense as this."
"Level two everywhere and DC fast charging between City centers basically."
"Why don't we build vertically? Actual cities on top of cities?"
"The sky is very ample and very empty and very free. So the vision is, can we build a socially acceptable mass transit solution for daily transportation that is affordable?"
"Flooding in China is fundamentally a problem of excessive development."
"Chinese ghost cities raise concerns about the sustainability of development practices, potential economic repercussions, and the long-term viability of these large-scale projects."
"Policy is intersectional, boss. You have to get your urban planning right."
"It's that as a species we've proven that we can build walkable sustainable and resilient strong towns over a century or a month."
"With all the new growth, the city embarked upon a number of infrastructure projects, including the removal of urban highways."
"Cities are looking for new ways to manage infrastructure, vehicle flow, and data."
"Excellent job with that, but I think one of the more impressive things is the way that they have managed to keep more noxious industrial uses away from residential uses."
"It's a magnetometer, so it picks up rubbish pits, ditches, and gives us a street plan."
"Parks do only limited good unless coupled with a strong educational system."
"I was just wasn't used to that and so I was just like imagine everyone had access to some way in like fresh air and patios and green space all the stuff that's nice that we deserve to have."
"Guess what five million people this amount of land you're just dead in the first now so yeah Singapore great for everything except zombie apocalypses in which case live literally anywhere else in the world and you'd do a better job anyway."
"The Ontario Line will likely make a significant impact on Toronto's transit network from day one."
"Sometimes you've got to change it up. You can't just fill a city with just like the same build all the time."
"It's so stupid, you could be solving traffic problems so easily by just saying e-bikes, heck yeah!"
"The area that the US dedicates for car parking is actually larger than the area dedicated for housing people. Whoa, okay, that's something I did not know."
"Europe spends 115 billion euros between 2014 and 2020 to improve city design."
"Eliminating zoning for these sort of single-family homes is really important because you want people to be able to build like mixed-use buildings, apartments, that kind of thing."
"Zoning in City Skylines 2 offers more flexibility and realism than ever before."
"Mixed housing answers the demand for diverse living options in City Skylines 2."